Decisions 1998
1998-1 - Vision TV: Canada's Faith Network. Suspensive conditions of licence for Vision TV.
1998-2 - TMN Networks Inc. Licence amendment for The Movie Network.
1998-3 - Aéroports de Montréal. New low-power FM radio programming undertaking
1998-4 - Centario Communications Inc. Conversion of CKLY from AM to FM
1998-5 - Vidéotron ltée. Addition of CKMI-TV
1998-6 - Coopérative de Câblodistribution Ste-Agathe. Change to licensed service area
1998-7 - Vidéo Déry ltée. Change to licensed service area
1998-8 - Câblo-Rouge inc. Change to licensed service area
1998-9 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Deletion of authority for transmitter
1998-10 - The Comedy Network Inc. (formerly 1155636 Ontario Inc.) Suspensive conditions of licence for The Comedy Network
1998-11 - 2953285 Canada Inc. Suspensive conditions of licence for The Discovery Channel.
1998-12 - History Television Inc. Suspensive conditions of licence for The History and Entertainment Network.
1998-13 - 1163031 Ontario Inc. Suspensive conditions of licence for Outdoor Life.
1998-14 - Showcase Television Inc. Suspensive conditions of licence for Showcase.
1998-15 - Lifestyle Television (1994) Limited. Suspensive conditions of licence for WTN.
1998-16 - Canvideo Television Sales (1983) Limited and Global Communications Limited, Partners in "Prime TV", a General Partnership. Suspensive conditions of licence for Prime TV
1998-17 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. (Cancom). Addition of KSTP(ABC) and WFTC (FOX).
1998-18 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. (Cancom). Addition of Radio-France outre-mer (RFO1).
1998-19 - ExpressVu Inc. Addition of KIRO-TV (IND).
1998-20 - Rogers Cablesystems Limited. Licence amendments.
1998-21 - Rogers Cablesystems Limited. Licence amendments.
1998-22 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence amendment
1998-23 - L'Alliance des radios communautaires du Canada inc. (ARC) New radio network
1998-24 - Décibel inc. Acquisition of assets
1998-25 - Les Entreprises Radiomédia inc. New radio network
1998-26 - Les Entreprises Radiomédia inc. New radio network
1998-27 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence amendment for CBL
1998-28 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence amendment for Newsworld
1998-29 - Câblo Distribution G. inc. Acquisition of assets and licence amendments
1998-30 - Câblo Distribution G. inc. Acquisition of assets and licence amendments
1998-31 - Câblo Distribution G. inc. Acquisition of assets and licence amendments
1998-32 - Coop Câblodistribution de Taillon. Acquisition of assets
1998-33 - Global Communications Limited. Licence amendment - Denied
1998-34 - CTV Television Network Ltd. Administrative licence renewal
1998-35 - Bell Canada. Licence amendments
1998-36 - Okanagan Skeena Group Limited. Licence amendment and new AM radio programming undertaking
1998-37 - L'association canadienne-française de l'Alberta - Régionale de Bonnyville. New radiocommunication distribution undertaking
1998-38 - Iqalummuit Nipingit Society. New native radio programming undertaking
1998-39 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Revocation
1998-40 - Atlantic Broadcasters Limited. Licence amendment for CJFX
1998-41 - Western Co-Axial Limited. Licence amendments
1998-42 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence amendments for CBL and CBO-FM
1998-43 - Zama Recreation Society. Licence amendment
1998-44 - CHUM Limited. Licence amendment for CHRO-TV
1998-45 - Northern Cablevision Ltd. Addition of CITY-TV - Approved
1998-46 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence amendment for CBRT
1998-47 - Radio Bishop's Inc. Increase in power for CJMQ-FM
1998-48 - Télé-Métropole inc. Licence amendment
1998-49 - Radio Bellechasse. Increase in power for CFIN-FM-1
1998-50 - Cable Labrador Limited. Relief from the requirement to distribute CBNAT-9 Mount St. Margaret and CBST-17 Blanc Sablon
1998-51 - Câblevision Gatineauval inc. Administrative renewal
1998-52 - Edwin Hohertz. New low-power FM radio programming undertaking
1998-53 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence amendment for CBVE-FM
1998-54 - Global Television Network Québec Limited Partnership. Increase in the power of CKMI-TV-1
1998-55 - Applications by Teleglobe Inc. and others, on behalf of a company to be incorporated, for a licence to carry on a new MDS radiocommunication distribution undertaking to be known as "LOOK TÉLÉ" - Approved Competing applications - Denied
1998-56 - Edmundston Radio Limited. Conversion of CJEM from AM to FM
1998-57 - Monarch Broadcasting Ltd.. Acquisition of assets of CJCY and conversion of that station to FM
1998-58 - Connelly Communications Corporation. Conversion of CJTT from AM to FM and exemption from the requirement to broadcast less than 50% hits
1998-59 - Télévision MBS inc. Licence amendments
1998-60 - Câblodistribution de la Côte du Sud inc. Acquisition of assets and licence amendments
1998-61 - Cariboo Central Interior Radio Inc. Licence amendment and new FM radio programming undertaking
1998-62 - Cariboo Central Interior Radio Inc. Licence amendment and new FM radio programming undertaking
1998-63 - Cariboo Central Interior Radio Inc.Licence amendment and new FM radio programming undertaking
1998-64 - The Comedy Network Inc. (formerly 1155636 Ontario Inc.) Licence amendment for The Comedy Network
1998-65 - 1163031 Ontario Inc. Licence amendment for Outdoor Life
1998-66 - Fairchild Television Ltd. Liscence amendment for the national Chinese-language specialty programming undertaking
1998-67 - Fairchild Television Ltd. Licence amendment for the ethnic regional discretionary specialty programming undertaking
1998-68 - Melvin Augustine, on behalf of a not-for-profit organization.Licence amendment for CFTI-FM
1998-69 - Touch Canada Broadcasting Inc. Decrease in power for CJSI-FM.
1998-70 - Northern Native Broadcasting. Licence amendment for CHON-FM
1998-71 - The Comedy Network Inc. (formerly 1155636 Ontario Inc.) Licence amendment for The Comedy Network
1998-72 - Wabowden Television Inc. Administrative renewal
1998-73 - Cable III TV Inc. Administrative renewal
1998-74 - Monarch Broadcasting Ltd. Licence amendments for CKTA - Denied
1998-75 - Valley Broadcasters Ltd. Conversion of CKQR from AM to FM and addition of a transmitter at Trail
1998-76 - Allarcom Pay Television Limited. Licence amendment - Approved
1998-77 - 3379868 Canada Inc. (operating under the name Viewer's Choice Canada) Licence amendment - Approved
1998-78 - Canal Indigo. Licence amendment - Approved
1998-79 -The partners of Canal Indigo, a General Partnership (Canal Indigo).Amendment to partnership structure
1998-80 - 3379868 Canada Inc. Acquisition of assets
1998-81 - Câblevision HSL-SDM inc. Revocation
1998-82 - Rogers Broadcasting Limited. Increase in power for CHFM-FM-1
1998-83 - Gretsinger Cablevision Limited. Licence amendment
1998-84 - C.K.O. Cablevision Limited. Revocation
1998-85 - Telemedia Communications Inc. Revocation
1998-86 - Pic-Heron Bay Development Corporation. New cable distribution undertaking
1998-87 - History Television Inc. Licence amendment for The History and Entertainment Network
1998-88 - MusiquePlus inc. Licence amendment for MusiquePlus
1998-89 - MusiquePlus inc. Licence amendment for MusiMax
1998-90 - Radiomutuel inc. Licence amendment for "Le Canal Vie"
1998-91 - Câblevision Gatineauval inc. Short-term licence renewal
1998-92 - Radio Asia Canada Inc. Application for a new ethnic radio station -Denied
1998-93 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Addition of CFTF-TV-1
1998-94 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence amendments
1998-95 - TVA Group Inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.). Licence renewal for CJPM-TV and its transmitter CJPM-TV-1
1998-96 - TVA Group Inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.) Licence renewal for CFER-TV and its transmitter CFER-TV-2
1998-96 - TVA Group Inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.) Licence renewal for CFER-TV and its transmitter CFER-TV-2
1998-97 - TVA Group Inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.) Licence renewal for CHLT-TV
1998-98 - TVA Group Inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.) Licence renewal for CHEM-TV
1998-99 - TMN Networks Inc. Licence amendment for MOVIEPIX
1998-100 - Cogeco Radio-Télévision inc. Licence renewal for CFKS-TV.
1998-101 - Cogeco Radio-Télévision inc. Licence renewal for CKSH-TV.
1998-102 - Cogeco Radio-Télévision inc. Licence renewal for CFKM-TV.
1998-103 - Cogeco Radio-Télévision inc. Licence renewal for CKTM-TV.
1998-104 - CKRL-MF 89,1 inc. Licence renewal for CKRL-FM.
1998-105 - Radio Sept-Îles inc. Sept-Îles, Quebec - New community radio programming undertaking - application denied.
1998-106 - Radio Nord inc. Conversion of CKVD from AM to FM - application approved.
1998-107 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence renewal for CBVT Québec and its transmitters
1998-108 - TVA Group Inc. (formerly Télé-Métropole inc.). Licence renewal for CFCM-TV Québec.
1998-109 - Radio Nord inc. Licence renewal for CHOT-TV.
1998-110 - Radio Nord inc. Licence renewal for CFGS-TV.
1998-111 - Radio Nord inc. Licence renewal for CFEM-TV and its transmitter CFEM-TV-1.
1998-112 - Radio Nord inc. Licence renewal for CKRN-TV and its transmitters.
1998-113 - Radio Nord inc. Licence renewal for CFVS-TV and its transmitter CFVS-TV-1.
1998-114 - Saskatchewan Municipal Government for and on behalf of the Northern Settlement of Bear Creek. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-115 - Harry Deneron. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-117 - Télévision de la Baie des Chaleurs inc. Licence renewal for CHAU-TV and its transmitters
1998-118 - Radio Saguenay ltée. Licence renewal for CKRS-TV and its transmitter.
1998-119 - Radio Saguenay ltée. Licence renewal for CFRS-TV.
1998-120 - C.K.R.T.-TV ltée. Licence renewal for CKRT-TV and its transmitters.
1998-121 - Télé Inter-Rives ltée. Licence renewal for CIMT-TV and its transmitters.
1998-122 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence amendment.
1998-123 - Crossroads Television System. New over-the-air television station devoted to religious programming - Approved. Competing application - Denied
1998-124 - Radio Carleton Inc. Short-term Licence renewal for CKCU-FM;Issuance of a Mandatory Order.
1998-125 - Joseph Rajda, doing business under the name of Pols-Haven. New specialty FM station - denied.
1998-126 - Radiomutuel inc. Short-term licence renewal for CKRS Chicoutimi.
1998-127 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Increase in power for CBLA-FM.
1998-128 - TQS inc., on behalf of the partners of Canal Indigo, a general partnership. Transfer of the 20% interest in Canal Indigo.
1998-129 - ExpressVu Inc., on behalf of the partners of a limited partnership to be formed. Acquisition of the assets of the national DTH satellite distribution undertaking
1998-130 - Paleajook Eskimo Co-operative Limited. Acquisition of assets.
1998-131 - Central Island Broadcasting Ltd. New FM radio programming undertaking.
1998-132 - Rabbi Zalman Zirkind. New radio network.
1998-133 - Ivan Traill, on behalf of a company to be incorporated. New television programming undertaking.
1998-134 - Rogers Cablesystems Limited. Rogers Cablesystems Ontario Limited.3305911 Canada Inc. Mountain Cablevision Limited. Licence amendments – Denied
1998-135 - Tim Rivers-Garrett, on behalf of a company to be incorporated to be known as Homegrown Community Radio. New community radio programming undertaking
1998-136 - Vidéotron ltée. Licence amendment - Approved.
1998-137 - 1163031 Ontario Inc. Licence amendment for Outdoor Life.
1998-138 - Fairchild Television Ltd. Licence amendment for the national Chinese-language specialty programming undertaking.
1998-139 - The Partners of Canal Indigo, a general partnership (Canal Indigo). Licence amendments.
1998-140 - Radio Clare Association. Licence amendment for CIFA-FM.
1998-141 - Dufferin Communications Inc. Licence amendments - Denied.
1998-142 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Decrease in power for CBFAT.
1998-143 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Decrease in power for CBMCT.
1998-144 - North Thompson Yellowhead T.V. Association. Licence amendment.
1998-145 - North Thompson Yellowhead T.V. Association. Licence amendment.
1998-146 - Native Communication Inc. Licence amendment for CINC-FM.
1998-147 - North Superior Broadcasting Ltd. New FM radio programming undertaking at Wawa and licence amendment for CFNO-FM.
1998-148 - Cable III TV Inc. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-149 - Golden West Broadcasting Ltd. New FM radio programming undertaking.
1998-150 - CHUM Limited. Licence amendment for Bravo!.
1998-151 - Christian Hit Radio Inc. Increase in power for CHRI-FM.
1998-152 - Fairchild Radio (Vancouver FM) Ltd. Use of SCMO channel -Approved.
1998-153 - Standard Radio Inc. Radio 1540 Limited. CHUM Limited. Rogers Broadcasting Limited. Telemedia Communications Inc. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. CJRT-FM Inc. Rawlco (Toronto) Ltd. Shaw Radio Ltd. WIC Radio Ltd.Applications for licences to carry on transitional digital radio undertakings at Toronto - Approved
1998-154 - Câblevision du Nord de Québec inc. Change to licensed service area and new cable distribution undertaking.
1998-155 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Distribution of Children's Miracle Network Telethon.
1998-156 - Shaw Cablesystems (Sask) Ltd. Distribution of Children's Miracle Network Telethon.
1998-157 - Prairie Co-Ax TV. Ltd. Distribution of Children's Miracle Network Telethon.
1998-158 - Videotron Communications Ltd. Distribution of Children's Miracle Network Telethon.
1998-159 - Radio-Soleil-Estrie. Approval of technical parameters.
1998-160 - CKDU-FM Society. Licence renewal for CKDU-FM.
1998-161 - Lindsay CATV System Limited. Request for an exemption from the distribution and linkage requirements - Denied.
1998-162 - MusiquePlus inc. Licence amendment for Musimax.
1998-163 - Dufferin Communications Inc. Use of SCMO channel - Approved.
1998-164 - North Superior Broadcasting Ltd. Licence amendment for CFNO-FM.
1998-165 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Acquisition of assets
1998-166 - Nexicom Communications Inc. Acquisition of assets
1998-167 - Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. Transfer of control.
1998-168 - Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. Acquisition of assets.
1998-169 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Acquisition of assets.
1998-170 - Nexicom Communications Inc. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-171 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. Licence renewal for the national satellite relay distribution undertaking carried on by Cancom.
1998-172 - Star Choice Television Network Incorporated. New national satellite relay distribution undertaking - Approved
1998-173 - PrimeTime Canada, on behalf of a company to be incorporated.Application for a broadcasting licence to carry on a satellite relay distribution undertaking - Denied
1998-174 - MKC Properties Ltd., on behalf of a company to be incorporated.Application for an SRDU licence - denied. Saxe Communications. Applications to distribute U.S. signals directly from U.S. sources - denied
1998-175 - Videotron Communications Ltd. Licence amendment. This decision is to be appended to the licence.
1998-176 - Videotron Communications Ltd. Licence amendment
1998-177 - Brooks Community Television Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-178 - Cable T.V. of Wetaskiwin Inc. Licence amendment.
1998-179 - Taber Cable Television Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-180 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-181 - Videotron Communications Ltd. Licence amendments
1998-182 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence amendments
1998-183 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-184 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-185 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence amendments.
1998-186 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-187 - Okanagan Radio Limited. Licence amendments.
1998-188 - Okanagan Radio Limited. Licence amendment.
1998-189 - Monarch Cable TV Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-190 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Licence amendment.
1998-191 - Northern Cablevision Ltd. Licence amendments.
1998-192 - Northern Cablevision Ltd. Licence amendment - Denied.
1998-193 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. Addition of Euronews -Denied.
1998-194 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. Telecom Decision CRTC 1998-7.The New Brunswick Telephone Company, Limited. Application for a broadcasting licence to carry on a new (cable) distribution undertaking to serve the Province of New Brunswick - Approved in part
1998-195 - Jim Pattison Industries Ltd., on behalf of 549501 British Columbia Ltd. Acquisition of assets and transfer of control - approved.
1998-196 - Headline Sports Radio Inc. New radio network.
1998-197 - Fairchild Television Ltd. Licence amendment for the ethnic regional discretionary specialty programming undertaking.
1998-198 - 788813 Ontario Inc. Licence amendment for CFLZ-FM.
1998-199 - Genex Communications inc. Decrease in power for CHOI-FM.
1998-200 - Kincardine Cable T.V. Ltd. Licence amendment.
1998-201 - Kincardine Cable T.V. Ltd. Licence amendments.
1998-202 - Saugeen Telecable Limited. Licence amendment.
1998-203 - Saugeen Telecable Limited. Licence amendments.
1998-204 - Slocan Valley T.V. Society. Licence amendment.
1998-205 - Société Kuujjuamiut inc. Licence amendment.
1998-206 - Trumar Communications Inc. Acquisition of assets.
1998-207 - Bluewater TV Cable Ltd. Change to licensed service area and new cable distribution undertaking.
1998-208 - Ausable Cablecom Inc. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-209 - Kaskiw Radio Society. New radiocommunication distribution undertaking.
1998-210 - Fraser Lake and District Rebroadcasting Society. Licence amendment.
1998-211 - Sky Cable Inc. Licence amendment.
1998-212 - Canadian Learning Television Limited. CHUM Limited (MuchMoreMusic).Star Entertainment Inc. (Star TV). The Partners of the "Report on Business Television" (ROBTv). Applications by new Canadian specialty channels desiring earlier carriage on cable systems - Denied
1998-213 - CHUM Limited. Suspensive conditions of licence for Bravo!.
1998-214 - Shaw Radio Ltd. Licence amendment for CFOX-FM.
1998-215 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. New FM radio programming undertaking.
1998-216 - Câblevision HSL-SDM inc. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-217 - 9052-5080 Québec inc. New radio network.
1998-218 - Télévision MBS inc. New television programming undertaking.
1998-219 - David Happyjack, on behalf of a company to be incorporated. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-220 - Carleton-Victoria Broadcasting Co. Ltd.Approved - Grand Fall's first commercial, Canadian, English-language radio station. The station will rebroadcast the programming of CJCJ Woodstock on the FM band, with Grand Falls advertising. The new station must begin separate local programming within three years.
1998-221 - Slocan Valley T.V. New radiocommunication distribution undertaking
1998-222 - Northern Television Systems Ltd. Addition of KJUD Juneau, Alaska -Denied
1998-223 - Le Réseau des Sports (RDS) inc. Licence amendment for RDS
1998-224 - The Sports Network Inc. Licence amendment for TSN
1998-225 - 3224503 Canada inc. Change in power for CHRD-FM
1998-226 - Sportscope Television Network Ltd. Transfer of shares - denied.
1998-227 - Vidéotron Communications Ltd. Le Groupe Vidéotron ltée and Vidéotron ltée – 199716966 – 199716974. Transfers of control and acquisition of assets – Approved
1998-228 - Cameron Bell Consultancy Ltd. (OBCI) Trans-Canada Highway, British Columbia – 199802179A new, temporary FM radio station to provide information on traffic conditions between Vancouver and Coquitlam.
1998-229 - Viewer's Choice Canada Inc. Approval of request to contribute a percentage of net revenues to investment in Canadian films, rather than a fixed maximum amount.
1998-230 - Bea-Ver Communications Inc. Denied - Addition of an FM transmitter at Chatham to rebroadcast CFCO's programming>B->
1998-231 - Niagara Television Limited. Denied - Change in channel for the distribution of CHCH-TV-2 and decrease in effective radiated power
1998-232 - Native Communication Inc. Licence of CINC-FM Thompson amended to include transmitters
1998-233 - Fairchild Radio (Vancouver FM) Ltd. Changes to technical parameters for CHKF-FM Calgary - Approved.
1998-234 - Premier Choix Networks Inc. Licence renewal for Canal D;distribution of advertising - approved; other proposed amendments - denied.
1998-234-1 - Premier Choix Networks Inc. Correction.
1998-235 - WIC Premium Television Ltd. Administrative renewal
1998-236 - Misti-Câble Télévision inc. Administrative renewal
1998-237 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Administrative renewal
1998-238 - Cable Labrador Limited. Licence renewal
1998-239 - Cable Labrador Limited. Licence renewals
1998-240 - Eastern Cablevision Limited. Licence renewal
1998-241 - Télécâble Blouin inc.- 199705141. Licence renewals
1998-242 - Télécâble Blouin inc. Licence renewals
1998-243 - Télécâble Blouin inc. Licence renewal
1998-244 - Télécâble Blouin inc. Licence renewal
1998-245 - Télécâble Blouin inc. Licence renewal
1998-246 - Télécâble Provincial inc. Licence renewal.
1998-247 - Télécâble Provincial inc. Licence renewals.
1998-248 - 2730-9913 Québec inc.Licence renewal distribution undertaking serving the above-noted locality, from 1 September 1998 to 31 August 2005.
1998-249 - 2730-9913 Québec inc.Licence renewal distribution undertaking serving the above-noted locality, from 1 September 1998 to 31 August 2005.
1998-250 - Câblevision du Nord de Québec inc. Licence renewals.
1998-251 - Câblevision du Nord de Québec inc. Licence renewal.
1998-252 - Câblevision du Nord de Québec inc. Licence renewal.
1998-253 - Cogeco Câble Canada inc. Licence renewal
1998-254 - Cogeco Câble Canada inc. Licence renewal
1998-255 - George River Youth Committee. Licence renewal
1998-256 - Coopérative de Câblodistribution de Saint-Léon. Licence renewal
1998-257 - Corporation Radio Attikamek de Manawan. Licence renewal
1998-258 - Corporation Tepatcimo Kitotakan. Licence renewal
1998-259 - Coopérative de Câblodistribution de Saint-Jacques-de-Leeds.Licence renewal
1998-260 - Coopérative de Câblodistribution de Saint-Méthode Licence renewal.
1998-261 - Qimutjuk Recreation Committee Licence renewal.
1998-262 - 9033-4111 Québec inc. Licence renewal.
1998-263 - Câblevision Montérégie inc. Licence renewal.
1998-264 - 3152286 Canada inc. Licence renewal.
1998-265 - Câblo-Saguenay inc. Licence renewals
1998-266 - Télécâble J. Poirier inc. Licence renewal.
1998-267 - Leslie Robert. Licence renewal
1998-268 - Télédistribution Amos inc. Licence renewal
1998-269 - Vision Dufour inc. Licence renewal
1998-270 - Câblodistribution Par-Image inc. Licence renewal
1998-271 - Star Choice Television Network Incorporated Application to insert certain promotional material in the local availabilities of U.S. satellite services.
1998-272 - Ausable Cablecom Inc. Licence renewal
1998-273 - 377566 Ontario Ltd. Licence renewal
1998-274 - Videon Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal
1998-275 - Radio-Television Dubreuilville Corporation. Licence renewal
1998-276 - Astrocom Cablevision Inc. Licence renewals
1998-277 - Gary David Keith. Licence renewal
1998-278 - Cable 1 Ontario Inc. Licence renewal
1998-279 - Village Cablesystems Ltd. Licence renewal
1998-280 - North Leeds Cablecom Inc. Licence renewal
1998-281 - 788813 Ontario Inc. Administrative renewal
1998-282 - CIPI Cable Inc. Licence renewal
1998-283 - Prairie Co-Ax T.V. Ltd.- 199710223 - 199710231 - 199710208.Licence renewals
1998-284 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd.Licence renewal distribution undertaking serving the above-noted locality, from 1 September 1998 to 31 August 2005.
1998-285 - Town of Hafford. Licence renewal
1998-286 - Town of Imperial. Licence renewal
1998-287 - Northern Settlement of Kinoosao. Licence renewal
1998-288 - North Eastern Cablevision Ltd. Licence renewals
1998-289 - Northern Cablevision Ltd. Licence renewal
1998-290 - Regina Cablevision Co-Operative. Licence renewal
1998-291 - Town of Southey. Licence renewal
1998-292 - Cable III TV Inc. Licence renewal
1998-293 - Taber Cable Television Ltd. Licence renewal
1998-294 - Quatsino Cablevision System Ltd.
1998-295 - Ken Rawson. Licence renewal
1998-296 - Saltspring Cablevision (1981) Ltd. Licence renewal
1998-297 - Coast Cable Communications Ltd. Licence renewal
1998-298 - The Owners, Strata Plan No. VR 1290. Licence renewal
1998-300 - Tulugak Co-operative Society Limited. Licence renewal
1998-301 - Great Bear Co-operative Association Limited. Licence renewal
1998-302 - Grise Fiord Inuit Co-operative Limited. Licence renewal
1998-303 - Naujat Co-operative Limited. Licence renewal
1998-304 - Mitiq Co-operative Association Limited. Licence renewal
1998-305 - Native Communication Inc. Network licence renewal
1998-306 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal
1998-307 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-308 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-309 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-310 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-311 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-312 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-313 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-314 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals
1998-315 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-316 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal and amendment.
1998-317 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal and amendment.
1998-318 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-319 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-320 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-321 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-322 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-323 - Northeast Social Club. Licence renewal.
1998-324 - 2871483 Canada inc. Licence renewals.
1998-325 - Wemindji Telecommunications Association. Licence renewal
1998-326 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. Licence renewals.
1998-327 - Moose Factory Cable Inc. Licence renewal for CFCC-TV.
1998-328 - Mocreebec Development Corp. Ltd. Licence renewal for CKNE-TV.
1998-329 - Regional Cable TV (Western) Inc. Licence renewals.
1998-330 - Regional Cable TV (Western) Inc. Licence renewals
1998-331 - Monarch Cablesystems Ltd. (formerly Monarch Cable TV Ltd.) Licence renewals
1998-332 - Wabowden Television Inc. Licence renewal
1998-333 - Société canadienne-française de Prince Albert inc. Licence renewal
1998-344 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Deletion of conditions of licence.
1998-335 - South Cariboo Communities Resource Board. Licence renewal
1998-336 - Coldwater Development Inc. Licence renewal
1998-337 - Kitwanga Community Association. Licence renewal
1998-338 - Nitinaht Community Society. Licence renewal
1998-339 - Redstone Communications Society. Licence renewal
1998-340 - The Yellowknife Rebroadcasting Society. Licence renewal
1998-341 - Uncle Gabe's Friendship Centre. Licence renewal
1998-342 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence renewal
1998-343 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence renewal
1998-344 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Deletion of conditions of licence
1998-345 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal
1998-346 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-347 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-348 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-349 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-350 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-351 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-352 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-353 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-354 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-355 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-356 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-357 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-358 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal.
1998-359 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-360 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewals.
1998-361 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Licence renewal
1998-362 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-363 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-364 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-365 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewals
1998-366 - Regional Cablesystems Inc. Licence renewals
1998-367 - Regional Cablesystems Inc.Licence renewals
1998-369 - Télécâble Provincial inc. Licence renewal
1998-370 - Cogeco Cable Systems Inc. (formerly Rogers Ottawa Limited/Limitée).Licence renewals
1998-371 - Northern Cable Holdings Limited. Licence renewals
1998-372 - Northern Cable Holdings Limited. Licence renewals
1998-373 - Newcap Inc. Licence renewal for CKXD and its transmitter.
1998-374 - Newcap Inc. Licence renewal for CKXG.
1998-375 - Newcap Inc. Licence renewal for CJYQ.
1998-376 - Newcap Inc. Licence renewal for CKIX-FM.
1998-377 - The Community Recreation Rebroadcasting Service Association Licence renewal.
1998-378 - Okalakatiget Society Network licence renewal.
1998-379 - Okalakatiget Society Licence renewal.
1998-380 - Radio Atlantic (CIBX) Ltd. Licence renewal for CIBX-FM.
1998-381 - Radio One Ltd. Network licence renewal.
1998-382 - Radio One Ltd. Licence renewal for CKHJ-FM.
1998-383 - Radio One Ltd. Licence renewal for CIHI and its transmitters.
1998-384 - Atlantic Stereo Ltd. Licence renewal for CJMO-FM.
1998-385 - Maritime Broadcasting System Limited Licence renewal for CFQM-FM.
1998-386 - Maritime Broadcasting System Limited Licence renewal for CIOK-FM.
1998-387 - Maritime Broadcasting System Limited Administrative renewals.
1998-388 - Standard Radio inc. Network licence renewal.
1998-389 - Radio MF Charlevoix inc. Licence renewal for CIHO-FM and its transmitters.
1998-390 - Power Broadcasting Inc. Licence renewal for CFZZ-FM.
1998-391 - Radiomutuel inc. Licence renewal for CKSM.
1998-392 - Métromédia CMR Montréal inc. Licence renewal for CKOI-FM.
1998-393 - Métromédia CMR Montréal inc. Administrative renewal.
1998-394 - Snowdrift Community Radio Society Licence renewal for CFFT-TV.
1998-395 - International Communications Corp. Licence renewal.
1998-396 - Durham Radio Inc. Licence renewal for CJKX-FM
1998-397 - Burlington Broadcasting Inc. Licence renewal for CING-FM
1998-398 - CJRN 710 Inc. Licence renewal for CJRN.
1998-399 - Telemedia Communications Inc. Licence renewal for CIQM-FM
1998-400 - Telemedia Communications Inc. Licence renewal for CJRQ-FM.
1998-401 - CHUM Limited. Licence renewal for CKPT
1998-402 - CHUM Limited Licence renewal for CHIQ-FM.
1998-403 - Shaw Radio Ltd. Licence renewal for CFOX-FM and its transmitter.
1998-404 - Shaw Radio Ltd. Licence renewal for CKLG.
1998-405 - Town of Arcola Licence renewal.
1998-406 - High-Ridge TV Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-407 - Drake Community Satellite Service. Licence renewal.
1998-408 - S.E.L. Satellite Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-409 - Krimbs T.V. Satellite Association Inc. Licence renewal
1998-410 - The Northern Hamlet of Jans Bay Licence renewal.
1998-411 - The Battlefords Community Cablevision Co-operative Licence renewal.
1998-412 - Northern Village of La Loche Licence renewal.
1998-413 - Ponteix T.V. Club Licence renewal.
1998-416 - J.L.R. Systems Inc. Licence renewal.
1998-417 - The Village of Tantallon Licence renewal.
1998-418 - Lillooet Camelsfoot T.V. Association Administrative renewals.
1998-419 - La Coopérative des Montagnes ltée Licence renewal for CFAI-FM.
1998-420 - Licence renewal for CHAI-FM.
1998-421 - Radio Communautaire du Saguenay. Licence renewal for CKAJ-FM
1998-422 - La Radio Communautaire du Comté Licence renewal for CKMN-FM.
1998-423 - Radio Nord-Joli inc. Licence renewal for CFNJ-FM.
1998-424 - Cat Lake Economic Development Corporation Administrative renewals.
1998-425 - Northern Native Broadcasting (Terrace, B. C.) Administrative renewals
1998-426 - Television Northern Canada Incorporated Administrative renewals.
1998-427 - Vidéotron ltée Licence renewal.
1998-428 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Licence amendment for CBLA-FM.
1998-429 - Durham Radio Inc. Increase in power for CJKX-FM.
1998-430 - Radio MirAcadie Inc. Licence amendment for a special event.
1998-431 - Northern Cablevision Ltd. Replacement of NBC and PBS programming services.
1998-432 - Cable T.V. of Wetaskiwin Inc. Replacement of NBC programming service.
1998-433 - Gestion Overtime inc. Acquisition of assets and conversion of CJVL to FM
1998-434 - Radiocorp Inc. Approval of an SCMO channel to broadcast German-language ethnic programming.
1998-435 - WIC Television Ltd. Decrease in power for CKTN-TV.
1998-436 - Western Broadcasting Limited Licence amendment for CKXX-FM.
1998-437 - Annapolis Valley Radio Ltd. Decrease in night-time power for CKEN.
1998-438 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée. Signal distribution changes
1998-439 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution changes.
1998-440 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution changes.
1998-441 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution changes.
1998-442 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Distribution of CIHF-TV-2 Saint John.
1998-443 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Deletion of local head ends and signal distribution changes.
1998-444 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution changes.
1998-445 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution changes.
1998-446 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution change.
1998-447 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Signal distribution changes.
1998-448 - Fundy Cable Ltd./Ltée Revocation.
1998-449 - Vidéotron ltée Acquisition of assets.
1998-449-1 - Vidéotron ltée Correction.
1998-450 - Radio Nord inc. Acquisition of assets.
1998-451 - Vidéotron ltée Acquisition of assets.
1998-451-1 - Vidéotron ltée. Correction
1998-452 - Northern Cable Holdings Ltd. Transfer of control
1998-453 - Affinity Radio Group Inc. Acquisition of assets.
1998-454 - Diffusion communautaire Baie des Chaleurs inc. Licence amendment for CIEU-FM.
1998-455 - Heritage Unlimited Inc. New low-power FM radio programming undertaking.
1998-456 - Michel Mathieu, on behalf of a company to be incorporated New AM radio programming undertaking.
1998-457 - La Maison des Jeunes de St-Rémi inc. New community radio programming undertaking.
1998-458 - William W. Leacock (on behalf of a company to be incorporated) New FM radio programming undertaking.
1998-459 - Thunder Bay Christian Radio New Christian music FM radio station -Approved.
1998-460 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation New CBC FM radio station for London and deletion of CBLA-FM's London transmitter CBCL-FM.
1998-461 - CFCP Radio Ltd. Conversion of CFCP from AM to FM.
1998-462 - Tancook Island Television System Limited Revocation.
1998-463 - Kugluktuk Co-operative Limited One-year renewal.
1998-464 - Mocreebec Development Corporation Ltd. One-year renewal.
1998-465 - Wawatay Native Communications Society One-year renewal.
1998-466 - Wawatay Native Communications Society One-year renewal.
1998-467 - Sachigo Development Corporation One-year renewal.
1998-468 - Sachigo Communications Society One-year renewal.
1998-469 - Maritime Broadcasting System Limited Acquisition of assets.
1998-470 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd., on behalf of a new wholly-owned subsidiary to be incorporated. Acquisition of assets
1998-471 - Radio Beauce inc. Conversion of CKRB to FM.
1998-472 - Radio Mégantic ltée Conversion of CKLD to FM.
1998-473 - Radio Victoriaville ltée Conversion of CFDA to FM.
1998-474 - Rogers Cablesystems Limited. Licence amendments
1998-475 - 9063-0104 Québec inc., doing business under the name of Radio Gaé-Rit Lac Mégantic Acquisition of assets.
1998-476 - The Winnipeg Campus/Community Radio Society Inc. New campus/community radio programming undertaking.
1998-477 - Peace River Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. New FM radio programming undertaking.
1998-478 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (on behalf of Environment Canada) New weather information service.
1998-479 - Brian Kelly, on behalf of a company to be incorporated and to be known as Red River Incorporated Band Ltd. New cable distribution undertaking.
1998-480 - Purcell Radio Society Campus/community radio licence - denied.
1998-481 - Star-FM Radio Inc. Licence amendment for CKSR-FM.
1998-482 - Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. Addition of CKVU-TV and WWJ-TV.
1998-483 - McLeese Lake Recreation Commission Licence amendment and revocation.
1998-484 - Learning and Skills Television of Alberta Limited. Increase in commercial content - denied
1998-485 - Rawlco (Alberta) Ltd. Licence amendment for CKIS-FM
1998-486 - CJRT-FM Inc. Summary
1998-487 - CTV Sports Net Inc. Transfer of Shares - Denied
1998-488 - TVA Group Inc. Summary of the decision
1998-489 - C.K.O. Cablevision Limited. Summary of Decision
1998-490 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Licence amendment for CBU, CBU-FM and CBUF-FM - Addition of digital radio broadcasting transmitters
1998-491 - CHUM Limited. Licence amendment for CFUN and CHQM-FM - Addition of digital radio broadcasting transmitters
1998-492 - STAR-FM Radio Inc. Licence amendment for CKSR-FM - Addition of digital radio broadcasting transmitters
1998-493 - TELUS Multimedia, operating as a division of TELUS Cable Holdings Inc. (TELUS). Summary of Decision
1998-494 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Increase in power for CBWIT
1998-495 - Vidéotron ltée. Relief from the requirement to distribute local radio stations - Partial approval
1998-496 - Peace River Broadcasting Corporation Ltd. New FM transmitter at High Level
1998-497 - Star-FM Radio Inc. Format flexibility for CKSR-FM
1998-498 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Operation of new transitional digital radio undertakings in Montréal
1998-499 - Bell Canada Revocation.
1998-500 - Bell Satellite Services Inc. (formerly ExpressVu Inc.)Application processed by dated 10 July 1998.
1998-501 - Bell Satellite Services Inc. (formerly ExpressVu Inc.) Application processed by: Public Notice CRTC 1998-70. Summary of decision
1998-502 - Genex Communications inc. Public Hearing held on 8 October 1998.National Capital Region. Acquisition of the assets of CKNU-FM and its transmitter CKNU-FM-1
1998-503 - Cogeco Radio-Télévision inc. Public Hearing held on 8 October1998. National Capital Region.Acquisition of the assets of CFRS-TV and of CKRS-TV and its transmitter CKRS-TV-1
1998-504 - Regina Cablevision Co-operative. Public Hearing held on 8 October1998. National Capital Region. Purchase of the assets of cable systems
1998-505 - Misti-Câble Télévision inc. Eight-month renewal.
1998-506 - Société de télédiffusion du Québec. One-year renewals
1998-507 - The Ontario Educational Communications Authority (TVOntario).One-year renewals.
1998-508 - TVA Group Inc. One-year renewals
1998-509 - Mark Ling, Chalk River Laboratories. Public Hearing held on 8 October 1998. New radio service to provide emergency information
1998-510 - Telemedia Communications Inc., doing business under the name and style of "Telemedia Network Radio". Public Hearing held on 8 October1998. New radio network to broadcast Major League baseball games
1998-511 - Askivision Systems Inc. Public Hearing held on 8 October 1998. New cable system.
1998-512 - Askivision Systems Inc. Public Hearing held on 8 October 1998. New cable system.
1998-513 - Village of Medstead. Public Hearing held on 8 October 1998. New cable system
1998-514 - 1019415 Ontario Inc., doing business under the style of "R.B.Communications". Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-93.Relocation of transmitter and decrease in power for new FM in Welland
1998-515 - Tri-Co Broadcasting Limited. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-95. Increase in power for CFLG-FM
1998-516 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-95. Change in frequency and power decrease for CBCP-FM
1998-517 - Redmond Broadcasting Inc. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-101. Increase in power for CHCD-FM
1998-518 - Robson Valley Entertainment Association. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-106. Addition of The Sports Network
1998-519 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-106. Change in frequency for CBAK
1998-520 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-106. Increase in power for CBQI
1998-521 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-106. Increase in power for CBDI and CBQC
1998-522 - Seaway Campus Community Radio Station. Public Hearing held on 8 October 1998. New community radio station
1998-523 - CIBM-FM Mont-Bleu ltée. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-105. Increase in power for CIBM-FM-2
1998-524 - La Coopérative de Câblodistribution de Saint-Fidèle.Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-105. Requirement to delete the duplicate programming from CFTM-TV (TVA) Montréal or to substitute the local service of CIMT-TV (TVA) Rivière-du-Loup when the programming is identical.
1998-525 - Silk FM Broadcasting Ltd. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-118. Licence amendment for CILK-FM; addition of an FM transmitter at Big White Mountain
1998-526 - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-95. Increased simultaneous programming on CBC and RDI
1998-527 - Newcap Inc. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-113.Decrease in power for CKXD
1998-528 - Radio Fredericton Inc. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-113. Increase in power for CJPN-FM
1998-529 - Radio CJFP (1996) ltée. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-113. Decrease in power for CJFP-FM-4
1998-530 - Blackburn Group Incorporated, on behalf of Sarnia Broadcasters(1993) Ltd. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-114. Transfer of control
1998-531 - Radio Atlantic (1997) Ltd. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-51. Licence renewal for CKBC
1998-532 - Maritime Broadcasting System Limited. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-51. Licence renewal for CKNB
1998-533 - Coopérative Radio Restigouche ltée. Application processed by,Public Notice CRTC 1998-68. The Commission approves Type A community station status for CIMS-FM and deletes the condition of licence restricting the amount of advertising. It also approves the request to amend the Promise of Performance relating to the level of spoken word and Category 3 music.
1998-534 - 788813 Ontario Inc. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC1998-97. Licence renewal for CFLZ-FM
1998-535 - Harvard Developments Limited. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-94. Licence renewal for radio network broadcasting football games
1998-536 - Power Broadcasting Inc. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-95. Decrease in power for CKWS-TV
1998-537 - Shaw Cablesystems Inc. Application processed by, Public Notice CRTC 1998-96. Addition of CJON-TV (CTV) St. John's on a discretionary tier of the cable undertaking serving Fort McMurray
1998-538 - Ontario and British Columbia. One-year renewals
1998-1 - PRESS RELEASE - Northwestel Inc. - Interconnection of interexchange carriers and related resale and sharing issues . File number: 8622-N1-01/97
1998-1-1 - Correction to Northwestel Inc. - Interconnection of Interexchange Carriers and Related Resale and Sharing Issues, Telecom Decision CRTC 1998-1, dated 11 February 1998 . File number: 8622-N1-01/97
1998-2 - Implementation of Price Cap Regulation and related issues . File number: 8675-M23-01/98
1998-2-1 - Corrections to Implementation of Price Cap Regulation and Related Issues. Telecom Decision CRTC 1998-2 dated 5 March 1998. File number: 8675-M23-01/98
1998-3 - Regulatory Treatment of the asset write-up resulting from the purchase of Le Téléphone Bon-Conseil Inc. by Le Téléphone Guèvremont Inc. File number: 8636-G1-01/97
1998-4 - Joint Marketing and Bundling . File numbers: 8675-M16-01/98, 8638-C12-15/98, 8638-C12-16/98 and 8620-C12-01/97
1998-5 - Regulatory Framework - Prince Rupert City Telephones . File number: 8085-RP0006/97
1998-6 - TELUS Communications (Edmonton) Inc. - Local Competition and related issues . File number: 8638-C12-08/97
1998-7 - Broadcasting Decision CRTC 1998-184. Application for a broadcasting licence to carry on a new (cable) distribution undertaking to serve the Province of New Brunswick – APPROVED IN PART
1998-8 - Local Pay Telephone Competition . File numbers: 8638-C12-19/98 and 8638-C12-20/98
1998-9 - Regulation under the Telecommunications Act of certain Telecommunications Services offered by Broadcast Carriers . File numbers: 8638-C12-17/98 and 8697-C12-01/98
1998-10 - Applications for review and variance of Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-7 and Follow-up Matters relating to the Requirement for the Atlantic Companies to file general tariffs for Optical Fibre . File number: 8662-T10-02/97
1998-11 - Optical Fibre Service. File Nos.: BCTEL TNs 3660/A; Bell TN 6067; TCI TN 933; and TCEI TN 59 . File numbers: 8740-B1-3660/97, 8740-B2-6067/97, 8740-T10-0933/97 and 8740-T11-0059/97
1998-12 - ACC TelEnterprises Ltd. - Application dated 26 September 1997 to Review and Vary Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-8, Local Competition,1 May 1997 . File number: 8662-A14-01/97
1998-13 - Regulatory Framework for Abitibi-Consolitated and Cochrane Public Utilities Commission . File number: 8085-RP0001/97
1998-14 - Regulatory Framework - Ontario Northland Transportation Commission . File number: 8085-RP0002/97
1998-15 - Application by Bell Canada to review and vary Regulation Wireless Telecommunications Services, Telecom Decision CRTC 1996-14 . File number: 8662-B2-01/97
1998-16 - Telesat Canada - Application to review and vary Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-17 . File number: 8662-T3-01/98
1998-17 - Regulatory Regime for the Provision of International Telecommunications Services . File number: 8638-C12-21/98
1998-18 - NBTel Inc. - Forbearance From Regulating Cellular and Personal Communications Services . File number: 8640-N5-01/97
1998-19 - Forbearance from Regulation of Mobile Wireless Services provided by Municipally owned telephone companies . File numbers: 1996-2505, 8638-D3-01/97 and 8085-RP-004/97
1998-20 - Application to Review and Vary Telecom Decision CRTC 1998-4: Joint Marketing and Bundling . File number: 8662-M16-02/98
1998-21 - EX PARTE Filing process for Competitive Segment Services . File number: 8657-C12-01/97
1998-22 - Final Rates for Unbundled Local Network Components . File numbers: 8740-S1-0516/97 and 8740-T10-0948/97
1998-22-1 - ERRATUM. Corrections to Final Rates for Unbundled Local Network Components, Telecom Decision CRTC 1998-22, 30 November 1998 . File numbers: 8740-S1-0516/97 and 8740-T10-0948/97
1998-23 - TELUS Communications (Edmonton) Inc. - Decision Regarding Form of Regulation and Other Matters . File number: 8085-RP0007/98
1998-24 - Telesat Canada - Forbearance from the Regulation of RF Channel Services . File number: 8640-T3-01/98
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