Rogers Cablesystems Limited
St. Thomas and surrounding area, Port Stanley and Port Talbot, Ontario - 199708111
1. In Public Notice CRTC 1997-137 dated 13 November 1997, the Commission announced an application by Rogers Cablesystems Limited (Rogers) to amend the broadcasting licence for the Class 1 cable distribution undertaking serving the areas noted above by, among other things, deleting the local head end of the undertaking and interconnecting it, via optical fibre, to the Class 1 cable distribution undertaking serving part of London (London North), also owned by the licensee.
2. The Commission notes that, in Public Notice CRTC 1997-25 dated 11 March 1997, it confirmed its intention to eliminate the requirement that cable licensees own, among other things, their local head end. The Broadcasting Distribution Regulations (the regulations) which came into effect on 1 January 1998 do not impose this requirement. Therefore, approval of that part of the application is no longer required.
3. In view of the above-noted interconnection, the licensee is authorized:
- to distribute, at its option, WDIV (NBC) Detroit, Michigan on a discretionary tier;
- to distribute, at its option, WSEE-TV (CBS), WQLN-TV (PBS), WJET-TV (ABC) WICU-TV (NBC) Erie, Pennsylvania and WUAB-TV (IND), Cleveland, Ohio as part of the basic service;
- to distribute the duplicate network service of WXYZ-TV (ABC) Detroit, Michigan, as part of the basic service, instead of WEWS-TV (ABC) Cleveland, Ohio; and
- to continue to distribute WOIO-TV (CBS) and WKYC-TV (NBC) Cleveland, Ohio, as part of the basic service.
4. The Commission notes that Rogers plans to receive the above-authorized signals by microwave.
5. The licensee is also authorized to distribute, as part of the basic service, WUTV (FOX) Buffalo, New York, in replacement of WJW-TV (FOX) Cleveland, Ohio. The Commission notes that Rogers plans to receive WUTV by optical fibre.
6. With respect to the authorizations noted above, the licensee is authorized to receive the signals over the air, or from any licensed or exempted Canadian broadcasting distribution undertaking authorized to provide signals to other broadcasting distribution undertakings.
7. With respect to the interconnection, there will be a cost savings to the licensee of $0.02 per month per subscriber in respect of the St. Thomas undertaking. The Commission notes that the licensee proposes to apply this cost savings against a $0.02 mark-up charge associated with the distribution of CTV News 1 as part of the basic service, following the interconnection. The Commssion also notes that Rogers has committed not to include this $0.02 in any future increase to the basic monthly rate associated with the distribution of CTV News 1 that would be allowed under section 52(2)(b) of the regulations. After analysis of the information provided by the licensee, the Commission is satisfied that no fee reduction should be expected as a result of the interconnection outlined herein.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request.