ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 98-524
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Decision |
Ottawa, 9 December 1998
Decision CRTC 98-524
La Coopérative de Câblodistribution de Saint-Fidèle
Saint-Fidèle, Quebec - 199805256
Requirement to delete the duplicate programming from CFTM-TV (TVA) Montréal or to substitute the local service of CIMT-TV (TVA) Rivière-du-Loup when the programming is identical.
1. The Commission denies the application by La Coopérative de Câblodistribution de Saint-Fidèle (the Coopérative) for continued relief from the requirement to delete the duplicate programming from CFTM-TV (TVA) Montréal, received from a satellite relay distribution undertaking (SRDU), or to substitute for that programming the local service of CIMT-TV (TVA) Rivière-du-Loup, when the programming is identical.
2. In Decision CRTC 94-881 dated 21 November 1994, the Commission relieved the licensee of this requirement because of the poor reception quality of CIMT-TV's local signal. The Commission extended this exemption several times for the same reasons. On 16 July 1997, the Commission authorized Télé Inter-Rives ltée, licensee of CIMT-TV, to increase the power of its signal. Télé Inter-Rives ltée implemented this authority on 22 July 1998. The Department of Industry subsequently confirmed that CIMT-TV's signal is now of good quality at Saint-Fidèle.
3. Télé Inter-Rives ltée intervened in opposition to the renewal of the exemption because CIMT-TV's power increase enables the Coopérative to receive a high quality signal. In response to the intervention, the Coopérative indicated that it wishes to continue to distribute both CFTM-TV and CIMT-TV.
4. Public Notice CRTC 1998-104 dated 8 October 1998 entitled Revised Lists of Eligible Satellite Services states that, in the case of CFTM-TV, a licensee also distributing the signal of a local TVA affiliate must delete the duplicate programming from the service received from a licensed SRDU or substitute the local service when the programming is identical. In view of the good reception quality of CIMT-TV's signal, the Commission considers that an extension of the exemption accorded to the Coopérative is not justified and that the licensee should comply with the requirements concerning the distribution of CFTM-TV.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
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