ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 98-174

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Ottawa, 23 June 1998

Decision CRTC 98-174

MKC Properties Ltd., on behalf of a company to be incorporated

British Columbia and Alberta - 199715562
Application for an SRDU licence - denied

Saxe Communications
Across Canada - 199610663

The Battlefords Community Cablevision Co-operative
Biggar, Kindersley, Lashburn, Maidstone, Meadow Lake, Rosetown, Unity and Wilkie; and North Battleford, Saskatchewan - 199712211 - 199712229 - 199712237 - 199712245 - 199712253 -199712261 - 199712279 - 199712287 - 199712204

Applications to distribute U.S. signals directly from U.S. sources - denied

1. At a public hearing held in the National Capital Region beginning on 16 February 1998, the Commission considered an application by MKC Properties Ltd. (MKC), on behalf of a company to be incorporated, for a broadcasting licence to carry on a regional multiple channel television and radio broadcasting relay distribution undertaking. This undertaking, of a class now to be called satellite relay distribution undertakings (SRDU), was to distribute to affiliated broadcasting distribution undertakings (BDUs), via satellite, a number of signals originating in Spokane, Washington.

2. MKC is a company that, until recently, delivered radio and television signals from Spokane to a number of BDUs in British Columbia and Alberta, via microwave. MKC's main objective, in filing this application, had been to ensure the continued delivery of the 4+1 U.S. television network signals from Spokane at the lowest possible cost. At the hearing, MKC stated that there would be no reason for it to pursue this application if the Commission were to license another SRDU that would deliver Spokane television signals. In a related decision released today (Decision CRTC 98-172), the Commission has approved an application by Star Choice Television Network Incorporated (Star Choice) for a broadcasting licence to carry on a national SRDU. Star Choice will offer Spokane signals as part of its service package. Accordingly, the application by MKC is denied.

3. The Commission also denies the application by Saxe Communications (Saxe), acting as an agent for licensees of 377 cable distribution undertakings across Canada for authority to distribute, at their option, a number of U.S. commercial and/or PBS signals, received via the non-Canadian satellite service provider known as Prime Time 24.

4. In addition, the Commission denies the applications by The Battlefords Community Cablevision Co-operative (the Battlefords) to amend the broadcasting licences of the cable distribution undertakings serving North Battleford, Biggar, Kindersley, Lashburn, Maidstone, Meadow Lake, Rosetown, Unity and Wilkie, as follows:

a) by adding a condition of licence authorizing the distribution, as part of the basic service and at its option, of a number of signals originating in Denver, Colorado, received via satellite from Netlink International, another non-Canadian satellite service provider; and

b) in the case of the North Battleford undertaking, by deleting the condition of licence authorizing the distribution, at its option, of a signal originating in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and other signals originating in Detroit, Michigan, received in Regina via satellite from the Cancom network and delivered via optical fibre, as part of the basic service.

6. The Commission, in denying the Saxe and Battlefords applications, has taken into account the fact that the flexibility sought by these applicants would be achieved, if the policy proposal regarding U.S. 4+1 signals announced in accompanying Public Notice CRTC 1998-60 were to be introduced. In that Public Notice, the Commission called for comments on this policy proposal. In the circumstances, the Commission considers that interested parties should be given a further opportunity to comment on the potential impact of this proposed measure on the Canadian broadcasting system.

7. The Commission acknowledges the interventions submitted with regard to these applications and the applicants' responses thereto.

Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General

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