ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 98-426

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Ottawa, 31 August 1998
Decision CRTC 98-426
Television Northern Canada Incorporated
Iqaluit, Northwest Territories
Administrative renewals
1. For administrative reasons, the Commission renews, from 1 September 1998 to 31 August 1999, the broadcasting licences held by Television Northern Canada Incorporated (TVNC) for the television network distributing cultural, social, political and educational programming for the primary benefit of Aboriginal people in the north, and the radiocommunication distribution undertakings distributing this programming to various communities throughout Northern Canada, subject to the terms and conditions in effect under the current licences.
2. In Public Notice CRTC 1998-8 entitled Additional National Television Networks - A Report to the Government of Canada Pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 1997-592, the Commission stated that the service provided by TVNC should be widely available throughout Canada in order to serve the diverse needs of the various Aboriginal communities, as well as other Canadians. The Commission also stated that it would consider any application by TVNC designed to achieve these objectives.
3. In Notice of Public Hearing CRTC 1998-6 dated 31 August 1998, the Commission announced that it had received an application from TVNC for a licence to operate a new, national, Aboriginal television programming network to be called Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN). The administrative renewals granted herein will enable the Commission to consider the continued operation of TVNC's current service in light of the APTN application. Parties who have an interest in TVNC's licence renewal applications may wish to examine TVNC's application for APTN and consider intervening in that process.
4. The Commission emphasizes that these administrative renewals do not in any way dispose of matters that may have arisen during the current licence terms. In the event that the APTN application is not approved, parties will have an opportunity to comment on any such matters in a further proceeding. Approval of the APTN application would eliminate the need to consider the renewal of TVNC's current licences, since the proposed APTN service will include TVNC's existing service.
This decision is to be appended to each licence.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
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