ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 98-192

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Ottawa, 23 June 1998

Decision CRTC 98-192

Northern Cablevision Ltd.

Whitecourt, Alberta - 199707890

Licence amendment - Denied

1. Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region beginning 16 February 1998, the Commission denies the application for authority to distribute, at its option, KXLY-FM, KISC-FM, KDRK-FM, KEZE-FM and KZZU-FM Spokane, Washington, on audio channels of the undertaking.

2. The licensee proposed the distribution of audio signals originating from Spokane received via satellite from the satellite relay distribution undertaking (SRDU) proposed by MKC Properties Inc. (MKC). At the public hearing, MKC indicated that it would not wish to proceed with its application if the Commission chose to approve the application by Star Choice Television Network Inc. (Star Choice) to carry on an SRDU. In Decision CRTC 98-172 dated 23 June 1998, the Commission approved the application by Star Choice and its proposal to distribute among others, television services originating from Spokane. Star Choice, however, did not propose the distribution of any audio signals from Spokane. Accordingly, the Commission has denied the addition of the audio signals from Spokane proposed by the licensee.

This decision is to be appended to the licence.

Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General

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