ARCHIVED -  Decision CRTC 98-22

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Ottawa, 30 January 1998

Decision CRTC 98-22

Regional Cablesystems Inc.

Saint-Charles-de-Mandeville, Quebec - 199709680

Licence amendment

1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1997-134 dated 28 October 1997, the Commission approves, by condition of licence, the licensee's request to be relieved from the requirement of section 32(1)(b) of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations to distribute the priority regional signal of CIVC-TV (STQ) Trois-Rivières. The licensee will distribute instead, CIVM-TV (STQ) Montréal, as part of the basic service. The Commission notes that CIVC-TV currently rebroadcasts, in its entirety, the programming of CIVM-TV. Should CIVC-TV begin offering local programming, the licensee will be required to distribute this service as part of the basic service of its undertaking or to apply to the Commission for a further exemption.

2. The Commission notes that the licensee proposes to delete the local head end of the cable distribution undertaking serving Saint-Charles-de-Mandeville and to interconnect this undertaking, via optical fibre, to the cable distribution undertaking serving Saint-Félix-de-Valois, also owned by the licensee.

3. In view of this interconnection, the Commission authorizes the licensee to distribute, at its option, CKTM-TV (SRC) Trois-Rivières, as well as WVNY (ABC) Burlington, Vermont, WCFE-TV (PBS) and WPTZ (NBC) Plattsburgh, New York, as part of the basic service.

4. The licensee is authorized to receive the signals over the air, or from any licensed or exempted Canadian broadcasting distribution undertaking authorized to provide signals to other broadcasting distribution undertakings. The Commission notes that the licensee intends to receive these signals by optical fibre from the undertaking serving Saint-Felix-de-Valois.

This decision is to be appended to the licence.

Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General

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