Comeauville (Yarmouth), Nova Scotia - 199715512
Licence amendment for CIFA-FM
1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1998-17 dated 25 February 1998, the Commission approves the application by Radio Clare Association to amend the Promise of Performance of the Type A community radio programming undertaking CIFA-FM Comeauville (Yarmouth), by increasing the amount of locally-produced programs from 80 hours to 105 hours each broadcast week.
2. In reaching its decision, the Commission has taken into account the licensee's argument that its financial situation would permit an increase in the number of hours of local programming and that this would respond to popular demand. The Commission has also considered the fact that CIFA-FM is the only French-language station in the market and that the application is consistent with the role of community stations in reflecting the special interests and needs of the listeners they are licensed to serve.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request.