Orders 2007

Broadcasting Distribution Orders

2007-246 - Orders respecting the distribution of the specialty television programming services of The Accessible Channel, CBC Newsworld, Le Réseau de l’information, and Avis de Recherche.

Broadcasting Exemption Orders

2007-13 - Exemption order for mobile television broadcasting undertakings

2007-33 - Exemption order respecting certain third-language television undertakings


2007-1 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 221 (Aliant Telecom), 58, 58A and 59; Northwestel Inc. TN 841; Ontario Telecommunications Association TN 94 and TELUS Communications Company TN 242. (streamlined order)

2007-2 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 55 and Bell Canada TN 7000. (streamlined order)

2007-3 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. TNs 1 and 1A, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 63, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 128 and 129, TBayTel TNs 127 and 128, TELUS Communications Company TN 4263 (TCBC) and 577 (TCI), and Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited TN 23. (streamlined order)

2007-4 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 15 January 2007, the ex parte application by Société en commandite Télébec, dated 20 December 2006. Reference: TN 341.

2007-5 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Bell Canada; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./TELUS Communications Company; Saskatchewan Telecommunications/ MTS Allstream Inc.; and TELUS Communications Company/Globility Communications Corporation. Reference: 8340-D11-200617029, 8340-J63-200616865, 8340-S22-200617103, 8340-T66-200407313.

2007-6 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Bell Canada to revise items 680.2(c)(5) and 680.4(a) of General Tariff item 680, Local Link Package; and item 680.2(b) of this tariff item and item 70.2(h)(3) of General Tariff item 70, Rate Schedules for Primary Exchange (Local) Service. Reference: TN 6611.

2007-7 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c. /Société en commandite Télébec; and Sogetel Numérique/Société en commandite Télébec. Reference: 8340-J63-200616063, 8340-J63-200616089 and 8340-S74-200616105. (streamlined order)

2007-7-1 - Erratum - The Commission is issuing a revised order to correct Telecom Order CRTC 2007-7, 11 January 2007. (streamlined order)

2007-8 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 61, MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 608 and 609, and TELUS Communications Company TN 244. (streamlined order)

2007-9 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc./Bell Canada; ISP Telecom/ExaTEL Inc.; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; and 9164-3122 Québec inc. (Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616550, 8340-Q19-200616568, 8340-J34-200616435, 8340-J63-200616493, 8340-S74-200616097. (streamlined order)

2007-9-1 - Erratum - The Commission is issuing a revised order to correct Telecom Order CRTC 2007-9, 12 January 2007. (streamlined order)

2007-10 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Société en commandite Télébec; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique); and WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited)/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616402, 8340-Q19-200616419, 8340-S74-200616120, 8340-S74-200616138, 8340-S74-200616146, 8340-S74-200616154, 8340-S74-200616170 and 8340-W3-200616196. (streamlined order)

2007-11 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Amtelecom Limited Partnership (formerly Amtelecom Inc.) TN 60; MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 611 and 611A; and Société en commandite Télébec TN 339B. (streamlined order)

2007-12 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-J63-200612087. (streamlined order)

2007-13 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: 9164-3122 Québec inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique) TNs 1 and 1A. (streamlined order)

2007-14 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec inc. (operating as CoopTel); Execulink Telecom Inc./Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-Q19-200700262; 8340-E25-200700452; 8340-E25-200700460; 8340-S74-200700379. (streamlined order)

2007-15 - The Commission approves the following agreement: IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./ Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-J63-200612079. (streamlined order)

2007-16 - The Commission approves on a final basis applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant), dated 17 August 2006, in which the companies proposed revisions to their Centrex III Service items of their General Tariffs. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6978 and Bell Aliant TN 29.

2007-17 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 65 and 65A; and Bell Canada TNs 7007 and 7007A, 7008, and 881 (NST). (sreamlined order)

2007-18 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Bell Canada; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./TELUS Communications Company; Saskatchewan Telecommunications/MTS Allstream Inc.; TELUS Communications Company/ Globility Communications Corporation. Reference: 8340-D11-200617029; 8340-J63-200612087; 8340-J63-200616865; 8340-S22-200617103; 8340-T66-200407313. (sreamlined order)

2007-19 - The Commission approves on a final basis applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 4 October 2006, to introduce 8-1-1 Service in their General Tariffs, with the exception of the proposed modifications to items 7020 and 7025. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6990 and Bell Aliant TN 45.

2007-20 - Ethernet services. Reference: 8740-A53-200602007, 8740-B2-200301531, 8740-B2-200307216, 8740-B2-200404822, 8740-B2-200405805, 8740-B2-200405904, 8740-M59-200407975, 8740-M59-200415572, 8740-M59-200501793, 8740-S22-200407628, 8740-T66-0065/02, 8740-T66-200401654, 8740-T66-200407553, 8740-T66-200502098.

2007-21 - ADSL Access Service and ADSL WAN Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to a number of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership competitor asymmetric digital subscriber line service tariff applications. Reference: TNs 180, 180A, 180B, 200, and 212.

2007-22 - Gateway Access Service and High Speed Access Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to a number of competitor asymmetric digital subscriber line tariff applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership for services provided in Ontario and Quebec. Reference: Bell Canada TNs 6886, 6904, 6972, and 6972A; Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 24 and 24A.

2007-23 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Data Access Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to a number of MTS Allstream Inc.'s competitor asymmetric digital subscriber line service tariff applications. Reference: TNs 565, 565A, and 588.

2007-24 - Aggregated Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to Saskatchewan Telecommunications' competitor Aggregated Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Service tariff application. Reference: TN 102.

2007-25 - Network to Network Interface Service, Wide Area Network ADSL Service, and Wholesale Internet ADSL Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to a number of TELUS Communications Company's competitor asymmetric digital subscriber line tariff applications. Reference: TNs 91, 159, 186, 186A, 186B, 187, 187A, 187B, 229, and 232.

2007-26 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 62 and 62A. (streamlined order)

2007-27 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Bell Canada and Nexicom Telecommunications Inc./Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-D11-200700816; 8340-N24-200700626; 8340-N24-200700634; 8340-N24-200700642. (streamlined order)

2007-28 - The Commission approves on an interim basis 9163-7918 Québec inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-Q19-200700775.

2007-29 - The Commission approves Distributel Communications Limited's Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 27 November 2006 and revised on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-D11-200615544.

2007-30 - The Commission approves on an interim basis IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-J63-200700783.

2007-31 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 63, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 128 and 129; TBayTel TNs 127 and 128; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4263 (TCBC) and 577 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-32 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: BellAliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 66, 67, 222 (Aliant Telecom), 223 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 7009 and 7009A, and 7010; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 130; TELUS Communications Company TNs 245 and 245A, 4264 (TCBC) and 440 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-33 - The Commission approves Société en commandite Télébec TN 340. (streamlined order)

2007-34 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Access Communications Co-operative Limited/MTS Allstream Inc.; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-A60-200700973; 8340-R22-200700957. (streamlined order)

2007-35 - The Commission approves the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada; CoopTel/Bell Canada; La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc./Bell Canada; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie/Bell Canada; La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc./Bell Canada; Téléphone Milot inc./Bell Canada; Compagnie de téléphone Nantes inc./Bell Canada; Sogetel inc./Bell Canada; La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc./Bell Canada; La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-A5-200617251; 8340-A5-200617269; 8340-B2-0089/09; 8340-B2-0042/09; 8340-A5-200617243; 8340-B2-0046/08; 8340-B2-0043/08; 8340-B2-0041/09; 8340-B2-0048/09; 8340-B2-0036/08; 8340-B2-0045/09; 8340-B2-0044/12. (streamlined order)

2007-36 - The Commission denies an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications dated 28 August 2006, proposing revisions to its Competitor Access Tariff to introduce item 650.09, Stand Alone Porting. Reference: TN 120.

2007-37 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc./TELUS Communications Company; and TELUS Communications Company/Fido Solutions Inc. Reference: 8340-Q19-200701236; 8340-T42-0809/00. (streamlined order)

2007-38 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Access Communications Co-operative Limited TNs 1 and 1A; TBayTel TN 129; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 441, 441A (TCQ) and 246. (streamlined order)

2007-39 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 7 February 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 9 January 2007. Reference: TN 882 (NST).

2007-39-1 - The Commission is issuing corrections to Ex parte application, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-39, 5 February 2007. Reference: TN 882 (NST).

2007-40 - The Commission approves on an interim basis 9164-3122 Québec inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-S74-200700759.

2007-41 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 544 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 105. (streamlined order)

2007-42 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Vidéotron ltée; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Vidéotron ltée; Access Communications Co-operative Limited; Execulink Telecom Inc./Bell Canada; Execulink Telecom Inc.; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Vidéotron ltée; Persona Communications Corp.; Shaw Telecom Inc./TELUS Communications Company; Shaw Telecom Inc./Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. and WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited)/TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-Q19-200701244; 8340-S74-200701228; 8340-A60-200701476; 8340-E25-200701484; 8340-E25-200701799; 8340-J63-200701393; 8340-P45-200701921; 8340-T66-200501157; 8340-S61-200701658; 8340-W3-200701450. (streamlined order)

2007-43 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 96, 96A and 97; Persona Communications Corp. TN 4; and TELUS Communications Company TN 442 (TCQ) and 247. (streamlined order)

2007-44 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Amtelecom Limited Partnership (formerly Amtelecom Inc.) TN 60 and MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 611 and 611A. (streamlined order)

2007-45 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 62 and 62A, 65 and 65A, Bell Canada TNs 7007 and 7007A, 7008 and 881 (NST). (streamlined order)

2007-46 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec inc. (operating as CoopTel), Execulink Telecom Inc./ Bell Canada, 9164-3122 Québec inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/ TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-Q19-200700262, 8340-E25-200700452, 8340-E25-200700460, 8340-S74-200700379. (streamlined order)

2007-47 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 613 and 614 and Northwestel Inc. TN 842 and 843. (streamlined order)

2007-48 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Société en commandite Télébec TN 341. (streamlined order)

2007-49 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TN 123 and Distributel Communications Limited TN 2. (streamlined order)

2007-50 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company's proposal to withdraw Manual 150 Mobile Telephone Service from its incumbent serving territory in Alberta. Reference: TN 573.

2007-51 - The Commission approves applications by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada to destandardize Station Message Detail Recording - Manual Delivery service and Electronic Transfer of Centrex Station Message Detail Recording service. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6993 and Bell Aliant TN 48.

2007-52 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Bell Canada and Nexicom Telecommunications Inc./Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-D11-200700816; 8340-N24-200700626; 8340-N24-200700634; 8340-N24-200700642. (streamlined order)

2007-53 - The Commission approves on a final basis 9163-7918 Québec inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-Q19-200700775.

2007-54 - The Commission approves on a final basis 9164-3122 Québec inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-S74-200700759.

2007-55 - The Commission approves on a final basis IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 18 January 2007. Reference: 8643-J63-200700783.

2007-56 - The Commission approves with some modifications Saskatchewan Telecommunications' application to destandardize the one-year, three-year and five-year contract options associated with its Microlink service. Reference: TN 127.

2007-57 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Access Communications Co-operative Limited/MTS Allstream Inc.; and Rogers Cable Communications Inc./TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-A60-200700973 and 8340-R22-200700957.(streamlined order)

2007-58 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Execulink Telecom Inc./Bell Canada; Nexicom Telecommunications Inc./ Bell Canada; and TELUS Communications Company/Fido Solutions Inc. Reference: 8340-E25-200702341; 8340-N24-200702226; and 8340-T66-200702325. (streamlined order)

2007-59 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 224 (Aliant Telecom), MTS Allstream Inc. TN 615 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4268 (TCBC), 581 (former TCI), 168A, 248 and 250. (streamlined order)

2007-60 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 66, 67, 222 (Aliant Telecom) and 223 (Aliant Telecom) and Bell Canada TNs 7009, 7009A and 7010. (streamlined order)

2007-61 - The Commission approves on a final basis TBayTel TN 129. (streamlined order)

2007-62 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec inc. (operating as CoopTel)/TELUS Communications Company; and TELUS Communications Company/Fido Solutions Inc. Reference: 8340-Q19-200701236; and 8340-T42-0809/04. (streamlined order)

2007-63 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 98; Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. TN 9; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 443 (TCQ), 249 and 251. (streamlined order)

2007-64 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: MTS Allstream Inc./Persona Communications Corp.; MTS Allstream Inc./Mountain Cablevision. Reference: 8340-M59-200702698 and 8340-M59-200702713. (streamlined order)

2007-65 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite, dated 15 February 2007. Reference: TN 69. Eff. date = 01.03.2007.

2007-66 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 15 February 2007. Reference: TN 7012. Eff. date = 01.03.2007.

2007-67 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 16 February 2007. Reference: TN 7013. Eff. date = 05.03.2007.

2007-68 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 14 February 2007. Reference: TN 131. Eff. date = 01.03.2007.

2007-69 - The Commission approves the applications by Bell Canada and by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, both dated 20 December 2006, proposing changes to item 26 - Sale of Tariffs and Exchange Information of their respective General Tariffs. Reference: Bell Canada TN 7006 and Bell Aliant TN 64.

2007-70 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 5 December 2006, proposing revisions to item 628, Data Transmission - Multi-point Anti-streaming Service (MASS) (B.C. Only) and item 688, Data Transmission - Flat Rate Low-Speed Data Network (B.C. Only) of its Special Facilities Tariff. Reference: TNs 243 and 243A.

2007-71 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bruce Telecom TN 123, CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 96, 96A and 97, MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 613 and 614, Northwestel Inc. TNs 842 and 843, and TELUS Communications Company TNs 442 (TCQ) and 247. (streamlined order)

2007-72 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Vidéotron ltée; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Vidéotron ltée; Access Communications Co-operative Limited; Execulink Telecom Inc./Bell Canada; Execulink Telecom Inc.; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Vidéotron ltée; Persona Communications Corp.; Shaw Telecom Inc./TELUS Communications Company; Shaw Telecom Inc./Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.; and WTC Communications (formerly Westport Telephone Company Limited)/TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-Q19-200701244; 8340-S74-200701228; 8340-A60-200701476; 8340-E25-200701484; 8340-E25-200701799; 8340-J63-200701393; 8340-P45-200701921; 8340-T66-200501157; 8340-S61-200701658; 8340-W3-200701450. (streamlined order)

2007-73 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Canada's proposed Tariff Notices 6812 and 6812A regarding Internet Voice Access Service.

2007-74 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an agreement between Telesat Canada and Bell ExpressVu. Reference: 8340-T3-0398/00. (streamlined order)

2007-75 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 4265 (TCBC) and 578. (streamlined order)

2007-76 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 225 (Aliant Telecom) and 226 (Aliant Telecom), Bell Canada TN 7014, and CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 99 and 99A. (streamlined order)

2007-77 - The Commission approves on a final basis Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 130. (streamlined order)

2007-78 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 70 and Bell Canada TN 7015. (streamlined order)

2007-79 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 227 and 228 (Aliant Telecom), CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 100, MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 618 and 619, Société en commandite Télébec TN 342, and TELUS Communications Company TN 252. (streamlined order)

2007-80 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: NRTC Communications/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-N10-200703646 and 8340-N10-200703654.

2007-81 - The Commission approves on a final basis Northwestel Inc.'s request to introduce Primary Link Service. Reference: TN 838.

2007-82 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 229 (Aliant Telecom), Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 132 and Telnet Communications TN 1. (streamlined order)

2007-83 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Canada's proposed Tariff Notices 6813, 6882, 6895, 6911 and 6988, and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's proposed Tariff Notice 44 regarding Managed Internet Protocol Telephony service.

2007-84 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Execulink Telecom Inc./Bell Canada; MTS Allstream Inc./Persona Communications Corp.; MTS Allstream Inc./Mountain Cablevision; Nexicom Telecommunications Inc./Bell Canada; TELUS Communications Company/Fido Solutions Inc. Reference: 8340-E25-200702341; 8340-M59-200702698, 8340-M59-200702713, 8340-N24-200702226 and 8340-T66-200702325. (streamlined-order)

2007-85 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 224 (Aliant Telecom), CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 98, MTS Allstream Inc. TN 615, TELUS Communications Company TNs 4268 (TCBC), 581 (former TCI), 443 (TCQ), 248, 249 and 250. (streamlined order)

2007-86 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TBayTel TNs 130 and 130A; and Société en commandite Télébec TNs 343, 343A and 343B. (streamlined order)

2007-87 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Triple 5 Communications Inc.; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Buzz Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-R22-200703977 and 8340-R22-200703985. (streamlined order)

2007-88 - The Commission approves in part a request by Téléphone Guèvremont inc. to revise its General Tariff item 7.20 - Carrier Access Tariff by modifying its direct connection and toll trunking rates. Reference: TNs 51 and 51A.

2007-89 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 620 and TBayTel TN 131. (streamlined order)

2007-90 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited (NRTC Communications)/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Distributel Communications Limited; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Execulink Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-N10-200704090, 8340-R22-200703993 and 8340-R22-200704001. (streamlined order)

2007-91 - The Commission denies an application by TELUS Communications Company, to destandardize and withdraw its 900 service in Alberta and British Columbia. Reference: TN 227.

2007-92 - The Commission approves on a final basis TCI TN 150, former TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) TNs 534 and 535, and former TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. TNs 4216 and 4217, by which TCI, now TELUS Communications Company, proposed to introduce IP-Evolution Service as an alternative to its Centrex service. Reference: TN 150, former TCI TNs 534 and 535, and former TCBC TNs 4216 and 4217.

2007-93 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 225 (Aliant Telecom) and 226 (Aliant Telecom) and Bell Canada TN 7014. (streamlined order)

2007-94 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Whole RF Channel Service Agreement - DIRECTV 1 between Telesat Canada and Bell ExpressVu. Reference: 8340-T3-0398/00. (streamlined order)

2007-95 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7021, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 133, 134 and 135; and Videotron Ltd. TN 15. (streamlined order)

2007-96 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Bragg Communications Inc. (EastLink)/Yak Communications (Canada) Inc.; Shaw Telecom Inc./Yak Communications (Canada) Inc. Reference: 8340-E17-200704108 and 8340-S61-200704272. (streamlined order)

2007-97 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: NRTC Communications/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-N10-200703646 and 8340-N10-200703654. (streamlined order)

2007-98 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 230 and 230A (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-99 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and Videotron Ltd. Reference: 8340-M29-0858/00. (streamlined order)

2007-100 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 70 and Bell Canada TN 7015. (streamlined order)

2007-101 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited Primary Interexchange Carrier/ Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 15 March 2007. Reference: 8643-M5-200704248.

2007-102 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 227 and 228 (Aliant Telecom), CityWest Telephone Corporation TN 100, MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 618 and 619, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 131, Société en commandite Télébec TN 342 and TELUS Communications Company TN 252. (streamlined order)

2007-103 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 21 March 2007. Reference: TN 231. Eff. date = 03.04.2007.

2007-104 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-D11-200617029. (streamlined order)

2007-105 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7013, and Regional Cablesystems Inc. (now Persona Communications Corp.) TNs 2 and 2A. (streamlined order)

2007-106 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Persona Communications Corp. TN 3A. (streamlined order)

2007-107 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: NRTC Communications/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Westport Telephone Company Limited (WTC Communications); Shaw Telecom Inc./TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-N10-200704652, 8340-R22-200704644 and 8340-S61-200704587. (streamlined order)

2007-108 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by TELUS Communications Company dated 14 February 2007, proposing revisions to its Special Facilities Tariff item 693 - OC-12 Access & Inter-exchange Channels - Alberta (Edmonton - High Level). Eff. date = 05.04.2007. Reference: TN 251.

2007-109 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6960 and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) Tariff Notice 11, except for the aspects of Bell Canada's and Bell Aliant's proposed tariffs regarding local number portability related to the migration of customer telephone numbers. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6960 and Bell Aliant TN 11.

2007-110 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 229 (Aliant Telecom), and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 132. (streamlined order)

2007-111 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited (NRTC Communications)/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Distributel Communications Limited, Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Execulink Telecom Inc., Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Triple 5 Communications Inc., Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Buzz Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-N10-200704090; 8340-R22-200703993; 8340-R22-200704001; 8340-R22-200703977; 8340-R22-200703985. (streamlined order)

2007-112 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 30 March 2007. Reference: TN 232 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 15.04.2007.

2007-113 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 13 and 29 March 2007. Reference: TN 74 and 74A. Eff. date = 12.04.2007.

2007-114 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 13 and 29 March 2007. Reference: TN 75 and 75A. Eff. date = 12.04.2007.

2007-115 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 13 and 29 March 2007. Reference: TN 7019 and 7019A. Eff. date = 12.04.2007.

2007-116 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 13 and 29 March 2007. Reference: TN 7020 and 7020A. Eff. date = 12.04.2007.

2007-117 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 77 and Bell Canada TN 7023. (streamlined order)

2007-118 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/TELUS Communications Company; Distributel Communications Limited/Videotron Ltd.; Distributel Communications Limited/Futureway Communications Inc.; Distributel Communications Limited/TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-D11-200704743; 8340-D11-200704751; 8340-D11-200704769; 8340-D11-200704777. (streamlined order)

2007-119 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TBayTel TNs 130 and 103A; and Société en commandite Télébec TNs 343, 343A and 343B. (streamlined order)

2007-120 - The Commission approves Execulink Telecom Inc. Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 27 February 2007. Reference: 8643-E25-200703373.

2007-121 - The Commission approves Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 3 March 2007. Reference: 8643-N24-200703711.

2007-122 - The Commission approves NRTC Communications Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 27 February 2007. Reference: 8643-N10-200703407.

2007-123 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 620 and TBayTel TN 131. (streamlined order)

2007-124 - The Commission approves on a final basis Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited Primary Interexchange Carrier/ Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 15 March 2007. Reference: 8643-M5-200704248.

2007-125 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 78 and 79; and Bell Canada TNs 7024 and 7025. (streamlined order)

2007-126 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Télébec, Limited Partnership; Execulink Telecom Inc./TELUS Communications Company; Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited/Bell Canada. (streamlined order)

2007-127 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 4 April 2007. Reference: 643-H4-200705121.

2007-128 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7021; CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 99 and 99A; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 133, 134 and 135.  (streamlined order)

2007-129 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Bragg Communications Inc. (EastLink)/Yak Communications (Canada) Inc.; Fido Solutions Inc./Videotron Ltd.; Shaw Telecom Inc./Yak Communications (Canada) Inc. (streamlined order)

2007-130 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 82; Bell Canada TNs 7005 and 7028; MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 616 and 621; TELUS Communications Company TNs 583 (TCI) and 4271 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2007-131 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 8 March 2007. Reference: TN 73. Eff. date = 19.04.2007.

2007-132 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 8 March 2007. Reference: TN 7018. Eff. date = 19.04.2007.

2007-133 - The Commission approves on a final basis an agreement between Distributel Communications Limited and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-D11-200617029.

2007-134 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company's request to revise the former TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.'s General Tariff item 2.20.03 in order to destandardize the Mini Voice Messaging service. The company filed the application on 15 December 2006 and amended it on 23 February 2007. Reference: TNs 439 and 439A. Eff. date = 23.04.2007.

2007-135 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an agreement between Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-M5-200705486.

2007-136 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 54, Société en commandite Télébec TN 319A and TELUS Communications Company TN 253. (streamlined order)

2007-137 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 5 April 2007. Reference: TN 80. Eff. date = 24.04.2007.

2007-138 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 5 April 2007. Reference: TN 81. Eff. date = 24.04.2007.

2007-139 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 5 April 2007. Reference: TN 7026. Eff. date = 24.04.2007.

2007-140 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 5 April 2007. Reference: TN 7027 Eff. date = 24.04.2007.

2007-141 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 5 April 2007. Reference: TN 4272 (TCBC). Eff. date = 24.04.2007.

2007-142 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 5 April 2007. Reference: TN 584. Eff. date = 24.04.2007

2007-143 - TELUS Communications Company - 2005 annual price cap filings - Digital Network Access rates. Reference: TN 408.

2007-144 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an agreement between Téléphone Guèvremont inc. andTELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-G1-200704264. (streamlined order)

2007-145 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 18 April 2007. Reference: TN 235. Eff. date = 01.05.2007.

2007-146 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 234 and 234A; Mountain Cablevision Limited TN 1; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 230, 231 and 232; Société en commandite Télébec TN 344; TELUS Communications Company TNs 585 (TCI), 256 and 257. (streamlined order)

2007-147 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: NRTC Communications/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Westport Telephone Company Limited (WTC Communications); Shaw Telecom Inc./TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-N10-200704652, 8340-R22-200704644 and 8340-S61-200704587. (streamlined order)

2007-148 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/TELUS Communications Company; Distributel Communications Limited/Videotron Ltd.; Distributel Communications Limited/Futureway Communications Inc.; Distributel Communications Limited/TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-D11-200704743, 8340-D11-200704751, 8340-D11-200704769 and 8340-D11-200704777. (streamlined order)

2007-149 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Société en commandite Télébec TN 345. (streamlined order)

2007-150 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 18 April 2007. Reference: TN 445 (TCQ). Eff. date = 02.05.07.

2007-151 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 18 April 2007. Reference: TN 446 (TCQ). Eff. date = 02.05.07.

2007-152 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 77, and Bell Canada TN 7023. (streamlined order)

2007-153 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 233; TELUS Communications Company TNs 255 and 258. (streamlined order)

2007-154 - The Commission approves on an interim basis a Master Agreement for Interconnection between 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique) and Maskatel inc. Reference: 8340-S74-200706343. (streamlined order)

2007-155 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 23 April 2007. Reference: TN 447 (TCQ). Eff. date = 08.05.07.

2007-156 - The Commission approves an application by MTS Allstream Inc., dated 31 January 2007, to revise its Access Services Tariff item 105, Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling, to destandardize Type C Local Loop service. Reference: TN 612. Eff. date = 04.05.2007.

2007-157 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 78, 79 and 231, Bell Canada TNs 7024 and 7025, and TELUS Communications Company TNs 583 (TCI) and 4271 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2007-158 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada; 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Télébec, Limited Partnership; Execulink Telecom Inc./TELUS Communications Company; Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616568; 8340-S74-200616097; 8340-S74-200616105; 8340-E25-200704884; 8340-H4-200705139; 8340-H4-200705147; 8340-H4-200705155; 8340-M5-200704933; 8340-M5-200704941; 8340-M5-200704959. (streamlined order)

2007-159 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 84. (streamlined order)

2007-160 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference:  8340-H4-200706567. (streamlined order)

2007-161 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 25 April 2007. Reference: TN 83. Eff. date = 09.05.07.

2007-162 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 25 April 2007. Reference: TN 7029. Eff. date = 09.05.07.

2007-163 - The Commission approves on a final basis Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 4 April 2007. Reference: 8643-H4-200705121.

2007-164 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Canada TN 7004A. (streamlined order)

2007-165 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements : 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Maskatel inc.; Bell Canada/ TELUS Communications Company; Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-Q19-200706880; 8340-B2-200706864; 8340-T7-200706757; 8340-T7-200706799; 8340-T7-200706807; 8340-T7-200706814. (streamlined order)

2007-166 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-M5-200705486. (streamlined order)

2007-167 - The Commission approves an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 1 March 2007, proposing revisions to the former TCI Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) item 215, Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling, and the former TCBC CAT item 105, Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling, to destandardize Type C Local Loop service. Reference: Former TCI TN 582 and former TCBC TN 4269.

2007-168 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 237 (Aliant Telecom), Bell Canada TN 7031 and TELUS Communications Company TN 448 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-169 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel) and 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique). Reference: 8340-Q19-200706947. (streamlined order)

2007-170 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 69, Bell Canada TN 7012, People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 54 and TELUS Communications Company TN 253. (streamlined order)

2007-171 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 3 May 2007. Reference: 8643-T7-200707028.

2007-172 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Téléphone Guèvremont inc. and TELUS Communications Company. Reference: 8340-G1-200704264. (streamlined order)

2007-173 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Cochrane Telecom Services TN 58, NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 234, Northwestel Inc. TN 844, Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 136 and 136A, and TELUS Communications Company TNs 168B and 168C. (streamlined order) 

2007-174 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, an ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 9 May 2007. Reference: TN 137. Eff. date: 24.05.2007.

2007-175 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/MTS Allstream Inc.; Execulink Telecom Inc./ MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200707044; 8340-E25-200707036. (streamlined order)

2007-176 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 74 and 74A, 75 and 75A, and Bell Canada TNs 7019 and 7019A, 7020 and 7020A. (streamlined order)

2007-177 - The Commission approves on a final basis TELUS Communications Company's applications to increase its Centrex Service rates in Alberta and British Columbia. Reference: TNs 571 (TCI) and 4257 (TCBC).

2007-178 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 234 and 234A (Aliant Telecom); NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 230, 231, and 232; Société en commandite Télébec TNs 344 and 345; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 585 (TCI), 256, and 257. (streamlined order)

2007-179 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 86, Bell Canada TN 7032, TELUS Communications Company TN 4273 (TCBC), and Téléphone Milot inc. TNs 32 and 32A. (streamlined order)

2007-180 - The Commission approves on an interim basis agreements between TelNet Communications and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T27-200707250; 8340-T27-200707268; 8340-T27-200707276. (streamlined order)

2007-181 - The Commission approves on a final basis an agreement between 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique) and Maskatel inc. Reference: 8340-S74-200706343. (streamlined order)

2007-182 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 238 (Aliant Telecom) and 87; Bell Canada TN 7033; Télébec, Société en commandite (formerly Société en commanditeTélébec) TN 346; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4274 (TCBC), 4275 (TCBC), 4276 (TCBC), 4277 (TCBC), 4278 (TCBC), 4279 (TCBC), 586 (TCI), 587 (TCI), 588 (TCI), 589 (TCI), 590 (TCI), 449 (TCQ), 260, 261, 262 and 263. (streamlined order)

2007-183 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 15 May 2007. Reference: TN 7034. Eff. date: 31.05.07.

2007-184 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 15 May 2007. Reference: TN 88. Eff. date: 31.05.07.

2007-185 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an agreement between TelNet Communications and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T27-200707797. (streamlined order)

2007-186 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 73 and Bell Canada TN 7018. (streamlined order)

2007-187 - The Commission approves on a final basis an agreement between Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. (streamlined order)

2007-188 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 89; Bell Canada TN 7035; Sogetel inc. TN 130; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4280 (TCBC), 591 (TCI) and 450 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-189 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications, dated 16 May 2007. Reference: TN 138. Eff. date = 01.06.07.

2007-190 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 15 May 2007. Reference: TN 259. Eff. date = 04.06.07.

2007-191 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 80, 81 and 84; Bell Canada TNs 7026 and 7027; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4272 (TCBC) and 584. (streamlined order)

2007-192 - The Commission approves on a final basis Télébec, Société en commandite's trunk-side monthly wireless access service (WAS) per-circuit rates. The Commission also approves a trunk-side WAS Reserved Telephone Number rate of $4.00 per block of 100 numbers. Reference: 8740-T78-0285/02.

2007-193 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 85 and 90; Bell Canada TN 7030; and TBayTel TN 132.

2007-194 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Iristel Inc./Bell Canada; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited. Reference: 8340-J64-200707820 and 8340-R22-200707904.

2007-195 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 235 (Aliant Telecom) and TELUS Communications Company TN 445 (TCQ) and 446 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-196 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Maskatel inc.; Bell Canada/TELUS Communications Company; Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited/Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-Q19-200706880, 8340-B2-200706864, 8340-T7-200706757, 8340-T7-200706799, 8340-T7-200706807, 8340-T7-200706814. (streamlined order)

2007-197 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 237 (Aliant Telecom) and TELUS Communications Company TN 448 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-198 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique); Distributel Communications Limited/MTS Allstream Inc.; Execulink Telecom Inc./MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-Q19-200706947, 8340-D11-200707044 and 8340-E25-200707036. (streamlined order)

2007-199 - The Commission approves on a final basis Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 3 May 2007. Reference: 8643-T7-200707028.

2007-200 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Iristel Inc./Bell Canada; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Durham Net Inc. (operating as Telnet Communications). Reference: 8340-J64-200707979, 8340-J64-200707987 and 8340-R22-200707995. (streamlined order)

2007-201 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 451 (TCQ) and 452 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-202 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company's (TCC) application to withdraw Mini Voice Messaging service in its incumbent territory in Quebec. The Commission also directs TCC to send a reminder to customers who will be automatically migrated to its Voice Messaging service. Reference: TNs 439 and 439A.

2007-203 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 239 (Aliant Telecom), 241 (Aliant Telecom) and 91, Bell Canada TN 7036, Iristel Inc. TN 1, and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 624. (streamlined order)

2007-204 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Bluewater TV Cable Ltd. (streamlined order)

2007-205 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 76 and Bell Canada TN 7022. (streamlined order)

2007-206 - The Commission approves on a final basis applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, to introduce Accelerated Installation service. Reference: Bell Canada TN 7001 and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 56.

2007-207 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: TelNet Communications/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T27-200707250, 8340-T27-200707268 and 8340-T27-200707276. (streamlined order)

2007-208 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 83 and 86; Bell Canada TNs 7029 and 7032; Cochrane Telecom Services TN 58; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 234; Northwestel Inc. TN 844; TELUS Communications Company TNs 255, 258, 447 (TCQ) and 4273 (TCBC); Téléphone Milot inc. TNs 32 and 32A. (streamlined order)

2007-209 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 883 (NST); MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 610, 610A, 625, 626 and 627; Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 347; and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4281 (TCBC), 592 (TCI), 453 (TCQ), 264 and 265. (streamlined order)

2007-209-1 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-9 dated 11 June 2007 is amended.

2007-210 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Mountain Cablevision Ltd. Reference: 8340-M9-200708498. (streamlined order)

2007-211 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 1 June 2007. Reference: TN 242 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date: 13.06.07.

2007-212 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 1 June 2007. Reference: TN 243 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date: 13.06.07.

2007-213 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 1 June 2007. Reference: TN 93. Eff. date: 13.06.07.

2007-214 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 1 June 2007. Reference: TN 7038. Eff. date: 13.06.07.

2007-215 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 5 June 2007. Reference: TN 454 (TCQ). Eff. date: 19.06.07.

2007-216 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Fibernetics Corporation TN 1, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 94 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 139. (streamlined order)

2007-217 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 87, Bell Canada TN 7033, Télébec, Limited Partnership (formerly Société en commandite Télébec) TN 346, and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4274 (TCBC), 4275 (TCBC), 4276 (TCBC), 4277 (TCBC), 4278 (TCBC), 4279 (TCBC), 586 (TCI), 587 (TCI), 588 (TCI), 589 (TCI), 590 (TCI), 449 (TCQ), 260, 261, 262 and 263. (streamlined order)

2007-218 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between TelNet Communications and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-T27-200707797. (streamlined order)

2007-219 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 85, 89 and 90, Bell Canada TNs 7030 and 7035, Sogetel inc. TN 130; TBayTel TN 132 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 4280 (TCBC), 591 (TCI) and 450 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-220 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and Maskatel Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200708828. (streamlined order)

2007-221 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 244 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-222 - The Commission approves on a final basis Northwestel Inc.'s applications to increase its Manual Mobile Telephone Service rates. Reference: TNs 840 and 840A.

2007-223 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada and an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, with effective dates of 1 July 2007 for the voice services and 1 August 2007 for the data services. Reference: Bell Canada TN 7037 and Bell Aliant TN 92.

2007-224 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 96 and 245 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-225 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 137 and TELUS Communications Company TNs 451 (TCQ) and 452 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-226 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Bluewater TV Cable Ltd.; Iristel Inc./Bell Canada; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Durham Net Inc. (operating as Telnet Communications). Reference: 8340-B58-200708034, 8340-J64-200707820, 8340-J64-200707979, 8340-J64-200707987, 8340-R22-200707904, 8340-R22-200707995. (streamlined order)

2007-227 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Bell Canada; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616550; 8340-J63-200612087; 8340-R22-200708927. (streamlined order)

2007-228 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 246 (Aliant Telecom), 247 (Aliant Telecom), 249 (Aliant Telecom) and 98; Bell Canada TNs 7040 and 7042; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 42; Northwestel Inc. TNs 846 and 847. (streamlined order)

2007-229 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 239 (Aliant Telecom), 241 (Aliant Telecom) and 91; Bell Canada TN 7036; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 624. (streamlined order)

2007-230 - The Commission denies the applications of Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Cable Inc., Shaw Cablesystems G.P., and Vidéotron ltée for proposed tariffs for DS-3 line cards and 100Base-FX line cards for third-party Internet access services. Reference: 8740-C6-200414509, 8740-R4-200414532, 8740-S9-200414524, 8740-V3-200414516, Cogeco TN 15, Rogers TN 15, Shaw TNs 7 and 7A, Vidéotron TN 10.

2007-231 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 248, 248A and 99; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 628; TELUS Communications Company TN 267. (streamlined order)

2007-232 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 88 and 238 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 7034 and 883 (NST); MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 625 and 627; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 138; Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 347; TELUS Communications Company TN 4281 (TCBC), 592 (TCI), 453 (TCQ), 259, 264 and 265. (streamlined order)

2007-233 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Mountain Cablevision Ltd. Reference: 8340-M9-200708498. (streamlined order)

2007-234 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 94 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 139. (streamlined order)

2007-235 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 629; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 140; TELUS Communications Company TNs 593, 4282 (TCBC) and 4283 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2007-236 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 28 June 2007. Reference: TN 250. Eff. date = 13.07.2007.

2007-237 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 22 June 2007. Reference: TN 456 (TCQ). Eff. date = 10.07.2007.

2007-238 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Bell Canada; Fido Solutions Inc./Speak Telecom Inc.; TELUS Communications Company/Shaw Telecom Inc. (streamlined order)

2007-239 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada TN 7043. (streamlined order)

2007-240 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Télébec, Limited Partnership, dated 22 June 2007. Reference: TN 348. Eff. date = 10.07.2007.

2007-241 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 244 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-242 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and Maskatel Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200708828. (streamlined order)

2007-243 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 100 and 102; Bell Canada TNs 7044 and Bell Canada TN 7046. (streamlined order)

2007-244 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Execulink Telecom Inc. and Globility Communications Corporation. Reference: 8340-E25-200709628. (streamlined order)

2007-245 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 242 (Aliant Telecom), 243 (Aliant Telecom) and 93. Bell Canada TN 7038 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 626. (streamlined order)

2007-246 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 251 (Aliant Telecom), 101 and 103, Bell Canada TNs 7045 and 7047. (streamlined order)

2007-247 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Globility Communications Corporation/WTC Communications; and Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Fibernetics Corporation. Reference: 8340-G23-200709371 and 8340-R22-200709454. (streamlined order)

2007-248 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 6 July 2007. Reference: TN 104. Eff. date = 20.07.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-249 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 6 July 2007. Reference: TN 7048. Eff. date = 20.07.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-250 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TN 454 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-251 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7049, Sogetel inc. TN 131, and Téléphone Milot inc. TN 33. (streamlined order)

2007-252 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and ISP Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200709991. (streamlined order)

2007-253 - The Commission approves with changes applications by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership to introduce Business Order Cancellation. Reference: Bell Canada TN 7002 and Bell Aliant TN 57.

2007-254 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 246, 247, 249 (Aliant Telecom) and 98; Bell Canada TNs 7040 and 7042; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 42; and Northwestel Inc. TN 846. (streamlined order)

2007-255 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Bell Canada; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616550; 8340-J63-200612087; 8340-R22-200708927. (streamlined order)

2007-256 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 252 (Aliant Telecom), 105 and 106; Bell Canada TNs 7050 and 7051; Northwestel Inc. TN 847A; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 142; TELUS Communications Company TNs 4284 (TCBC) and 594 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-257 - The Commission approves the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 220 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-258 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 60; Bell Canada TN 7003. (streamlined order)

2007-259 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Fibernetics Corporation; Distributel Communications Limited/Globility Communications Corporation; Vianet Internet Solutions/ExaTEL Inc. / Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200710047; 8340-D11-200710055; 8340-E30-200709603. (streamlined order)

2007-260 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 96 and 245 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-261 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 248 and 248A (Aliant Telecom) and 99; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 628; TELUS Communications Company TN 267. (streamlined order)

2007-262 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 17 July 2007. Reference: TN 253 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 01.08.2007.

2007-263 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Télébec, Limited Partnership, dated 10 July 2007. Reference: TN 349. Eff. date = 26.07.2007.

2007-264 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN  254 (Aliant Telecom); NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 235; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 136B and 144; TELUS Communications Company TN 457 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-265 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Rogers Cable Communications Inc./9163 7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel); Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Vancouver Telephone Company Ltd.; TelNet Communications. Reference: 8340-R22-200710352; 8340-R22-200710419; 8340-T27-200710310. (streamlined order)

2007-266 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Bell Canada; Fido Solutions Inc./Speak Telecom Inc.; TELUS Communications Company/Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200617029; 8340-F21-200709545; 8340-T66-200501157.

2007-267 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Mountain Cablevision Ltd./ Bell Canada; Saskatchewan Telecommunications/MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-M9-200710641; 8340-S22-200710600; 8340-S22-200710625.

2007-268 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7043; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 629; TELUS Communications Company TNs 593 and 4283 (TCBC). (streamined order)

2007-269 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Globility Communications Corporation/WTC Communications; Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Fibernetics Corporation. Reference: 8340-G23-200709371; 8340-R22-200709454. (streamined order)

2007-270 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Sogetel inc. TN 132; TBayTel TN 133; TELUS Communications Company TNs 268, 4285 (TCBC), 595 (TCI); Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 352; Téléphone Milot inc. TN 34. (streamlined order)

2007-271 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 2 August 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 20 July 2007. Reference: TN 255. Eff. date = 02.08.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-272 - The Commission approves on an interim basis a Master Agreement for Interconnection between Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Telehop Long Distance Service Ltd. Reference: 8340-R22-200710857. (streamlined order)

2007-273 - The Commission approves a Master Agreement for Interconnection between ExaTEL Inc. and Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. Reference: 8340-E30-200709595. (streamlined order)

2007-274 - The Commission approves on a final basis a Master Agreement for Interconnection between Execulink Telecom Inc. and Globility Communications Corporation. Reference: 8340-E25-200709628. (streamlined order)

2007-275 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited, dated 24 July 2007. Reference: TN 43. Eff. date = 20.08.2007.

2007-276 - The Commission approves an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 4 April 2007, to destandardize Type C Local Loop service as it was a redundant service. Reference: TN 233 (Aliant Telecom).

2007-277 - The Commission approves on a final basis MTS Allstream's application to increase the rate from $0.25 to $0.50 per local payphone call. Reference: TNs 610 and 610A.

2007-278 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 100 and 102; Bell Canada TNs 7044 and 7046. (streamlined order)

2007-279 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 236; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 145 and 146. (streamlined order)

2007-280 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 25 July 2007. Reference: TN 107. Eff. date = 08.08.2007.

2007-281 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 25 July 2007. Reference: TN 108. Eff. date = 08.08.2007.

2007-282 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 25 July 2007. Reference: TN 7052. Eff. date = 08.08.2007.

2007-283 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 25 July 2007. Reference: TN 7053. Eff. date = 08.08.2007.

2007-284 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Distributel Communications Limited/Fibernetics Corporation; Distributel Communications Limited/Globility Communications Corporation; Vianet Internet Solutions/ExaTEL Inc. / Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200710047; 8340-D11-200710055; 8340-E30-200709603. (streamlined order)

2007-285 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Globility Communications Corporation; 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/MTS Allstream Inc. Reference : 8340-Q19-200711095; 8340-Q19-200711110. (streamlined order)

2007-286 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 27 July 2007. Reference: TN 257 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 17.08.2007.

2007-287 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited dated 1 August 2007. Reference: TN 45. Eff. date = 30.08.2007.

2007-288 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 630; TELUS Communications Company TN 269. (streamlined order)

2007-289 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 251 (Aliant Telecom), 101 and 103; Bell Canada TNs 7045 and 7047; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 140. (streamlined order)

2007-290 - The Commission approves an application by Télébec, Limited Partnership (Télébec), dated 13 July 2007, in which the company proposed to increase its pay telephone rates. Reference: TN 350.

2007-291 - The Commission approves on a final basis TELUS Communications Company's (TCC) proposed revisions to the former TCBC General Tariff item 406, and ratifies the charging of the rates for TCC's Program Transmission Service from 5 May 1998 to 13 July 2007. Reference: TN 4282 (TCBC). Eff. date = 10.08.07.

2007-292 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7049; Sogetel inc. TN 131; Téléphone Milot inc. TN 33. (streamlined order)

2007-293 - The Commission approves on a final basis a Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and ISP Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200709991. (streamlined order)

2007-294 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 252 (Aliant Telecom), 105 and 106; Bell Canada TNs 7050 and 7051; Northwestel Inc. TNs 847 and 847A; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 142; TELUS Communications Company TNs 4284 (TCBC) and 594 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-295 - The Commission approves on an interim basis NorthernTel, Limited Partnership's TN 238. (streamlined order)

2007-296 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 20 August 2007, the ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company dated 3 August 2007. Reference: TN 459 (TCQ).

2007-297 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 20 August 2007, the ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company dated 3 August 2007. Reference: TN 460 (TCQ).

2007-298 - The Commission approves the following Master Agreement for Interconnection between Globility Communications Corporation and Durham Net Inc. (operating as TelNet Communications). (streamlined order)

2007-299 - The Commission approves on an interim basis NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 237 and 237A. (streamlined order)

2007-300 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 3 August 2007. Reference: TN 110. Eff. date = 17.08.2007.

2007-301 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 3 August 2007. Reference: TN 7055. Eff. date = 17.08.2007.

2007-302 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 254 (Aliant Telecom), NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 235 and TELUS Communications Company TN 457 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-303 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Rogers Cable Communications Inc./9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel); Rogers Cable Communications Inc./Vancouver Telephone Company Ltd.; TelNet Communications. Reference: 8340-R22-200710352, 8340-R22-200710419, 8340-T27-200710310. (streamlined order)

2007-304 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 250 (Aliant Telecom), TELUS Communications Company TN 456 (TCQ) and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 348. (streamlined order)

2007-305 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Globility Communications Corporation and Fibernetics Corporation. Reference : 8340-G23-200711301. (streamlined order)

2007-306 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Mountain Cablevision Ltd./Bell Canada; Saskatchewan Telecommunications/MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-M9-200710641, 8340-S22-200710600, 8340-S22-200710625. (streamlined order)

2007-307 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Agreement for the provision of wireless service provider enhanced 9-1-1 between NorthernTel, Limited Partnership and Rogers Wireless Partnership. Reference : 8340-N51-200711376. (streamlined order)

2007-308 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 143 and 143A and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 351. (streamlined order)

2007-309 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TBayTel TN 133, TELUS Communications Company TN 268, TN 4285 (TCBC) and TN 595 (TCI) and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 352. (streamlined order)

2007-310 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 104 and Bell Canada TN 7048. (streamlined order)

2007-311 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Telnet Communications Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 6 August 2007. Reference: 8643-T27-200711269.

2007-312 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 630, TELUS Communications Company TN 269 and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 349. (streamlined order)

2007-313 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 111 and MTS Allstream Inc. TN 631. (streamlined order)

2007-314 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 17 August 2007. Reference: TN 112. Eff. date = 05.09.2007.

2007-315 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 17 August 2007. Reference: TN 7056. Eff. date = 05.09.2007.

2007-316 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 43, Sogetel inc. TN 132 and Téléphone Milot inc. TN 34. (streamlined order)

2007-317 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Telehop Long Distance Service Ltd. Reference: 8340-R22-200710857. (streamlined order)

2007-317-1 - Erratum - The Commission is issuing a revised order to correct Telecom Order CRTC 2007-317, 28 August 2007 (streamlined order)

2007-318 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 236 and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 145 and 146. (streamlined order)

2007-319 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Globility Communications Corporation; 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-Q19-200711095 and 8340-Q19-200711110. (streamlined order)

2007-320 - The Commission approves on an interim basis TELUS Communications Company TNs 254, 254A and 254B. (streamlined order)

2007-321 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 255. (streamlined order)

2007-322 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 107, 108, 110 and 253 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 7052, 7053, and 7055; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TN 238; and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 144. (streamlined order)

2007-323 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Globility Communications Corporation and Fibernetics Corporation. Reference : 8340-G23-200711301. (streamlined order)

2007-324 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 113; Bell Canada TNs 7057, 884 and 884A (NST); TELUS Communications Company TN 461 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-325 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 259 (Aliant Telecom) and 114; Bell Canada TN 7058; TELUS Communications Company TN 462 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-326 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Iristel Inc. Reference: 8340-J64-200712324. (streamlined order)

2007-327 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 28 August 2007. Reference: TN 112A. Eff. date = 06.09.2007.

2007-328 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 24 August 2007. Reference: TN 260 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 15.11.2007.

2007-329 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 28 August 2007. Reference: TN 7056A. Eff. date = 06.09.2007.

2007-330 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's application to introduce a new customer-specific arrangement for the placement of customer-provided equipment in its central offices. Reference: TNs 230 and 230A (Aliant Telecom)

2007-331 - The Commission approves on an interim basis Iristel Inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 15 August 2007. Reference: 8643-J64-200711566.

2007-332 - The Commission approves on a final basis Telnet Communications' Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 6 August 2007. Reference: 8643-T27-200711269.

2007-333 - The Commission approves on a final basis NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 237 and 237A. (streamlined order)

2007-334 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Ontera TN 117; TELUS Communications Company TNs 444, 444A and 444B (TCQ); Videotron Ltd. TNs 16 and 16A. (streamlined order)

2007-335 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 29 August 2007. Reference: TN 261 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 13.09.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-336 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Iristel Inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-J64-200712548. (streamlined order)

2007-337 - The Commission approves on a final basis Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 45. (streamlined order)

2007-338 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Agreement for the provision of wireless service provider enhanced 9-1-1 between NorthernTel, Limited Partnership and Rogers Wireless Partnership. Reference: 8340-N51-200711376. (streamlined order)

2007-339 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 257 (Aliant Telecom) and 111; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 631; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 143 and 143A; and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 351. (streamlined order)

2007-340 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 6 September 2007. Reference: TN 115. Eff. date = 14.10.2007.

2007-341 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 6 September 2007. Reference: TN 263 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 04.10.2007.

2007-342 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the ex parte application by Bell Canada, dated 6 September 2007. Reference: TN 7061. Eff. date = 14.10.2007.

2007-343 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 885 (NST) and TBayTel TN 134. (streamlined order)

2007-344 - The Commission approves TELUS Communications Company TNs 4260 (TCBC) and 574 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-345 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and ExaTEL Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200712621. (streamlined order)

2007-346 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Canada TNs 7004 and 7004A. (streamlined order)

2007-347 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 459 (TCQ) and 460 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-348 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie TN 34; Northwestel Inc. TN 850; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 148; Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 353. (streamlined order)

2007-349 - The Commission approves on an interim basis a Master Agreement for Interconnection between Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Iristel Inc. Reference: 8340-R22-200712804. (streamlined order)

2007-350 - The Commission approves, on a de novo basis, an application by MTS Allstream Inc., dated 30 May 2007, to revise General Tariff item 2142 - Calling Features, and Special Services and Facilities Tariff item 9710 - Wire Watch Service, in order to increase the rates for various optional calling features, including call waiting, call forwarding, call display and three-way calling. Reference: TN 626.

2007-351 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 113; Bell Canada TNs 7057, 884 and 884A (NST); TELUS Communications Company TNs 230, 254, 254A and 254B; La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick TN 40. (streamlined order)

2007-352 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications CompanyTNs 271, 4286 (TCBC) and 596 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-353 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 30 September 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 13 September 2007.

2007-354 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 25 September 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 12 September 2007.

2007-354-1 - The Commission is issuing corrections to Ex parte application , Telecom Order CRTC 2007-354, 25 September 2007. Reference: TN 7062.

2007-355 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 26 September 2007, the ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications dated 12 September 2007.

2007-356 - The Commission approves on a final basis Iristel Inc.'s Primary Interexchange Carrier/Customer Account Record Exchange Access Customer Handbook filed on 15 August 2007. Reference: 8643-J64-200711566.

2007-357 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 116; Bell Canada TN 7063; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 239 and 239A; Télébec, Limited Partnership TNs 354 and 354A; TELUS Communications Company TNs 272 and 4287 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2007-358 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 12 October 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 18 September 2007. Reference: TN 119.

2007-359 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 28 September 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 14 September 2007. Reference: TN 266 (Aliant Telecom)

2007-360 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 12 October 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 18 September 2007. Reference: TN 7066.

2007-361 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 1 October 2007, the ex parte application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications dated 17 September 2007. Reference: TN 150.

2007-362 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Basic Listing Interchange File Agreement filed by Iristel Inc. on 28 August 2007. (streamlined order)

2007-363 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 259 (Aliant Telecom) and 114; Bell Canada TN 7058; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 113; and TELUS Communications Company TN 462 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-364 - The Commission approves Northwestel Inc.'s application to withdraw Manual Mobile Service in Cold Fish Lake, Fox Pass, Caribou Hide, Little Klappen, Terminus Mountain, Dezadeash, and Hay River. Reference: TN 848. Eff. date = 28.12.2007.

2007-365 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Saskatchewan Telecommunications/Shaw Communications Inc.; Saskatchewan Telecommunications/ Globility Communications Corporation. Reference: 8340-S22-200713380; 8340-S22-200713406. (streamlined order)

2007-366 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: MTS Allstream Inc. TN 633. (streamlined order)

2007-367 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnershipa, dated 21 September 2007. Reference: TN 267 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date = 05.10.2007.

2007-368 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 92A, Bell Canada TN 7037A; MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 634 and           635. (streamlined order)

2007-369 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 6921 and 6921A and Ontera TN 97. (streamlined order)

2007-370 - The Commission approves the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and Distributel Communications Ltd. Reference: 8340-F21-200711318. (streamlined order)

2007-371 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for I nterconnection between Iristel Inc. and Globility Communications Corp. Reference: 8340-J64-200713439. (streamlined order)

2007-372 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Iristel Inc./Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-J64-200712548. (streamlined order)

2007-373 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 14 September 2007. Reference: TN 265 (Aliant Telecom). Eff. date: 01.11.2007.

2007-374 - The Commission approves on a final basis a Master Agreement for Interconnection between Distributel Communications Limited and ExaTEL Inc. Reference: 8340-D11-200712621. (streamlined order)

2007-375 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 264, 264A, 268 and 269 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-376 - The Commission approves Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 240 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-377 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 141 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs  739, 739A, 744, 744A, 745, 746, 776, 777, 778, 808, 808A, 810 and 885 (NST); Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 31, 31A, 49 and 61; TBayTel TN 134; Télébec, Limited Partnership TNs 339, 339A and 339B; TELUS Communications Company TNs 90, 102, 461 (TCQ), 499, 499A, 499B, 514, 527 (former TCI), 4184, 4184A, 4184B, 4196 and 4207 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2007-378 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Rogers Cable Communications Inc. and Iristel Inc. Reference: 8340-R22-200712804. (streamlined order)

2007-379 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 112 and 112A; Bell Canada TNs 7056 and 7056A; La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie TN 34; Northwestel Inc. TN 850; Ontera TN 117; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 148; Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 353; Videotron Ltd. TNs 16 and 16A. (streamlined order)

2007-380 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 261 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 6639 and 6913; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 6, 6A, 59 and 60; Stentor Resource Centre Inc. (now Bell Canada NST) TNs 629 and 629A; and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 326. (streamlined order)

2007-381 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: FCI Broadband TN 17; La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie TNs 35 and 35A; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 636; Rogers Cable Communications Inc. TN 7; TELUS Communications Company TNs 4289 (TCBC); 598 (former TCI), 274, 274A, 444C and 444D (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-382 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for CLEC-IXC Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and Yak Communications (Canada) Inc. Reference: 8340-F21-200713505. (streamlined order)

2007-383 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 271, 4286 (TCBC) and 596 (TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-385 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 270 (Aliant Telecom), 122 and 123; Bell Canada TN 7069; Kenora Municipal Telephone System TN 44; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 637; TBayTel TNs 136 and 137; TELUS Communications Company TNs 464 and 464A (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-386 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 399 (former TCI) and 417 (former TCI). (streamlined order)

2007-387 - The Commission approves on a final basis Northwestel Inc. TN 747. (streamlined order)

2007-388 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Saskatchewan Telecommunications/Shaw Communications Inc; Saskatchewan Telecommunications/Globility Communications Corporation. Reference: 8340-S22-200713380 and 8340-S22-200713406. (streamlined order)

2007-389 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 116; Bell Canada TN 7063; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 239 and 239A; Télébec, Limited Partnership TNs 354 and 354A; TELUS Communications Company TNs 272 and 4287 (TCBC). (streamlined order)

2007-390 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TNs 455 and 455A. (streamlined order)

2007-391 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 163 and 163B. (streamlined order)

2007-392 - The Commission approves on a final basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Iristel Inc./Globility Communications Corp. Reference: 8340-J64-200713439. (streamlined order)

2007-393 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Fido Solutions Inc.; Fido Solutions Inc./MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-Q19-200714404 and 8340-F21-200714586. (streamlined order)

2007-394 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TN 7071; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 151. (streamlined order)

2007-395 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by TBayTel, dated 26 September 2007 and amended on 3 October 2007, in order to transfer responsibility for all installations, additions, moves, and rearrangements of inside wire, and maintenance and repair of existing inside wire to single-line residential subscribers. Reference: TNs 135 and 135A.

2007-396 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 92 and 92A; Bell Canada TNs 7037 and 7037A; and MTS Allstream Inc. TNs 634 and 635. (streamlined order)

2007-397 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 256, 256A (Aliant Telecom), 264, 264A (Aliant Telecom), 266 (Aliant Telecom), 268 (Aliant Telecom) and 269 (Aliant Telecom); and Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 149. (streamlined order)

2007-398 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 124; Bell Canada TNs 7070, 7072 and 7072A; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 46; and TBayTel TN 137A. (streamlined order)

2007-399 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Master Agreement for Interconnection between Fido Solutions Inc. and Execulink Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-F21-200714859. (streamlined order)

2007-400 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 18 October 2007. Reference: TN 275. Eff. date = 01.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-401 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 150. (streamlined order)

2007-402 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Videotron Ltd. TN 17. (streamlined order)

2007-403 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 21 and 21A. (streamlined order)

2007-404 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 5 November 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 23 October 2007. (streamlined order)

2007-405 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 5 November 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 23 October 2007. (streamlined order)

2007-406 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Amendment to Schedule C to Master Agreement for Interconnection between Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (formerly 2034156 Ontario Inc.) and Fido Solutions Inc. (streamlined order)

2007-407 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff application: TELUS Communications Company TNs 444, 444A, 444B, 444C and 444D (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-408 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 6 September 2007, to reintroduce a customer specific arrangement to its Local Access for Wavelength Select service. Reference: TN 7060.

2007-409 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 263 and 267 (Aliant Telecom); FCI Broadband TN 17; La Corporation de Téléphone de La Baie TNs 35 and 35A; MTS Allstream Inc TN 636; TELUS Communications Company TNs 4289 (TCBC), 598 (former TCI) and 274 and 274A. (streamlined order)

2007-410 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Fido Solutions Inc./Yak Communications (Canada) Inc.; Iristel Inc./MTS Allstream Inc. (streamlined order)

2007-411 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 127 and 128; Bell Canada TNs 7075 and 7076. (streamlined order)

2007-412 - The Commission approves on a final basis TBayTel TNs 135 and 135A. (streamlined order)

2007-413 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Iristel Inc./Videotron Ltd.; ISP Telecom Inc./9163-7918 Québec Inc.; Shaw Telecom Inc./Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-J64-200715394; 8340-J34-200715477; 8340-S61-200715485. (streamlined order)

2007-414 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 129; Bell Canada TN 7077; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 638; Ontera TN 118; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 152; TELUS Communications Company TNs 266, 266A and 276 (TCC). (streamlined order)

2007-415 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, with some modifications, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's and Bell Canada's proposed competitive local exchange carrier access to operational support systems service. Reference: Bell Canada TN 7017; Bell Aliant TN 72.

2007-416 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Rogers Cable Communications Inc., dated 23 October 2007, and amended on 29 October 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: 8740-R28-200715097.

2007-417 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs  115, 119, 122, 123 and 270 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 7061, 7066, 7069 and 7071; Kenora Municipal Telephone System TN 44; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 637; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 151; TELUS Communications Company TNs 455 and 455A (TCQ), and 464 and 464A (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-418 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/Fido Solutions Inc.; Fido Solutions Inc./MTS Allstream Inc. Reference: 8340-Q19-200714404; 8340-F21-200714586. (streamlined order)

2007-419 - The Commission approves an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and an application by Bell Canada, both dated 14 September 2007, in order to withdraw their Station Message Detail Recording - Manual Delivery service. Reference: Bell Aliant TN 117 and Bell Canada TN 7064. Eff. date: 17.02.08.

2007-420 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 130 and TN 271 (Aliant Telecom); NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 242, 243, 245 and 245A; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 153; Télébec, Limited Partnership TNs 357, 357A, 358 and 358A. (strealined order)

2007-421 - The Commission approves on an interim basis a Message Relay Service Agreement between Shaw Telecom Inc. and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. (strealined order)

2007-422 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Videotron Ltd., dated 2 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: 8740-V22-200715600.

2007-423 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, dated 2 November 2007. Reference: TN 131. Eff. date = 19.11.2007.

2007-424 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application byBell Canada, dated 2 November 2007. Reference: TN 7078. Eff. date = 19.11.2007.

2007-425 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 132; Bell Canada TN 7079; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 241 and 241A; and La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick TN 44. (streamlined order)

2007-426 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: TELUS Communications Company TNs 4264 (TCBC), 440 (TCQ), 245 and 245A. (streamlined order)

2007-427 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada dated 8 September 2007, proposing revisions to their respective versions of Access Services Tariff item 110 - Co-location Arrangements for Interconnecting Canadian Carriers and Digital Subscriber Line Service Providers. Eff. date: 16.11.07. Reference: Bell Canada TN 6981; Bell Aliant TN 36.

2007-428 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application from Télébec, Limited Partnership, dated 2 October 2007, proposing revisions to the services in its General Tariff. Reference: TN 356.

2007-429 - The Commission approves Northwestel Inc.'s application, dated 11 September 2007, proposing to discontinue providing Manual Mobile Service in the following three sites in Yukon and the Northwest Territories: MacMillan Pass (or South MacMillan), Quiet Lake, and Tungsten. Eff. date: 04.02.08. Reference: TN 849.

2007-430 - Competitor Digital Network service - Competitor link service. Reference: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 82; Bell Canada TN 7028; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 136, 136A and 136B; TELUS Communications Company TNs 168B and 168C.

2007-431 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Shaw Telecom Inc., dated 30 October 2007 and amended on 8 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 8 and 8A.

2007-432 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Canada TNs 7072 and 7072A; Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited TN 46. (streamlined order)

2007-433 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Fido Solutions Inc./Execulink Telecom Inc.; Rogers Cable Communications Inc. (formerly 2034156 Ontario Inc.)/ Fido Solutions Inc. Reference: 8340-F21-200714859 and 8340-O34-200502585. (streamlined order)

2007-434 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 262 and 262A (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 7059, 7059A and 7059B. (streamlined order)

2007-435 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 26 November 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 7 November 2007. Reference: TN 133.

2007-436 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 26 November 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 7 November 2007. Reference: TN 7080.

2007-437 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 101 and 101A; People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 55. (streamlined order)

2007-438 - The Commission approves the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 120; Bell Canada TN 7067. (streamlined order)

2007-439 - The Commission approves on a final basis CityWest Telephone Corporation (formerly Prince Rupert City Telephones) TNs 32 and 32A. (streamlined order)

2007-440 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by 9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique), dated 2 November 2007, and amended on 8 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 2 and 2A.

2007-441 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: Fibernetics Corporation/TELUS Communications Company; Fibernetics Corporation/ MTS Allstream Inc.; Fibernetics Corporation/ExaTEL Inc.; Iristel Inc./TELUS Communications Company; TELUS Communications Company/Télébec, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-F27-200716045; 8340-F27-200716053; 8340-F27-200716061; 8340-J64-200715964; 8340-T69-200318875. (streamlined order)

2007-442 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the rates, terms, and conditions for cable modem second-level testing to be used in providing third-party Internet access. Reference: Cogeco TNs 14 and 14A; Rogers TN 14; Shaw TNs 4B, 6, and 6A; Videotron TNs 9 and 9A.

2007-443 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: CityWest Telephone Corporation (formerly Prince Rupert City Telephones) TNs 79, 79A, 79B and 79C; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 211 and 212; TELUS Communications Company TN 275. (streamlined order)

2007-444 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following agreements: TBayTel/Shaw Telecom Inc.; TBayTel; TELUS Communications Company/Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-T8-200716566, 8340-T8-200716574, 8340-T8-200716608 and 8340-T66-200501157. (streamlined order)

2007-445 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 135 and 272 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TN 7083; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 639; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TNs 154, 154A and 155; Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 359. (streamlined order)

2007-446 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bell Canada, dated 15 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 7082. (streamlined order)

2007-447 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Bruce Telecom, dated 21 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 125. (streamlined order)

2007-448 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Distributel Communications Limited, dated 16 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 3. (streamlined order)

2007-449 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 4 October 2007 and amended 16 October 2007. Reference: TNs 121 and 121A. Eff. date = 28.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-450 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 22 October 2007 and amended 2 November 2007 and 20 November 2007. Reference: TNs 125, 125A and 125B. Eff. date = 28.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-451 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 4 October 2007 and amended 16 October 2007. Reference: TNs 7068 and 7068A. Eff. date = 28.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-452 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 22 October 2007 and amended 2 November 2007 and 20 November 2007. Reference: TNs 7073, 7073A and 7073B. Eff. date = 28.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-453 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by NorthernTel, Limited Partnership dated 9 November 2007. Reference: TN 246. Eff. date = 28.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-454 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company dated 16 November 2007. Reference: TN 466 (TCQ). Eff. date = 28.11.2007. (streamlined order)

2007-455 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 127 and 128; Bell Canada TNs 7075 and 7076; Videotron Ltd. TN 17. (streamlined order)

2007-456 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 265 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-457 - The Commission approves on a final basis a Message Relay Service Agreement between Shaw Telecom Inc. and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-S61-200715443. (streamlined order)

2007-458 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 137 and 138; Bell Canada TNs 7085 and 7086; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 247 and 248. (streamlined order)

2007-459 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c., dated 16 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 2 and 2A.

2007-460 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 21 November 2007. Reference: TN 136. Eff. date = 05.12.2007.

2007-461 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 21 November 2007. Reference: TN 7084. Eff. date = 05.12.2007.

2007-462 - The Commission approves an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 1 August 2007, proposing revisions to its General Tariff item 521 - 900 Service in order to destandardize this service. Reference: Tariff Notice 270.

2007-463 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Iristel Inc./Videotron Ltd.; ISP Telecom Inc./9163-7918 Québec Inc.; Shaw Telecom Inc./Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-J64-200715394, 8340-J34-200715477 and 8340-S61-200715485. (streamlined order)

2007-464 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Téléphone Drummond Inc., dated 27 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 5.

2007-465 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. TNs 28 and 28A; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 641; People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 56; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 156. TELUS Communications Company TNs 467, 467A (TCQ) and 277. (streamlined order)

2007-466 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 23 November 2007. Reference: TN 139. Eff. date = 012.12.2007.

2007-467 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 23 November 2007. Reference: TN 7087. Eff. date = 12.12.2007.

2007-468 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by EastLink, dated 23 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 20.

2007-469 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by MTS Allstream Inc., dated 23 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 640.

2007-470 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by TELUS Communications Company, dated 26 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 278.

2007-471 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Maskatel inc., dated 19 November 2007 and amended on 27 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 11 and 11A.

2007-472 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 126 and 129; Bell Canada TNs 7074 and 7077; MTS Allstream Inc. TN 638; Ontera TN 118; TELUS Communications Company TNs 266, 266A and 276. (streamlined order)

2007-473 - The Commission approves on a final basis NorthernTel, Limited Partnership's trunk-side wireless access service (WAS) at the same rates as those already approved for Télébec's trunk-side WAS, effective the date of this Order. Reference: TN 233.

2007-474 - The Commission approves on a final basis Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's and Bell Canada's applications to withdraw the Aeroplan Consumer Offer, effective 20 December 2007. Reference: Bell Aliant TN 124 and Bell Canada TN 7070.

2007-475 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 130, 132, 262 and 262A (Aliant Telecom), and 271 (Aliant Telecom); Bell Canada TNs 7059, 7059A, 7059B and 7079; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 245 and 245A; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 153; Télébec, Limited Partnership TNs 357, 357A, 358 and 358A; La Compagnie de Téléphone de Warwick TN 44. (streamlined order)

2007-476 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 140, 140A, 141 and 142; Bell Canada TNs 7088 and 7088A; La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton Inc. TN 40; TELUS Communications Company TNs 463 and 463A (TCQ) and 468 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-477 - The Commission approves Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's application to offer customers the option to extend their current Centrex Minimum Service Periods (MSPs) by one-year increments up to a maximum equal to the length of the original Centrex MSP. Reference: TN 218 (Aliant Telecom)

2007-478 - The Commission approves, on an interim basis, with changes, Bell Canada's and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership's proposed Local Number Portability and Wireless Number Portability Port-Out Request Cancellation service. Reference: Bell Aliant TN 95 and Bell Canada TN 7039.

2007-479 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: Fibernetics Corporation/TELUS Communications Company; Fibernetics Corporation/MTS Allstream Inc.; Fibernetics Corporation/ExaTEL Inc.; Iristel Inc./TELUS Communications Company; TELUS Communications Company/Télébec, Limited Partnership. Reference : 8340-F27-200716045, 8340-F27-200716053, 8340-F27-200716061, 8340-J64-200715964 and 8340-T69-200318875. (streamlined order)

2007-480 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: CityWest Telephone Corporation TNs 101 and 101A; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 241, 241A and 242; People's Tel Limited Partnership TN 55. (streamlined order)

2007-481 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 274, 275 and 278 (Aliant Telecom); MTS Allstream Inc. TN 642; NorthernTel, Limited Partnership TNs 240, 240A, 240B and 244; TELUS Communications Company TN 279; La Compagnie de Téléphone Upton Inc. TNs 40 and 40A. (streamlined order)

2007-482 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 18 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 4 December 2007. Reference: TN 143.

2007-483 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 18 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 4 December 2007. Reference: TN 7089.

2007-484 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Dedicated Services Interconnection and Settlement Agreement between TBayTel and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership. Reference: 8340-T8-200605397. (streamlined order)

2007-485 - The Commission approves on a final basis an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications dated 26 October 2007, proposing revisions to its General Tariff item 200.20 - Centrex Service II. Reference: TN 152.

2007-486 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by NRTC Communications, dated 4 December 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TN 33.

2007-487 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TNs 277 (Aliant Telecom) and 144; Provincial Tel Inc. TN 3; TELUS Communications Company TN 469 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-488 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 20 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 6 December 2007. Reference: TN 145. (streamlined order)

2007-489 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff application: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 276 (Aliant Telecom). (streamlined order)

2007-490 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 20 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 6 December 2007. Reference: TN 7090. (streamlined order)

2007-491 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 19 December 2007, the ex parte application by TELUS Communications Company dated 5 December 2007. Reference: TN 470 (TCQ). (streamlined order)

2007-492 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership TN 131; and Bell Canada TN 7078. (streamlined order)

2007-493 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: Cochrane Telecom Services TNs 59, 59A and 59B; Rogers Cable Communications Inc. TN 14A; Saskatchewan Telecommunications TN 157; TELUS Communications Company TN 280. (streamlined order)

2007-494 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Telecommunications Interconnection and Service Agreement between Northwestel Inc. and TELUS Communications Company (streamlined order)

2007-495 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Fido Solutions Inc., dated 26 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 14 and 14A.

2007-496 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by 9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel), dated 28 November 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 2 and 2A.

2007-497 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 21 January 2008, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 11 December 2007. Reference: TN 147.

2007-498 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 21 January 2008, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 11 December 2007. Reference: TN 7092.

2007-499 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications: CoopTel TNs 63 and 63A; Fido Solutions Inc. TN 15; and Télébec, Limited Partnership TN 360. (streamlined order)

2007-500 - The Commission approves on an interim basis the Interconnection agreement and compensation for specialty services between Téléphone Guèvremont inc. and Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-G1-200507494. (streamlined order)

2007-501 - The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by Globility Communications Corporation, dated 30 November 2007, amended on 6 December 2007 and 18 December 2007, with respect to competitive local exchange carrier rates for interconnection. Reference: TNs 11, 11A and 11B.

2007-502 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 22 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 12 December 2007. Reference: TN 148.

2007-503 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 21 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership dated 13 December 2007. Reference: TN 149.

2007-504 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 22 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 12 December 2007. Reference: TN 7093.

2007-505 - The Commission approves on an interim basis, effective 21 December 2007, the ex parte application by Bell Canada dated 13 December 2007. Reference: TN 7094.

2007-506 - The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: TBayTel/Shaw Telecom Inc.; TBayTel; TELUS Communications Company/Shaw Telecom Inc. Reference: 8340-T8-200716566; 8340-T8-200716574; 8340-T8-200716608; 8340-T66-200501157; 8340-T66-200501157.

Telecom Costs Orders

2007-1 - The Commission approves the application by ARCH Disability Law Centre for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Part VII application by Marie Stark and Chris Stark to review and vary Review of Regulatory Framework, Telecom Decision CRTC 1994-19, 16 September 1994. Reference: 8662-S49-01/01 and 4754-283.

2007-2 - The Commission approves the application for costs by l'Union des consommateurs with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-12. Reference: 8663-C12-200610924 and 4754-281.

2007-3 - The Commission approves the application for costs by Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumer Groups with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5. Reference: 8678-C12-200605553 and 4754-286.

2007-4 - The Commission approves the application for costs by l'Union des consommateurs with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5. Reference: 8678-C12-200605553 and 4754-284.

2007-5 - The Commission approves the application for costs by Public Interest Law Centre on behalf of Consumers Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch), Manitoba Society of Seniors, and Manitoba Keewatinook Ininew Okimowin with respect to their participation in their proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5. Reference: 8678-C12-200605553 and 4754-282.

2007-6 - The Commission approves in part the application for costs by British Columbia Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the British Columbia Old Age Pensioners' Organization, Active Support Against Poverty, BC Coalition of People with Disabilities, Council of Senior Citizens' Organizations of BC, Federated Anti-Poverty Groups of BC, End Legislated Poverty, and the Tenants' Rights Action Coalition with respect to their participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-5. Reference: 8678-C12-200605553 and 4754-285.

2007-7 - The Commission approves the application for costs by l'Union des Consommateurs with respect to its participation in the proceeding resulting in Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-78. Reference: 8638-C12-200611956 and 4754-287.

2007-8 - The Commission approves the application for costs by l'Union des consommateurs with respect to its participation in the CRTC Industry Steering Committee - Electronic Numbering, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2000-17. Reference: 8621-C12-01/00 and 4754-280.

2007-9 - The Commission approves the application by l'Union des consommateurs for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Elimination of service connection charge applicable to Residential Primary Exchange Service customers, Telecom Public Notice 2006-11, 11 August 2006, as amended by Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-11-1, 12 October 2006. Reference: 8661-C12-200610057 and 4754-288.

2007-10 - The Commission approves the application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization, with respect to their participation in the proceedings initiated by Proceeding to examine whether mobile wireless services should be considered to be in the same relevant market as wireline local exchange services with respect to forbearance, and related issues, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-9, 16 June 2006 and by Proceeding to reassess certain aspects of the local forbearance framework established in Decision 2006-15, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-12, 1 September 2006. Reference: 8663-C12-200610924 and 4754-289.

2007-11 - The Commission approves the application by the Public Interest Law Centre for costs with respect to Manitoba Keewatinook Okimowin's participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2006-15 proceeding. Reference: 8678-C12-200615578 and 4754-298.

2007-12 - The Commission approves the application by ARCH Disability Law Centre for costs with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2006-15 proceeding. Reference: 8678-C12-200615578 and 4754-299.

2007-13 - The Commission approves the application by ARCH Disability Law Centre for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2006-10 proceeding. Reference: 8661-C12-200608672 and 4754-291.

2007-14 - The Commission approves the application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre, on behalf of the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs, for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2006-10 proceeding. Reference: 8661-C12-200608672 and 4754-292.

2007-15 - The Commission approves the application by l'Union des consommateurs for costs with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2007-11 proceeding. Reference: 8678-C12-200708026 and 4754-300.

2007-16 - The Commission approves the application by the Canadian Association of the Deaf for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2006-15 proceeding. Reference: 8678-C12-200615578 and 4754-303.

2007-17 - The Commission approves the application by l'Union des consommateurs for an award of costs with respect to its participation in the Telecom Public Notice 2007-12 proceeding. Reference: 8663-C12-200709925 and 4754-301.

2007-18 - The Commission approves the application by l'Union des Consommateurs for costs with respect to its participation in the follow-up proceeding to Telecom Decision 2005-38. Reference: 8638-C12-200515002 et 4754-296.

2007-19 - The Commission approves the application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre for costs with respect to its participation in the follow-up proceeding to Telecom Decision 2005-38. Reference: 8638-C12-200515002 et 4754-295.

2007-20 - The Commission approves the application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre for costs with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice 2007-9. Reference: 8660-C12-200708159 and 4754-297.

2007-21 - The Commission approves the application by l'Union des Consommateurs for costs with respect to its participation in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice 2007-6. Reference: 8663-C12-200706575 and 4754-293.

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