Câblodistribution de la Côte du Sud inc.
Saint-Damase-de-l'Islet; Saint-Cyrille-de-l'Islet; Sainte-Perpétue/Tourville; La Pocatière and vicinity, Quebec - 199708872 - 199708880 - 199708898 - 199711982
Acquisition of assets and licence amendments
1. Following a Public Hearing in the National Capital Region held on 15 December 1997, the Commission approves the applications for authority to acquire the assets of the cable distribution undertakings serving Saint-Damase-de-l'Islet and Saint-Cyrille-de-l'Islet from Télécâble Provincial inc.
2. The cost of the transaction is $152,000. Based on the evidence filed with the applications, the Commission has no concerns with respect to the availability or the adequacy of the required financing.
3. The Commission notes that the licensee also requested authority to delete the local head ends of the Saint-Damase-de-l'Islet and Saint-Cyrille-de-l'Islet undertakings as well as that of the undertaking serving Sainte-Perpétue/Tourville, property of the licensee, and to link them, by optical fibre, to its undertaking serving La Pocatière and vicinity. The Commission notes that, in Public Notice CRTC 1997-25 dated 11 March 1997, it confirmed its intention to eliminate the requirement that cable licensees own, among other things, their local head end. The Broadcasting Distribution Regulations which came into effect on 1 January 1998 do not impose this requirement. Therefore, approval of these applications is no longer required.
4. The Commission approves the licensee's application to change the authorized service area for the La Pocatière undertaking as follows:
- by adding an area located northeast of Sainte-Louise, along St-Joseph Road and Concession Road du Sable;
- by adding an area located southwest of Sainte-Louise, north of Saint-Damase-de-l'Islet and northeast of Saint-Aubert, along Concession Road 3 West, Elgin Road, Concession Road Pelletier, Concession Road 5 and Gamache Road;
- by adding an area located northwest of Tourville and southeast of Saint-Damase-de-l'Islet, along Highway 204; and
- by adding an area located south of Saint-Eugène and northwest of Saint-Cyrille-de-l'Islet, along Highway 285 and Concession Road 4 West.
5. The licensee wishes to include the areas served by the Saint-Damase-de-l'Islet, Saint-Cyrille-de-l'Islet and Sainte-Perpétue/Tourville undertakings under the licence of the undertaking serving La Pocatière and vicinity. The authorities granted herein will become effective upon surrender of the current licences issued to Télécâble Provincial inc. and Câblodistribution de la Côte du Sud inc.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General
This document is available in alternative format upon request.