ARCHIVED - Decision CRTC 98-416
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Decision |
Ottawa, 31 August 1998
Decision CRTC 98-416
J.L.R. Systems Inc.
Snowden and the rural municipality of Torch River, Saskatchewan - 199707304
Licence renewal
1. Following Public Notice CRTC 1998-51 dated 19 May 1998, the Commission renews the broadcasting licence for the radiocommunication distribution undertaking serving Snowden and the rural municipality of Torch River from 1 September 1998 to 31 August 2005, subject to the conditions in effect under the current licence, as well as to those conditions specified in the licence to be issued. This undertaking consists of the following transmitters: CH4397, CH4398, CH4399, CH4400, CH4401 and CH4402.
2. The Commission notes that this undertaking distributes, in encrypted mode, the following programming services:
The Sports Network
CITV-TV (IND) Edmonton Country Music Television KTLA Los Angeles WTBS Atlanta WGN-TV Chicago |
3. The licensee is authorized to distribute these services on channels 33, 38, 43, 47, 51 and 55, each with a transmitter power of 20 watts, as certified by the Department of Industry.
4. In Public Notice CRTC 1992-59 dated 1 September 1992 and entitled Implementation of an Employment Equity Policy, the Commission announced that the employment equity practices of broadcasters would be subject to examination by the Commission. In this regard, the Commission encourages the licensee to consider employment equity issues in its hiring practices and in all other aspects of its management of human resources.
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
Laura M. Talbot-Allan
Secretary General |
This document is available in alternative format upon request.
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