Telecom Order CRTC 2007-192
Ottawa, 28 May 2007
Télébec, Société en commandite
Reference: 8740-T78-0285/02
Trunk-side wireless access rates and related issues
In Société en commandite Télébec - Trunk-side wireless access service rates, Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-7, 7 February 2007 (Decision 2007-7), the Commission approved, among other things, interim trunk-side wireless access service (WAS) per-circuit rates for Société en commandite Télébec (now Télébec, Société en commandite (Télébec)).
As set out in Decision 2007-7, Télébec was to notify the Commission within 20 days of the date of that Decision as to whether it agreed or disagreed with the above-noted interim trunk-side WAS per-circuit rates. A process for comments from interested parties and reply comments from Télébec was also established in Decision 2007-7.
In a letter dated 27 February 2007, Télébec notified the Commission that it found the interim rates approved in Decision 2007-7 to be acceptable. The Commission received no comments from other parties regarding these interim rates.
The Commission approves on a final basis Télébec's trunk-side monthly WAS per-circuit rates, effective the date of this Order.
Related issues - Active Telephone Number and Reserved Telephone Number rates
The Commission notes that the issue of the appropriate telephone number rates to be used in trunk-side WAS was not addressed in Decision 2007-7. In this regard, the Commission notes that, in the application leading to Decision 2007-7,1 which was last amended in May 2003, Télébec proposed that its trunk-side WAS Reserved Telephone Number rate be equal to its line-side WAS Reserved Telephone Number rate of $13.00 per block of 100 numbers (i.e. equivalent to $0.13 per number).
Subsequent to May 2003, the Commission approved a revised line-side WAS Reserved Telephone Number rate for Télébec of $4.00 per block of 100 numbers (i.e. equivalent to $0.04 per number) in Rogers Wireless Inc. - Part VII application seeking review of line-side wireless access service interconnection rates in the territories of Société en commandite Télébec, TELUS Communications Company operating in Quebec and the small incumbent local exchange carriers in Ontario and Quebec, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-31, 19 May 2006 (Decision 2006-31). In this Order, the Commission considers that the trunk-side WAS Reserved Telephone Number rate should be set equal to the updated equivalent line-side rate.
Further, the Commission notes that, in the application that led to Decision 2007-7, Télébec also proposed a rate of $13.00 per block of 100 numbers for Active Telephone Numbers for trunk-side WAS. The equivalent line-side WAS Active Telephone Number rate was designed to capture the telephone number provisioning costs and the additional one-way usage costs from the wireline subscriber to the wireless customer. The Commission considers that the Active Telephone Number rate element is not required for trunk-side WAS as the associated per-circuit rate captures all two-way usage costs. In this regard, the Commission notes that NorthernTel, Limited Partnership filed an application on 24 April 2007 for its trunk-side WAS that included a proposed rate for Reserved Telephone Number of $0.04 per number (i.e. equivalent to $4.00 per block of 100 numbers) but did not contain a trunk-side Active Telephone Number rate element.2 On 3 May 2007, in Telecom Order CRTC 2007-153, the Commission approved the tariff application on an interim basis.
In light of the above, the Commission approves a trunk-side WAS Reserved Telephone Number rate of $4.00 per block of 100 numbers (i.e. equivalent to $0.04 per number), consistent with Decision 2006-31, and directs Télébec to remove the trunk-side WAS Active Telephone Number rate element from the trunk-side WAS tariff. Télébec is to issue revised tariff pages reflecting these changes within 10 days of this Order.
Secretary General
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1 Télébec, Société en commandite Tariff Notices 285, 285A, and 285B dated 17 June 2002, 7 August 2002, and 30 May 2003, respectively.
2 NorthernTel, Limited Partnership Tariff Notice 233 - Trunk-side Access Service.