Telecom Order CRTC 2007-485
Ottawa, 14 December 2007
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Reference: Tariff Notice 152
Withdrawal of Station Message Detail Recording
The Commission received an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) dated 26 October 2007, proposing revisions to its General Tariff item 200.20 - Centrex Service II, in order to destandardize and withdraw the Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) feature. SaskTel requested approval to destandardize and withdraw this feature effective 9 November 2007.
In support of its application, SaskTel provided the information required by the Commission in Telecom Circular 2005-7, which established new procedures for the destandardization and/or withdrawal of tariffed services.
SaskTel indicated that no customer currently used this feature. SaskTel submitted that this feature was useful when the rates for long distance calls were high, but that it was no longer cost-effective for customers to assign resources to monitor and analyze the data provided. SaskTel also submitted that although it provided SMDR as part of the package price for customers with over 5,000 lines, they did not use this feature. SaskTel submitted that due to low rates for long distance service, it did not anticipate any demand for the feature and therefore proposed no substitute service.
In addition, SaskTel indicated that a transition plan and a notice to affected customers were not required since there were no customers.
In Telecom Order 2007-414, the Commission approved SaskTel's application on an interim basis, effective 9 November 2007.
The Commission received no comments regarding this application.
The Commission considers that SaskTel has fulfilled the requirements set out in Telecom Circular 2005-7. As such, the Commission considers that SaskTel's application to destandardize and withdraw the SMDR feature is reasonable.
In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis SaskTel's application.
Secretary General
Related documents
New procedures for disposition of applications dealing with the destandardization and/or withdrawal of tariffed services, Telecom Circular CRTC 2005-7, 30 May 2005
- Telecom Order CRTC 2007-414, 7 November 2007
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