Telecom Order CRTC 2007-73
Ottawa, 5 March 2007
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notices 6812 and 6812A
Internet Voice Access Service
In this Order, the Commission approves on a final basis Bell Canada's proposed Tariff Notices 6812 and 6812A.
The Commission received an application dated 10 May 2004, under Tariff Notice 6812 (TN 6812), in which Bell Canada proposed to introduce Access Services Tariff item 140 - Internet Voice Access Service. Bell Canada submitted that the proposed service arrangements would enable it to offer call origination and termination functionality to and from the public switched telephone network to voice over Internet service providers (VISPs). The company noted that similar service functionality was already being made available to VISPs by alternative suppliers and that its proposed service would represent another option for both new and existing VISPs. TN 6812 was approved on an interim basis in Bell Canada - Internet voice access service, Telecom Order CRTC 2004-353, 29 October 2004 (Order 2004-353).
The Commission received an application dated 15 December 2004, under Tariff Notice 6812A (TN 6812A), in which Bell Canada proposed to revise Internet Voice Access Service to include privacy provisions to safeguard customer information that might be available to VISPs through the use of Common Channel Signalling 7 (CCS7) interconnection. TN 6812A was approved on an interim basis in Bell Canada - Amendment - Internet Voice Access Service, Telecom Order CRTC 2005-123, 4 April 2005 (Order 2005-123).
The Commission received comments with respect to TN 6812 dated 9 June 2004 from each of Allstream Corp., now MTS Allstream Inc.; the Canadian Cable Television Association, which later changed its name to the Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association; Cogeco Cable Inc.; Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.; Microcell Solutions Inc.; and Xit telecom inc. (Xit telecom). The Commission received additional comments from Xit telecom, dated 5 July 2004 and 23 July 2004, and reply comments from Bell Canada, dated 21 June 2004 and 23 July 2004.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission notes that parties' comments regarding TN 6812 primarily related to local number portability, treatment of 9-1-1 calls, and charges for directory listings. The Commission also notes that in Order 2004-353, it indicated that it was satisfied with Bell Canada's response and clarifications related to these matters.
However, in Order 2004-353 the Commission expressed concern about Bell Canada's proposal to make CCS7 interconnection available to VISPs. The Commission was also concerned that Bell Canada's proposed tariff would considerably expand the number of companies that would qualify for CCS7 interconnection and that this raised concerns for consumer privacy. The Commission noted that the word "reserved" had a specific meaning in relation to telephone numbers, but that in its proposed tariff, Bell Canada had used that word with a substantially different meaning. In order to ensure that the meaning of the tariff was clear, the Commission considered that the word "reserved" in the proposed tariff should be replaced by a term such as "assigned."
Consequently, in Order 2004-353 the Commission approved TN 6812 on an interim basis, with the following modifications:
- access was to be limited to telecommunications carriers; and
- the multiple occurrences of the word "reserved" in reference to telephone numbers in the proposed tariff pages were to be replaced with the word "assigned" or another appropriate word.
The Commission notes that Bell Canada issued tariff pages reflecting these modifications, as required.
The Commission notes that in TN 6812A, Bell Canada referred to the Commission's stated concerns in Order 2004-353 regarding CCS7 interconnection and consumer privacy, and that it proposed to include privacy provisions to safeguard customer information that might be available to VISPs through the use of CCS7 interconnection, in order to allow Internet Voice Access Service to be made available to VISPs that were not Canadian carriers. Included in TN 6812A were restrictions related to display of caller name and number identification information, the requirement that VISPs comply with all other existing and future regulatory requirements designed to protect customer privacy, and the requirement that VISPs abide by the Commission's rules regarding the confidentiality of customer information. In the Commission's view, these provisions fully address these concerns.
In Order 2005-123, the Commission stated that it considered that the amendments proposed in TN 6812A satisfied its expressed concerns regarding customer privacy.
The Commission notes that it has not received any further comments regarding either TN 6812 or TN 6812A.
Accordingly, the Commission approves on a final basis TNs 6812 and 6812A.
Secretary General
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