Title of agreement
File no.
Date of application
9163-7918 Québec Inc. (operating as CoopTel)/ Bell Canada
Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs (MALI)
4 April 2007
9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada
Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs (MALI)
5 April 2007
9164-3122 Québec Inc. (operating as Sogetel Numérique)/Télébec, Limited Partnership
Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs (MALI)
5 April 2007
Execulink Telecom Inc./ TELUS Communications Company
Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs (MALI)
29 March 2007
Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited/ Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Message Relay Service Agreement
4 April 2007
Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited/ Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Interconnection Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Service to a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
4 April 2007
Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited/ Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs (MALI)
4 April 2007
Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited/ Bell Canada
Master Agreement for Interconnection between LECs (MALI)
2 April 2007
Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited/ Bell Canada
Message Relay Service Agreement
2 April 2007
Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited/ Bell Canada
Interconnection Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Service to a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
2 April 2007
Secretary General
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