2007-04-04 - #:  8640-C12-200706351 - Documents concernant toutes les demandes d'abstention suite à la Décision de télécom 2006-15, conformément au Décret modifiant la Décision de télécom 2006-15, C.P. 2007-532

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2008-01-31 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2008-9 Le Conseil rejette de nouveau la demande présentée par Bell Aliant en vue d'obtenir l'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence dans la circonscription de Grand Valley (Ontario).
Référence : 8640‑B54‑200706476 et 8640‑C12‑200706351

2008-01-31 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2008-8 Le Conseil rejette de nouveau la demande présentée par Bell Aliant en vue d'obtenir l'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence dans les circonscriptions de Melbourne et de Mount Brydges (Ontario).
Référence : 8640‑B54‑200705717 et 8640‑C12‑200706351

2007-11-29 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-87-1 Le Conseil apporte une correction à l'annexe 2 de la décision Bell Canada - Demandes d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires, Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-87, 13 septembre 2007. Référence : 8640-B2-200705593, 8640-B2-200706822 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-11-29 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-86-1 Le Conseil apporte une correction à l'annexe 2 de la décision Bell Aliant - Demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires, Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-86, 13 septembre 2007. Référence : 8640-B54-200706468 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-11-29 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-70-2 Le Conseil apporte une correction à l'annexe 2 de la décision Bell Aliant - Demandes d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires, Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-70, 10 août 2007, telle que modifiée par la Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-70-1, 22 août 2007. Référence : 8640-B54-200706393, 8640-B54-200706401 (Nouveau-Brunswick); 8640-B54-200706369 (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador); 8640-B54-200705634, 8640-B54-200706203, 8640-B54-200706210, 8640-B54-200706228, 8640-B54-200706236, 8640-B54-200706244, 8640-B54-200706252, 8640-B54-200706260, 8640-B54-200706278, 8640-B54-200706286, 8640-B54-200706682 (Nouvelle-Écosse); 8640-B54-200705775, 8640-B54-200705783 (Ontario); 8640-B54-200706294, 8640-B54-200706302, 8640-B54-200706319, 8640-B54-200706385, 8640-B54-200706708 (Île-du-Prince-Édouard) et 8640-C12-200706351 (générale)

2007-10-03 - Décicion de télécom CRTC 2007-96 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires présentée par Télébec, Société en commandite (Télébec) concernant une circonscription au Québec. Il rejette, par ailleurs, la demande d'abstention de Télébec concernant 5 autres circonscriptions au Québec. Référence : 8640-T78-200708266 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-09-27 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-91 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence présentée par Télébec, Société en commandite (Télébec) concernant cinq circonscriptions au Québec. Le Conseil rejette par ailleurs la demande d'abstention de Télébec concernant une autre circonscription au Québec. Référence : 8640-T78-200708290 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-09-13 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-87 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires présentée par Bell Canada concernant 59 circonscriptions en Ontario et au Québec. Il rejette par ailleurs la demande d'abstention de Bell Canada concernant 123 autres circonscriptions en Ontario et au Québec. Référence : 8640-B2-200705593, 8640-B2-200706822 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-09-13 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-86 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires présentée par Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite (Bell Aliant) concernant 16 circonscriptions en Ontario et au Québec une fois qu'il aura établi que la compagnie satisfait au critère concernant la qualité du service fourni aux concurrents pour la partie de son territoire de desserte située en Ontario et au Québec. Le Conseil rejette par ailleurs la demande d'abstention de Bell Aliant concernant 52 autres circonscriptions. Référence : 8640-B54-200706468 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-09-11 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-85 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence présentée par Bell Canada concernant deux circonscriptions en Ontario. Il rejette par ailleurs la demande d'abstention de Bell Canada concernant 56 autres circonscriptions. Référence : 8640-B2-200705593, 8640-B2-200706830 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-08-31 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-79 Le Conseil conclut qu'il s'abstiendra de réglementer les services locaux de résidence que Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite (Bell Aliant) offre dans 32 circonscriptions en Ontario et au Québec une fois qu'il aura établi que la compagnie répond au critère concernant la qualité du service offert aux concurrents pour la partie de son territoire de desserte située en Ontario et au Québec. Le Conseil rejette la demande d'abstention que Bell Aliant lui a soumise concernant 35 autres circonscriptions. Référence : 8640-B54-200706476 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-08-22 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-70-1 Le Conseil apporte une correction au paragraphe 23, alinéa i) et aux annexes 2 et 3 de la décision Bell Aliant – Demandes d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires, Décision de télécom CRTC 2007‑70, 10 août 2007. Référence : 8640‑B54‑200706393, 8640‑B54‑200706401 (Nouveau‑Brunswick); 8640‑B54‑200706369 (Terre‑Neuve‑et‑Labrador); 8640‑B54‑200705634, 8640‑B54‑200706203, 8640‑B54‑200706210, 8640‑B54‑200706228, 8640‑B54‑200706236, 8640‑B54‑200706244, 8640‑B54‑200706252, 8640‑B54‑200706260, 8640‑B54‑200706278, 8640‑B54‑200706286, 8640‑B54‑200706682 (Nouvelle‑Écosse); 8640‑B54‑200705775, 8640‑B54‑200705783 (Ontario); 8640‑B54‑200706294, 8640‑B54‑200706302, 8640‑B54‑200706319, 8640‑B54‑200706385, 8640‑B54‑200706708 (Île‑du‑Prince‑Édouard) et 8640‑C12‑200706351 (générale)

2007-08-17 - Avis public de télécom CRTC 2007-14 Examen du marché pertinent pour le service Centrex et le service perfectionné de circonscription aux fins de l'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux. Le Conseil amorce une instance afin d'examiner s'il y a lieu de considérer le service Centrex et le service perfectionné de circonscription (SPC) comme des services locaux d'affaires dans le cadre de l'examen des demandes d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux adressées au Conseil, et sinon quel serait le marché géographique pertinent pour le service Centrex et le SPC et comment le critère de la présence de la concurrence établi pour les services locaux d'affaires devrait-il s'appliquer aux services en question? Référence : 8460-C12-200711433 et 8640-C12-200706351

2007-08-10 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-70 Bell Aliant - Demandes d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux d'affaires. Référence : 8640-B54-200706393, 8640-B54-200706401 (Nouveau-Brunswick); 8640-B54-200706369 (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador); 8640-B54-200705634, 8640-B54-200706203, 8640-B54-200706210, 8640-B54-200706228, 8640-B54-200706236, 8640-B54-200706244, 8640-B54-200706252, 8640-B54-200706260, 8640-B54-200706278, 8640-B54-200706286, 8640-B54-200706682 (Nouvelle-Écosse); 8640-B54-200705775, 8640-B54-200705783 (Ontario); 8640-B54-200706294, 8640-B54-200706302, 8640-B54-200706319, 8640-B54-200706385, 8640-B54-200706708 (Île-du-Prince-Édouard); 8640-C12-200706351 (général)

2007-08-09 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-67 Le Conseil conclut qu'il s'abstiendra de réglementer les services locaux de résidence que Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite (Bell Aliant) offre dans quatre circonscriptions de la région métropolitaine de recensement (RMR) de Toronto ainsi que dans trois circonscriptions de la RMR de London dès qu'il aura établi que la compagnie répond au critère concernant la qualité du service offert aux concurrents. Par contre, le Conseil rejette la demande d'abstention que Bell Aliant lui a soumise concernant la circonscription d'Ailsa Craig de la RMR de London. Référence : 8640-B54-200705717, 8640-B54-200705741 et 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-08-03 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-66 Le Conseil approuve la demande de Saskatchewan Telecommunications visant l'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence dans la circonscription de Saskatoon. Référence : 8640-S22-200706179; 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-08-03 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-65 Le Conseil approuve les demandes d'abstention de la réglementation présentée par Bell Canada concernant les services locaux de résidence offerts dans 191 circonscriptions de l'Ontario et du Québec. Référence : 8640-B2-200705593; 8640-B2-200706830; 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-08-03 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-64 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence présentée par la Société TELUS Communications, et ce, dans 11 circonscriptions situées en Alberta, en Colombie-Britannique et au Québec. Référence : 8640-T66-200705569, 8640-T66-200705577, 8640-T66-200705650, 8640-T66-200705668 (Alberta et Colombie-Britannique); 8640-T66-200705700 (Rimouski); 8640-C12-200706351 (général).

2007-08-03 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-63 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence présentée par MTS Allstream Inc. dans la circonscription de Winnipeg. Référence : 8640-M59-200707135; 8640-C12-200706351.

2007-08-03 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-59-1  Le Conseil apporte des corrections aux paragraphes 30, 39 et 42 de la décision Bell Aliant - Demandes d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence , Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-59, 25 juillet 2007. Référence : 8640-B54-200706096, 8640-B54-200706111, 8640-B54-200706129, 8640-B54-200706153, 8640-B54-200706632 (Nouveau-Brunswick); 8640-B54-200705551, 8640-B54-200705809, 8640-B54-200705824, 8640-B54-200705874, 8640-B54-200705890, 8640-B54-200705957, 8640-B54-200705981, 8640-B54-200705999, 8640-B54-200706020, 8640-B54-200706038, 8640-B54-200706731 (Nouvelle-Écosse); 8640-B54-200706046, 8640-B54-200706054, 8640-B54-200706062, 8640-B54-200706070, 8640-B54-200706723 (Île-du-Prince-Édouard); 8640-C12-200706351 (général).

2007-07-25 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-59 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence présentée par Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite (Bell Aliant), et ce, dans 72 circonscriptions au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Nouvelle-Écosse et à l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard et rejette la demande d'abstention de Bell Aliant dans 8 circonscriptions. Référence : 8640-B54-200706096, 8640-B54-200706111, 8640-B54-200706129, 8640-B54-200706153, 8640-B54-200706632 (Nouveau-Brunswick); 8640-B54-200705551, 8640-B54-200705809, 8640-B54-200705824, 8640-B54-200705874, 8640-B54-200705890, 8640-B54-200705957, 8640-B54-200705981, 8640-B54-200705999, 8640-B54-200706020, 8640-B54-200706038, 8640-B54-200706731 (Nouvelle-Écosse); 8640-B54-200706046, 8640-B54-200706054, 8640-B54-200706062, 8640-B54-200706070, 8640-B54-200706723 (l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard); 8640-C12-200706351 (général).

2008-01-28 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description:  On 30 May 2007, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) mistakenly indicated that it was capable of serving at least 75 percent of the number of residential local exchange service lines that Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant or the Company) was capable of serving in the exchange of Melbourne, Ontario.
Document: 858979.doc - 50KO

2008-01-23 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8640-B54-200705717 - 8640-B54-200705741 - 8640-C12-200706351
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Aliant Communications régionales et Rogers Communications Inc. - Objet: Décision de télécom 2007–67 - Demande de Bell Aliant visant l'abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence dans la circonscription de Melbourne, en Ontario

2008-01-04 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: On 8 June 2007 , Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) mistakenly indicated that it was capable of serving at least 75 percent of the number of residential local exchange service lines that Bell Aliant was capable of serving in the exchanges of Grand Valley and Mount Brydges , Ontario .
Document: 847461.doc - 55KO

2007-12-20 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8640-B54-200706476 - 8640-C12-200706351
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Aliant Communications régionales et Rogers Communications Inc. - Objet: Décision de télécom 2007–67 et Décision de télécom 2007-79 – Demande de Bell Aliant visant l’abstention de la réglementation des services locaux de résidence dans les circonscriptions de Grand Valley et de Mount Brydges, en Ontario

2007-10-19 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description:  In Telecom Decisions CRTC 2007-67, 2007-70, 2007-79, 2007-86 and, 2007-95, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant or the Company) received conditional forbearance for local residential and business services in a number of markets in its Ontario, Québec, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador regions, contingent on Bell Aliant meeting the CQoS criteria for its territory.
Document: 819538.zip - 45KO

2007-06-12 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Rogers hereby files a supplemental response to its Friday, June 8th submission responsing to a letter from the CRTC dated June 7, 2007.
Document: 774373.pdf - 29KO

2007-06-12 - Execulink Telecom Inc.
Description:  Execulink Telecom Inc. (Execulink) is in receipt of a Reply Comments from the Bell Canada and Bell Aliant ( Bell ) dated 11June 2007.
Document: 774348.doc - 46KO

2007-06-11 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description:  In accordance with the procedure set out in the Commission's 15 May 2007 letter, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell   Canada provide the enclosed reply comments concerning their local forbearance applications
Document: 774110.zip - 64KO

2007-06-11 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Rogers hereby files a supplemental response to its Friday, June 8th submission responding to a letter from the CRTC dated June 7, 2007.
Document: 773952.pdf - 28KO

2007-06-09 - Execulink Telecom Inc.
Description:  Execulink Telecom Inc. is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated 7 June 2007 directing Execulink to provide a further response to its forbearance information submission.
Document:  773584.doc - 74KO

2007-06-08 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) for Videotron Ltd.
Description:  In accordance with the Commission's procedural letter of 7 June 2007, Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), on behalf of its affiliate Videotron Ltd. (Videotron), hereby files a revised version of the Appendix to its 30 May 2007 letter providing information required to establish the extent of Videotron's network in the various exchanges in Quebec and Ontario for which Bell Canada and Bell Aliant have requested local exchange forbearance
Document:  773507.zip - 37KO

2007-06-08 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description:  Cogeco is in receipt of the Commission 7 June 2007 letter in which the Commission staff requests that competitors using their own facilities to provide local exchange services, including Cogeco , provide the total number of households and business access lines capable of being served with local exchange services by exchange.
Document: 773498.doc - 315KO

2007-06-08 - CoopTel

Description: Par la présente, 9163-7918 Québec inc. (CoopTel ESLC) se soumet aux exigences de la lettre du Conseil du 7 juin 2007 relative à la requête mentionnée en rubrique (Objet).

Document: 1232317.zip - 1552 KO

2007-06-08 - EastLink
Description: Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's 7 June 207 letter, EastLink provides the following comments and information.
Document: 773491.pdf - 148KO

2007-06-08 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Bruce Telecom is in receipt of applications for local forbearance from Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Partnership for Residential Local Exchange Services and for Business Local Exchange Services.
Document: 773368.doc - 262KO

2007-06-08 - Sogetel Numérique (9164-3122 Québec Inc.)
Description:  9164-3122 Québec inc., faisant affaire sous le nom de Sogetel Numérique, désire se soumettre à la décision du Conseil relative à la requête déposée par Bell Canada, Bell Aliant et autres (Ci-après appelées collectivement : les Compagnies) pour la divulgation des renseignements déposés confidentiellement auprès du CRTC dans le dossier mentionné en rubrique
Document: 773159.zip - 54KO

2007-06-08 - Bell Mobility
Description:  Bell Mobility Inc. (or the Company) is in receipt of a 7 June 2007 Commission letter on the above-noted matter.   The Company is also in receipt of applications by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) dated 14 April 2007 and 11 April 2007 requesting forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in a number of exchanges in Alberta , British Columbia and Québec.
Document: 773218.doc - 38KO

2007-06-08 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Rogers is in receipt of a letter from the CRTC dated June 7, 2007 directing Rogers to provide a further response to its May 30, 2007 forbearance information submission.
Document:  773223.pdf - 42KO

2007-06-08 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description:  Primus is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated 6 June 2007, in which the Commission directs parties to disclose certain information to either an ILEC or on the public record.   Pursuant to that letter, Primus hereby files its responses to the three disclosure orders made by the Commission
Document: 773225.doc - 95KO

2007-06-08 - Globility Communications Corporation (Globility)
Description: Globility is providing the following information for the public record as per the Commission's letter of 7 June 2007 .
Document: 773173.doc - 157KO

2007-06-08 - Mountain Cablevision Ltd.
Description:  Mountain Cablevision is in receipt of the
CRTC’s letter, Applications for local forbearance – Requests for disclosure
of competitors information, dated 7 June 2007.
Document: 773106.pdf - 81KO

2007-06-08 - MTS Allstreams Inc.
Description:  MTS Allstream is in receipt of a letter from Commission staff, dated 7 June 2007, giving competitors one day to provide, on the public record, certain information relating to their capability to provide local exchange services, including the total number of households and business access lines, as applicable, capable of being served with local exchange services in each exchange where an applicant ILEC is relying on the competitor's presence to meet the Competitor Presence Test
Document: 773104.doc - 102KO

2007-06-08 - Téléphone Drummond Inc.
Description: Par la présente correspondance, nous désirons donner suite a la lettre émise par le Conseil en date du 7 juin 2007.
Document:  773051.pdf - 350KO

2007-06-08 - Maskatel Inc.
Description: Par la présente correspondance, nous désirons donner suite a la lettre émise par le Conseil en date du 7 juin 2007
Document: 773060.pdf - 97KO

2007-06-07 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demande d'abstention locale - Demandes de divulgation de renseignements sur les concurrents

2007-06-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS is in receipt of applications filed by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant (collectively, Bell) for forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in nearly 400 separate local exchanges across eastern Canada (the Applications), as well as supplemental information to these forbearance applications, filed by Bell on 17 May 2007 and 28 May 2007 (respectively, the 17 May Supplemental Information and 28 May Supplemental Information).
Document: 772205.zip - 70KO

2007-06-06 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  MTS is in receipt of applications filed by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited partnership (Bell Aliant) for forbearance from the regulation of business local exchange services in numerous local exchanges across the Atlantic provinces, Ontario and Quebec (the Applications) as well as supplemental information to these forbearance applications, filed by Bell Aliant on 17 May 2007 and 28 May 2007 (respectively, the 17 May Supplemental Information and 28 May Supplemental Information).
Document: 772139.zip - 85KO

2007-06-06 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) for Videotron Ltd.
Description:  In accordance with the Commission's procedural letters of 7 May and 15 May 2007, QMI, on behalf of its affiliate Videotron Ltd. (Videotron), hereby provides its comments on the above-mentioned applications.
Document: 772125.doc - 104KO

2007-06-06 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description:  Primus is in receipt of   and has reviewed various local forbearance applications filed by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (collectively Bell), TELUS and MTS Allstream.   Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in its letters dated 7 May 2007 and 15 May 2007 , Primus hereby files its comments.
Document: 772088.doc - 95KO

2007-06-06 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's letter of May 15, 2007 , the Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA) submits the following comments with respect to applications filed by the ILECs for forbearance from regulation of local exchange services in all markets served or planned to be served by CCSA Member Companies. CCSA's comments are of a general nature. Individual Member Companies may submit their own comments with respect to applications that affect their respective serving areas
Document: 772085.doc - 537KO

2007-06-06 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description:  The Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) are pleased to enclose their supplementary comments on the above-noted applications.
Document: 772082.zip - 106KO

2007-06-06 - EastLink
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure set out by the Commission, Bragg Communications carrying on business as EastLink, hereby files replies to the various forbearance applications filed by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Document: 772059.zip - 386KO

2007-06-04 - Globility Communications Corporation
Description: Globility Communications Corporation (Globility) is in receipt of a request for disclosure from Bell dated 01 June 2007 regarding information filed by Globility dated 30 May 2007.
Document: 772494.doc - 157KO

2007-06-04 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) for Videotron Ltd.
Description:  Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), on behalf of its affiliate Videotron Ltd. (Videotron), is in receipt of a request for disclosure and additional information from Bell dated 01 June 2007 regarding the information filed by QMI on 30 May 2007 in relation to the above-mentioned applications.   The following are QMI's responses to Bell 's requests
Document: 771165.doc - 61KO

2007-06-04 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  Further to TELUS letter dated 30 May 2007, TELUS believes that it provides coverage to at least 75% of each of the exchanges for which forbearance is requested by Bell Aliant in the Maritime and MTS Allstream and SaskTel.
Document: 771129.pdf - 12KO

2007-06-04 - EastLink
Description:  Bragg Communications carrying on business as EastLink is in receipt of a letter dated June 1, 2007 from Bell Aliant Regional Communications and Bell Canada (the Companies) requesting the disclosire of information filed in confidence by EastLink in its letter of May 30, 2007
Document: 771066.pdf - 111KO

2007-06-04 - Sogetel Numérique (9164-3122 Québec Inc.)
Description:  9164-3122 Québec inc., faisant affaire sous le nom de Sogetel Numérique, désire répliquer à la lettre du 1er juin dernier que vous adressaient Bell Canada et Bell Aliant (ci-après nommées collectivement : les Compagnies)
Document: 771032.doc - 120KO

2007-06-04 - Mountain Cablevision Ltd.
Description:  Mountain Cablevision is in receipt of the requests for disclosure and additional information filed by Bell Aliant Regional Communications and Bell Canada further to the Commission's letters on procedures, dated May 7, and May 15, 2007.  Mountain Cablevision hereby files its responses to those requests.
Document: 770945.pdf - 90KO

2007-06-01 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description:  Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of submissions filed by competitors in response to the Commission's 7 May 2007 request, as amended on 15 May 2007, for additional information related to the local forbearance applications of the incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs).
Document: 770727.zip - 25KO

2007-05-30 - Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) for Videotron Ltd.
Description:  In accordance with the Commission's procedural letters of 7 May and 15 May 2007 , Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), on behalf of its affiliate Videotron Ltd. (Videotron), hereby provides information required to establish the extent of Videotron's network in the various exchanges in Quebec and Ontario for which Bell Canada and Bell Aliant have requested local exchange forbearance.
Document: 769139.zip - 42KO

2007-05-30 - EastLink
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's 15 May 2007 letter, EastLink hereby provides the information sought by the Commission relating to EastLink's presence in the exchanges over which Bell Aliant Regional Communications seeks forbearance.
Document:  769127.pdf - 169KO

2007-05-30 - WTC Communications (WTC)
Description:  WTC is in receipt of applications for local forbearance from Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional for Residential Local Exchange Services and for Business Local Exchange Services.
Document: 769095.pdf - 1501KO

2007-05-30 - Mountain Cablevision Ltd.
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures established in the CRTC's letter, Applications for Local Forbearance - Additional Information and other Related Issues, as amended 15 May 2007 , please find Mountain Cablevision Ltd.'s response concerning market penetration in the Bell Canada exchanges serviced by Mountain Cable
Document:  769082.zip - 119KO

2007-05-28 - Access Communications Co-operative Limited
Description:  In response to your letter, dated May 7, 2007, requesting additional information, Access does not provide service in any of the exchanges for which forbearance has been sought.
Document: 769594.pdf - 13KO

2007-05-28 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada (or the Company) provides the information described below pursuant to the Commission's 25 May 2007 letter regarding Application for local forbearance - Requests for disclosure (the Commission letter)
Document: 768680.zip - 62KO - 768680_1.zip - 1760KO

2007-05-28 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant or the Company) submits the enclosed information in response to the 25 May 2007 letter from Commission staff directing the Company to provide specified information in response to requests for public disclosure from interested parties.
Document: 768663.zip - 80KO

2007-05-25 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demande d'abstention locale - Demandes de divulgation de renseignements

2007-05-23 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's 15 May 2007 letter, Attachment 1 provides the reply of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada to requests for further disclosure related to their local forbearance applications
Document: 767447.zip - 31KO

2007-05-23 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) is in receipt of correspondence, dated 22 May 2007, and filed by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) with respect to TELUS’ applications for retail residential forbearance in the exchanges noted above.
Document:  767129.pdf - 28KO

2007-05-22 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc.(CCSA)
Description:  The CCSA hereby submits, on behalf of its Member Companies, the following request for disclosure of information filed by Bell  and Bell Aliant, pursuant to the Commission's procedures described in its letter dated May 15, 2007.
Document: 766045.pdf - 46KO

2007-05-22 - Execulink Telecom Inc.
Description:  Execulink is in receipt of applications for local forbearance from Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Partnership ( Bell ) for Residential Local Exchange Services dated 16 April 2007 and for Business Local Exchange Services dates 17 April 2007 in the census metropolitan area of London
Document: 766014.doc - 48KO

2007-05-22 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  MTS Allstream in receipt of supplemental information filed separately by Bell Canada and by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (collectively, Bell) on 17 May 2007 in respect of their applications for forbearance from the regulation of residential and business local exchange services in local exchanges across eastern Canada (the Supplemental Information).
Document: 765937.doc - 108KO

2007-05-22 - Téléphone Drummond inc.
Description: La présente lettre vous est fournie sans aucune admission de quelque nature que ce soit de la pertinence de considérer Téléphone Drummond à tire de concurrent offrant le service dans la circonscription de Drummond relativement à la demande d'abstention déposée par Bell Canada en date du 1er mai 2007 puisque Téléphone Drummond n'offre actuellement aucun service, son réseau étant en construction.
Document:  765407.pdf - 368KO

2007-05-22 - Maskatel inc.
Description:  Par la présente correspondance, nous désirons donner suite à la lettre émise par le Conseil en date du 7mai 2007, dont certaines modalités ont été précisées et modifiées par une lettre du 15 mai 2007, traitant des demandes d'abstention locales, des renseignements supplémentaires et autres questions connexes.
Document: 765371.pdf - 109KO

2007-05-22 - Quebecor Media Inc.(QMI) for Videotron Ltd.
Description:  Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI), on behalf of its affiliate Videotron Ltd. (Videotron), is in receipt of information filed on 17 May 2007 by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant regarding their respective applications for local forbearance in numerous exchanges throughout Quebec , Ontario and Atlantic Canada
Document: 765314.doc - 52KO

2007-05-22 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description:  Bell Aliant provides the enclosed revision to Appendix 4 of its information filed 17 May 2007 in response to the 7 May 2007 Commission letter as amended 15 May 2007.
Document: 765282.pdf - 68KO

2007-05-17 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  The Commission issued a request, by letter dated 7 May 2007, for additional information concerning the forbearance applications that have been filed by various incumbent telephone companies.
Document: 764166.zip - 52KO

2007-05-17 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada provides the enclosed information in response to the 7 May 2007 Commission letter, Applications for local forbearance - Additional information and other related issues.
Document: 764156.zip - 55KO - 764156_1.zip - 1724KO

2007-05-17 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description:  Bell Aliant provides the enclosed information in response to the 7 May 2007 Commission Letter as amended 15 May 2007.
Document: 763353.zip - 1965KO

2007-05-15 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demandes d'abstention locale - Renseignements supplémentaires et autres questions connexes

2007-05-09 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description:  The CCSA is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated May 7, 2007 respecting applications for local forbearance.
Document: 759933.pdf - 56KO

2007-05-07 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demandes d'abstention locale - Renseignements supplémentaires et autres questions connexes

2007-05-02 - Bragg Communications Inc. carrying as EastLink
Description: Bragg carrying on business as EastLink is in receipt of four applications from Aliant, dated April 30, 2007 seeking forbearance from the regulation of residential local exchange services in Wedgeport, Nova Scotia, and Hunter River and Montague, Prince Edward Island, as well as from the regulation of business local exchange services in Montague, Prince Edward Island and Wedgeport, Nova Scotia.
Document: 756915.pdf - 104KO

2007-05-01 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description:  The Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada and the National Anti-Poverty Organization) are pleased to enclose their comments on the above-noted applications.
Document: 756813.zip - 108KO

2007-04-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution- Objet: Requêtes pour l'abstention de la réglementation locale

2007-04-27 - Wightman Communications Inc.
Description: Wightman Communications Ltd. is in receipt of an application for forbearance from Bell/Aliant for both residential and business markets in various local exchanges in Ontario and Quebec each dated April 24, 2007
Document: 783643.doc - 213KO

2007-04-27 - Amtelecom Cable Limited Partnership
Description:  Amtelecom is in receipt of applications for local forbearance from Bell Aliant and Bell Canada for numerous local exchanges in Ontario and Quebec.
Document: 757023.pdf - 58KO

2007-04-27 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description:  Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) has received a letter from MTS Allstream Inc., dated 25 April 2007, seeking disclosure of certain information submitted in confidence with applications for forbearance of residential and business local exchange services by Bell Canada ( Bell ), Bell Aliant Telecommunications Limited Partnership (Aliant), and TELUS Communications Company (TCC).
Document: 755694.doc - 69KO

2007-04-27 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description:  Bell Aliant and Bell Canada (collectively the Companie) have submitted comments concerning the issue of requests for public disclosure of information filed in confidence with the Commission in the Companies' local forbearance applications dated 11 April through 20 April 2007.
Document: 755556.pdf - 72KO

2007-04-26 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of letters concerning the Companies' local forbearance applications from Quebecor Media Inc., MTS Allstream Inc., Execulink Telecom Inc., TELUS Communications Company, Cogeco Cable Inc., Wightman Communications Limited, Execulink Telecom Inc., the Canadian Cable Systems Alliance and the "Cable Carriers" dated between 19 April 2007 and 24 April 2007 (the Competitor Letters).
Document: 755167.doc - 79KO

2007-04-26 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) has received a letter from Cogeco Cable Inc., Rogers Communication Inc., Shaw Communications Inc., and Videotron Ltd. (collectively the Cable Companies), dated 24 April 2007, seeking disclosure of certain information with its 18 April 2007 application for forbearance of residential local exchange services in the Saskatoon exchange which SaskTel filed in confidence with the Commission.   The following is SaskTel's response to the Cable Companies' intervention.
Document: 755265.doc - 62KO

2007-04-26 - WTC Communications (WTC)
Description:  WTC Communications (WTC) is in receipt of an application for business local forbearance dated 25 April 2007 from Bell Aliant for numerous local exchanges in Ontario and Quebec .
Document: 754874.doc - 273KO

2007-04-25 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description:  Primus is in receipt of a letter by MTS Allstream, dated 25 April 2007 , requesting that the Commission return all ILEC applications for local forbearance received to date as deficient with leave to refile these applications at a later date.
Document: 754215.doc - 80KO

2007-04-25 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  MTS Allstream Inc. is in receipt of a Commission staff letter dated 20 April in response to MTS Allstream's letter to the Commission dated 19 April.   In its 19 April letter, MTS Allstream raised a preliminary objection with respect to the lack of information contained in applications for local forbearance that had been filed as of that date by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS), Bell Canada (Bell) and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant)
Document: 754212.doc - 121KO

2007-04-24 - Cogeco Cable Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. and Videotron Ltd.
Description:  Cogeco Cable Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc., and Videotron Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Quebecor Media Inc. (collectively, the Cable Carriers) are in receipt of applications for local forbearance from the following Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs)
Document: 753861.doc - 816KO

2007-04-24 - Bragg Communications Inc. carrying as EastLink
Description: Bragg carrying on business as EastLink is in receipt of Aliant's forbearance application dated April 11, 2007, seeking forbearance from the regulation of residential retail local exchange services in 9 of the 17 local exchanges within the Halifax CMA.
Document:  753857.pdf - 150KO

2007-04-24 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description:  The CCSA is in receipt of the following documents in relation to recent forbearance applications by the Commission.
Document: 753755.pdf - 61KO

2007-04-23 - Execulink Telecom Inc.
Description:  Execulink Telecom Inc. (Execulink) is in receipt of applications for local forbearance from Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Partnership ( Bell ) for Residential Local Exchange Services dated 16 April 2007 and for Business Local Exchange Services dates 17 April 2007 in the census metropolitan area of London
Document: 753352.doc - 51KO

2007-04-23 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)
Description:  CCSA hereby submits its request for disclosure of the minimum amount of information that it considers must be made public with regard to any application for forbearance.
Document: 753303.pdf - 48KO

2007-04-20 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demandes d'abstention locale

2007-04-20 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description:  Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of applications for local forbearance dated 11 April 2007 from Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Partnership ( Bell ) for numerous local exchanges in various census metropolitan areas of Ontario and Quebec , as well as the census metropolitan area of Halifax , Nova Scotia
Document: 753212.doc - 134KO

2007-04-19 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS is in receipt of correspondence from MTS Allstream Inc. concerning the abovenoted applications.
Document: 753204.pdf - 73KO

2007-04-19 - Quebecor Media Inc.(QMI)
Description:  Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) is in receipt of applications for local forbearance dated 11 April 2007 from Bell for numerous local exchanges in the largest census metropolitan areas of Ontario and Quebec , as well as the census metropolitan area of Halifax , Nova Scotia
Document:  753190.doc - 57KO

2007-04-19 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description:  MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is in receipt of a number of applications for forbearance from the regulation of both residential and business local exchange services filed by Bell Canada (Bell), Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) between 11 April 2007 and 18 April 2007
Document: 753049.doc - 107KO

Mise à jour : 2009-06-25

Date de modification :