2009-07-20 - #: 8657-C12-200910316 - AC 2009-429 - Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle

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Calendrier - Avis de consultation 2009-429


 Dates limites

Avis d'intention de participer


Audience publique 2009-09-23
Preuves (raisons pour confidentialité) 2009-07-27
Preuves documentaires de Globalive par le Conseil 2009-08-06
Demandes de renseignements 2009-08-04
Réponses aux demandes de renseignements 2009-08-14
Demandes de divulgation de renseignements 2009-08-17
Réponse de Globalive à la demande de divulgation 2009-08-21 (révisée)
Observations 2009-08-24 (révisée)
Répliques de Globalive aux observations

2009-08-28 (révisée)

Invitation à participer à la phase verbale 2009-09-10

Liste des documents connexes

Section 1 - Documents du Conseil
a) Avis de consultation, Décisions, etc.
b) Liste des parties intéressées
c) Correspondance aux parties


Section 2 - Documents de Globalive
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Preuves
c) Observations
d) Répliques aux observations

e) Documents déposés conformément au décret C.P. 2009-2008

Section 4 - Documents des parties
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Participation à la phase verbale
c) Observations
d) Répliques aux observations

e) Demandes de divulgation de renseignements

Section 6 - Pièces et réponses aux engagements

Section 7 - Transcriptions

Section 8 - Documents divers
a) Frais
b) Autres

Section 1a) Avis de consultation, Décision, etc.

2009-11-04 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2009-678-1 Le Conseil corrige le paragraphe 115 de la décision Examen de Globalive Wireless Management Corp. dans le cadre du régime de propriété et de contrôle canadiens, Décision de télécom CRTC 2009-678, 29 octobre 2009
Numéro de dossier : 8657-C12-200910316

2009-10-29 - Décision de Télécom CRTC 2009-678 Examen de Globalive Wireless Management Corp. dans le cadre du régime de propriété et de contrôle canadiens
Numéros de dossiers : 8657-C12-200910316, 8657-C12-200907751

2009-07-21 - Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429-1 Erratum
Correction apportée au paragraphe 13 de l'Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429 daté du 20 juillet 2009
Numéro de dossier : 8657-C12-200910316

Section 1c) Correspondance aux parties


2009-10-07 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"

Description: Lettre adressée à Société TELUS Communications - Objet: Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation CRTC 2009-429

2009-09-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à McCarthy Tétrault LLP - Objet: Demande de traitement confidentiel - Document d'engagement de OT envers un vendeur : Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation CRTC 2009-429

2009-09-29 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à McCarthy Tétrault LLP - Objet: Transcription non intégrale : Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429

2009-09-21 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à McCarthy Tétrault LLP - Objet: Personnes qui comparaîtront et représenteront Globalive lors de l'audience publique - Avis de consultation de télécom 2009-429

2009-09-16 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressee à Globalive Communications Corp., Bell Canada, Rogers Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications Company - Objet : Comparution dans le cadre de l'instance amorcée par l'avis de consultation de télécom 2009-429 (Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle

2009-09-10 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à Globalive Communications Corp. - Réponse à la lettre de Globalive Wireless Management Corp. en date du 3 septembre 2009

2009-09-10 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à ALPINA Holdings Inc. - Objet : Avis de consultation de télécom 2009-429 - Demande de comparution à l'audience débutant le 23 septembre 2009 (Globalive)

2009-09-10 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à Globalive Communications Corp. - Avis de comparution à une audience - Globalive

2009-09-10 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Inc., Bell Canada et TELUS Communications Company - Avis de comparution à une audience - Globalive

2009-08-19 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à McCarthy Tétrault LLP - Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429 intitulé Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle - Évaluation des demandes de traitement confidentiel et prorogation de l'échéance de dépôt des observations et des répliques

2009-08-04 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"

Description: Lettre adressée à Globalive Wireless Management Corp. - Objet: Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429 - Demande de renseignements

2009-08-03 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à McCarthy Tétrault LLP - Objet: Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429 - Évaluation de la demande de traitement confidentiel

2009-07-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Société TELUS Communications - Objet: Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429

2009-07-30 - Lettre du Conseil

Description: Lettre adressée à Globalive Wireless Management Corporation - Objet: Instance visant à vérifier si Globalive répond aux critères en matière de propriété et de contrôle, Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2009-429

2008-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à 6934579 Canada Inc. - Objet: Exigences relatives à la propriété et au contrôle des entreprises canadiennes aux termes de la Loi sur les télécommunications

2008-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Data & Audio-Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc. - Objet: Exigences relatives à la propriété et au contrôle des entreprises canadiennes aux termes de la Loi sur les télécommunications

2008-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Celluworld Inc. - Objet: Exigences relatives à la propriété et au contrôle des entreprises canadiennes aux termes de la Loi sur les télécommunications

2008-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Blue Canada Wireless Inc. - Objet: Exigences relatives à la propriété et au contrôle des entreprises canadiennes aux termes de la Loi sur les télécommunications

2008-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Globalive Wireless LP - Objet: Exigences relatives à la propriété et au contrôle des entreprises canadiennes aux termes de la Loi sur les télécommunications

2008-12-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Rich Telecom Corp. - Objet: Exigences relatives à la propriété et au contrôle des entreprises canadiennes aux termes de la Loi sur les télécommunications

Section 2a) Correspondance au Conseil

2009-10-06 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: On October 5, Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Globalive) received TELUS' final written comments in this proceeding. We have received a copy of the above-noted letter from TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) to the Commission, dated October 6, which we note was copied both to parties registered in this proceeding (as is usual for a filing) as well as to the Commissioners who are seized of this matter.

Document: 1283068.pdf - 107KO

2009-10-05 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: Attached please find the Final Reply of Globalive in the above-captioned proceeding pursuant to the procedure set out in TNC CRTC 2009-429, as modified by the Commission's oral directions of 1 October 2009.

Document: 1285731.zip - 173KO

2009-10-02 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Description: During the final argument phase of the Commission's public hearing on the above-noted matter, on October 1, 2009, Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (“Globalive”) agreed1 to file certain amended documents with the Commission.
Document: 1280297.zip - 4,034KO

2009-10-02 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Description: During the final argument phase of the Commission's public hearing on the above-noted matter, Bell Canada referred to "a typographical error" in GIHC Shareholders' Agreement.
Document: 1280308.pdf - 57KO

2009-09-29 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: This letter is filed on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Globalive) in reply to a letter dated September 29, 2009 from Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) on the above-noted matter.  In its letter, Rogers opposes Globalive's request for confidential treatment of the OTH Undertaking (the Document) and requests that an abridged copy of the Document be placed on the public record.

Document: 1278808.pdf - 131KO

2009-09-29 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: During the public session of the Commission's hearing on the above-noted matter, on September 24, 2009, Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Globalive) undertook to exercise its best efforts to file certain documents with the Commission, by 5:00 p.m. today.

Document: 1278519.zip - 3,411KO - 1278535.zip - 3,805KO - 1278541.zip - 1,370KO - 1278547.zip - 1,616KO

2009-09-28 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: During the in camera hearing related to the above-noted matter, on Thursday, September 24, 2009 , the Chairman asked the witnesses for Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Globalive) to provide a copy of an undertaking provide by OT to a vendor (the Document).   In response, Mr. Scheschuk agreed to provide the Document to the Commission (Transcript page 152, line 20).   Accordingly, we attach a copy of the executed final version of the Document.

Document: 1278069.pdf - 55KO

2009-09-23 - Globalive

Description: Oral Remarks
Document: 1276912.pdf - 1213KO

2009-09-22 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: This e-mail confirms that Messrs. Daviau and Ghose, who are identified below, are additional witnesses.

Document: 1274850.doc - 54KO

2009-09-18 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Description: Please note that, in addition to the Globalive Wireless attendees identified in Hank Intven's e-mail of September 14, the following persons will attend the hearing with Globalive Wireless: Mr. Daniel Daviau, Principal, Genuity Capital Markets; and Mr. Dvai Ghose, Principal, Equity Research, Genuity Capital Markets.

Document: 1274350.doc - 51KO

2009-09-14 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: As requested in the Notice to Appear at a Hearing sent to Globalive Wireless on September 10, 2009, please find attached a list of the proposed attendees and seating plan for the Globalive Wireless presentation panel and attendees.
Document: 1272265.zip - 37KO

2009-09-04 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: This letter is filed on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (“Globalive”) in response to a letter to the Commission dated September 1, 2009 from TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) which applies for “directions on procedure
pursuant to Rule 8 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure” (“Rules”).

Document: 1265212.pdf - 78KO

2009-09-03 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: We act for Globalive Investment Holding Corp., and are writing this letter on behalf of its subsidiary Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Globalive).

Document: 1264394.pdf - 81KO

2009-08-18 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: This letter is filed on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (“Globalive”).  It responds to Requests for Disclosure filed on August 17, 2009 by RogersCommunications Inc. (“Rogers”), Bell Canada (“Bell”) and TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”). (These companies are collectively referred to as “the Wireless Incumbents”).

Document: 1258443.pdf - 199KO

2009-08-17 - McCarthy Tetrault for Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: We are sending this letter on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (Globalive). Globalive has received a letter from Bell Canada today, entitled "Request for Procedural Amendment" in which Bell asks the Commission to postpone the dealine for filing of comments by interested parties.

Document: 1256586.pdf - 82KO

2009-08-06 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: This morning you received 30 PDF files.   They were sent to fulfill the Commission's instructions to Globalive to serve non-confidential material, in respect of TNC 2009-429, to parties to TNC 2009-303.

Document: 1252666.doc - 53KO

2009-08-06 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: I am writing on behalf of Globalive, in response to the Commission's letter of 3 August 2009 to Hank Intven dealing with Globalive's confidentiality claim dated 27 July 2009 .   In that letter, the Commission instructed Globalive:

Document: 1252327.zip - 51038KO

Section 2b) Preuve

2009-07-27 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: On December 22, 2008, the Commission issued a letter to Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (“Globalive”) stating: While I understand that your company is not yet utilizing the spectrum you bid on to operate as a Canadian carrier, once your company is operating it will need to be compliant with the Canadian ownership provisions of the Act. In order to assist your company the Commission is prepared to review your ownership prior to your commencement of operations in order to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Act.

Document: 1250049.pdf - 181KO

Section 2c) Observations

Aucun document

Section 2d) Répliques aux observations

2009-08-31 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Description: A typographical error has been discovered which omitted 9 words from paragraph 36 of Globalive's Reply in this proceeding, filed 28 August 2009. Paragraph 36 appeared on page 12 of the Reply. A corrected page 12 is attached.
Document: 1263546.pdf - 11KO

2009-08-28 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429, which announced a review of Globalive's Ownership & Control (O&C), indicated that the Commission “considers the evidentiary record would be improved by third-party submissions and that the appearance of third parties will assist the Commission in its completion and examination of the evidentiary record”.

Document: 1262181.pdf - 110KO

Section 2e) Documents déposés conformément au décret C.P. 2009-2008

2009-12-15 - McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Description: The attached executed documents, which are listed in the Appendix to this letter, are submitted pursuant to the above-noted Order-in-Council.

Document: 1334895.zip - 10515KO

Section 4a) Correspondance au Conseil

2009-10-05 - Bell Canada
Description: Enclosed please find Bell Canada's written final comments in the above-captioned proceeding.
Document: 1281382.zip - 44KO

2009-10-05 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company herewith files its Final Comments pursuant to the procedure set out in TNC 2009-429, as modified by the Commission's oral directions of 1 October 2009.
Document: 1281378.zip - 355KO

2009-10-05 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Please find attached the final written argument of Rogers Communications Inc (Rogers) in accordance with the Chairman's directions on procedure at paragraph 1670 of the transcript of the October 1, 2009 hearing.
Document: 1281380.zip - 199KO

2009-10-02 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: During the course of the oral hearing in the TNC 2009-429 proceeding,
held on 1 October 2009, statements were once again made by Globalive
regarding the difficulties it claims it has been experiencing with respect to
raising financing in the current economic environment.

Document: 1280275.pdf - 60KO

2009-09-29 - Bell Canada
Description: We are in receipt of a letter from Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) dated 29 September 2009, requesting disclosure on the public record of an abridged version of an undertaking by Orascom Telecom to a vendor, (the Document).

Document: 1278724.doc - 46KO

2009-09-29 - Rogers Communications Inc.

Description: Rogers is in receipt of a letter dated September 28, 2009 in which McCarthy Tétrault, on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (“Globalive”), has provided to the Commission a copy of an undertaking provided by Orascom Telecom (OT) to a vendor (the “Document”).

Document: 1278497.pdf - 51KO

2009-09-28 - Bell Canada

Description: Further to a Commission letter, dated 10 September 2009, establishing the order and date of appearance for participants at the oral portion of the above-captioned proceeding, as amended by the Chairperson's oral directions, on 24 September 2009, Bell Canada (or the Company) hereby requests a change in the order of appearance for interested parties to present their closing argument when the hearing concludes on 1 October 2009 at 9.00 am.

Document: 1278324.doc - 46KO

2009-09-24 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: During the public portion of the oral hearing in the TNC 2009-429 proceeding, held on 23 September 2009, the panel representing TELUS was asked by Commissioner Menzies about "instrances of companies in roughly similar circumstances to Globalive's that were successfully able to raise capital."

Document:  1277212.pdf - 23KO

2009-09-23 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Oral Remarks
Document: 1276918.pdf - 499KO

2009-09-23 - Rogers Communications
Description: Oral Remarks
Document: 1276922 .pdf - 519KO

2009-09-23 - Bell Canada
Description: Oral Remarks
Document: 1276927 .pdf - 727KO

2009-09-14 - Bell Canada

Description: Further to the Commission's 10 September 2009 letter re Notice to Appear at a 23 September 2009 Public Hearing TNC 2009-429 Globalive; this note will confirm the attendance of Bell Canada at the hearing.

Document: 1272328.htm - 19KO

2009-09-14 - Rogers Communications Inc.

Description: Rogers is in receipt of the letter from the Commission dated September 10, 2009 , regarding the Notice to Appear at the Globalive Hearing (Telecom Notice of Consultation 2009-429, Proceeding to consider the compliance of Globalive with the ownership and control regime ). We wish to confirm ou r   appearance at this hearing.

Document: 1272320.htm - 7KO

2009-09-14 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: In accordance with Commission correspondence dated September 10, 2009 regarding the above-referenced subject, TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) hereby confirms that it will appear at the Globalive hearing commencing on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The following individuals will appear on a single panel on behalf of TELUS:

Document: 1269837.pdf - 23KO

2009-09-04 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: TELUS is in receipt of a letter dated 3 September 2009 (the “Globalive Letter”), sent by McCarthy Tétrault LLP, on behalf of Globalive Wireless Management Corp. (“Globalive”). The letter purports to be a confidentiality claim filed pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act (the “Act”) in the proceeding initiated by TNC 2009-429. TELUS responds below to the Globalive letter.

Document: 1265695.pdf - 52KO

2009-09-04 - Bell Canada

Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a letter dated 3 September 2009 from counsel to Globalive Wireless Management Corporation ("Globalive") requesting a ruling that "the Commission treat as confidential the name and other identifying characteristics of a Canadian financial institution (the "Bank"), or any other financial institution, which may provide a witness to appear at the hearing to discuss Globalive's financing plans."   By this letter, the Company strongly objects to this highly irregular request and asks that it be denied.   The grounds underlying the dismissal of Globalive's request are briefly set out in the following paragraphs.

Document: 1265207.doc - 51KO

2009-09-01 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In Proceeding to consider the compliance of Globalive with the ownership and control regime, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429 ("TNC 2009-429" or the "TNC"), the Commission initiated a Type 4 review1 of the compliance of Globalive Wireless Management Corporation ("Globalive") with the Canadian ownership and control requirements under the Telecommunications Act (the "Act") and the Canadian Telecommunications Common Carrier Ownership and Control Regulations.
Document: 1263545.pdf - 56KO

2009-08-17 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: TELUS Communications (“TELUS”) is in receipt of correspondence, dated 17 August 2009, in which Bell Canada (“Bell”) requests a revision to the 21 August 2009 deadline for interested parties to file their comments in the proceeding initiated by TNC 2009-429.

Document: 1257225.pdf - 27KO

2009-08-14 - Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Barristers & Solicitors for Bell Canada

Description: We acknowledge receipt of your e-mails sent earlier today attaching responses to the CRTC interrogatories in the above noted proceeding. We have been retained to act for Bell Canada in this proceeding.

Document: 1256568.pdf - 91KO

2009-07-30 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or the “Company”) is in receipt of Commission staff correspondence dated July 30, 2009, with respect to the above-referenced proceeding. In that correspondence, it is indicated that the Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (“Globalive”) has filed for the public record, a confidentiality claim in relation to documentary evidence already filed with the Commission, along with detailed reasons in support of that claim.

Document: 1250259.pdf - 21KO

2009-07-29 - Bell Canada

Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a letter from TELUS, dated 27 July 2009 , seeking directions on procedure and requesting an amended procedural timeline in respect of the above-captioned proceeding.   The Company provides its comments on TELUS' proposal below.

Document: 1250256.pdf - 54KO

2009-07-28 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: In Proceeding to consider the compliance of Globalive with the ownership and control regime, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429 (“TNC 2009-429” or the “TNC”), the Commission initiated a Type 4 review to consider the compliance of Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (“Globalive”) with the Canadian ownership and control requirements established in the Telecommunications Act (the “Act”) and the Canadian Telecommunications Common Carrier Ownership and Control Regulations (the “Regulations”).

Document: 1250255.pdf - 26KO

2009-07-27 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  In Proceeding to consider the compliance of Globalive with the ownership and control regime, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2009-429, the Commission set out a schedule for a Type 4 review of the compliance of Globalive Wireless Management Corporation with the Canadian ownership and contro requirements established in the Telecommunications Act and the Canadian Telecommunications Common Carrier Ownership and Control Regulations.

Document: 1249394.pdf - 73KO

Section 4b) Participation à la phase verbale

2009-09-04 - Alpina Holdings, Inc.

Description: Further to paragraph 7 of the Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429, Alpina Holdings, Inc. tendered its intention to participate in the oral phase of the proceedings through its letter dated Aug. 07, 2009.  In the following paragraphs the Company provides reasons in support of its request to appear at the oral phase of the pbulic hearing.

Document: 1265329.pdf - 558KO

2009-08-10 - Rogers Communications Inc.

Description: This letter is submitted by Rogers Communications Inc. (“Rogers”) in response to the requirement for an interested party that wishes to appear at the oral phase of the proceeding to provide reasons why an appearance by the party at the oral phase of the hearing is necessary.

Document: 1253940.pdf - 46KO

2009-08-10 - Bell Canada

Description: Further to paragraph 7 of the above-referenced Notice (TNC 2009-429), Bell Canada ( Bell or the Company) hereby requests consent to appear at the public hearing scheduled for 23 September 2009 into this matter.   In the following paragraphs the Company provides the reasons why its appearance is necessary.

Document: 1253948.doc - 53KO

2009-08-10 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: In Proceeding to consider the compliance of Globalive with the ownership and control regime, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429 (“TNC 2009-429 or the “TNC”), the Commission set out a schedule for a Type 4 review1 of the compliance of Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (‘Globalive”) with the Canadian ownership and control requirements under the Telecommunications Act (the “Act”) and the Canadian Telecommunications Common Carrier Ownership and Control Regulations (“the “Regulations”).

Document: 1253965.pdf - 35KO

Section 4c) Observations

2009-08-24 - Rogers Communications Inc.

Description: As per CRTC Letter dated August 19, 2009, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on the above-noted consultation.

Document: 1260185.pdf - 223KO

2009-08-24 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: TELUS Communications Company herewith files its Comments pursuant to the procedure set out by the Commission in TNC 2009-429 as modified by the Commission's letter dated 19 August 2009.

Documengt: 1260168.zip - 342KO

2009-08-24 - Shaw Communications Inc.

Description: Shaw Communications Inc. (“Shaw”) is pleased to provide comments with regard to the issues set out in the above-referenced Notice of Consultation (“2009-429”).

Document: 1260088.pdf - 67KO

2009-08-24 - Bell Canada

Description: Pursuant to the procedures established in TNC 2000-429, the following are the comments of Bell Canada .

Document: 1260080.zip - 56KO

2009-08-21 - Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)

Description: The Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (“CCSA”) represents small and independent BDUs across Canada. CCSA speaks on regulatory matters for over 90 companies operating in all Canadian jurisdictions except New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

Document: 1259499.pdf - 169KO

2009-08-10 - Danoush, Hosseinzadeh

Description: Please include my attached comments regarding Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429 considered in the context of the public proceeding scheduled 23 September 2009.  I do not need to be present in person, but I do wish my comments to be considered in writing.

Document: 1253914.pdf - 146KO

Section 4d) Répliques aux observations

Aucun document

Section 4e) Demandes de divulgation de renseignements

2009-08-17 - Rogers Communications Inc.

Description: In accordance with the directions on procedure set forth in the Commission's staff letter of July 30, 2009, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) submits its requests for further disclosure in respect of the claims of confidentiality submitted by Globalive on August 14, 2009.

Document: 1258027.pdf - 165KO

2009-08-17 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: On 14 August 2008, Globalive Wireless Management Corporation (“Globalive”) filed information with the Commission in response to interrogatories posed by the Commission. Globalive claimed that some of that information was confidential and provided reasons why it should not be disclosed to the public.

Document: 1257998.pdf - 75KO

2009-08-17 - Bell Canada

Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter of 30 July 2009, Bell Canada (Bell or the Company) hereby submits its requests for fur the r disclosure regarding the claims of confidentiality submitted by Globalive in its interrogatory responses filed with the Commission and interested parties on 14 August 2009.   Bell Canada 's submissions are attached to this letter as Attachment 1.

Document: 1256885.zip - 44KO

Section 5) Réponses aux demandes de renseignements et de divulgation

2009-08-21 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: The attached information, specified in the Attachment to the Commission's 19 August 2009 letter to Hank Intven, was filed via ePass today.
Document: 1259369.zip - 29,855KO

2009-08-14 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.

Description: On July 30, 2009, the Commission sent Globalive Wireless Management Corp. ("Globalive Wireless") a letter, in respect ofthe proceeding initiated by Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2009-429 (TNC 2009-429 or the Notice), setting out the Commission's intent to issue Globalive Wireless interrogatories on August 4.

Document: 1255655.zip - 7380KO - 1258952.zip - 9020KO (supplémentaire)

Section 6 - Pièces et réponses aux engagements

2009-09-23 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Exhibit #3 - CIBC Report
Document: 1276981.pdf - 358KO

2009-09-23 - CRTC

Description: Pièce #2 - Annexe 8 - Conseil d'administration et dirigeants de Globalive

Document: 1278346.doc - 69KO

2009-09-23 - CRTC

Description: Pièce #1 - Organigramme de propriété de Globalive

Document: 1278350.doc - 38KO

Section 8a) Frais

Aucun document

Section 8b) Autres

Aucun document

Mise à jour : 2009-11-04

Date de modification :