Information générale - Rogers - Panne de service: 8000-C12-202203868

2024-07-10 - Lettre du personnel - Dossier # : 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre du personnel adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (« Rogers ») - Objet : Détermination des renseignements confidentiels dans le rapport Xona

2024-07-08 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: Vaxination Informatique is in receipt of the PIAC request for disclosure of the Xona Partners full report and supports it.
Document: 4659629.pdf - 546 Ko

2024-07-05 - Le Centre pour la défense de l'intérêt public
Description: On 4 July 2024, the Commission quietly posted, without media release or other public indication, the executive summary only of a report it had commissioned on the Rogers network outage of 8- 9 July 2022, by Xona Partners Inc., “Assessment of Rogers Networks for Resiliency and Reliability Following the 8 July 2022 Outage – Executive Summary” (July 2024) (the “Xona Report”).
Document: 4658466.pdf - 191 Ko

2024-07-04 - Lettre du Secrétaire général - Dossier # : Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - Objet : Évaluation des mesures prises par Rogers pour améliorer la fiabilité

2024-01-17 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of your letter dated December 22, 2023, and the accompanying Assessment of Rogers Networks for Resiliency and Reliability Following the 8 July 2022 Outage report (the “Report”). Rogers appreciates the opportunity to provide a response to the Report (the “Response”). Attached please find our Response.
Document: 4657536.pdf - 250 Ko

2023-12-22 - Lettre du personnel - Dossier # : Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (« Rogers ») - Objet : Rapport préparé par Xona Partners Inc. évaluant la résilience et la fiabilité des réseaux sans fil et filaires de Rogers – Examen par Rogers

2023-03-08 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Canada-wide service outage of July 2022 - Response to Requests for Disclosure - Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a letter from the Staff of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission” or the “CRTC”), dated February 22nd, 2023, concerning the above-noted subject.
Document: - 4351 Ko

2023-02-28 - Lettre du personnel - Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - Objet : Demande de prolongation de Rogers – Panne de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada en juillet 2022 – Divulgation de renseignements désignés comme confidentiels

2023-02-24 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Request for an Extension - Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“RCCI”) is in receipt of a Letter from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (the “Commission” or the “CRTC”), dated February 22nd, 2023, concerning the above-noted subject.
Document: 4307750.doc - 805 Ko

2023-02-22 - Lettre du personnel - Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet : Requêtes procédurales relatives à la panne de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada de juillet 2022

2023-02-22 - Lettre du personnel - Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet : Panne de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada en juillet 2022 – Divulgation de renseignements désignés comme confidentiels

2022-08-31 - Pelmorex Weather Networks (Television) Inc. (“Pelmorex”)
Description: Pelmorex Weather Networks (Television) Inc. (“Pelmorex”) is the broadcasting licensee of the Canadian specialty services The Weather Network and MétéoMédia, Canada’s trusted sources for weather forecasts, news and emergency alerts. As part of its licensed broadcasting undertaking Pelmorex built and operates the National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination (“NAAD”) System which authenticates emergency alerts issued by public officials and disseminates these messages to broadcasters (radio and television), cable and satellite television distributors, wireless service providers, and other parties for dissemination to the public.
Document: 4233269.pdf - 159 Ko

2022-08-26 -Vaxination Informatique
Description: Vaxination has seen the August 22nd response by Rogers to the Commission August 5th RFI.
Document: 4232014.pdf - 611Ko

2022-08-26 - Demande de divulgation supplémentaire

2022-08-22 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a confidential Letter from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC” or the “Commission”), dated August 5, 2022, containing further Requests for Information (“RFIs”) concerning the above-mentioned subject. We note that this Letter contains sensitive information, such as the names of our network equipment vendors.
Document: 4229648.doc - 1,023 Ko

2022-08-12 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a letter containing Requests for Information (“RFIs”) from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC” or the “Commission”), dated July 12, 2022, concerning the above-mentioned subject. Attached, please find our Response to that letter.
Document: 4226089.doc - 1895 Ko

2022-08-11 - Lettre du Conseil - Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - Objet : Interruption de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada de juillet 2022 – Réponse à la demande de prolongation des délais de Rogers

2022-08-08 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Request for an Extension re. Canada-wide service outage of July 2022 – Responses to Further Requests for Information
Document: 4223055.doc - 940Ko

2022-08-05 - Demande de divulgation

2022-08-05 - Lettre du Conseil - Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - Objet : Interruption de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada de juillet 2022

2022-08-04 - Lettre du Conseil - Dossier #: 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Pelmorex - Objet : Panne de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada en juillet 2022 – Réponse à la demande d’instance de divulgation du CDIP

2022-08-04 -Vaxination Informatique - Requête Procédurale
Description: Vaxination Informatique has been made aware of PIAC’s July 25th letter on the above mentioned subject , the Commission’s July 28th process letter, as well as the INDU committee hearing of July 25th in which the Commission chair appeared.
Document: 4220417.pdf - 611Ko

2022-07-28 - Lettre du Conseil - Dossier # : 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Liste de distribution - Objet : Panne de service de Rogers dans tout le Canada en juillet 2022 – Réponse à la demande d’instance de divulgation du CDIP

2022-07-25 - PIAC - Requête Procédurale
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. – Wireless and Internet Outage – Disclosure Procedure for Rogers’ RFI Answers of 22 July 2022
Document: 4215843.pdf - 175Ko

2022-07-22 - Rogers Communications Canada Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (“Rogers”) is in receipt of a letter containing Requests for Information (“RFIs”) from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC” or the “Commission”), dated July 12, 2022, concerning the above-mentioned subject.
Document: 4215445.docx - 1026Ko

2022-07-13 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. – Wireless and Internet Outage Call for Inquiry and Public Notice
Document: 421075.pdf - 596Ko

2022-07-12 - Lettre du Conseil - Dossier # : 8000-C12-201909780 et 8000-C12-202203868 - Description : Lettre adressée à Rogers Communications Canada Inc. - Objet : Panne de service nationale chez Rogers de juillet 2022

2022-07-12 - DWCC
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. – Wireless and Internet Outage – Call for Inquiry and Public Notice on Responsibilities of Telecommunications Service Providers - Support Letter to PIAC’s Request
Document: 4211229.pdf - 196Ko

2022-07-12 - CNOC
Description: Support for Public Interest Advocacy Centre call for Inquiry and Public Notice on Responsibilities of Telecommunications Service Providers arising from Rogers Communications Inc.’s Wireless and Internet Outage
Document: 4211067.pdf - 195Ko

2022-07-10 - Canada Deaf Grassroots Movement
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. – Wireless and Internet Outage – Call for Inquiry and Public Notice on Responsibilities of Telecommunications Service Providers
Document: 4211064.pdf - 425Ko

2022-07-08 - Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coalition
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. – Wireless and Internet Outage – Call for Inquiry and Public Notice
on Responsibilities of Telecommunications Service Providers
Document: 4211061.docx - 46Ko

2022-07-08 - PIAC
Description: Rogers Communications Inc. – Wireless and Internet Outage – Call for Inquiry and Public Notice on Responsibilities of Telecommunications Service Providers
Document: 4211058.pdf - 229Ko

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