2008-04-03 - #: 8622-C51-200805153 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) - Demande visant à obtenir certaines ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros

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2008-12-22 - Ordonnance de frais de télécom CRTC 2008-23 Réclamation de frais concernant la participation de la Campaign for Democratic Media à l'instance amorcée par la demande déposée en vertu de la partie VII par l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet
Référence : 8622‑C51‑200805153 et 4754‑321

2008-12-22 - Ordonnance de frais de télécom CRTC 2008-24 Réclamation de frais concernant la participation de l'Union des consommateurs à l'instance amorcée par la demande déposée en vertu de la partie VII par l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet
Référence : 8622‑C51‑200805153 et 4754‑322

2008-12-22 - Ordonnance de frais de télécom CRTC 2008-25 Réclamation de frais concernant la participation du Centre pour la défense de l'intérêt public à l'instance amorcée par la demande déposée en vertu de la partie VII par l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet
Référence : 8622‑C51‑200805153 et 4754‑323

2008-11-20 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2008-108 Demande de l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet relative au lissage du trafic du service d'accès par passerelle de gros par Bell Canada
Référence : 8622-C51-200805153

2008-05-14 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2008-39 Demande présentée par l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet en vue d'obtenir du Conseil un redressement provisoire à l'égard de la pratique de Bell Canada de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros
Référence : 8622-C51-200805153

Observations par ordre alphabétique

2009-01-09 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's directives contained in paragraphs 74 and 78 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-108, The Canadian Association of Internet Providers' application regarding Bell Canada's traffic shaping of its wholesale Gateway Access Service (Decision 2008-108), Bell Canada (or the Company) provides its proposed notification requirements to address future changes that impact materially on the performance of GAS and a report on the resolution of complaints related to affected non-P2P file-sharing applications.
Document: 1004308.zip - 119KO

2008-12-04 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Union des consommateurs - Objet: Suivi de la requête présentée par l’Union des consommateurs en vertu de la partie VII - Utilisation de l’inspection approfondie des paquets et détérioration délibérée du service d'accès à Internet par Bell

2008-11-24 - Union des consommateurs
Description:  Le 24 avril 2008, Union des consommateurs a soumis une requête en vertu de la Partie VII, concernant l'utilisation par Bell du Deep Packet Inspection, et de la détérioration délibérée du service d'accès à Internet.
Document: 981295.pdf - 116KO

2008-10-06 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a claim for costs from the Union des Consommateurs (UdC) in the above-noted proceeding, dated 12 August 2008 .   The Company apologizes for the delay in its response.   The Company has no objection to the claimant's entitlement to costs or the amount claimed
Document:  961778.doc - 49KO

2008-09-17 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  Further to its letter filed on September 16, 2008, TELUS wishes to clarify its position with respect to the claims for costs filed by Public Interest Advocacy Centre and other parties in relation to this proceeding.
Document: 952858.pdf - 20KO

2008-09-16 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS is in receipt of a letter dated September 10, 2008, filed by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) in reply to Bell Canada's reply to PIAC's application for costs filed on August 21, 2008.
Document: 952665.pdf - 21KO

2008-09-12 - Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
Description: CIPPIC, on behalf of the Campaign for Democratic Media, wishes to endorse the position on costs articulated by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre in its letter of September 10, 2008.
Document: 951234.pdf - 519KO

2008-09-10 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), as counsel for Consumers Council of Canada (CCC) and National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) (collectively, the Consumer Groups) has received comments on its application for costs in this matter from Bell Canada, dated 2 September 2008, as well as CAIP's letter of 3 September 2008 and Bell's reply to CAIP’s letter of 5 September 2008.
Document: 950392.pdf - 30KO

2008-09-05 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers' (CAIP's) letter dated 3 September 2008 related to the costs claims of the above-noted proceeding.  In this letter CAIP claims that it is a not-for-profit organization that has no permanent regulatory or legal staff and "is in no better position to pay a costs award than the costs claimants themselves." 
Document: 948220.doc - 882KO

2008-09-03 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: The Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) is in receipt of the following claims for costs made pursuant to section 44 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure in relation to the above-noted proceeding from three not-for-profit organisations (collectively, the costs claimants) : 
Document: 950490.pdf - 33KO

2008-09-02 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a claim for costs from Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), as counsel for Consumers Council of Canada (CCC) and National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) (collectively, the Consumer Groups) in the above-noted proceeding, dated 21 August 2008.   The Company has no objection to the claimant's entitlement to costs or the amount claimed.
Document: 945841.doc - 882KO

2008-08-21 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), as counsel for Consumers Council of Canada (CCC) and National Anti-Poverty Organization (NAPO) (collectively, the "Consumer Groups") hereby submits its costs claim in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: 941317.zip - 113KO

2008-08-12 - Union des consommateurs
Description:  Conformément à l'article 44 des Règles de procédure du CRTC, l'Union des consommateurs demande l'adjudication de ses frais pour sa participation à la plainte Partie VII-Demande visant à obtenir cetaines ordonnances obligean Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros.
Document: 938226.pdf - 290KO

2008-08-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée èa l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internets - Objet: Demande, en vertu de la Partie VII, réclamant que le Conseil rendre certaines ordonnances enjoignant à Bell Canada de cesser de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros

2008-08-06 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a claim for costs from the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic on behalf of the Campaign for Democratic Media (CDM) in the above-noted proceeding, dated 29 July 2008.   The Company has no objection to the claimant's entitlement to costs or the amount claimed
Document: 935223.doc - 76KO

2008-08-01 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: The CAIP is in receipt of electronic mail correspondence dated 28 July 2008 from George Ou in relation to the foregoing matter.
Document: 934553.zip - 416KO

2008-07-29 - TekSavvy Solutions Inc.
Description:  TekSavvy is in receipt of Bell Canada' s Final Answer in the above-referenced proceeding dated 11 July 2008.
Document: 933623.pdf - 74KO

2008-07-29 - Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
Description: The Campaign for Democratic Media (CDM) hereby applies for an award of costs for its application in this proceeding. CDM is a national, non-profit and non-partisan media reform organization, comprise of a network of civil society organizations, consumer organizations, labour groups, media advocacy groups, academics, grassroots media activists and other Canadians that are interested in helping to create the conditions for diverse, accountable and quality Canadians media to thrive.
Document: 932429.pdf - 1251KO

2008-07-28 - George Ou
Description: I read the CAIP submission regarding the Bell throttling case before the CRTC after it was brought to my attention from news reports I read on the Internet.   I would like to point out that the CAIP has misquoted me in the following statement
Document: 935093.doc - 22KO

2008-07-23 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: Pursuant to Commission staff's letter dated 15 May 2008 as amended on 18 July 2008, attached is CAIP's Final Reply in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: 930041.pdf - 460KO

2008-07-18 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet - Objet: Demande visant l’émission d’ordonnances enjoignant à Bell Canada de cesser de restreindre le Service d’accès par passerelle

2008-07-17 - Bell Canada
Description : The Company is in receipt of CAIP's letter dated 16 July 2008 requesting disclosure of certain information filed in confidence as part of the Company's answer dated 11 July 2008 regarding a particular GAS customer as well as an extension of the deadline for CAIP to file its reply.
Document : 928613.doc - 75KO

2008-07-11 - Bell Canada
Description:  In accordance with the Commission staff letter of 19 June 2008 and Bell Canada 's (or the Company's) letter of 9 July 2008 , the Company is hereby filing its Answer to the CAIP Application dated 3 April 2008
Document: 926702.zip - 1034KO

2008-07-09 - Bell Canada
Description:  As per my conversation with you earlier today, Bell Canada (or the Company) wishes to inform the Commission that it is unfortunately unable to file its answer in relation to CAIP's application on 10 July 2008 .   The Company will file its answer by Friday, 11 July 2008
Document:  925190.doc - 73KO

2008-07-03 - Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC) for Campaign for Democratic Media
Description: Please find attached comments pursuant in the above-mentioned proceeding, filed on behalf of the Campaign for Democratic Media, pursuant to the Commsision's letter of 19 June 2008.
Document: 923867.zip - 671KO

2008-07-03 - Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada (IAB)
Description:  IAB Canada is pleased to offer these comments with respect to the subject-matter and issues contained within the Canadian Association of Internet Providers' (CAIP) Part VII Application to the CRTC.
Document:  923856.zip - 35KO

2008-07-03 - RedWire
Description:  Please find a copy of our comments filed with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission regarding CRTC File 8622-C51-200805153 - Part VII Application by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) - Application requesting certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from throttling its wholesale ADSL Access Services.
Document:  923839.pdf - 94KO

2008-07-03 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: Bell Canada has installed Deep Packet Inspection equipment which cripples certain services offered by Sympatico's compeetitors despite the later purchasing the bandwidth to support their services.
Document: 923662.pdf - 176KO

2008-07-03 - Coalition of Internet Service Providers Inc. (CISP)
Description:  Please find enclosed the comments of the Coalition of Internet Service Providers inc. (CISP) in the aforementioned applications.   CISP requests that the Commission grants the relief sought for by CAIP.
Document:  923496.doc - 64KO

2008-07-03 - Acanac Inc.
Description:  In accordance with the Commission staff's direction on procedure date May 15, 2008, enclosed are Acanac's comments in the above-noted matter.
Document:  923489.pdf - 49KO

2008-07-03 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description:  Based on the Decision, Distributel respectively lends its support to the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) 3 April 2008 Part VII Application for an order directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from "throttling" its wholesale ADSL Access Service and, as per the Commission's letter dated 15 May 2008, Distributel wishes to comment on the issues raised by CAIP in its application
Document:  923482.doc - 46KO

2008-07-03 - Google Inc.
Description:  Google Inc. is pleased to offer these comments with respect to the subject-matter of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) Part VII Application requesting certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from throttling Bell's wholesale ADSL access services.
Document: 923481.pdf - 16KO

2008-07-03 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  In accordance with the procedure set out in a letter from Paul Godin, Director General to Messrs. Tom Copeland of CAIP and Mirko Bibic of Bell Canada dated 15 May 2008, the following are the comments of TELUS in the above-noted matter.
Document: 923480.pdf - 26KO

2008-07-03 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  In accordance with the Commission Staff letter of 15 May 2008, the following are the comments of Rogers with respect to the application filed by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) requesting that the Commission direct Bell Canada to cease and desist from managing its wholesale ADSL Access Services.
Document: 923478.pdf - 59KO

2008-07-03 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Group
Description:  The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) , as counsel for Consumers' Association of Canada and National Anti-Poverty Organization (the Consumer Groups) is pleased to enclose the Comments on the Consumer Groups in the above matter.
Document:  923474.zip - 104KO

2008-07-03 - Primus Telecommunicatinos Canada Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in its letter, dated 19 June 2008, and section 60 of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Primus hereby submit its intervention on the Part VII Application, dated 3 April 2008, filed by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) requesting certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from throttling its wholesale ADSL Access services.
Document: 923467.pdf - 119KO

2008-07-03 - Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA)
Description:  These comments are submitted by the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) in connection with the application that was filed by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) regarding the issue of traffic shaping.
Document:  923350.pdf - 43KO

2008-07-02 - Per Vices Corporation
Description:  We are writing in support of CAIP's letter requesting Bell Canada to cease the selective throttling of wholesale ADSL Access Service.
Document: 923769.pdf - 106KO

2008-06-30 - Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)
Description:  ITAC's membership represents a range of interests that are fundamentally involved and interested in the functioning of the internet and the matters at issue in this proceeding.
Document: 924507.pdf - 119KO

2008-06-23 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's 19 June 2008 letter, the Company is filing its revised response to Bell Canada(CRTC)15May08-2 CAIP Part VII and its response to Bell Canada(CRTC)19Jun08-1 CAIP Part VII
Document: 920764.zip - 345KO

2008-06-19 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Demande visant à obtenir certaines ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros

2008-06-19 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association des libertés civiles de la Colombie-Britannique - Objet: Demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par l’Association des libertés civiles de la Colombie-Britannique en vue d’obtenir des ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre le Service d’accès par passerelle

2008-06-13 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to the procedure set out in the Commission's 10 June 2008 letter, the Company is filing its response to CAIP's 6 June 2008 request for public disclosure of information and the Company's answer to the Commission's request for information that was attached to its process letter identified as Bell Canada(CRTC)10Jun08-1 CAIP Part VII
Document: 917332.zip - 61KO

2008-06-12 - Canadian Association of Voice Over IP Providers
Description: he Canadian Association of Voice Over IP Providers (CAVP) enters these comments on the record in response to the above proceeding.
Document: 920282.pdf - 55KO

2008-06-12 - Union des consommateurs
Description: La présente fait état des observations faites par l’Union des consommateurs. L’Union des consommateurs est un organisme à but non lucratif qui regroupe des associations coopératives d’économie familiale (ACEF), l'Association des consommateurs pour la qualité dans la construction (ACQC) ainsi que des membres individuels.
Document: 920278.pdf - 104KO

2008-06-12 - Cisco Systems, Inc.
Description: Cisco Systems, Inc. (Cisco) submits these comments for the above-captioned proceeding. The record generated in this round of comments demonstrates that there is no basis or justification for directives nor regulation of broadband network management practices.
Document: 920258.pdf - 3823KO

2008-06-12 - British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
Description: This is an Application made by the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) pursuant to sections 7, 24, 25, 27, 32, 36 and 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules and Procedures requesting that the Commission issue orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from "throttling" the Gateway Access Service (GAS).
Document: 916524.doc - 151KO

2008-06-11 - Skype Communications s.a.r.l.
Description: On 3 April 2008 the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) filed an application with the Commission pursuant to sections 7, 24, 25, 27, 32, 36 and 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure requesting that the Commission issue certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from "throttling" wholesale ADSL services and in particular its Gateway Access Service (GAS).
Document: 920240.pdf - 727KO

2008-06-11 - University of Western Ontario
Description: As a scientist at the Schulich School of Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, I wanted to tell you that Bell Canada's recent decision to "throttle" its retail and wholesale customers has directly and negatively affected health research in Ontario.
Description: 920266.zip - 3,175KO

2008-06-10 - Lettre du Conseil
Description:  Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Objet: Demande visant à obtenir certaines ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros

2008-06-09 - Kaboose Inc.
Description:  Kaboose is one of the largest family-focused new media companies in the world and one of the top-five most visited family destinations online. 
Document: 917345.pdf - 37KO

2008-06-09 - TCPub Média Inc.
Description: I would like to offer my comments to the Commission concerning the Part VII complaint submitted by the CAIP against Bell Canada on April 3, 2008. Not only do I have personal reasons for submitting my comments to the Commission, I also have professional reasons as well.
Document: 915906.pdf - 563KO

2008-06-06 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: The Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) is in receipt of Bell Canada’s responses to the Commission’s interrogatories dated 29 May 2008. CAIP submits the attached requests for public disclosure of information filed in confidence by Bell Canada.
Document: 914369.zip - 52KO

2008-06-03 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: It has come to our attention that the term "kbps" was not defined in the response to CAIP(CRTC)15May08-1. In order to avoid confusion, CAIP is filing the attached revised response to CAIP(CRTC)15May08-1 in order to include a definition for this term and to clarify its usage in the interrogatory response.
Document: 913131.zip - 399KO

2008-05-29 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established by the Commission in its letter dated 15 May 2008, Bell Canada submits the following responses to interrogatories
Document: 911084.zip - 1104KO

2008-05-29 - Canadian Assocation of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter on procedures issued on 15 May 2008 in connection with the above-referenced matter, please find attached the interrogatory responses of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP).
Document: 911007.zip - 483KO

2008-05-23 - Lettre du Conseil
Description:  Lettre adressée à la Clinique d'intérêt public et de politique d'Internet du Canada (CIPPIC) - Objet: Demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par l'ACFI en vue d'obtenir certaines ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre ses services d'accès LNPA de gros

2008-05-21 - Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
Description: On 15 May 2008 the Commission issued a letter setting out the process fo the final disposition of CAIP's Part VII application for certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from "throttling" its wholesale ADSL Service.
Document: 907969.pdf - 194KO

2008-05-15 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet et Bell Canada - Objet: Demande visant à obtenir certaines ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreintes ses services d'accès LNPA de gros - Demandes de renseignements

2008-04-24 - Union des consommateurs
Description:  La présente est une intervention faite par l'Union des consommateurs en vertu des dispositions de l'article 7 de la Loi sur les Télécommunications ainsi que de l'article 60 de la Partie VII des règles de procédure du CRTC en matière de télécommunications.
Document:  898556.pdf - 354KO

2008-04-24 - Canadian Assocation of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description:  On 3 April 2008, the CAIP filed an application requesting that the Commission issue a number of interim and final order directing Bell to cease and desist from throttling its wholesale ADSL access services.
Document: 895702.pdf - 298KO

2008-04-22 - Wireless Nomad
Description: The Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) has requested that the Commission direct Bell Canada to cease and desist from "throttling" wholesale ADSL Internet services and in particular, the Gateway Access Service (GAS) wholesale internet service.
Document: 895646.pdf - 1637KO

2008-04-22 - Bell Canada
Description:  In accordance with the Commission staff letter of 18 April 2008, the following constitutes the Answer of Bell Canada (or the Company) to the letter dated 15 April 2008 from Primus Telecommunications Inc. (Primus) submitted as an "intervention" to that portion of Canadian Association of Internet Providers' (CAIP's) Application requesting interim relief.  
Document: 894050.doc - 83KO

2008-04-18 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada et l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet - Objet: Réponse de Bell Canada à Primus concernant la demande voulant que le Conseil prenne des ordonnances enjoignant à Bell Canada de cesser de restreindre ses services d’accès LNPA de gros

2008-04-17 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada ( Bell or the Company) is in receipt of a letter dated 15 April 2008 from Primus Telecommunications Inc. (Primus) submitted as an Answer to the Canadian Association of Internet Providers' (CAIPs') application of 3 April 2008 against Bell Canada 's network management practices with regard to Bell 's wholesale Internet services.  
Document:  895817.doc - 78KO

2008-04-15 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus has obtained a copy of the above-noted Part VII Application, dated 3 April 2008, by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) requesting that the Commission issue certain order directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from "throttling" wholesale ADSL services and in particular, the wholesale service known as Gateway Access Service (GAS).
Document: 891007.pdf - 58KO

2008-04-15 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada (or the Company) hereby provides its Answer to an Application dated 3 April 2008, made by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) pursuant to sections 7, 24, 25, 27, 32, 36 and 62 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure requesting that the Commission issue an order on an expedited basis directing Bell Canada to immediately cease and desist from "throttling" wholesale ADSL services and in particular, the wholesale service known as Gateway Access Service (GAS).
Document: 890988.zip - 792KO

2008-04-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet et Bell Canada - Objet: Demande visant à obtenir certaines ordonnances obligeant Bell Canada à cesser de restreindre ses services d’accès LNPA de gros

2008-04-04 - Vaxination Infomatique
Description:  Bell Canada is has introduced Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technologies that inspect private data to discriminate on the performance of point to point circuits and thus limits full transparent access tothe ADSL loops as mandated by the CRTC
Document: 886374.pdf - 63KO

2008-04-03 - Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP)
Description: Please find attached an Application made by the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP) pursuant to sections 7, 24, 25, 27, 32, 36, and 62 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act) and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Rules) requesting that the Commission issue certain orders directing Bell Canada to cease and desist from “throttling” wholesale ADSL services and in particular, the wholesale services being provided pursuant to CRTC 6716, Bell Canada General Tariff Item 5410, also known as Gateway Access Service.
Document: 885770.pdf - 1060KO

Mise à jour : 2011-12-09

Date de modification :