2006-07-07 - #:  8661-C12-200608672 - Avis public 2006-10 - Nécessité de maintenir les restrictions réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d'interurbain

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Calendrier - Avis Public 2006-10


 Dates limites

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Observations 2006-08-04
Observations des parties (y compris Bell Canada) 2006-08-18
Demandes de renseignements 2006-09-01
Réponses aux demandes de renseignements 2007-01-12 (révisée)
Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leur demandes de renseignement et de divulgation 2007-01-19 (révisée)
Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignements et de divulgation 2007-01-26 (révisée)
Renseignements devant être soumis suite à une décision 2006-02-09 (révisée)
Plaidoyers 2007-02-16 (révisée)
Répliques aux plaidoyers 2007-02-23 (révisée)

Liste des documents connexes

Section 1 - Documents du Conseil
a) Avis public, Décisions, etc.
b) Liste des parties intéressées
c) Correspondance aux parties
d) Demandes de renseignements

Section 2 - Documents de Bell Canada, Aliant Telecom, MTS Allstream Ontera, SaskTel, Sogetel, TELUS Communications, Télébec (Les Compagnies), les Groupes de défense des consommateurs et Yak Communications
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Observations
c) Demandes de renseignements
d) Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leurs demandes de renseignements et de divulgation
e) Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignements et de divulgation
f) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à une décision
g) Plaidoyers
h) Répliques aux plaidoyers
i) Demande de Bell (8661-B2-200605719)

Section 4 - Documents des Parties
a) Correspondance au Conseil
b) Observations
c) Demandes de renseignements
d ) Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leurs demandes de renseignement et de divulgation
e) Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignements et de divulgation
f) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à une décision
g) Plaidoyers
h) Répliques aux plaidoyers

Section 5 - Réponses aux demandes de renseignements

Section 8 - Documents divers
a) Frais
b) Autres

Section 1a) Avis public, Decision, etc.

2007-11-30 - Ordonnances de frais de télécom 2007-14 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'adjudication de frais du Centre pour la défense de l'intérêt public, au nom de l'Association des consommateurs du Canada, de l'Organisation nationale anti-pauvreté et de l'Union des consommateurs, pour sa participation à l'instance amorcée par l'avis public de télécom 2006-10. Référence : 8661-C12-200608672 et 4754-292.

2007-11-30 - Ordonnances de frais de télécom 2007-13 Le Conseil approuve la demande d'adjudication de frais de ARCH Disability Law Centre pour sa participation à l'instance amorcée par l'avis public de télécom 2006-10. Référence : 8661-C12-200608672 et 4754-291.

2007-08-14 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-56-1 Le Conseil apporte des corrections aux paragraphes 25, 44 et 45 de la décision Révision des restrictions réglementaires applicables aux échelles tarifaires de l'interurbain de base , Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-56, 23 juillet 2007. Référence : 8661-C12-200608672.

2007-07-23 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-56 Le Conseil supprime les restrictions applicables aux échelles tarifaires de l'interurbain de base établies dans la décision de télécom 97-19, excepté dans le cas des personnes malentendantes ou malparlantes certifiées ou inscrites qui utilisent des téléscripteurs. Les décisions s'appliquent à Bell Aliant Communications régionales, société en commandite, à Bell Canada, à MTS Allstream Inc., à Ontera, à Saskatchewan Telecommunications, à Télébec, Société en commandite, et à la Société TELUS Communications. Référence : 8661-C12-200608672.

Section 1c) Correspondance aux parties

2007-02-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée aux Parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-10 - Objet: Avis 2006-10 - Nécessité de maintenir les restrictinos réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d'interurbain

2006-11-23 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée aux Parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-10 - Objet: Avis public 2006-10 - Demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignements et de divulgation d'information

2006-10-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée aux Parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-10 - Objet: Avis public de télécom 2006-10 - Questions de procédure

2006-10-24 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-10 - Nécessité de mainteninr les restrictions réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d'interurbain

2006-08-14 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée La Société canadienne de l'ouïe - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-10 intitulé Nécessité de maintenir les restrictions réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d’interurbain

Section 1d) Demandes de renseignements

2006-12-20 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adresée aux Parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-10 - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-10 - Nécessité de maintenir les restrictions réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d'interurbain - Demandes de renseignements

2006-12-12 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée aux Parties intéressées à l'AP 2006-10 - Objet: Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-10 - Nécessité de maintenir les restrictions réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d'interurbain - Demandes de renseignements

2006-09-01 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée Liste de distribution - Objet : Avis public de télécom CRTC 2006-10 intitulé Nécessité de maintenir les restrictions réglementaires applicables aux services interurbains et sans frais d'interurbain - Demandes de renseignements

Section 2a) Correspondance au Conseil

2014-04-23 - Télébec et NorthernTel (« les Entreprises»)
Description : Télébec, Société en commandite et NorthernTel, Limited Partnership (« les Entreprises») désirent informer le Conseil des modifications de facturation applicables au service interurbain de base fourni par les Entreprises aux utilisateurs de téléscripteurs certifiés ainsi qu'aux clients du Service de relais (collectivement, les utilisateurs d'ATS).
Document : 2117300.doc - 273 Ko

2011-12-07 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) in Ontario and Québec to Certified Teletypewriter users and Bell Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes will be effective on 1 January 2012.
Document : 1648390.doc - 77 Ko

2011-09-29 - Télébec, Société en commandite et NorthernTel, Limited Partnership (les Entreprises)
Description : Télébec, Société en commandite et NorthernTel, Limited Partnership (les Entreprises) désirent informer le Conseil des modifications apportées aux prix des services interurbains de base fournis par les Entreprises aux utilisateurs de téléscripteurs certifiés ainsi qu'aux clients du Service de relais (les utilisateurs d'ATS).
Document : 1621389.doc -71 Ko

2010-11-08 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) in Ontario and Québec to Certified Teletypewriter users and Bell Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes will be effective on 1 January 2011.
Document : 1459858.doc - 77 Ko

2010-09-27 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Aliant or the Company) in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to Certified Teletypewriter users and Message Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).
Document : 1444040.doc - 61 Ko

2010-03-02 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Aliant or the Company) in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to Certified Teletypewriter users and Message Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes will become effective on 15 April 2010.
Document : 1365247.doc - 63 Ko

2009-12-07 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)

Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) in Ontario and Québec to Certified Teletypewriter users and Bell Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes were effective on 3 December 2009.

Document : 1331020.doc - 79 Ko

2009-12-01 - MTS Allstream Inc.

Description : Attached for the Commission’s information are MTS Allstream’s revised Basic Toll Schedules that apply to registered or certified hearing-or speech-impaired teletypewriter (TTY) users. MTS Allstream has made revisions to the rates in these schedules in accordance with the five basic toll constraints established in Decision 97-19, as modified in Order CRTC 2000-17.

Document : 1328586.zip - 98 Ko

2009-10-19 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership

Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Aliant or the Company) in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to Certified Teletypewriter users and Message Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes will become effective on 1 November 2009.

Document : 1300343.doc - 59 Ko

2009-03-18 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant or the Company) in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to Certified Teletypewriter users and Message Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes will become effective on 6 April 2009.
Document : 1044631.doc - 52 Ko

2009-01-16 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description : This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (collectively, the Companies) in Ontario and Québec to Certified Teletypewriter users and Bell Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).  These changes will become effective on 1 February 2009.
Document : 1010891.doc - 61 Ko

2008-04-04 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description :  This letter is to inform you, as a representative of the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing, that Bell Aliant (or the Company) is introducing changes to its Basic Long Distance rates within Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island effective 14 April 2008.  
Document : 886122.zip - 42 Ko

2008-03-27 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description :  This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Aliant or the Company) in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island to Certified Teletypewriter users and Message Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).   These changes will become effective on 14 April 2008
Document : 882240.doc - 50 Ko

2008-01-11 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description :  This letter is to inform you, as a representative of the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing, that Bell Canada and Bell Aliant (collectively, the Companies) are introducing changes to their Basic Long Distance rates within Ontario and Québec effective 21 January 2008 .
Document :  853128_e.doc - 81 Ko - 853129_f.doc - 94 Ko

2008-01-07 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description :  This letter is to notify the Commission of billing changes applicable to basic toll service provided by Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (collectively, the Companies) in Ontario and Québec to Certified Teletypewriter users and Bell Relay Service customers (collectively, TTY users).   These changes will become effective on 21 January 2008 .
Document : 848331.doc - 71 Ko

2007-02-26 - Bell Canada
Description :  Bell Canada ( Bell or the Company) is writing regarding the above-captioned proceeding (PN 2006-10).   Bell is aware that the record closed on 23 February 2007 in accordance with PN 2006-10 (paragraph 30), as amended by a Commission staff letter, dated 12 December 2006 .
Document :  727745.doc - 69 Ko

Section 2b) Observations

2006-08-18 - Bell Canada
Description : In PN 2006-10, the Commission invited parties to file written comments on the issues set out in PN 2006-10, including any evidence they consider necessary to support their arguments.
Document : 655654.doc - 65 Ko

2006-08-18 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description :  As per the process set out by the Commission in PN 2006-10, following are the comments of Bell Aliant Rgional Communications, Limited Partnership.
Document : 655652.pdf - 84 Ko

2006-08-18 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description : In the following, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) provides its comments, pursuant to paragraph 23 of the above Subject Public Notice (PN 2006-10), in response to the application by Bell Canada (Bell) requesting the Commission to discontinue regulatory constraints applicable to Bell’s Basic Toll Schedule (the Application), filed on 9 May 2006
Document : 655649.doc - 68 Ko

2006-08-18 - TELUS Communications Company
Description : This submission is filed on behalf of TELUS Communications Company to the above-noted Public Notice.
Document : 655648.pdf - 39 Ko

Section 2c) Demandes de renseignements

2006-09-01 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description : As counsel to the Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) we have attached our interrogatories for the following.
Document : 661675.zip - 101 Ko

Section 2d) Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leurs demandes de renseignements et de divulgation

2006-09-29 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  As counsel to the Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) we have attached our Requests for Further Responses to Interrogatories and Disclosure of Information Filed in Confidence of the Consumer Groups in this proceeding addressed to Bell Aliant, Bell Canada , Sasktel and TELUS
Document :  674158.zip - 145 Ko

Section 2e) Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignements et de divulgation

Aucun documents

Section 2f) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à une décision

Aucun documents

Section 2g) Plaidoyers

2006-02-16 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Parnetship, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description :  In accordance with paragraph 29 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-10 as amended by Commission staff letters, dated 12 December 2006 and 6 February 2007 Bell Canada (Bell or the Company), Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) hereby provide these written Arguments.
Document : 724170.zip - 81 Ko

2007-02-16 - TELUS Communications Company
Description :  TELUS already provided initial comments on June 1, 2006 in responses to a Part VII ApPplication by Bell Canada seeking removel of the regulatory constraints applicable to the its Basic Toll Schedules and later, on 18 August 2006 in response to the above-noted Public Notice.
Document :  724126.pdf - 519 Ko

2007-02-16 - Public Interest Avocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  The Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) are pleased to enclose their further comments on the above-noted proceeding
Document : 723878.zip - 104 Ko

Section 2h) Répliques aux plaidoyers

2007-02-23 - Yak Communications (Canada) Corp.
Description :  In accordance with PN 2006-10, paragraph 29, as amended by Commission staff letters dated December 12, 2006 and February 6, 2007, Yak sis providing there reply arguments which are intended to reply to specific arguments filed by Bell Canada et. al. on February 16, 2007.
Document : 727113.pdf - 141 Ko

2007-02-23 - Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companeis)
Description :  In accordance with paragraph 30 of the above-captioned Public Notice, as amended by Commission staff letters, dated 12 December 2006 and 6 February 2007, Bell Canada, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) hereby provide these written Reply Comments.
Document :  727109.zip - 52 Ko

2007-02-23 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  The Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) are pleased to enclose their reply comments on the above-noted proceeding.
Document :  727105.zip - 104 Ko

Section 2i) Demande de Bell

2006-05-09 - Bell Canada
Description :  Bell Canada (or the Company) hereby files the attached Part VII Application for an order discontinuing the application of the regulatory constraints applicable to the Company's basic toll schedules in its traditional Ontario and Québec serving territories.
Document : 622960.zip - 237 Ko

Section 4a) Correspondance au Conseil

2006-08-04 - The Canadian Hearing Society
Description : Please accept this letter as a formal request to extend the deadline for written comments in reference to the above noted file.   We have just been made aware of the proceedings and feel we can provide the Commission with valuable feedback regarding this file.
Document : 652880.doc - 41 Ko

Section 4b) Observations

2006-09-01 - The Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD)
Description : The Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD) registered for participation in this proceeding on July 26th.  Somehow the CRTC did not include us in the list of registrants and we have not received any further documents or notices in this matter.  We request that, in light of this error, we be allowed to provide comments despite the proceeding's being at the interrogatory stage .
Document : 661782.pdf - 11 Ko

2006-08-18 - The Canadian Hearing Society
Description : The Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) provides programs and services to enhance the independence of deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people. Established in 1940, CHS is the largest agency of its kind in Canada and with this breadth and depth of experience we are uniquely qualified to comment on the Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-10.
Document : 656005.doc - 84 Ko

2006-08-18 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  The Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) are pleased to enclose their comments on the above-noted proceeding
Document : 655658.zip - 111 Ko

2006-08-18 - ARCH
Description : ARCH is pleased to submit the attached comments in accordance with the procedures established at paragraph 23 of the above-noted Public Notice.
Document : 655645.zip - 53 Ko

Observations reçues électroniquement

Section 4c) Demandes de renseignements

Aucun documents

Section 4d) Demandes de réponses complémentaires à leurs demandes de renseignement et de divulgation

Aucun documents

Section 4e) Réponses aux demandes de réponses complémentaires aux demandes de renseignement et de divulgation

Aucun documents

Section 4f) Renseignements devant être soumis suite à une décision

Aucun documents

Section 4g) Plaidoyers

2007-02-16 - Canadian Association of the Deaf (CAD)
Description : The Canadian Association of the Deaf files this letter in the above matter in compliance with paragraph 28 of the procedure as revised 12 December 2006.
Document : 725317.doc - 1119 Ko

2006-02-16 - ARCH
Description : ARCH is pleased to submit the enclosed written arguments in accordance with the procedures established at paragraph 29 of the above-noted Public Notice, as amended by CRTC letter dated December 12th, 200
Document : 724222.zip - 56 Ko

Section 4h) Répliques aux plaidoyers

Aucun documents

Section 5) Réponses aux demandes de renseignements

2007-02-11 - Ontera
Description :  Pursuant to th procedures established in the Commission letter regarding PN 2006-10, issued 12 December 2006, Ontera provides its responses to the interrogatories posed.
Document : 720959.zip - 49 Ko

2007-01-12 - Bell Canada
Description : Pursuant to the Commission's letter in the above captioned proceeding, dated 12 December 2006, Bell Canada (or the Company) hereby provides the attached responses to the Commission's supplemental interrogatories.
Document : 710341.zip - 39 Ko

2007-01-12 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description : Pursuant to the procedures established in the Commission letter regarding Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-10, Continued need for the regulatory constraints applicable to toll and toll-free services, issued 12 December 2006, SaskTel provides its responses to the interrogatories posed.
Document : 710166.zip - 35 Ko

2007-01-12 - MTS Allstream
Description : In accordance with the procedures established by the Commission staff letter dated 12 December 2006, MTS Allstream (MTS Allstream) is submitting the following responses to the interrogatories directed to MTS Allstream.
Document : 710294.zip - 59 Ko

2007-01-12 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : Further to the Commission's letter dated 12 December 2006 and letter of clarification dated 20 December 2006, attached are the responses of Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) to two interrogatories, Bell Aliant(CRTC)12Dec06-1 PN06-10 and Bell Aliant(CRTC)12Dec06-2 PN06-10.
Document : 710111.zip - 62 Ko

2007-01-12 - TELUS Communications Company
Description :  These supplemental interrogatory responses are filed in response to Continued need for the regulatory constraints applicable to toll and toll-free service, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-10 on behalf of TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) and in particular, to a staff letter from the Commission revising the dates for this proceeding and posing two supplemental interrogatories.
Document : - 710144.zip - 50 Ko

2006-11-28 - Ontera
Description :  Concerning the Commission's letter of September 1, 2006 from the above proceeding, Ontera submits the attached responses to the Commission's interrogatories.
Document : 695301.zip - 68 Ko

2006-11-27 - TELUS Communications Company
Description :  This interrogatory response is filed by TELUS Communications Company in response to TELUS(CRTC)1Sept06-1 in the proceeding initiated by Telecom Public Notice 2006-10.
Document : 694634.pdf - 44 Ko

2006-11-09 - TELUS Communications Company
Description :  This interrogatory response is filed in response to Public Notice 2006-10 on behalf of TELUS Communications Company
Document : 688173.pdf - 46 Ko

2006-10-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description :  This interrogatory response is filed in response to PUblic Notice 2006-10 on behalf of TELUS Communications Company (TELUS).
Document : 677577.zip - 36 Ko

2006-10-06 - Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description :  Pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph 27 of PN 2006-10, Bell   Canada (or the Company) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (collectively, the Companies) submit their responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure in the Attachment.
Document : 677524.doc - 85 Ko

2006-10-06 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : As per the procedures set out in the above-captioned Public Notice, this is the response of Bell Aliant to a request for further responses to interrogatories or disclosure of information filed in confidence from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on behalf of Consumer Groups.
Document : 676940.pdf - 54 Ko

2006-10-06 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : Further to our letter of 2006 09 22, attached are the responses of Bell Aliant Regional Communications to two interrogatories, for which the data was not available at the time of our original filing.
Document : 676674.zip - 79 Ko

2006-10-06 - TELUS Communications Company
Description :  TELUS is in receipt of a letter from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) requesting disclosure and further responses to interrogatories filed by TELUS on 22 September 2006.
Document :  675710.pdf - 41 Ko

2006-09-29 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description :  In it's 22 September 2006 letter accompanying its response to interrogatories, issued 1 September 2006, in the proceeding initiated by PN 2006-10, SaskTel noted that it was unable to provide a response to SASKTEL(CRTC)1SEPT06-2
Document :  674190.zip - 56 Ko

2006-09-27 - Bell Canada
Description : Further to the Commission's letter in the above captioned proceeding, dated 1 September 2006, Bell Canada (or the Company) hereby provides the attached responses to interrogatories Bell Canada(CRTC)1Sep06-1 PN 2006-10 and Bell Canada(CRTC)1Sep06-2 PN 2006-10.
Document :  673075.doc - 39 Ko

2006-09-27 - TELUS Communications Company
Description : This interrogatory response is filed in response to PN 2006-10 on behalf of TELUS Communications Company.
Document : 672354.zip - 23 Ko

2006-09-22 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
Description : As per the process set out in the above-captioned proceeding, attached are the responses of Bell Aliant Regional to interrogatories asked by the Commission and the Consumer Groups.
Document :  672389.zip - 196 Ko

2006-09-22 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description : Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-10, Continued need for the regulatory constraints applicable to toll and toll-free services , issued 7 July 2006 , SaskTel provides its responses to interrogatories issued on 1 September 2006.
Document :  672362.zip - 281 Ko

2006-09-22 - TELUS Communications COmpany
Description : These interrogatory responses are filed in responde to PN 2006-10 on behaf of TELUS Communications Company.
Document :  672272.zip - 88 Ko

2006-09-22 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  As counsel to the Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) we have attached our answers to interrogatories of the Commission.
Document :  672260.zip - 109 Ko

2006-09-22 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description :  In accordance with the procedure established by the Commission staff letter dated 1 September 2006, MTS Allstream is submitting the following responses to the interrogatories directed to MTS Allstream
Document : 672241.zip - 104 Ko

2006-09-22 - Bell Canada
Description :  Pursuant to the Commission's letter in the above captioned proceeding, dated 1 September 2006 , Bell Canada (or the Company) hereby provides the attached responses to the Commission's and the Consumer Groups' interrogatories.
Document :  672209.zip - 116 Ko

2006-09-18 - Sogetel Inc.
Description : Sogetel inc. désire par la présente répondre à la demande de reseignements transmise par le CRTC le ou vers le 1er septembre dernier dans le cadre de l'avis pubilc mentionné en rubrique.
Document : 668282.pdf - 407 Ko

Section 8a) Frais

2007-04-16 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  The Consumer Groups (the Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des consommateurs) are in receipt of the Companies' reply of 13 April 2007 to the Consumer Groups' costs application of 28 March 2007 .
Document : 750161.doc - 130 Ko

2007-04-13 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description :  Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership, Bell Canada , and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) , are in receipt of an application for costs from the Consumer Groups dated 28 March 2007
Document : 749693.doc - 79 Ko

2007-03-28 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups
Description :  This is an application for costs and taxation thereof, made on behalf of the Consumer Groups in respect to their application in the above-noted proceeding.
Document :  742420.pdf - 214 Ko

2007-03-26 - ARCH
Description :  ARCH Disability Law Centre, in accordance with Rule 44 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, applies for costs with respect to our participation in the above-noted proceeding. ARCH submits that its participation meets all of the requirements set out in Rule 44.
Document : 740946.zip - 70 Ko

Section 8b) Autres

Aucun documents

Mise à jour : 2014-04-24

Date de modification :