2001/11/18 - #: 8662-S49-01/01 - Chris Stark - Demande de révision et modification à la  Decision 1994-19 - Demande d'exemption pour les personnes aveugles

2007-03-30 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-20 Le Conseil rejette la demande présentée par Mme Marie Laporte-Stark et M. Chris Stark, en vue de faire réglementer de nouveau l'équipement terminal. De plus, le Conseil encourage tous les fournisseurs de services de télécommunication à afficher, sur leurs sites Web, des renseignements sur l'équipement terminal doté de fonctions d'accessibilité pour les personnes aveugles. Enfin, le Conseil fait remarquer qu'il entend amorcer une instance dans le but de traiter les problèmes d'accessibilité non résolus pour les personnes handicapées. Référence : 8662-S49-01/01.

Pour référence seulement : 8678-C12-200402313

2008-07-03 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada provided a Follow-up Report to Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-20, which was filed 25 March 2008.   Pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act , certain information in the report was provided in confidence to the Commission and a n abridged version was provided for the public record
Document: 923652.zip - 53KO

2008-03-25 - Bell Canada
Description:  In a conversation with Bell Canada personnel on 11 January 2008 Commission staff requested additional information on i-SelectT Services, which were described in Bell Canada's Follow-up Report to Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-20, which was filed 25 April 2007
Document: 881165.zip - 53KO

2007-04-25 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to the directives in paragraph 47 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2007-20, Bell Canada is providing the following information
Document: 754382.zip - 54KO

2007-02-05 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19 du 16 sepembre 1994 intitulée Examen du cadre de réglementation

2006-12-22 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description:  The Companies are in receipt of an Application for Costs from ARCH Disability Law Centre (ARCH) in the above-noted proceeding, dated 12 December 2006 .   The Companies do not object to the claimant's entitlement to costs or the amount claimed.
Document: 704886.doc - 68KO

2006-12-12 - ARCH
Description: ARCH Disability Law Centre, in accordance with Rule 44 of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, applies for Costs with respect to our participation in the above-noted proceeding. ARCH submits that its participation meets all of the requirements set out in Rule 44
Document: 701512.zip - 94KO

2006-11-09 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Parnership
Description: As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership agrees to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document: 688247.doc - 112KO - 688247.txt - 2KO

2006-11-07 - ARCH
Description: We are writing with regard to the closing of the record of the above proceeding.
Document: 687500.doc - 81KO - 687500.txt - 2KO

2006-11-07 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, MTS Allstream Inc. agrees to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document: 687240.pdf - 146KO

2006-11-06 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, TELUS Communications Company agrees to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document:  687036.pdf - 26KO - 687036.txt - 2KO

2006-11-06 - Bell Canada
Description:  As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, Bell Canada agrees to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document: 687027.doc - 66KO - 687027.txt - 2KO

2006-11-05 - Marie Laporte-Stark
Description: As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, Marie Laporte- Stark agree to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document: 687091.txt - 2KO

2006-11-04 - Chris Stark
Description: As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, Chris Stark agree to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document: 687086.txt - 2KO

2006-11-03 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: As a party to the aforementioned proceeding, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) agrees to close the record of the proceeding as it now stands, and to forego making any further submissions.
Document: 687038.doc - 58KO - 687038.txt - 2KO

2006-11-03 - Correspondance du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Marie Stark, Chris Star, Rogers, Bell Canada, MTS Allstream, Aliant Telecom, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), TELUS Communications Company - Fermeture du dossier public

2006-07-26 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier #: 8662-S49-01/01 - 8665-S49-01/01
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties - Objet: Demande présentée par Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la décision 1994-19 - Demande d'exemption pour les personnes aveugles - Demande présentée par Chris Stark afin d'accéder aux services de télécommunications de Bell Canada, aux service d'information par satellite et à l'équipement par les personnes aveugles

2006-04-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19 du 16 septembre 1994 intitulée Examen du cadre de réglementation - Règlement extrajudiciaire du différend

2005-10-12 - Correspondance du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée aux parties - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation, Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, du 16 septembre 1994 - Processus de résolution des autres différends

2005-09-02 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux parties - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation, Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, du 16 septembre 1994 - Processus de résolution des autres différends

2005-08-19 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée aux parties - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation, Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, du 16 septembre 1994 - Demandes de renseignements du Conseil

2005-08-19 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to Commission staff's directions on procedure in their letter dated 28 July 2005, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) submit the attached interrogatory to ARCH: A Legal Resource Centre for Persons with Disabilities (ARCH)
Document: 050819.doc - 247KO - 050819.txt - 3KO

2005-08-15 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: We oppose the request to withdraw on the following grounds as outlined below
Document: 050815.doc - 27KB - 050815_3.txt - 3KB

2005-08-15 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: Response to Bell Canada Interrogatories Addressed to the Starks 08 August 2005
Document: 050815.txt - 3KO - 050815_1.txt - 9KO - 050815_2.txt - 11KO

2005-08-08 - Fido Solutions Inc.
Description: Please be advised that Fido respectfully requests to withdrawn from the proceeding initiated by Mrs. And Mr. Stark to review and vary Telecom Decision 2004-19.
Document: 050808.pdf - 38KO - 050808.txt - 2KO

2005-08-05 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation, Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, du 16 septembre 1994 - Appel conférence

2005-08-05 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to Commission staff's directions on procedure in their letter dated 28 July 2005, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) submit the attached interrogatory to the Starks.
Description: 050805_4.zip - 212KO - 050805_4.txt - 2KO - 050805_4_att.txt - 1KO

2005-08-04 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: We write to ask for clarification of questions. Please excuse any errors in referencing the proper questions as we have had some difficulty using the information provided to us as copies of the CRTC answer material
Document: 050804.txt - 15KO

2005-08-04 - Aliant Telecom, Bell Canada and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) (the Companies)
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of letters dated 22 July 2005 and 28 July 2005 from ARCH A Legal Resource Centre for Persons with Disabilities (ARCH) requesting an extension to the deadlines set out in the Commission's letter dated 15 July 2005.
Document: 050804.doc - 245KO - 050804.txt - 3KO

2005-08-04 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
Description: In response to your letter of July 15, 2005 the Canadian National Institute for the Blind wishes to support the timely resumption and conclusion of these proceedings.
Document: 050804.doc - 123KO - 050804.txt - 4KO

2005-08-02 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: This is our comments with respect to TELUS Communications Inc letter dated July 29, 2005
Document: 050802.txt - 6KO

2005-08-01 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: Pursuant to CRTC procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated July 15, 2005 related to the above noted matter we hereby resubmit the questions originally sent in September 2003 and for which we have yet to receive answers related to the letter dated September 5, 2003 sent to the CRTC in response to the Commissions letter dated June 16, 2003
Document: 050801_2.txt - 6KO

2005-08-01 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: We are having problems accessing your companies responses to the CRTC questions of June 16, 2003 as submitted on September 05, 2003
Document: 050801_1.txt - 2KO

2005-08-01 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: Pursuant to CRTC procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated July 15, 2005 related to the above noted matter we hereby resubmit the questions originally sent in September 2003 and for which we have yet to receive answers
Document: 050801.txt - 2KO - 050801_att.txt - 30KO

2005-07-31 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: Pursuant to CRTC procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated July 15, 2005 related to the above noted matter we hereby resubmit the questions originally sent in august 2003 and for which we have yet to receive answers.
Document: 050731_1.txt - 2KO - 050731_1_att.txt - 16KO

2005-07-31 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: Pursuant to CRTC procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated July 15, 2005 related to the above noted matter we hereby resubmit the questions originally sent in September 2003 and for which we have yet to receive answers.
Documents: 050731.txt -2KO - 050731_att.txt - 40KO

2005-07-29 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") is in receipt of correspondence dated July 22, 2005 and July 28, 2005 from ARCH requesting an extension to the deadlines set out in the Commission's correspondence dated July 15, 2005
Document: 050729.doc - 41KO - 050729.txt - 3KO

2005-07-28 - ARCH
Description: We request a reconsideration of the decision in your letter of today's date.
Document: 050728.doc - 70KO - 050728.txt - 4KO

2005-07-28 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à M. et Mme Stark - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la Décision Télécom CRTC 94-19 du 16 septembre 1994 portant sur l'examen du cadre de réglementation - Demande afin de modifier le processus

2005-07-26 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à M. et Mme Stark - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la Décision Télécom CRTC 94-19 du 16 septembre 1994 portant sur l'examen du cadre de réglementation - Demande de précision et de modification des procédures

2005-07-25 - Rapport par Acuity Research Group Inc.
Description: Accessibilité des terminaux téléphoniques en particulier aux personnes ayant un handicap visuel
Document : 050725.htm - 825KO - 050725.pdf - 22142KO

2005-07-22 - ARCH
Description: This letter concerns your letter of July 15, 2005. ARCH requests an extension of time and proposes that the date for interrogatories be September 23, 2005 rather than August 5, 2005
Document: 050722.doc - 70KO - 050722.txt - 5KO

2005-07-17 - Marie and Chris Stark
Description: Thank you for your letter dated July 15,2005. Here are some submitted comments in response and a request for review.
Document: 050717.doc - 56KO - 050717_att.doc - 102KO - 050717.txt - 14KO

2005-07-15 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties Intéressées - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19 du 16 septembre 1994 - Demande de clarification et de modification des procédures

2005-04-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée aux parties intéressées - Objet : Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark en vue de faire réviser et modifier la Décision Télécom CRTC 94-19 du 16 septembre 1994 portant sur l'examen du cadre de réglementation

2004-08-22 - Marie & Chris Stark
Description: Thank you for your letter dated August 18, 2004, responding to our two letters on matters deemed to be separate issues, by the Commission. We write to raise procedural concerns relating to these applications.
Document: 040822.doc - 36KO

2004-08-18 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossiers #: 8665-S49-01/01 et 8662-S49-01/01
Description: Lettre adressée à Monsieur Chris Stark et Madame Marie Stark - Objet: Merci pour vos lettres du 20 juillet 2004 demandant une mise à jour relative aux demandes susmentionnées

2004/04/05 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Demande présentée par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark afin de réviser et de modifier la décision de télécom CRTC 94-19 intitulée Examen du cadre de réglementation, du 16 septembre 1994

2003/10/01 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Description: We are writing in response to your letter of September 23, 2003. In matters as complex as the ones that this process has been addressing, there is usually an ever-present need for additional research.
Document: 031001.doc - 28KO - 031001.txt - 3KO

2003/09/26 - ARCH
Description: We are writing in response to your letter of September 23, 2003. While we appreciate the initiative that the CRTC is taking in obtaining information on the accessibility of terminal equipment, we do have concerns about your process
Documents: 030926.doc - 66KO - 030926.txt - 2KO

2003/09/23 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée aux Parties mentionnées - Objet: Demande présentée par Marie & Chris Stark pour reviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation, Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, 16 septembre 1994 - Suspension de l'instance

2003/09/21 - Chris & Marie Stark
Description: We write to ask for clarification of questions. We can not compare pages and refer back and forth between lists and items. Therefore it would be helpful for us to have your answer to the following question presented in a linear way so that we could understand it
Document: 030921.txt - 6KO

2003/09/17 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Description: Please find attached CNIB'S Responses to the Interrogatories in both Word and Text formats. My apologies for the lateness of this submission.
Documents: 030917.doc - 24KO - 030917.txt - 10KO

2003/09/16 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à National Federation of the Blind: Advocacy for Equality - Objet: Demande présentée par Marie Stark et Chris Stark pour reviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation, Décision de Télécom CRTC 94-19 - Mémoire présentée par National Federation of the Blind: Advocates for Equality (NFB: AE)

2003/09/14 - Chris Stark
Description: This is further to Bell Canada's and its Companies answers to interrogatories posed by the Commission sent to us as attachments to letters dated September 05, 2003 by Bell Canada.
Document: 030914.txt - 40KO

2003/09/12 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to TELUS Communications Inc.("TELUS")'s correspondence dated 5 September 2003, TELUS hereby submits its revised response to interrogatory TELUS(CRTC)16Jun03-102.
Document: 030912.zip - 24KO
030912.txt - 2KO - 030912_102_TQ.txt - 6KO - 030912_102s.txt - 6KO

2003/09/05 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in its letter dated 16 June 2003, as amended it is letter dated 11 July 2003, TELUS Communications Inc.("TELUS") hereby submits its responses to the Commission's June 16, 2003 interrogatories on behalf of itself and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc.
Documents: 030905.zip - 96KO
030905.txt - 2KO - 030905_100.txt - 6KO - 030905_101c_1.txt - 5KO - 030905_101s.txt - 9KO - 030905_102s.txt - 5KO - 030905_103.txt - 4KO - 030905_104s.txt - 4KO - 030905_105.txt - 5KO - 030905_106s.txt - 3KO - 030905_107s.txt - 2KO - 030905_102_D4.txt - 9KO

2003/09/05 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter of 16 June 2003, as amended by its letter of 11 July 2003, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, and MTS Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies) hereby provide responses to interrogatories from the Commission.
Documents: 030905_1.zip - 384KO
030905_1.txt - 1KO - 030905_101.txt - 24KO - 030905_102.txt - 22KO -  030905_102_1.txt - 13KO - 030905_102_2.txt - 10KO - 030905_102_3.txt - 9KO -  030905_103.txt - 6KO - 030905_104.txt - 5KO - 030905_105.txt - 6KO - 030905_106.txt - 2KO

2003/09/05 - ARCH
Description: Please find attached ARCH's General Submissions and Responses to the Interrogatories.
Documents: 030905.zip - 73KO
030905.txt - 1KO - 030905_1.txt - 65KO - 030905_2.txt - 30KO

2003/09/05 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter of 16 June 2003, as amended by its letter of 11 July 2003, Bell Canada hereby provides responses to interrogatories from the Commission.
Documents: 030905.zip - 45KO
030905.txt - 1KO - 030905_100.txt - 3KO - 030905_101.txt - 3KO

2003/09/05 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's directions on procedure in its letter of 16 June 2003, as amended by its letter of 11 July 2003, SaskTel submits its responses to the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 030905.zip - 148KO - 030905_100.txt - 6KB - 030905_101.txt - 55KB - 030905_104.txt - 2KB - 030905_105.txt - 2KB - 030905_106.txt - 1KB - 030905_107.txt - 3KB

2003/09/05 - Microcell Telecommunications Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the Commission's letter dated 16 June 2003, please find enclosed the response of Microcell Telecommunications Inc. ("Microcell") to the interrogatory received from the Commission
Documents: 030905.doc - 37KO - 030905.txt - 4KO

2003/09/04 - Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA)
Description:  Thank you for the information sent to CHHA concerning the CRTC proceedings on the regulation of telephone products. We are very interested in this item and will help where we can to ensure that telephone products and accessibility to all products are available to our constituency
Document: 030904.txt - 7KO

2003/08/25 - Chris Stark
Description: This is a response to the two letters sent to us by the CRTC which arrived here by e mail on Friday August 15, 2003
Document: 030825_1.htm - 71KO

2003/08/25 - Chris Stark
Description: We write to object to the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association submission dated August 20, 2003 objecting to the comments of ARCH.
Document: 030825.htm - 53KO

2003/08/20 - Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA)
Description:   The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association ("CWTA") is in receipt of letter dated July 28, 2003, filed by ARCH - A Legal Resource Centre for Persons with Disabilities ("ARCH") requesting the consideration of cell phone technology in the above noted proceeding.
Documents: 030820_1.doc - 55KB -  030820_1.txt - 5KB

2003/08/15 - Lettre du Conseil - Version française seulement - Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à Chris Stark - Objet:  Demande par Marie Stark et Chris Stark pour reviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation - Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, 16 septembre 1994 - Soumission de documents

2003/08/15 - National Federation of the Blind: Advocates for Equality (NFB:AE)
Description: The NFB:AE requests the CRTC to exercise the authority provided to it in The Telecommunications Act and initiate a process for regulating the development and deployment of residential office and mobile telephone equipment into the Canadian marketplace so that it will be fully accessible to and usable by all Canadians, including those who are blind or partially-sighted.
Document: 030815.htm - 6KO

2003/08/12 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à Chris Stark - Objet: Demande présentée par Chris Stark pour reviseret modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation - Décision de Télécom CRTC 94-19, 16 septembre 1994 - Demande de précision

2003/07/28 - ARCH
Description: This letter is in response to a request by the Starks dated June 24, 2003.
Document: 030728.doc - 60KO

2003/07/22 - ARCH
Description:  As you know, ARCH has been made a party to the above-reference application.
Document: 030722.pdf - 66KO

2003/07/11 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet: Demande par Marie Stark et Chris Stark pour reviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation - Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, 16 septembre 1994 (Décision 94-19) - Demande de modification de l'échéancier

2003/07/11 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet: Suite au courriel de M. Chris Stark et Mme Marie Stark daté du 24 juin 2003 adressé au Conseil

2003/07/08 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, and MTS Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a letter dated 2 July 2003 from the Advocacy Resource Centre for the Handicapped (ARCH) requesting an extension until 5 September 2003 for the filing of a submission on this matter, as well as the filing of interrogatory responses.
Document: 030708.doc - 315KO

2003/07/07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc., and TELUS Québec (hereinafter "TELUS"), is in receipt of a letter dated July 2, 2003 from the Advocacy Centre for the Handicapped (ARCH) requesting an extension to the schedule for the above-referenced proceeding so that it may consult with disabled persons prior to submitting its responses to the Commission's interrogatories and initial submission.
Document: 030707.doc - 33KO

2003/07/04 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: SaskTel has received a copy of the letter, dated 2 July 2003, from the Advocacy Centre for the Handicapped (ARCH) requesting that it be provided an extension of time to submit responses to the Commission's interrogatories
Document: 030704.doc - 62KO

2003/07/02 - ARCH
Description: We are writing to request that ARCH be permitted an extension of time to submit our response to initial interrogatories and make submissions in the above-noted Application
Document: 030702.doc - 59KO

2003/06/24 - Chris Stark
Description: We are writing to ask some questions about your letter received on June 16, 2003 related to the above matter. We are also writing to indicate that the process as outlined by the CRTC is not fair or equitable to us and our need for usable equipment.
Documents: Lettre 030624l.doc - 59KO  -  réponse 030624a.doc - 107KO

2003/06/16 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet: Demande par Mme Marie Stark et M. Chris Stark pour reviser et modifier l'examen du cadre de réglementation - Décision de télécom CRTC 94-19, 16 septembre 1994 (Décision 94-19) - Échéancier

2002/01/23 - Chris Stark
Description: These are comments in response to a submission by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (the "CWTA") received on January 23, 2002.
Document: 020123.htm - 18KO

2002/01/19 - Chris Stark
Description: This request to the CRTC was made in accordance with the well established legal concept of a citizens right to request reconsideration of an action.
Document: 020119.htm - 53KO

2002/01/17 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
Description: As noted in its letter to the Commission of 17 December 2001, Bell Canada only learned of the Starks' Application on 11 December 2001, when it was notified by TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) of the presence of this Application on the Commission's website. Pursuant to the Commission's letter of 20 December 2001, Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc. (collectively, the Companies) are filing their comments on the Starks' Application as of today's date. 
Document: 020117_2.doc - 126KO

2002/01/17 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated December 20, 2001, the following brief comments are provided by TELUS Communications Inc., TELE MOBILE Company (TELE MOBILE) and TELUS Quebec, (collectively "TELUS"). Failure by TELUS to address in its submission any particular comment in the Application should not be taken as agreement or acquiescence on the part of TELUS.
Document: 020117.doc - 43KO

2002/01/17 - Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Commission's letter dated December 20, 2001, the following comments are provided by CWTA.  Document: 020117.doc - 58KO

2002/01/16 - Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
Description: CNIB has reviewed the Application filed by Chris and Marie Stark. It is of the opinion that this Application raises very valid concerns for blind and visually impaired people.
Document: 020116.doc - 33KO

2001/12/20 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada, TELUS, Marie Stark, Chris Stark et les Parties Intéressées - Objet: Suite aux demandes de TELUS et BELL afin de reporter la date finale pour commenter la requête de M et Mme Stark

2001/12/17 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of a letter dated 12 December 2001 from TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) regarding the 18 November 2001 application made by Marie and Chris Stark (the Starks) pursuant to section 62 of the Telecommunications Act to review and vary Decision 94-19, Review of Regulatory Framework, 16 September 1994 (the Application).
Document: 011217_2.doc - 56KO

2001/12/12 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") is in receipt of an application (the "Application") dated November 18, 2001, filed pursuant to Section 62 of the Telecommunication Act by Marie Stark, seeking to review and vary that portion of Telecom Decision CRTC 94-19, Review of Regulatory Framework, dated September 16, 1994 which grants forbearance to the terminal equipment market.
Document: 011212.doc - 39KO

2001/11/18 - Chris Stark
Description: Decision, dated 16 September 1994, A Review of Regulatory Framework, Telecom Decision CRTC 94019 exemption application for people who are blind.
Document: 011118.htm - 5KO

Mise à jour : 2008-07-07

Date de modification :