Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters: 8678-C12-201107714

NC 2011-302 - Notice of hearing - 6 May 2011
NC 2011-302-1 - Change to procedure - 22 June 2011

Notice of Consultation 2011-302 Schedule

Activities Deadline Dates
Public Hearing 2011-10-04
Request to appear 2011-08-22
Submission by Northwestel 2011-06-13
Responses to requests for information 2011-06-13
Notice of intention to participate 2011-07-07
Requests for information 2011-07-07
Interventions (Parties) 2011-07-07
Responses to requests for information 2011-08-02
Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and for public disclosure 2011-08-26
Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure 2011-09-02
Information to be filed pursuant to Commission's derterminations 2011-08-26
Comments on Northwestel's submissions 2011-09-02
Comments 2011-09-02
Final arguments 2011-10-17

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents

  1. Notice of Consultation, Decisions, etc.
  2. List of Parties
  3. Correspondence to Parties
  4. Requests for information

Section 2 - Documents from Northwestel

  1. Correspondence to the Commission
  2. Procedural requests
  3. Submission
  4. Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure (see section 5)
  5. Final arguments

Section 4 - Documents from Parties

  1. Correspondence to the Commission
  2. Procedural requests
  4. Interventions
  5. Requests for information
  6. Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and for public disclosure
  7. Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure (see section 5)
  8. Oral presentations and oral rebuttals
  9. Final arguments

Section 5 - Responses to requests for information

Section 6 - Exhibits and responses to undertakings

Section 7 - Transcripts

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents

  1. Costs
  2. Others
  3. Modernization Plan

Section 1a) Notice of Consultation, Decisions, etc.

2012-04-18 - Telecom order CRTC 2012-225 Determination of Cost Award
Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Utilities Consumers’ Group in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302 proceeding
File numbers: 8678-C12-201107714 and 4754-394

2012-01-27 - Telecom Order CRTC - 2012-59 Determination of costs award with respect to the participation of the Public Interest Advocacy Centre in the Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302 proceeding
File numbers: 8678-C12-201107714 and 4754-393

2011-12-14 - Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-771 Northwestel Inc. – Review of regulatory framework
File number: 8678-C12-201107714

2011-06-22 Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302-1 Notice of hearing
Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters
Change to procedure

Section 1c) Correspondence to Parties

2012-08-15 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List CRTC 2011-302 - RE: Follow-up to Northwestel Inc. – Review of regulatory framework, Telecom Regulatory Policy 2011-771 – Northwestel Modernization Plan

2012-07-06 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution list - RE: Follow-up to Northwestel Inc. – Review of regulatory framework, Telecom Regulatory Policy 2011-771 – Northwestel Modernization Plan

2012-02-21 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Utilities Consumers’ Group - Re: Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG) application for costs in Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302

2011-09-26 - Commission Letter - English Version only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: NC 2011-302 - Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters - 2010 Financial Results

2011-09-26 - Commission Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: NC 2011-302 - Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters

2011-09-15 - Commission Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302, Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters (NoC 2011-302), as amended by NoC 2011-302-1Organization and conduct of the public hearing

2011-08-11 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List – Re: Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302 and 2011-302-1 – request for extension

2011-07-11 – Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. – Re: Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters – Notification of subscribers

2011-07-08 – Commission Letter
Description:  Letter addressed to Utilities Consumers’ Group – Re: Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters – Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302 and 2011-302-1 – Request for information by the Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG)

Section 1d) Requests for information

2011-08-22 - Commission Procedural Letter
Description: Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302, as amended by Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302-1 – Requests for disclosure and for further responses to request for information.

2011-07-07 - Commission Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302 - Requests for information

2011-05-06 - Commission Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Re: Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters, Telecom Notice of Consultation 2011-302 – Request for information

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

No documents

Section 2b) Procedural requests

2011-09-18 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: File # 8678-C12-201107714, Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302. Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc: Notification of Attendance at Oral Hearing.
Document: 1616796.dpf - 42KB

2011-08-09 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the above Telecom Notice of Consultation, on August 8th, 2011, Northwestel received requests from the Consumer Groups (PIAC), the Yukon Government (YG), TELUS and SSI Micro for disclosure of information that the Company submitted in confidence to the Commission, and for further responses on claims of deficiency to interrogatories filed by the Company on August 2, 2011.
Document: 1599192.pdf - 25KB

Section 2c) Submission

2011-09-09 - Northwestel Inc.
Discription:Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302. Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc: Revised Initial Evidence and Interrogatory Responses by Northwestel.
Documents: - 170KB

2011-08-02 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In addition Northwestel has revised the following interrogatory responses and Evidence Appendix submitted with the Company’s Initial Evidence filed on June 13th, 2011.
Document: - 27KB

2011-06-20 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel discovered an error in the abridged versions of the Appendices to the Initial Evidence. As a result of a formula link on the toll connect cost that was deleted during creation of the abridged versions of the Appendices to the Evidence, the following: Appendices pages were revised.
Document: - 2676KB

2011-06-13 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel’s operating environment is comprised of very high costs, vast distances, harsh climate, extremely low population density, distinct cultural diversity and is an operating territory unlike any other in Canada. Given the unique characteristics, the Commission has continuously determined over many years that Northwestel requires regulatory frameworks that accommodate these distinct conditions.
Document: - 2891KB

Section 2e) Final arguments

No documents

Section 4a) Correspondence to the Commission

2011-09-26 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description: In the process of preparing its Oral Remarks, it has come to PIAC/CAC’s attention that on September 9, 2011 Northwestel filed revised Appendices to its Initial Evidence for revisions to its Band H1 residential access costs and resulting subsidy requirements.
Document: 1619730.pdf - 31KB

Section 4b) Procedural requests

No documents

Section 4e) Requests for Information

2011-07-07 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: The UCG presents our IRs to Northwestel regarding Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc. and Related Matters as per CRTC PN 2011-302.
Document: 1588346.pdf - 126KB

2011-07-07 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
Description: Pursuant to the procedure set out by the Commission in TNC 2011-302, the Government of the Northwestel Territories (GNWT) is attaching its requests for information addressed to NorthwesTel.
Document: 1588301.pdf - 86KB

2011-07-07 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and Consumer Association of Canada (CAC)
Description: Pursuant to TNC 2011-302, Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters (6 May 2011), as amended by TNC 2011-302-1 (22 June 2011), the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), and the Consumers Association of Canada (CAC), (collectively, PIAC/CAC) is submitting the attached requests for information to the following parties
Document: - 114KB

2011-07-07 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS herewith files its initial Comments in accordance with paragraph 29 of TNC 2011-302. TELUS is also requesting information in an attached interrogatory
Document: - 19KB

2011-07-07 - Government of Yukon
Description: With reference to the description of operating and maintenance costs for Northwestel’s microwave facilities in paragraph 13 of the company’s Evidence please provide a comparison of the company’s operating and maintenance costs of microwave, fibre and satellite facilities.
Documents:1588138.doc - 20KB

2011-07-07 - SSi Micro Ltd.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in paragraph 31 of TNC 2011-302 and sections 72 and following of the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure, attached are interrogatories (requests for information) being served on Northwestel Inc. by SSi Micro Ltd.
Document: 1586519.pdf - 214KB

Section 4f) Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and for public disclosure

2011-08-08 - Yukon Government
Description: The attached document contains the Yukon Government’s requests to Northwestel for further disclosure, pursuant to the procedure defined in the Notice of Consultation
Document: 1598629.doc - 29KB

2011-08-08 TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS is in receipt of the response to interrogatory NWTel(TELUS)7Jul11-1 filed by Northwestel on 2 August 2011. In accordance with the schedule established by the Commission in TNC 2011-302 at paragraph 33, TELUS herewith files its request for a further response to interrogatory NWTel(TELUS)7Jul11-1
Document: 1598617.pdf - 28KB

2011-08-08 - Public Interest Advocacy Center (PIAC) and Consumers Association of Canada (CAC) (PIAC/CAC)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 33 of the TNC 2011-302, Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters (6 May 2011), as amended by TCN 2011-302-1(22 June 2011) the Public Interest Advocacy Center (PIAC) and Consumers Association of Canada (CAC) (collectively, PIAC/CAC) is filing the attached requests for further responses to interrogatories posed in their request for information and public disclosure of information that has been designed confidential.
Document: - 2332KB

2011-08-08 - SSI Micro Ltd.
Description: In accordance with the procedure established by the Commission in Notice 2011-302, SSi Micro Ltd. (“SSi”) files the following requests for further responses and for public disclosure relating to interrogatories posed to Northwestel by SSi on July 7, 2011. Initial responses were received from Northwestel on August 2, 2011
Document: 1598266.pdf - 137KB

Section 4h) Oral presentations and Oral rebuttals

2011-10-05 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Oral Rebuttal
Document: 1624008.pdf - 1266KB

2011-10-05 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: Oral rebuttal
Document: 1623884.pdf - 186KB

2011-10-05 - SSi Micro Ltd.
Description: Oral rebuttal
Document: 1623880.pdf - 1091KB

2011-10-05 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Oral rebuttal
Document: 1623728.pdf - 296KB

2011-10-05 - Government of the Northwest Territories
Description: Oral rebuttal
Document: 1623722.pdf - 323KB

2011-10-05 - Government of Yukon
Description: Oral rebuttal
Document: 1623717.doc- 35KB

2011-10-04 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: Oral presentation
Document: 1623324.doc - 30KB

2011-10-04 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and the Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC)
Description: Oral presentation
Document: - 1859KB

2011-10-04 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: Oral presentation
Document: 1623297.pdf - 235KB

2011-10-04 - Government of Nunavut
Description: Oral presentation
Document: 1623293.ppt - 6371KB

2011-10-04 - Government of the Northwest Territories
Description: Oral presentation
Document: 1623292.pdf - 42KB

2011-10-04 - Government of Yukon
Description: Oral presentation
Document: 1623291.pdf - 571KB

2011-10-04 - SSi Micro Ltd.
Description: Oral presentation
Document: - 2207KB

2011-10-04 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Oral presentation
Document: 1623035.pdf - 318KB

Section 4i) Final arguments

2011-10-17 - Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG)
Description: Pursuant to CRTC PN 2011-302, the UCG presents our final argument regarding Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc. and Related Matters.
Document: 1628047. pdf - 140KB

2011-10-17 - Government of the Northwest Territories
Description: Pursuant to Paragraph 43 of TNC 2011-302, the Government of the Northwest Territories hereby submits its Final Argument in the proceeding.
Document: 1627741.pdf - 297KB

201-10-17 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel submits a response to the Commission’s Undertakings # 2, 6, 7 and 8 received by Northwestel on October 4th and 5th 2011 at the Oral Hearing in Yellowknife.
Document: - 100KB

2011-10-17 - SSi Micro Ltd.
Description: Final Argument of SSi Micro
Document: 1627617.pdf - 236KB

2011-10-17 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) herewith files its Final Argument in accordance with paragraph 43 of TNC 2011-302. TELUS is also filing its response to the undertaking taken on day 1 of the oral hearing (Transcript Volume 1, paragraph 2229).
Document: - 120KB

2011-10-17 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC)
Description: Please find attached the final written argument of PIAC/CAC in the above noted matter together with the response to Undertaking #4 given at the oral proceeding.
Document: - 165KB

2011-10-17 - Government of Yukon
Description: Final Argument of the Government of Yukon
Document: 1627249.pdf - 525KB

2011-10-14 - Government of Nunavut
Description: The Government of Nunavut thanks the CRTC for the opportunity to make a final written submission in this matter. We wish to draw your attention to the recommendations of the Arctic Communications and Information Systems Assessment Report (“ACIA Report” at and in particular Recommendation 7, regarding competition.
Document: 1626889.txt - 4KB

Section 5) Responses to requests for information

2011-09-30 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On September 26, Northwestel received a letter from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre requesting that Northwestel update a number of interrogatories reflecting changes that were made to the Company’s Evidence and responses to various Commission Interrogatories.
Document: 1621717.pdf - 114KB

2011-09-26 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In a letter dated September 26th 2011, the Commission requested that Northwestel file its 2010 aggregate corporate financial results on the record of this proceeding.
Documents: - 112KB

2011-09-09 - Northwestel Inc.
Discription:Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302. Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc: Revised Initial Evidence and Interrogatory Responses by Northwestel.
Documents: 1613243.doc - 97KB

2011-09-02 - SSI Micro Ltd.
Description: SSi Micro Ltd. (“SSi”) is pleased to submit the following responses to requests for further interrogatories posed to SSi by the Commission on August 22, 2011 as part of the proceeding initiated by TNC 2011-302.
Document: 1610832.pdf 884KB

2011-09-02 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On 22 August 2011, Northwestel received interrogatories from the Commission (CRTC) on the above noted proceeding. Pursuant to the above-noted Telecom Notice of Consultation and the letter issued by the CRTC with those interrogatories, Northwestel files herewith its responses to these interrogatories.
Document: 1610800.pdf - 155KB

2011-08-26 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On August 22nd, 2011, Northwestel received the Commission’s decision on requests for disclosure of information that the Company submitted in confidence to the Commission, and for further responses on claims of deficiency to interrogatories filed by the Company on August 2, 2011.
Document: 1607237.pdf - 31KB

2011-08-18 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: It has come to Northwestel’s (the Company) attention that PIAC had an additional 2 disclosure requests submitted on August 8th in addition to those to which the Company submitted responses on August 17th. As such the Company submits the following responses.
Document: 1602385.pdf - 115KB

2011-08-17 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On August 8th, 2011, Northwestel received requests from the Consumer Groups (PIAC), the Yukon Government (YG), Telus and SSI Micro for disclosure of information that the Company submitted in confidence to the Commission, and for further responses on claims of deficiency to interrogatories filed by the Company on August 2, 2011.
Document: 1601980.pdf - 154KB

2011-08-02 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: On July 7th, 2011, Northwestel received interrogatories from the Commission (CRTC), the Yukon Government (YG), the Government of the Northwest Territories (“GNWT”), the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (“PIAC”), TELUS Communication Inc. (“Telus”), SSI Micro (SSI) and the Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG). Pursuant to the above-noted Telecom Notice of Consultation, Northwestel files herewith its responses to these interrogatories.
Document: - 1581KB

2011-06-22 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302. Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc. and Related Matters: Revised Interrogatory response.
Document: - 266KB

2011-06-13 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel’s operating environment is comprised of very high costs, vast distances, harsh climate, extremely low population density, distinct cultural diversity and is an operating territory unlike any other in Canada. Given the unique characteristics, the Commission has continuously determined over many years that Northwestel requires regulatory frameworks that accommodate these distinct conditions.
Document: 1579424.pdf - 383KB

Section 6 - Exhibits and responses to undertakings

2011-10-17 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel submits a response to the Commission’s Undertakings # 2, 6, 7 and 8 received by Northwestel on October 4th and 5th 2011 at the Oral Hearing in Yellowknife.
Document: - 122KB

2011-10-17 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) herewith files its Final Argument in accordance with paragraph 43 of TNC 2011-302. TELUS is also filing its response to the undertaking taken on day 1 of the oral hearing (Transcript Volume 1, paragraph 2229).
Document: - 41KB

2011-10-17 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC)
Description: Please find attached the final written argument of PIAC/CAC in the above noted matter together with the response to Undertaking #4 given at the oral proceeding.
Document: - 58KB

2011-10-14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Responses to undertaking no. 9
Document: 1626995.pdf - 270KB

2011-10-05 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Responses to undertaking no. 1
Document: 1624023.pdf - 157KB

2011-10-05 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: Responses to undertaking
Document: 1623885.pdf - 111KB

2011-10-04 - Exhibit no. 2
Description: Undertaking to Northwestel Inc. - CRTC Staff Questions
Document: 1632810.doc - 42KB

2011-10-04 - Exhibit no. 1
Description: Summary of Northwestel Quality of Service Results - Number of months where indicator was missed
Document: 1623064.doc - 12KB

Section 8a) Costs

2012-03-08 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: Further to UCG letter of February 15 and your response letter of 21 February, 2012, we apologize for not responding sooner but I have been out of the country for the last couple of weeks and did not receive any correspondence. I returned to the Yukon yesterday
Document: 1691225.pdf - 25KB

2012-02-15 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: UCG and PIAC applied for a cost claim regarding the CRTC 2011-302 proceedings. On January 27, 2012 the CRTC released Order 2012-59 giving PIAC their total claimed costs
Document: 1676408.pdf - 23KB

2011-12-08 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: UCG received a copy of the above letter from Northwestel in response to the UCG cost claim application.
Document: 1648578.pdf - 44KB

2011-12-06 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel received an application for an award of cost to the above proceeding from the Utilities Consumers’ Group (UCG) dated November 27, 2011. Northwestel respectfully refers to the Guidelines for the Assessment of Costs established by the Commission in Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2010-963, Revision of CRTC costs award practices and procedures (the Guidelines), to provide guidance with respect to evaluating whether an applicant contributed to a better understanding of the issues, and whether the time requested is excessive.
Document: - 454KB

2011-12-02 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: It has come to the attention of the Utilities Consumers’ Group that a GST file number was not given in our application for Costs. Presently, UCG does not have a GST registration.
Document: 1646180.pdf - 30KB

2011-11-25 - Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG)
Description: Until today, the Utilities Consumers' Group were unaware that a cost claim application must be filed no later than 30 days from the date of final representations to the Commission on any particular proceeding. Although we recognize that it is our responsibility to know such rules, we were never previously notified by any Commission staff that such time line was indeed the case.
Document: - 3868KB

2011-11-23 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel received an application for an award of cost to the above proceeding from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre dated November 15, 2011. Northwestel has no comments on the application.
Document: 1641754.doc - 94KB

2011-11-15 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada (PIAC/CAC)
Description: The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)/Consumers Association of Canada (CAC), hereby submits its costs claim in the above-noted proceeding.
Document: 1638747.pdf - 1965KB

Section 8b) Others

2012-04-13 - Government of the Northwest Territories
Description: The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) is in receipt of the above noted letter wherein Northwestel advises the Commission that it does not intend to meet the six month target for extending the provision of enhanced calling features (ECF) to five of the six communities for which the target was established in TRP 2011-771.
Document: 1710910.pdf - 52KB

2012-04-03- Northwestel Inc.
Description: This letter is in reference to Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-771, Northwestel Inc. – Review of regulatory framework (“TRP 2011-771” or the “Decision”). In its decision in that proceeding, the Commission directed Northwestel Inc. (“Northwestel” or the “Company”)(at paragraph 40) to develop and file within six months a comprehensive plan to modernize its network infrastructure for both forborne and regulated services, including plans and proposals for funding this program (the“Modernization Plan”).
Document: 1702278.pdf - 49KB

2012-02-07 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Approved tariff pages
Document: - 23KB

Section 8c) Modernization Plan

2012-08-14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel Inc. (“Northwestel” or the “Company”) is in receipt of the intervention of SSi Micro (“SSi”) dated August 8, 2012, wherein SSi proposes a detailed process and timetable to undertake a holistic review into “the North’s communications needs, and into Northwestel’s regulatory framework and services to ensure that the benefits to the North of such a regime can be properly realized”. Northwestel takes this opportunity to respond to SSi’s proposal, and to provide its own comments on how to most effectively proceed in connection with the Modernization Plan, the holistic review, and the review of the Company’s current price cap regime (the “Price Cap Review”).
Document: 1752638.pdf - 52KB

2012-08-10 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or “the Company”) is in receipt of an intervention filed by the SSi Group of Companies (“SSi”) dated 8 August 2012 in which it proposes a process and timeline to initiate the holistic review of 1) Northwestel’s regulatory framework, 2) all of Northwestel’s telecommunications services, and 3) Northwestel’s modernization plan as filed on 3 July 2012, as announced by the Commission in Northwestel Inc. – Review of regulatory framework, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-771 dated 14 December 2011 (“TRP 2011-771”)1.
Document: 1751620.pdf - 155KB

2012-08-08 - SSi Micro Ltd.
Description: I am writing to the Commission on behalf of the SSi Group of Companies (“SSi”) with respect to Telecom Regulatory Policy 2011-771 (“TRP2011-771”). To recall, the Commission stated in TRP 2011-771 that it would initiate a follow-up proceeding to:
Document: 1749818.pdf - 188KB

2011-07-07 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Please see the attached proposed letter to subscribers regarding the above noted proceeding
Document: - 100KB

2012-07-03 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel Inc. (“Northwestel” or the “Company”) submits its comprehensive plan to modernize its network infrastructure (the “Modernization Plan” or “Plan”) pursuant to paragraphs 40 and 41 of Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2011-771, Northwestel Inc. – Review of regulatory framework, 14 December 2011 (“TRP 2011-771” or the “Decision”), wherein the Commission directed the Company to develop and file within six months of the date of the Decision, a Modernization Plan.
Document: - 463KB

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