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Ottawa, 15 September 2011

Our Reference:  8678-C12-201107714


To: Distribution List

Re: Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302), Review of price cap regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. and related matters (NoC 2011-302), as amended by NoC 2011-302-1 – Organization and conduct of the public hearing

Dear Madam/Sir:

The Commission is scheduled to hold an oral hearing in connection with the above-noted proceeding commencing on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 at The Yellowknife Inn, Copper Room, 5010 49th Street, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories.

The purpose of this letter is to provide parties with information on the organization and conduct of the oral hearing.

Sitting Schedule

The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 4 October 2011, and is expected to last two days. Phase I (opening presentations) is expected to last one day, followed by Phase II (rebuttal phase) of the hearing on the second day. If it appears that the hearing is behind schedule, it may be necessary to revisit the schedule and sit into the evening on one or both days.

Order of appearance

The order of appearance of parties who filed written interventions with the Commission and indicated that they wish to make an oral presentation at the hearing is set out in the attachment to this letter. All other persons interested in the proceeding and members of the public are invited to attend the consultation as audience members.

Participants are responsible for monitoring the progress of the hearing so that they are aware of any Commission directives and are ready to make their presentations at any time during the sitting schedule, depending on the progress of the hearing. Please be advised that an audio link will be available throughout the hearing on the Commission’s website at


The Commission has made arrangements to provide stenography services for the hearing. Those who wish to obtain same-day or other services are to contact Steno Tran as soon as possible prior to the hearing to make arrangements.  The person requesting the service is responsible for the transaction and payment of such services.  Bill Curley from Steno Tran may be contacted at 613.521.0703 extension 105 or  The transcripts will be posted daily on the Commission’s website.


Phase I: Opening presentations

Each party will have a maximum of 20 minutes to make its oral presentation in Phase I of the oral hearing.

Opening presentations will be followed by questioning from members of the Commission panel.

Participants may make use of audio-visual aids in their presentations. Participants who wish to employ an audio-visual aid are to contact Lynda Roy, Hearing Secretary, by e-mail at by no later than 21 September 2011, so that the necessary arrangements can be made.

Phase II: Oral rebuttal argument

Parties who appeared in Phase I will each have a maximum of 10 minutes to make oral rebuttal arguments in Phase II of the oral hearing. During this phase, parties are to restrict their arguments to addressing the submissions of other parties, following which Commission panel members, and other parties with permission of the Chair, may ask questions. Parties will proceed in the order of appearance set out in the attachment to this letter.

All parties who appeared in Phase I are expected to be present for the entirety of Phase II of the hearing. Parties may be called upon at any time during Phase II to answer questions from members of the Commission panel and, with the Chair’s permission, from other parties

Structure and approach of submissions

At a date closer to the hearing, the Commission may issue a letter setting out the issues to be focused on at the hearing in order to assist parties in preparing their presentations.

Responsibility of the participants

Parties are required to bring with them all relevant documentation and knowledgeable personnel, including any relevant experts.  An adverse inference may be drawn from the failure of a party to do so.

For ease of translation and transcription, and to assist the Commission panel members and Commission staff, participants are requested to bring 30 copies of their prepared remarks, any charts, tables, or graphics which participants intend to use during their presentation, as well as the seating plan of their presentation panel (view from the Commission panel).  

The Commission would appreciate if participants would provide an electronic version of their prepared remarks to the stenographer prior to, or at the conclusion of, their oral presentation.

Notification of attendance and further inquiries

In order to assist the Commission, participants must file the following via Access Key, providing a copy to Lynda Roy, Hearing Secretary, via e-mail at, by 21 September 2011:

Copies of documents filed

Participants are reminded that, in accordance with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, only evidence in support of statements already on the record is admissible at the public hearing without the permission of the Commission.  Should a party intend to bring forward new evidence, including proposed exhibits or attachments to the oral presentation, they must notify the Hearing Secretary of their intention in advance of their oral presentation and must request permission to do so from the Commission at the beginning of their oral presentation.

With respect to any documents filed at the public hearing (such as exhibits, proposed exhibits, or responses to undertakings), 30 copies must be provided to the Hearing Secretary for the Commission’s use.

At the same time, copies of all such documents must be served on all other parties present at the public hearing on the date the document is filed.

Post-Public Hearing Written Submissions

In accordance with the procedures established in the notice of consultation, parties may file final written arguments with the Commission on any matter within the scope of this proceeding, serving copies on all other parties, by 17 October 2011. Final arguments, including an executive summary, are not to exceed 15 pages.


Robert A. Morin
Secretary General



Schedule: Order of Appearance


Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302
Public Hearing Participants

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Commencing on Tuesday, 4 October 2011


1. Northwestel Inc.
2. SSI Micro Ltd.
3. Government of the Northwest Territories
4. Government of Yukon
5. Government of Nunavut
6. Utilities Consumers’ Group
7. Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and Consumers Association of Canada (CAC) (PIAC/CAC)
8. TELUS Communications Company


Telecom Notice of Consultation CRTC 2011-302
Public Hearing Participants

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Commencing on Wednesday, 5 October 2011


1. Government of the Northwest Territories
2. Government of Yukon
3. Government of Nunavut
4. TELUS Communications Company
5. Utilities Consumers’ Group
6. Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and Consumers Association of Canada (CAC) (PIAC/CAC)
7. SSI Micro Ltd.
8. Northwestel Inc.


Distribution List

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