Enquête sur le prix de revient - Phase III/Base Tarifaire Partagée (BTP) - TELUS Communications Inc.

NUMEROS DE DOSSIERS :  8654-T42-06/01,  8654-T42-05/00, 8654-T42-01/00, 8654-B1-02/98, 8654-B1-01/97

2001/07/24 - Télécom Lettre Décision CRTC 2001-421  
Révisions proposées aux guides de la Phase III/Base tarifaire partagée (BTP) pour 2000 de TCBC et de l'ancienne TCI. N/Réf. : 8654-T42-06/01.

2002/03/11 - TELUS Communications Inc. ("TCI" or the "Company") - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Pursuant to the periodic financial reporting requirement specified in paragraph 233 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-9, Price Cap Regulation and Related Issues ("Decision 97-9"), TELUS Communications Inc. ("TCI" or the "Company") hereby files its 2001 year-end financial results.

2001/12/05 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: By letter to the Commission dated October 1, 2001 the Company submitted its 2000 Phase III/SRB results for the TCBC and the former TCI.
Document: 011205.zip - 28KO

2001/10/01 - TELUS Communications Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description:  The Commission's letter dated July 24, 2001, granted TCBC and the former TCI approval for their proposed 2000 Phase III/SRB Manual updates.

2001/08/30 - TELUS Communications Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Pursuant to the periodic financial reporting requirement specified in paragraph 233 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-9, Price Cap Regulation and Related Issues (Decision 97-9), the Company hereby files its 2001 semi-annual financial results.

2001/08/23 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated July 24, 2001, TCBC and the former TCI hereby file their amended 2000 Phase III/Split Rate Base (SRB) Manual pages to reflect the updates and changes approved by the Commission.
010823.doc - 41KO

2001/05/28 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adresssée à Telus Communications Inc. - Object: Révisions proposées à la Phase III du Guide/Base tarifaire partagée (BTP) pour 2000 de TCBC et TCI

2001/04/05 - TELUS Communications Inc. & TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established by Telecom Decisions CRTC 89-26, 94-24, and 97-9, TCI hereby files the proposed updates to the 2000 Phase III/Split Rate Base (SRB) Manuals of each of the former TCI and TCBC
010405.zip - 70KO

2001/03/30 - TELUS Communications Inc. & TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the periodic financial reporting requirement specified in paragraph 233 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-9, Price Cap Regulation and Related Issues (Decision 97-9), the Company hereby files the 2000 annual financial results for TCBC and the former TCI.
010330.doc - 42KO

2001/02/28 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à Telus Communications Inc. - Objet:  Classement des résultats financiers 2000 - TCI demande une extension de sa date limite, jusqu'au 30 mars 2001.

2001/02/07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: 2000 Actual Financial Results
010207-srb.doc - 12KO

2000/09/29 - TELUS Communications Inc. & TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.
Description: The Commission's letter dated July 5, 2000 granted TELUS Communications (BC) Inc. ("TCBC") and TELUS Communications Inc. ("TCI") (collectively, "the Companies") approval for their proposed 1999 Phase III/SRB Manual updates. The Companies subsequently filed the corresponding amended Manual pages on July 31, 2000.
000929.zip - 37KO

2000/08/01 - Telus Communications (B.C.) Inc. ("TCTC") and Telus Communications Inc. ("TCI") - "Version imprimée" 
Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated July 5, 2000, Telus Communications (B.C.) Inc. ("TCTC") and Telus Communications Inc. ("TCI") (collectively, the Companies) hereby file their amended 1999 Phase III/Split Rate Base (SRB) Manual pages to reflect the updates and changes accepted by the Commission.

2000/07/05 - Lettre du Conseil
DESCRIPTION: Lettre adressée à Telus Communications Inc. - Objet : Propositions de révision des guides de la Phase III/base tarifaire partagée pour 1999, de TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) et de TELUS Communications (C.-B.) Inc. (TCBC)
lt000705f.htm - Hyper Text Markup - 3 KO

2000/05/26 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Lettre adressée à Telus Communications Inc. - Re: TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) and
TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. (TCBC) Phase III/Split Rate Base (SRB) Manual Update Submission

2000/04/19 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Proposed Updates for the 1999 Phase III/SRB Manual for TCI.
000419.doc - 39KO
Att1-419.doc - 106KO
Att2-419.doc - 21KO

2000/03/31 - TELUS Communications Inc. & TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.
Description: Re: Proposed Revisions to the 1999 Phase III/SRB Manual for TCI and TCBC. In accordance with the procedures established by Telecom Decisions CRTC 89-26, 94-24 and 97-9, TELUS Communications Inc. ("TCI") and TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc. ("TCBC") (collectively, "the Companies") file herewith proposed updates to their 1999 Phase III/Split Rate Base (SRB) Manual. Attachments 1 and 2 provide a summary of the methodology changes and account additions and deletions applicable to the production of the 1999 Phase III/SRB results for TCI and TCBC respectively.
Documents: Word
000331.doc - 27KO
tci-331.doc - 32KO
tcbc-331.doc - 52KO

2000/03/24 - TELUS Communications Inc. & TELUS Communications (B.C.) Inc.
Description: System of Accounts Manual Filing.
Documents: Word
000324.zip - Winzip - 173KO
systaccts.doc - 25KO

1999/08/13 - BC TEL and TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: BC TEL and TELUS actual SRB results for Utility and other segments and annual historical SRB results for a given year.
BCT0813S.ZIP (Zip File, 15 KO)
BCT0813S.DOC (MS Word Format, 37 KO)

1999/07/20 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Corporation.  RE:  Proposed Revisions to the 1998 Phase III/Split Rate Base Manual of TELUS Corporation (TELUS).
Documents: MS*Word
990720ft.doc - 21KO

1999/05/26 - Lettre du Conseil - "version imprimée"
Description: Letter addressed BC TEL, Bell Canada, MTT/Island Tel, MTS Communications Inc., TELUS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. & NewTel Communications Inc.

1998/05/28 - Lettre du Conseil - "version imprimée"
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - BC TEL, Bell Canada, MT&T, MTS, TCI, Island Tel and NBTel.  Re: Phase III/SRB Manual Update Submission.

1999/03/02 - Ordonnance Télécom CRTC 98-189 - Le 1er février 1999, TELUS Communications Inc. a déposé une demande en vue de faire approuver l'article E-616 du Tarif des montages spéciaux, prévoyant une première voie d'accès DS-1 à partir des locaux d'un abonné situés à l'extérieur du secteur à tarif de base desservi par le central de Brooks.  No de dossier : Avis de modification tarifaire 44

1998/01/06 - Lettre du Conseil - "version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Addressed to TELUS Corporation. Subject: TCI Phase III/SRB Manual Update Submission.

1997/12/19 - Telus Corporation - "version imprimée"
Description: TCI Phase III/SRB Manual Update Submission. Interrogatories.
971219.ZIP - WINZIP - 119,290 KO
971219.DOC - MS*Word - 21,504 KO

1997/10/31 - Telus Corporation - "version imprimée"
Description: Re: Filing of Telus Accounting Manual Updates.

1997/10/31 - Telus Corporation - "version imprimée"
Description: Re: TCI Phase III/SRB Manual Update Submission.

1997/01/31 - Ordonnance Télécom CRTC 97-144 - Références : 96-2193, 96-2194, 96-2202 à 96-2207

1997/03/27 - Ordonnance Télécom CRTC 97-405 - RELATIVEMENT aux rapports de mise à jour des guides de la Phase III/base tarifaire partagée (BTP) déposés par la BC TEL et la TELUS Communications Inc. (la TCI) les 13 et 15 janvier 1997 respectivement.

1995/10/05 - Ordonnance Télécom CRTC 95-1097 - RELATIVEMENT au dépôt de tarifs de la Unitel Communications Inc. - APRÈS lecture des pièces déposées - IL EST ORDONNÉ CE QUI SUIT - Les révisions de tarifs qui ont été déposées en vertu de l'avis de modification tarifaire 1061 du 21 septembre 1995 sont approuvées à compter de la date de la présente ordonnance.

1995/09/28 - Ordonnance Télécom CRTC 95-1068 - RELATIVEMENT à la mise à jour du guide de la Phase III soumise par l'AGT Limited (l'AGT) le 10 juillet 1995.

1997/07/31 - TCI - "version imprimée"
Description: Filing of TELUS Communications Inc. Accounting Manual Updates.

1997/07/21 - TCI - "version imprimée"
Description: TCI June 30, 1997 Phase III/SRB Manual Submission.

1997/04/30 - TCI - "version imprimée"
Description: Updated Pages - Accounting Manual Updates.

1997/04/01 - TCI - "version imprimée"
Description: TCI Phase III/SRB Manual Revisions.

1997/04/01 - TCI - "version imprimée"
Description: TCI's Broadband Transfer Pricing and Tracking Proposal.

1997/04/01 - TCI - "version imprimée"
Description: TCI 1995 Audited Phase III/SRB Results.

Mise à jour : 2002-03-15

Date de modification :