Norouestel Inc. - AMT 903 - 8740-N1-201317793

Tarif des services d'accès des entreprises - Service de départ sans frais - 2013-12-16

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2015-06-09 - Decision de télécom CRTC 2015-244 Ordonnance simplifiée
Le Conseil approuve provisoirement la demande tarifaire suivante : AMT 903 et 903A de Norouestel Inc.

2014-02-06 - Ordonnances de télécom CRTC 2014-45 Ordonnance simplifiée
Le Conseil approuve provisoirement la demande tarifaire suivante : AMT 903 et 903A de Norouestel Inc.

2014-12-09 - Telus Communications Company
Description : Pursuant to the direction in the Commission staff letter dated November 18, 2014, TELUS Communications Company (-TELUS-) submits the attached response to an interrogatory. Originally due December 3, 2014, Bell Canada requested an extension to December 9, 2014, a request supported by TELUS and subsequently accepted verbally by Commission staff.
Document : - 295 Ko

2014-12-09 - Bell Canada
Description : Please find attached our responses to the Commission's request for information dated 18 November 2014.
Document : - 52 Ko

2014-12-03 - Société TELUS Communications (STC)
Description : TELUS is in receipt of a letter from Bell Canada sent on today’s date, requesting that the due date for responses to the Commission’s requests for information issued on November 18, 2014 be extended to December 9, 2014. 
Document : 2242056.pdf - 138 Ko

2014-12-02 - Bell Canada
Description : Bell Canada is submitting this letter to seek an extension to the filing date, which has currently been set for 3 December 2014, for its responses to the requests for information that Commission staff set out in its letter dated 18 November 2014.
Document : 2241380.doc - 59 Ko

2014-11-18 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 903 et 903A de Norouestel inc. – Service d’acheminement des appels sans frais de départ

2014-07-29 - Norouestel Inc.
Description : Northwestel Inc (Northwestel) is in receipt of comments from Allstream Inc. (Allstream), Iristel Inc. (Iristel), and Telus (collectively the interveners) regarding the above noted Tariff Notice.
Document : 2174172.pdf - 146 Ko

2014-07-22 - Iristel Inc.
Description : Iristel Inc. is filing this supplementary intervention with the Commission with respect to responses to requests for information filed by Northwestel on 27 June 2014 and 14 July 2014, pertaining to Tariff Notices 903 and 903A.
Document : 2171117.pdf - 766 Ko

2014-07-22 - Société TELUS Communications (STC)
Description : On June 17, 2014, Commission staff issued a letter in relation to Tariff Notices No. 903 and 903A (collectively, “TN 903/A”) of Northwestel Inc. (“Northwestel”). Included in this letter were interrogatories to Northwestel and/or Bell Canada (“Bell”). TELUS has reviewed Northwestel’s responses to these interrogatories, which were filed with the Commission on June 27, 2014, as well as a revised response to the second interrogatory which was filed on July 14, 2014, all apparently on behalf of Northwestel and Bell. Pursuant to the process set out in the Commission staff’s aforementioned letter, as amended by the Commission staff letter of July 10, 2014, TELUS provides the following comments on these responses. Failure to address any assertion should not be construed as agreement with that position, where the position would be contrary to the interests of TELUS. 
Document : 2171108.pdf - 212 Ko

2014-07-22 - MTS Inc.
Description : Allstream Inc. (Allstream) is filing these comments concerning interrogatory responses filed by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) on 27 June 2014, and revised on 14 July 2014, pertaining to Tariff Notice 903 and 903A (TN 903/903A), in which Northwestel proposes to introduce a tariff for Toll-free Origination Service (TFOS) to replace commercial arrangements under which this service has been provided. 
Document : 2171087.doc - 172 Ko

2014-07-14 - Norouestel Inc. et Bell Canada
Description : Pursuant to the ruling from Commission staff on disclosure issued in a letter dated 10 July 2014 Northwestel provides a supplemental response to The Companies (CRTC) 17Jun14-2, in which we are disclosing a description of the two options for the purchase of capacity from High Level to Toronto on the public record, which was filed in confidence in our original response.
Document : 2166437.pdf - 240 Ko

2014-07-10 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Monsieur Dallas Yeulett, Northwestel Inc.; Monsieur Phillippe Gauvin, Bell Canada; Monsieur Samer Bichay, Iristel Inc. and Monsieur Russ Friesen, MTS Allstream Inc - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 903 et 903A de Norouestel, Service d’acheminement des appels sans frais de départ – Demandes de divulgation de renseignements et de prorogation du délai de dépôt

2014-07-08 - Norouestel Inc. et Bell Canada
Description: On July 3rd, 2014 Northwestel and Bell Canada (the Companies) received a request from Iristel for disclosure of information on the response to information request filed by the Companies on June 27, 2014.
Document: 2163787.pdf - 93 Ko

2014-07-03 - MTS Inc.
Description : Allstream Inc. (Allstream) is in receipt of a process request submitted by Iristel Inc. (Iristel) pertaining to interrogatory responses filed by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) on 27 June 2014 pertaining to Tariff Notice 903A (TN 903A), in which Northwestel proposes to introduce a tariff for Toll-free Origination Service (TFOS) to replace commercial arrangements under which this service has been provided.
Document : 2160927.doc - 235 Ko

2014-07-03 - Iristel Inc.
Description : Iristel Inc. (“Iristel”) is in receipt of responses filed by Northwestel on 27 June 2014 to requests for information (“RFIs”) posed by the Commission in the above-cited proceeding. In this submission, Iristel is asking the Commission to order Northwestel to disclose information filed in confidence in those RFI responses.
Document : 2159456.pdf - 767 Ko

2014-06-27 - Norouestel Inc.
Description : On June 17 Northwestel and Bell Canada (the companies) received a request for information from the Commission in relation to the above-noted Tariff Notice. We are pleased to provide the following responses.
Document : 2158696.pdf - 518 Ko

2014-06-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Monsieur Dallas Yeulett, Northwestel Inc. et Monsieur Phillippe Gauvin, Bell Canada - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 903 et 903A de Norouestel inc. – Service d’acheminement des appels sans frais de départ

2014-03-13 - Norouestel Inc.
Description : Northwestel has received comments in relation to the above-noted Tariff Notice from Telus, MTS and Iristel. We are pleased to provide the following Reply Comments.
Document : 2091106.pdf - 148 Ko

2014-02-25 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Norouestel inc. - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire no 903/A de Norouestel inc. – Acheminement des appels sans frais de départ, Demande de prolongation pour la présentation d’une réponse aux commentaires, CRTC N/Réf. : 8740-N1-201317793

2014-02-24 - Norouestel Inc.
Description : Further to Northwestel’s Tariff Notice 903A and the Commission’s letter dated January 30th, in which the Commission outlined that interested persons would have until 21 February, 2014 to file an intervention, Northwestel provides the following response to MTS Allstream’s request for disclosure.
Document : - 1702 Ko

2014-02-24 - Norouestel Inc.
Description : Further to Northwestel’s Tariff Notice 903A, on February 11th Northwestel received a request for information from the Commission. Attached is Northwestel’s response.
Document : - 75 Ko

2014-02-24 - Norouestel Inc.
Description : Further to Northwestel’s Tariff Notice 903A and the Commission’s letter dated January 30th, in which the Commission outlined that interested persons would have until 21 February, 2014 to file an intervention, and Northwestel would have until 3 March 2014 to file reply comments, Northwestel files this request for an extension to the deadline to file reply comments until March 10th.
Document : 2080769.pdf - 54 Ko

2014-02-21 - Société TELUS Communications (STC)
Description : TELUS has reviewed Tariff Notices No. 903 (“TN 903”) and 903A from Northwestel Inc. (“Northwestel”), which were filed with the Commission on December 16, 2013, and January 22, 2014, respectively (collectively, “TN903/A”). In TN 903/A, Northwestel introduces “Toll-Free Origination Service” in which Northwestel proposes tariff rates for the origination of toll-free calls in Northwestel’s territory and their carriage to Northwestel’s affiliate Bell Canada for subsequent routing to toll-free service providers. This service had historically been offered pursuant to negotiated agreements rather than through tariffs. As noted by Northwestel, TN 903/A was filed as a result of Decision 2013-6131, in which the Commission determined that Northwestel had been providing these telecommunications services otherwise than in accordance with section 25 of the Telecommunications Act (the “Act”).
Document : 2080388.pdf - 112 Ko

2014-02-21 - Iristel Inc.
Description : Iristel wishes to be considered an intervener in the above-noted tariff proceeding, which is a result of Northwestel Inc. – 800 service origination agreements and arrangements Telecom Decision CRTC 2013-6131 (“TD 2013-613”), whereby the Commission directed Northwestel to file proposed rates and a supporting Phase II cost study for: (i) the transport component for calls that originate from Northwestel’s western area, and (ii) the southern delivery fee.
Document : 2080050.pdf - 81 Ko

2014-02-14 - MTS Allstream
Description : MTS Inc. and Allstream Inc. (collectively, MTS Allstream) are filing these comments in response to Tariff Notice 903A (TN 903A) filed by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) on 22 January 2014, which revises TN 903, originally filed on 16 December 2013.
Document : 2076759.docx - 127 Ko

2014-02-11 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Norouestel inc. - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 903/903A – Acheminement des appels sans frais de départ

2014-01-30 - Lettre procédurale
Description : Lettre adressée à Iristel - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 903, Service de départ sans frais

2014-01-24 - Iristel Inc.
Description : Iristel Inc. (“Iristel”) hereby requests a 14-day extension to file an intervention to the abovenoted tariff proceeding.
Document : 2061534.pdf - 76 Ko

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