2009-06-26 - #: 8663-C12-200909658 - Plan de mise en oeuvre de la concurrence locale dans les territoires des petites ESLT

Déposer en utilisant les services en ligne

2011-05-12 - Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2011-291-1 Correction - Obligation de servir et autres questions
Numéros de dossiers : 8663-C12-201000653, 8663-C12-200912437 et 8663-C12-200909658

2011-05-03 - Politique réglementaire de télécom CRTC 2011-291 Obligation de servir et autres questions
Numéros de dossiers : 8663-C12-201000653, 8663-C12-200912437 et

2010-07-23 - Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2010-43-3 Avis d’audience
Obligation de servir et autres questions
Modifications apportées à la date de l’audience
Numéros de dossiers : 8663-C12-201000653, 8663-C12-200912437,
et 8663-C12-200909658

2010-03-30 - Avis de consultation de télécom 2010-43-2 Avis d’audience Obligation de servir et autres questions
Modifications apportées à la procédure
Numéros de dossiers : 8663-C12-201000653, 8663-C12-200912437 et

2010-03-05 - Avis de consultation de télécom 2010-43-1 Avis d’audience
le 25 octobre 2010
Timmins (Ontario)
le 1er novembre 2010
Gatineau (Québec)
Dates et lieux de l'audience publique
Obligation de servir et autres questions
(antérieurement, Instance visant à revoir l'accès aux services de télécommunication de base et autres questions)
Numéros de dossiers : 8663-C12-201000653, 8663-C12-200912437 et

2010-01-28 - Avis de consultation de télécom CRTC 2010-43 Avis d'audience
25 octobre 2010
Gatineau (Québec)
Instance visant à revoir l'accès aux services de télécommunication de base et autres questions
Date d'inscription : le 25 février 2010
Date limite pour le dépôt des observations : le 12 novembre 2010
Numéros de dossiers : 8663-C12-201000653, 8663-C12-200912437 et

2009-12-08 - Câblovision Warwick Inc.

Description: Nous désirons à nouveau vous faire nos commentaires sur ce processus qui à notre avis est beaucoup trop long à mettre en exécution.

Document: 1333201.pdf - 69KO

2009-10-09 - Rogers Wireless Partnership

Description: Rogers Wireless Partnership (RWP) is in receipt of a letter from Bragg Communications Inc. (Bragg) dated October 2nd, 2009, concerning the above-mentioned subject.

Document: 1287941.pdf - 49KO

2009-10-02 - Bragg Communications Inc.

Description: Bragg Communications Inc. (“Bragg”) is writing with regard to concerns we
have relating to the above-noted matter. Bragg operates as a CLEC throughout a
number of provinces including Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, certain exchanges
in New Brunswick and Newfoundland, as well as in a number of exchanges in

Document: 1280717.pdf - 166KO

2009-08-26 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet : Concurrence locale dans les territoires des petites ESLT

2009-08-21 - Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited

Description: Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited is in receipt of interrogatory responses from companies made party to this process. Pursuant to the procedure as directed in CRTC Staff letter of 26 June, 2009 the following comments are submitted by Tuckersmith.

Document: 1259744.pdf - 1100KO

2009-08-21 - Cogeco Cable Inc.

Description: Conformément à la procédure établie par le Conseil dans sa lettre du 26 juin
2009, amendée dans sa lettre du 30 juillet, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) soumet
par la présente ses observations sur les réponses aux demandes de
renseignements du Conseil déposées par les parties désignées à l’instance.

Document: 1259711.pdf - 80KO

2009-08-21 - Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited

Description: Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited (the Company) files herewith its comments on the interrogatories on the above noted proceeding on Local Competition in SILEC territories.

Document: 1259704.zip - 46KO

2009-08-21 - Rogers Wireless Partnership

Description: Rogers Wireless Partnership (RWP) received a letter from the Commission on June 26th, 2009, in which the Commission asked various interrogatories to small incumbent local exchange carrier (SILECs), competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) and wireless service providers (WSPs) in regard to the implementation of local competition, local number portability (LNP) and wireless number portability (WNP) in the SILEC territories.

Document: 1259698.pdf - 166KO

2009-08-21 - Amtelecom Telco GP Inc.

Description: Amtelecom Telco GP Inc., (“Amtelecom”) hereby files comments in relation to the above noted matter. Amtelecom provided a response to the Commission’s questions to those SILECs who received a request for wireless number portability (“WNP”) from a Wireless Service Provider, on the basis that Amtelecom received an initial request for WNP from Rogers Communications Inc. on April 28, 2009.

Document: 1259695.pdf - 139KO

2009-08-21 - EastLink (Bragg Communications Inc.)

Description: Bragg Communications Inc., operating as “EastLink” hereby files comments in
relation to the above-noted proceeding. EastLink has had an opportunity to review the
various interrogatory responses filed by parties on August 7, 2008, and we address
some of those comments herein.

Document: 1259691.pdf - 152KO

2009-08-21 - Bruce Telecom

Description: Bruce Telecom (the Company) files herewith its comments on the interrogatories on the above noted proceeding on Local Competition in SILEC territories.

Document: 1259684.zip - 164KO

2009-08-21 - The Canadian Cable Systems Alliance Inc. (CCSA)

Description: CCSA has reviewed the Commission’s letter dated June 26th, 2009, which posed a number of questions concerning the above-mentioned subject, and has reviewed, as well, the responses of the various parties to those questions.

Document: 1259680.pdf - 180KO

2009-08-19 - Câblovision Warwick Inc.

Description: Câblovision Warwick désire exprimer ses commentaires concernant la concurrence des petites ESLT.

Document: 1260743.pdf - 1251KO

2009-08-11 - City West Cable

Description: CityWest submitted a letter to the Commission on July 9, 2009 regarding our WNP Implementation Plan and the individual employee working on this file has been on holidays and as such CityWest missed the filing deadline date of August 7, 2009.

Document: 1254377.doc - 43KO

2009-08-07 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description:  Conformément à la procédure établie par le Conseil dans sa lettre du 26 juin 2009, amendée dans sa lettre du 30 juillet 2009, Cogeco Cable inc. dépose par la présente ses réponses aux demandes de renseignements du Conseil

Document: 1253414.zip - 707KO

2009-08-07 - Amtelecom Telco GP Inc.
Description:  Amtelecom isin receipt of the Commission's letter dated June 26, 2009 which includes questions directed to SILECs who have received a request from a wireless service provider to implement wireless number portability (WNP) in the SILEC's territory.
Document: 1253405.zip - 219KO

2009-08-07 - TELUS Communications Company

Description: TELUS is in receipt of a Commission staff letter, dated June 26, 2009, in which Commission staff stated that it had received local competition implementation plan from certain SILECs following requests for local competition made by TELUS.

Document:  1253392.pdf - 22KO

2009-08-07 - EastLink (Bragg Communications Inc.)
Description:  Bragg operating as EastLink is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated June 26, 2009k which includes questions directed to CLECs associated with entry plans into the territories of Small Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, EastLink had provided notice of CLEC entry into various SILEC exchanges located in Ontario.
Document: 1253373.zip - 148KO

2009-08-07 - Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited
Description: In reply to your letter of June 26, 2009 Mornington Communications submits the following abridged responses.
Document: 1253307.zip - 1120KO

2009-08-07 - ACTQ et la SATAT

Description:  Les compagnies membres de l'ACTQ et de la SATAT susmentionnées accusent réception des questions posées par le Conseil, en date du 26 juin 2009, à l'endroit du plan de mise en oeuvre de la concurrence locale déposée par les compagnies auprès du Conseil le 6 novembre 2008.

Document: 1253223.zip - 2881KO

2009-08-07 - Bruce Telecom
Description:  Bruce Telecom (the Company) files herewith its responses to the interrogatories put forth in your letter dated 26 June 2009.
Document: 1253208.pdf - 305KO

2009-08-07 - Rogers Wireless Partnership
Description:  Rogers Wireless Partnershp is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated June 26th , 2009, concerning the above-mentioned subject.

Document: 1253178.pdf - 104KO

2009-08-07 - Shaw Telecom G.P.

Description:  Shaw is in receipt of a letter of 26 June 2009 from the Commission requesting responses to certain interrogatories relating to the implementation of local competition of SILEC territories.  Shaw herein files its response to the interrogatories.
Document: 1253172.zip - 142KO

2009-08-07 - Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited

Description:  Tuckersmith is in receipt of the Commission letter dated 26 June 2009 regarding the above noted subject.

Document: 1253158.zip - 1975KO

2009-07-31 - KMTS
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter dated 26 June 2009, KMTS hereby files its responses to interrogatories from the Commission.

Document: 1251033.zip - 597KO

2009-07-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Concurrence locale dans les territoires des petites ESLT

2009-07-30 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  TELUS is in receipt of a Commission staff letter dated June 26, 2009.  In this letter, Commission staff poses questions relating to local competition on SILEC territories.
Document: 1250365.pdf - 20 KO

2009-07-14 - Câblovision Warwick Inc.

Description: La présente a pour but de vous demander d'inclure Cablovision Warwick inc. dans le processus des discussions en cours pour l'ouverture de la concurrence au sein du marché local des petites compagnies de téléphonie.

Document: 1245251.pdf - 71KO

2009-07-08 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Concurrence locale dans les territoires des petites ESLT

2009-06-26 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Concurrence locale dans les territoires des petites ESLT

Mise à jour : 2011-05-12

Date de modification :