Regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework

This plan explains how the CRTC will work with Canadians and Indigenous peoples to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework. The changes needed to implement the modernized Broadcasting Act are substantial and complex, with many interconnected issues to be addressed.

The modernized Act will be implemented in three phases. Decisions will be made based on the consultations. This plan will be updated regularly to ensure that everyone can participate and share ideas.

Phase 1—Getting started (completed)

Phase 1 lays the groundwork for future policy work and determines whether online streaming services need to make initial financial contributions to support Canada’s broadcasting system.

  Spring 2023 (complete)

Phase 2—Building a new regulatory framework (in progress)

This phase looks at the policy issues for the new regulatory framework and will include the following public consultations and hearings.

  Summer/Fall 2023 (closed for comments)

  Winter 2024 (closed for comments)

  Spring 2024 (closed for comments)

  Summer 2024 (upcoming)

  Fall 2024 (upcoming)

  Winter 2024–2025 (upcoming)

  Spring 2025 (upcoming)

  Winter 2025–2026 (upcoming)

  Spring 2026 (upcoming)

Phase 3—Implementing new regulatory framework (targeting launch late 2025)

This phase will focus on implementing the policy decisions listed above.

The CRTC will finalize the contributions online streaming services and traditional broadcasters will have to make to support Canadian and Indigenous content. We will also start to issue conditions of service that reflect how each radio station, television service and online streaming service should support the goals of the broadcasting system.

More details on Phase 3 will be included in future updates to this plan.

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