Consultation about registration of online streaming services

Status: Decision issued

The CRTC’s decision requires online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023.

Read the decision on the registration of online streaming services.

View the list of registered broadcasting ownership groups.

To help modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework, we wanted to hear from you on how to determine which online streaming services need to be registered with the CRTC. There are a lot of different streaming services out there, but not all of them will need to be registered. We also wanted your views on the type of information that would be collected during registration.

This consultation ran from May 12, 2023 to June 12, 2023.

Who was the focus of this consultation

We encouraged all Canadians to share their views and comments.

It is important to note that registration does not apply to individual Canadians who put their content online. Registration would only apply to certain online streaming services.

This consultation was most interest to:

Key topics for discussion

We invited you to provide your comments on the wording of our proposed Online Undertakings Registration Regulations and Exemption Order.

We wanted to hear from you on:

See the Notice of Consultation 2023-139 for more details.

What we heard

Related information

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