2009-05-21 - #: 8662-P8-200907727 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups, Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP), Acanac Inc., Accelerated Connections Inc., Cybersurf Corp., eagle.ca, Execuling Telecom Inc., Managed Network Systems Inc., Skyway West Business Internet Services, Start Communications, TekSavvy Solutions Inc., Vianet Inernet Solutions et Yak Communications Inc. (the Applicants) - Demande de révision et de modification de la décision 2008-108
Déposer en utilisant les services en ligne
Référence: 8662-V42-200907826
Observations par ordre alphabétique du 12 juin au 14 juin
Observations par ordre alphabétique du 15 juin au 22 juin
2009-10-29 - Décision de télécom 2009-677 L'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet et autres et Vaxination Informatique – Demande de révision et de modification de certaines conclusions tirées dans la décision de télécom 2008-108 concernant les pratiques de gestion du trafic Internet de Bell Canada
Numéros de dossiers : 8662-V42-200907826 et 8662-P8-200907727
2009-09-09 - Union des consommateurs
Description: Conformément à l’article 44 des Règles de procédure du CRTC en matière de
télécommunications et à l’Avis public CRTC 2002-5, l’Union des consommateurs demande
l’adjudication de ses frais pour sa participation à la Demande de révision et de modification de la décision 2008-108 # 8662-P8-200907727.
Document: 1267576.zip - 286KO
2009-08-11 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: This document is written in response to the disclosure by Bell Canada of certain numbers, notably paragraph 18 of its submission in the R&V process with relationship to other processus where similar numbers were either divulged or not.
Document: 1254367.pdf - 182KO
2009-08-10 - Per Vices Corporation
Document: 1254355.zip - 274KO
2009-08-04 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's 31 July 2009 letter, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are filing their revised comments to the CAIP R&Vs such that the information filed in confidence at paragraph 18 is provided on the public record
Document: 1251647.zip - 66KO
2009-07-31 - Lettre
du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-V42-200907826
- 8662-P8-200907727
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada, l'Association
canadienne des fournisseurs Internet, Avocat du Centre pour la défence
de l'intérêt public et Vaxination Informatique - Objet:
Demandes présentées en vertu de la Partie VII sollicitant
la révision et la modification de la Décision de télécom
CRTC 2008-108
2009-07-27 - Bell
Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada
(the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership
(Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (collectively,
the Companies) are in receipt of a letter from CAIP et al. dated 24
July 2009.
Document: 1249131.zip - 58KO
2009-07-24 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups, Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP), Acanac Inc., Accelerated Connections Inc., Cybersurf Corp., eagle.ca, Execuling Telecom Inc., Managed Network Systems Inc., Skyway West Business Internet Services, Start Communications, TekSavvy Solutions Inc., Vianet Inernet Solutions and Yak Communications Inc. (the Applicants)
Description: On 21 May 2009, the undersigned filed the above-referenced application to review and vary Telecom Decision 2008-108.
Document: 1248453.pdf - 387KO
2009-07-22 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description: During their internal review process, Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) discovered a minor error in their Comments filed on 22 June 2009. Therefore the Companies are attaching a revised page 8 reflecting the corrected figure in Paragraph 18 on page 8.
Document: 1247456.zip - 67KO
2009-07-17 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-V42-200907826 - 8662-P8-200907727
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada, l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs Internet, Avocat du Centre pour la défence de l'intérêt public et Vaxination Informatique - Objet: Demandes en vertu de la partie VII visant à ce que le Conseil examine et modifie la Décision de télécom CRTC 2008-108
2009-07-15 - Lettre
du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-V42-200907826 - 8662-P8-200907727
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association canadienne
des fournisseurs Internet, Avocat du Centre pour la défense de
l'intérêt public et Vaxination Informatique - Objet: Demandes
présentées en vertu de la Partie VII visant à faire
réviser et modifier la Décision de télécom
CRTC 2008-108
2009-07-02 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: Vaxination Informatique is in receipt of the comments.
Document: 1237333.pdf - 258KO
2009-07-02 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer Groups, Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP), Acanac Inc., Accelerated Connections Inc., Cybersurf Corp., eagle.ca, Execuling Telecom Inc., Managed Network Systems Inc., Skyway West Business Internet Services, Start Communications, TekSavvy Solutions Inc., Vianet Inernet Solutions and Yak Communications Inc. (the Applicants)
Description: In accordance with the Commission’s letter on procedure dated 1 June 2009, the
following constitutes the reply of the Consumers’ Association of Canada and Canada
Without Poverty (formally, the National Anti-Poverty Organization).
Document: 1237300.pdf - 442KO
2009-06-22 - Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (CIPPIC)
Description: Please find attached our comments in support of the above noted application made pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure and s. 62 of the Telecommunications Act, filed on behalf of our client, the Campaign for Democratic Media. In the attached comments, we request that the Commission exercise its discretion under s. 62 to review and vary its order in Telecom Decision CRTC 2008-108.
Document: 1259801.zip - 483KO
2009-06-22 - Canadian Film and Television Production Association (ACPFT)
Description: Please find attached the Canadian Film and Television Production Association’s intervention in respect of the above-named proceeding.
Document: 1234108.zip - 180KO
2009-06-22 - The Coalition of Internet Service Providers inc. (CISP)
Description: Please find in the enclosed attachment, the initial submission & comments of the Coalition of Internet Service Providers inc. in the above captioned proceedings.
Document: 1232840.zip - 623KO
2009-06-22 - Union des consommateurs
Description: La présente fait état des observations d’Union des consommateurs dans le cadre des demandes en vertu de la partie VII, réclamant la révision et la modification de la décision télécom CRTC 2008-108.
Document: 1231304.zip - 176KO
2009-06-22 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of two applications (the Applications) : one from Vaxination Informatique (Vaxination), dated 20 May 2009, and another from the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP), the Public Interest Advocacy Centre on behalf of the Consumer Groups and a number of other parties (CAIP et al.), dated 21 May 2009, (collectively, the Applicants).
Document: 1231287.zip - 53KO
2009-06-22 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Distributel Communications Limited (Distributel) hereby provides its comments concerning the CAIP et al. and Vaxination Part VII Applications referenced above.
Document: 1231235.pdf - 72KO
2009-06-14 - TekSavvy
Solutions Inc.
Description: In March 2008 Bell started throttling its Wholesale
Customers (TekSavvyamong a group of many) without notice. We attempted
to have the CRTC forceBell to stop as it removed our ability to do business
and give Marketchoice.
Document: 1227786.zip
- 767KO
2009-06-01 - Lettre
du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-V42-200907826 - 8662-P8-200907727
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association canadienne
des fournisseurs Internet (CAIP), le Centre pour la défense de
l'Intérêt public (PIAC) et Vaxination Information - Objet:
Demandes en vertu de la Partie VII réclamant la révision
et la modification de la Décision de télécom CRTC
2008-108 -
Nouvelles dates de réception de commentaires
2009-05-29 - Lettre
du Conseil
Dossier #: 8662-V42-200907826
- 8662-P8-200907727
Description: Lettre adressée à l'Association canadienne
des fournisseurs Internet (CAIP), le Centre pour la défense de
l'Intérêt public (PIAC) et Vaxination Information - Objet:
Demandes en vertu de la Partie VII réclamant la révision
et la modification de la Décision de télécom CRTC
2009-05-21 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) for Consumer
Groups, Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP), Acanac Inc.,
Accelerated Connections Inc., Cybersurf Corp., eagle.ca, Execuling Telecom
Inc., Managed Network Systems Inc., Skyway West Business Internet Services,
Start Communications, TekSavvy Solutions Inc., Vianet Inernet Solutions
and Yak Communications Inc. (the Applicants)
Description: Please find attached an application made
pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure
and section 62 of the Telecommunications Act by the Applicants, seeking
to review and vary Telecom Decision 2008-108, dated 20 November 2008.
Document: 1140124.zip
- 768KO
Mise à jour : 2009-10-29
- Date de modification :