2007-03-30 - #: 8690-S9-200704900 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited - Demande visant à obtenir une ordonance permettant l'accès à la propriété municipal dans le district de Maple Ridge
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2007-10-25 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2007-100 Le Conseil accorde à Shaw Cablesystems Limited et à ses entreprises affiliées ayant le statut d'entreprise canadienne ou d'entreprise de distribution l'accès aux voies publiques et aux autres lieux publics du district de Maple Ridge, et ce, en vertu du paragraphe 43(4) de la Loi sur les télécommunications . Le Conseil définit également les modalités d'un accord d'accessibilité municipal qui régira ledit accès. Référence : 8690-S9-200704900.
2007-07-16 - Murdy & McAllister for the District of Maple Ridge
Description: The District of Maple Ridge (the District) is in receipt of a letter dated July 11, 2007 from Shaw Cablesystems Limited (Shaw), responding to The District's reply to an interrogatory from Commission staff dated June 6, 2007 (the District's Reply)
Document: 785963.doc - 25KO
2007-07-11 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Shaw Cablesystems Limited (Shaw) is in receipt of a letter from the District of Maple Ridge (the District), dated July 6, 2007, responding to an interrogatory from Commission staff dated June 6, 2007
Document: 784492.doc - 47KO
2007-07-06 - Murdy & McAllister for the District of Maple Ridge
Description: Further to the June 6, 2007 letter from your Ms. Lynn Fancy, attached is our response to the following Interrogatory
Document: 783089.zip - 54KO
2007-07-06 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Shaw Cablesystems Limited (Shaw) is pleased to file this response to the interrogatory from Commission staff dated June 6, 2007 . In that interrogatory, Shaw and the District of Maple Ridge (the District or Maple Ridge) were asked to compare with reference to specific clauses, the terms and conditions set out in the MAA contained in Appendix 1 to Shaw's Part VII Application (the Appendix 1 MAA) with the correlative terms and conditions of the Richmond MAA
Document: 783020.zip - 44KO
2007-06-06 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Cablesystems Limited et le District of Maple Ridge - Objet: Demande présentée par Shaw Cablesystems Limited en vertu de la Partie VII visant à obtenir l'accès aux voies et aux autres lieux publics qui relèvent de la compétence du District de Maple Ridge - Demandes de renseignements
2007-05-08 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Pursuant to the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure and the Commission’s procedural letter of April 18, 2007, Shaw hereby provides its Reply to the Answer of the District of Maple Ridge (the District or Maple Ridge) in the above-noted Part VII Application.
Document: 760126.zip - 279KO
2007-05-03 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Cablesystems Limited - Objet: Demande présentée par Shaw Cablesystems Limited en vertu de la Partie VII visant à obtenir l'accès aux voies et aux autres lieux publics qui relèvent de la compétence du District de Maple Ridge
2007-04-30 - Murdy & McAllister for the District of Maple Ridge
Description: This is the Answer of the District of Maple Ridge to the Application by Shaw Cablesystems Limited dated March 30, 2007.
Document: 757300.pdf - 1986KO
2007-04-27 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée au District de Maple Ridge - Objet: Demande présentée par Shaw Cablesystems Limited en vertu de la Partie VII et visant à obtenir l'accès aux routes et aux autres lieux publics qui relèvent de la compétence du district de Maple Ridge
2007-04-25 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Shaw today received a letter dated April 25, 2007 from solicitors for the District of Maple Ridge (the District). The District seeks an adjournment of the Application, either generally or until October 1, 2007 . The District also seeks an order directing Shaw to return to negotiations with the District.
Document: 754868.doc - 49KO
2007-04-25 - Murdy & McAllister for the District of Maple Ridge
Description: We are writing in response to your April 18, 2007 letter to the District of Maple Ridge (the District) and Shaw, wherein you advised that “if the parties should enter into negotiations, the Commission would be prepared to consider a request by both parties to adjourn the application”.
Document: 754348.zip - 447KO
2007-04-18 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Cablesystems Limited and le District de Maple Ridge - Objet: Demande présentée par Shaw Cablesystems Limited en vertu de la Partie VII visant à obtenir l'accès aux routes et aux autres lieux publics qui relèvent de la compétence du District de Maple Ridge
2007-04-17 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Shaw is in receipt of a letter dated April 16, 2007 from solicitors for the District of Maple Ridge (the District). In the letter, Mr. McAllister requests that the Commission adjourn the above-noted Part VII application (the Application), or, in the alternative, extend the deadline for the District to file its Answer to the Application.
Document: 752047.doc - 62KO
2007-04-16 - Murdy & McAllister for the District of Maple Ridge
Description: Last month, we were retained by the District of Maple Ridge (DMR) to assist in the negotiations of a Municipal Access Agreement between DMR and Shaw Cablesystems Limited (Shaw). We have recently successfully assisted in negotiating MAAs between Shaw and two other local governments.
Document: 753431.zip - 72KO
2007-04-04 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Shaw Cablesystems Limited and le District de Maple Ridge - Objet: Demande présentée par Shaw Cablesystems Limited en vertu de la Partie VII visant à obtenir l'accès aux routes et aux autres lieux publics qui relèvent de la compétence du District de Maple Ridge
2007-03-30 - Shaw Cablesystems Limited
Description: Shaw Cablesystems Limited, on behalf of itself and its affiliated companies including Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is seeking an order for access to highways and other public places within the jurisdiction of the District of Maple Ridge for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating its transmission lines and related communications network facilities, under terms and conditions to be determined by the Commission in accordance with the principles set out in Ledcor/Vancouver - Construction, operation and maintenance of transmission lines in Vancouver , Telecom Decision CRTC 2001-23, 25 January 2001.
Document: 742768.zip - 1474KO
Mise à jour : 2007-10-25
- Date de modification :