Cogeco Câble inc. - TN 37 and 37/A - 2012-07-27 - # 8740-C6-201209180

General Tariff - Revisions to the TPIA Tariff

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2012-10-24 - Telecom order CRTC 2012-590 Cogeco Cable Inc. – Changes to speeds of wholesale high-speed third-party Internet access service
File number: TN 37

2014-07-25 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedure determined by the Commission staff in its 30 May 2014 letter, amended in the 8 July 2014 letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is hereby replying to comments dated 2 July 2014, filed by the Consortium Network Operators Consortium Inc.(CNOC) with respect to Cogeco TN 37B and 42B.
Document: 2172570.pdf - 286KB

2014-07-08 - Commission Letter
File #: 8740-C6-201209180, 8740-C6-201400126, 8740-C6-201405754
Description: Letter addressed to Michel Messier, Cogeco Cable Inc. and William Sandiford, Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.- Re: Cogeco Cable Inc. Tariff Notices 37B, 42B, and 47 – Request for extension

2014-07-04 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of comments with respect to Cogeco TNs 37B and 42B filed by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) on 2 July 2014, and a request for disclosure of information with respect to TN 47 received under separate cover letter on the same day.
Document: 2160608.pdf - 119KB

2014-07-02 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is hereby filing these comments with respect to Cogeco TN 37B regarding TPIA Access Service providing 20 Mbps download and 2 or 10 Mbps upload (the “20 Mbps Service”) and Cogeco TN 42B regarding TPIA Access Service providing 120 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload (the “120 Mbps Service”) and the associated Economic Evaluation dated April 30, 20141 (the “Cost Study”) that was filed in support of these tariff applications.
Document: 2159015.pdf - 131KB

2014-05-30 - Procedural Letter
File #: 8740-C6-201400126
Description: Letter addressed to Mr. Michel Messier, Cogeco Cable Inc. and Mr. William Sandiford, Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. - Re: Cogeco Tariff Notices 37B and 42B – Revisions to the Third-Party Internet Access Service Tariff - Extension of deadline for comments

2014-03-28 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedure determined by the Commission staff in its 17 February 2014 letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is hereby responding to the Consortium Network Operators Consortium Inc.(CNOC) request for further information and disclosure regarding the Economic Evaluation (“Cost Study”) filed by Cogeco in support of the proposed rates in its TN 37A.
Document: 2099790.pdf - 245KB

2014-02-17 - Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc. and Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. - Re: Cogeco Cable Inc. Tariff Notices 37 and 37A – Extension of process deadlines

2014-02-13 – Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. and Cogeco Cable Inc. - Re: Cogeco Cable Inc. Tariff Notices 37 and 37A – Extension of process deadlines

2014-02-10 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of a letter dated 10 February 2014 from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) requesting further responses and disclosure with respect to Cogeco TN 37A and related Economic Evaluation.
Document: 2073979.pdf - 83KB

2014-02-10 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) has reviewed Cogeco TN 37A and Economic Evaluation report dated December 12, 2013 (the “Cost Study”) in support of the rates proposed in TN 37A.
Document: 2073510.pdf - 54KB

2013-12-20 - Procedural Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc - Re: Tariff Notice 37A The Commission is in receipt of a letter, dated 17 December 2013, from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC), in which CNOC requested an extension to the current due date of 29 January 2014 for the filing of interventions with respect to Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) Tariff Notice 37A.

2013-12-18 - Cogeco Câble inc.
Description: The purpose of this letter is to clarify on the public record that the access rate submitted by Cogeco Cable Inc (Cogeco) in Tariff Notice 37A for its wholesale 20 Mbps download speed tier, namely the Cogeco TPIA Speed Tier 4, is proposed as a replacement of the interim rates approved for its 20 Mbps download / 2 Mbps upload speed in Telecom Order CRTC 2012-590 as proposed in TN 37 and its 20 Mbps download / 10 Mbps upload speed approved in Telecom Order CRTC 2013-371 as proposed in TN 40.
Document: 2043524.pdf - 30KB

2013-12-18 - Cogeco Câble inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of a letter dated 17 December 2013 from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) requesting an extension to 24 February 2014 for the filing of interventions with respect to Cogeco 37A.
Document: 2043517.pdf - 46KB

2013-11-12 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Vidéotron s.e.n.c. and Cogeco Cable Inc. - Re: Outstanding rating issues third party Internet access – Cogeco Cable Inc. TN 37 and Videotron Ltd. TN 48

2013-07-02 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to CNOC- Re: Outstanding rating issues third party Internet access - Rogers Communications Partnership Tariff Notice 25, Rogers Communications Partnership Tariff Notice 28, Cogeco Cable Inc. Tariff Notice 37 and Videotron Ltd. Tariff Notice 48

2013-05-31 - Cogeco Câble inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of the 29 May 2013 letter filed with the Commission by the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) in which CNOC requests that the Commission order the Cable Carriers, namely Cogeco, Rogers Communications Partnership and Videotron Ltd., to file within thirty (30) days cost studies with respect to third party Internet access speed tiers currently subject to interim rates, along with a determination ordering that no retroactive rate adjustment applies to these associated speed tiers.
Document: 1918763.pdf - 68KB

2013-05-29 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is filing this submission with respect to Rogers Communications Partnership (“Rogers”) Tariff Notice (“TN”) 25, Rogers TN 28, Cogeco Cable Inc. (“Cogeco”) TN 37 and Videotron Ltd. (“Videotron”) TN 48.
Document: 1918133.pdf - 31KB

2012-08-09 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC)
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is filing this intervention with respect to the above-cited tariff notice filed by Cogeco Cable Inc. (“Cogeco”).
Document: 1750632.pdf - 20 KB

2012-07-31 - Cogeco Câble inc.
Description: In the associated letter filed with TN 37, Cogeco has informed the Commission that the availability of the speed tier 16 Mbps download/ 1 Mbps upload at the Cogeco aggregated POIs which was in a phase-out transition process is now discontinued.
Document: 1746035.pdf - 74KB

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