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Ottawa, 2 July 2013

Our reference:
8740-V3-201304856 8740-V3-201304865


Mr. William Sandiford
Chair of the Board and President
107-85 Curlew Drive
Toronto, Ontario M3A 2P8

Re: Outstanding rating issues third party Internet access - Rogers Communications Partnership Tariff Notice 25, Rogers Communications Partnership Tariff Notice 28, Cogeco Cable Inc. Tariff Notice 37 and Videotron Ltd. Tariff Notice 48

Dear Mr. Sandiford:

On 29 May 2013, the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (CNOC) filed a submission with respect to the above-noted Tariff Notices (TNs) from Rogers Communications Partnership, Cogeco Cable Inc. and Videotron Ltd.

In its submission, CNOC noted that the Commission has approved interim rates for new wholesale high speed access services introduced by these cable carrier incumbents (Cable Incumbents) equal to the rate approved for the corresponding service with the next lowest speed. CNOC further noted that the Cable Incumbents have not yet filed cost studies to support any final rates.

CNOC submitted that current situation is causing uncertainty in the market and would have a financial impact on competitors given there is a risk that the final rates may be higher than the interim rates. CNOC requested that Cable Incumbents be required to file the associated costs studies within 30 days and that the Commission make its final rating determinations as soon as possible.

The Commission staff is aware of the outstanding rating issues while at the same time recognizes the time required by Cable Incumbents to file associated economic studies that incorporate all costing adjustments based on the latest Commission’s determinations.

In the circumstances, the Commission staff expects the Cable Incumbents to file their respective costs studies in a reasonable timeframe.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Lyne Renaud
Director, Competitor Services & Costing

c.c.: Abder El Fatihi, CRTC, 819-953-3662,

Distribution List

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