TELUS Communications Company (TCC) et Rogers Media : 8622-T66-201703091
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Demande de règlement d'un différend par arbitrage de l'offre finale (AOF) - TELUS Communications avec Rogers Media- 2017-03-06
2018-02-09 - Lettre procédurale
Description : Lettre adressée à Telus et Rogers Media Inc. - Objet : Demande (2017-0309-1) d’arbitrage de l’offre finale entre la Société TELUS Communications et Rogers Media inc.
2017-08-01 - Lettre procédurale
Description : Lettre adressée à la Société TELUS Communications et à Rogers Media Inc - Objet : Requête procédurale touchant l’instance d’arbitrage de l’offre finale (2017-0309-1) entre la Société TELUS Communications et Rogers Media Inc.
2017-07-26 - Telus
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”) is in receipt of a procedural request from Rogers Media (Rogers) dated July 25, 2017, filed in the context of the final offer arbitration between TELUS and Rogers’ Sportsnet services.
Document: 2940542.pdf - 279 Ko
2017-07-25 - Rogers
Description: Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) is hereby filing a procedural request in respect of the Final Offer submission filed by Telus Communications Company (Telus) in the above-referenced final offer arbitration (FOA) proceeding. Specifically, Rogers is requesting that the Commission strike from the record of this proceeding the set-top-box (STB) data1 filed by Telus and the two reports or surveys prepared by Sean Riley (the Riley report)2 and by Michael Ryan (the Ryan survey),3 both of which were attached as appendices to the Final Offer submission.
Document: 2942093.pdf - 350 Ko
2017-06-30 - Lettre procédurale
Description : Lettre adressée à la Société TELUS Communications et à Rogers Media Inc - Objet : Arbitrage de l’offre finale (2017-0309-1) concernant divers services de Rogers Media
2017-06-19 - Telus
Description : I am writing in response to the letter from Susan Wheeler of Rogers dated June 14, 2017. In that letter, Rogers requests that the Commission hold the Final Offer Arbitration (“FOA”) process concerning Sportsnet and Sportsnet One in abeyance while Rogers decides whether to appeal the Commission’s decision dated June 9, 2017.
Document : 2912501.pdf - 233 Ko
2017-06-14 - Rogers
Description : Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter dated June 9, 2017, wherein the Commission accepted the request for final offer arbitration (FOA) that was filed by Telus Communications Company (Telus) on March 6, 2017 in regards to its continued carriage of Sportsnet and Sportsnet One. In that letter, the Commission asked Rogers and Telus to identify the issues that should form the scope of the FOA proceeding.
Document : 2911093.pdf - 40 Ko
2017-06-14 - Telus
Description : On June 9, 2017, the Commission informed the parties in a letter decision that it was accepting TELUS’ request for final offer arbitration (FOA) of the wholesale rates applicable to the distribution of programming services owned by Rogers Media, namely Sportsnet and Sportsnet One.
Document : - 358 Ko
2017-06-14 - Rogers
Description : Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter dated June 9, 2017, wherein the Commission accepted the request for final offer arbitration (FOA) that was filed by Telus Communications Company (Telus) on March 6, 2017 in regards to its continued carriage of Sportsnet and Sportsnet One.
Document : 2906885.pdf - 22 Ko
2017-06-09 - Lettre procédurale
Description : Lettre adressée à la Société TELUS Communications et à Rogers Media Inc. - Objet : Demande d’arbitrage de l’offre finale (2017-0309-1) concernant divers services de Rogers Media
2017-04-21 - Rogers
Description :
Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) is in receipt of the letter that was filed by TelusCommunications Company (Telus) on April 19, 2017, which responds to our letter ofreply filed on April 18, 2017. In its April 19 letter, Telus addresses the decision thatwe made not to renew our affiliation agreement with Telus for the distribution of Sportsnet and Sportsnet One.
Document : 2873425.pdf - 74 Ko
2017-04-19 - Telus
Description : TELUS is in receipt of Rogers’ response to TELUS’ request for final offer arbitration (“FOA”). In order to protect the integrity of the process relating to consideration of TELUS’ application for FOA, TELUS won’t address Rogers’ numerous inaccurate and fanciful allegations relating to what constitutes good faith negotiations and commercially reasonable offers.
Document : 2864621.pdf - 230 Ko
2017-04-18 - Rogers
Description : Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) is in receipt of the letter that was filed by Telus CommunicationsCompany (Telus) on April 12, 2017. In that letter, Telus requests a ruling from the Commission onan application it filed on March 6, 2017 seeking final offer arbitration (FOA) for the continuingdistribution of Sportsnet and Sportsnet One.
Document : 2873424.pdf - 138 Ko
2017-04-12 - Telus
Description : TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) hereby requests that the Commission rule on its application dated March 6, 2017 for final offer arbitration (“FOA”) with Rogers Media for the distribution of the programming services Sportsnet and Sportsnet One.
Document : 2873416.pdf - 170 Ko
2014-03-13 - Rogers
Description : Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) is in receipt of the application requesting final offer arbitration(FOA) that was filed by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) on March 6, 2017pursuant to sections 12 to 15 of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations (BD Regulations)and Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2013-637 (Information Bulletin).
Document : 2873423.pdf - 132 Ko
2017-03-06 - Telus
Description : This is an application by TELUS Communications Company (TELUS) pursuant to Sections 12 to 15 of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations1 requesting final offer arbitration as outlined in Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2013-6372 with respect to a dispute between TELUS and Rogers Media Inc. (Rogers) concerning the distribution of Sportsnet and Sportsnet One (collectively, the Services).
Document : 2873415.pdf - 220 Ko
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