Fees for paper bills: 8480-B54-X

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Part 1 - 8661-P8-201314012
Application by PIAC and CAC regarding the practice by certain TSPs to charge a fee for paper bills

2014-08-14 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Subject: Fees for Paper bills

2014-08-01 - DiversityCanada Foundation and National Pensioners Federation
Description: The DiversityCanada Foundation (“DiversityCanada”) and the National Pensioners Federation (“NPF”; collectively DiversityCanada/NPF”) have received a letter from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and the Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC), dated July 31, 2014 on the above-mentioned subject.
Document: 2174794.pdf - 141KB

2014-08-01 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and Consumers’ Association of Canada
Description: We are writing in response Ms. Motzney’s letter of reply to our Open Letter to the Chairman (30 July 2014) and with respect to your letter to PIAC and CAC of 23 July 2014 “closing” our Part 1 Application on this matter.
Document: 2174344.pdf - 433KB

2014-07-30 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Mr. John Lawford, Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Mr. Bruce Cran, Consumers’ Association of Canada.

2014-07-23 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Fees for Paper bills

2014-07-23 - Procédural Letter
File #: 8661-P8-201314012
Description: Letter addressed to Counsel for Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers’ Association of Canada - Re: Part 1 Application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada regarding certain Telecommunications Service Provider billing practices (Fees for Paper Bills)

2013-12-18 - Commission Letter
File #: 8661-P8-201314012
Description: Letter addressed to DiversityCanada Foundation - Re: Part 1 Application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC) regarding certain Telecommunications Service Provider billing practices (Pay for Paper Bills) CRTC File No. 8661-P8-201314012

2013-11-27 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS” or the “Company”) is in receipt of a Commission staff letter dated November 21, 2013 in relation to PIAC’s Part 1 application mentioned in the subject line. In its letter, Commission staff, among other things, requests that parties to the application update, as necessary, their responses to interrogatories posed by Commission staff in a letter issued on July 3, 2013 about the Company’s practices regarding paper bill charges.
Document: 2021915.pdf - 104KB

2013-11-27 - MTS Allstream
Description: MTS Inc. (MTS) is in receipt of requests for information, dated 22 November 2013, requesting any updates to the information provided in July 2013 regarding charging customers for paper bills. MTS is filing the following revised response to the Commission’s request for information as an attachment on behalf of itself and Allstream Inc. (Allstream).
Document: 2021888.doc - 224KB

2013-11-26 - La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc
Description: La Cie de Téléphone de Courcelles Inc. accuse réception des questions que le conseil lui a formulées,  par l’intermédiaire de monsieur Nanao Kachi le 21 novembre dernier, relativement à l’objet cité en  rubrique.
Document: 2021879.doc - 18 KB

2013-11-21 - Procedural Letter
File #: 8661-P8-201314012
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Part 1 Application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers' Association of Canada Regarding Certain Telecommunications Service Provider Billing Practices (Pay for Paper Bills)

2013-11-19 - Commission Letter
File #: 8661-P8-201314012
Description: Letter addressed to Public Interest Advocacy Centre and Consumers’ Association of Canada - Re: Part 1 Application by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) and Consumers' Association of Canada (CAC) regarding certain Telecommunications Service Provider billing practices (Pay for Paper Bills) CRTC File No. 8661-P8-201314012

2013-07-29 - Tbaytel
Description: On July 18, 2013 Tbaytel is provided its responses to the questions posed by the Commission in its letter of July 3, 2013, regarding the charging of customers who wish to continue to receive paper bills.
Document: 1947615.doc - 874KB

2013-07-24 - CoopTel
Description: Le 3 juillet 2013, le Conseil a publié une demande de renseignements concernant la portée de la pratique d’appliquer des frais pour recevoir des factures papier.
Document: 1945611.pdf - 51KB

2013-07-18 - Independent Telecommunications Providers Association
Description: Pursuant to your letter, dated 3 July 2013, the Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (“the ITPA”) hereby, on the behalf of its member companies, submits their responses to your questions. The list of the ITPA’s member companies can be found in the attachment to this letter.
Document: 1944663.zip - 109KB

2013-07-18 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission’s 3 July 2013 letter, Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. hereby files its responses to the requests for information contained therein.
Document: 1944618.zip - 24KB

2013-07-18 - MTS Inc.
Description: MTS Inc. (MTS) is in receipt of requests for information, dated 03 July 2013, with regards to charging customers for paper bills. MTS is filing the following responses to the Commission’s request for information as an attachment on behalf of itself and Allstream Inc. (Allstream).
Document: 1944598.docx - 122KB

2013-07-18 - SSi Group of Companies (“SSi”)
Description: The SSi Group of Companies (“SSi”) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter dated July 3, 2013 concerning paper billing practices.
Document: 1944589.pdf - 150KB

2013-07-18 - Distributel Communications Limited
Description: Distributel Communications Limited (Distributel) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter dated July 3, 2013. The following are the responses of Distributel, and any affiliates, to the following questions posed in the July 13, 2013 letter.
Document: 1944543.pdf - 30KB

2013-07-18 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated 3 July 2013, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) hereby submits its response to the request for information concerning the practice of charging customers who wish to continue to receive paper bills.
Document: 1944533.pdf - 36KB

2013-07-18 -Téléphone Guèvremont Inc.
Description: Nous désirons donner suite à votre correspondance du 3 juillet 2013, dans le dossier mentionné en rubrique.
Document: 1944531.pdf - 50KB

2013-07-18 - Eastlink Telephone
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., operating as Eastlink (“Eastlink”) hereby responds to the questions issued by the Commission’s Chief Consumer Officer in her 3 July 2013 correspondence. We have reproduced the questions below.
Document: 1944526.pdf - 72KB

2013-07-18 - Globalive Wireless Management Corp.
Description: Globalive Wireless Management Corp., doing business as “WIND Mobile”, OneConnect Services Inc. (“OneConnect”) and Yak Communications (Canada) Corp. (“Yak”) hereby files responses to interrogatories numbered 1 and 2 received from CRTC on July 3, 2012.
Document: 1944515.zip - 158KB

2013-07-18 - Maskatel Inc.
Description: Nous désirons donner suite à votre correspondance du 3 juillet 2013, dans le dossier mentionné en rubrique.
Document: 1944489.pdf -143KB

2013-07-18 - Québecor Média
Description: Conformément aux directives énoncées dans votre lettre du 03 juillet 2013, Québecor Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron, soumet par la présente ses réponses à des demandes de renseignents.
Document: 1944276.pdf - 70KB

2013-07-18 - The Companies
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter of 3 July 2013, attached are the responses to the Commission's requests for information from: Bell Aliant; Bell Canada; Bell Mobility, including Solo and Virgin Mobile; Bell TV (formerly Bell ExpressVu); Câblevision du Nord; DMTS; KMTS; NorthernTel; Northwestel; and Télébec.
Document: 1944245.zip - 296KB

2013-07-18 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission’s Chief Consumer Officer, TELUS attaches its responses to Commission staff requests for information.
Document: 1944188.zip - 296KB

2013-07-18 -Shaw Communication inc.
Description: Further to Commission letter of 3 July 2013, Shaw Telecom G.P. (Shaw) herein provides responses to Commission interrogatories on whether Shaw, or its affiliates, charge customers to receive a paper bill.
Document: 1944179.zip - 276KB

2013-07-18 - Public Mobile
Description: Public Mobile is in receipt of a letter dated 3 July 3 2013 from the Commission regarding the charging of wireless customers for paper bills.
Document: 1944159.pdf - 54KB

2013-07-18 - Tbaytel
Description: By way of this letter, Tbaytel is providing its responses to the questions posed by the Commission in its letter of July 3, 2013, regarding the charging of customers who wish to continue to receive paper bills.
Document: 1944154.pdf - 84KB

2013-07-18 - Rogers Communications
Description: Rogers Communications (which includes Cable, Home Phone, Internet, Wireless, Fido and Chatr) submits the attached responses to the interrogatories received from the CRTC on July 3, 2013.
Document: 1944092.zip - 227KB

2013-07-17 - La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor inc
Description: En réponse à votre demande d'information concernant l'imposition de frais aux clients pour les factures papier, La Compagnie de Téléphone de St-Victor inc. avise le Conseil qu'elle n'impose aucuns frais pour la facture papier aux clients et qu'elle n'offre aucun rabais aux clients non plus et ce, dans le but de les inciter à adopter la facturation électronique.
Document: 1939452.zip - 294KB

2013-07-17 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Commission Staff letter, dated 03 July 2013, in relation to the availability of electronic billing and the charging of customers who receive a paper bill, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits that it is not our current practice to charge customers for a paper bill or to provide service discounts to those customers who switch to electronic billing.
Document: 1944257.doc - 55KB

2013-07-10 - La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton inc.
Description: La Compagnie de Téléphone de Lambton inc. accuse réception des questions que le Conseil lui a adressées, sous la plume de madame Barbara Motzney, le 3 juillet dernier, relativement à l’objet mentionné en rubrique.
Document: 1939452.zip - 662KB

2013-07-10 - Téléphone Milot inc.
Description: Téléphone Milot inc. accuse réception des questions que le Conseil lui a adressées, sous la plume de madame Barbara Motzney, le 3 juillet dernier, relativement à l’objet mentionné en rubrique.
Document: 1939399.zip - 113KB

2013-07-10 - Sogetel inc
Description: Sogetel inc. accuse réception des questions que le Conseil lui a adressées, sous la plume de madame Barbara Motzney, le 3 juillet dernier, relativement à l’objet mentionné en rubrique.
Document: 1937903.zip - 155KB

2013-07-05 - Téléphone de St-Ephrem inc.
Description: En réponse à votre demande d'information concernant I'imposition de frais aux clients pour les factures papier, Téléphone de St-Ephrem inc. avise le Conseil qu'elle n'impose aucuns frais pour la facture papier aux clients et qu'elle n'offre aucun rabais aux clients non plus et ce, dans Ie but de les inciter à adopter la facturation électronique.
Document: 1939393.pdf - 317KB

2013-07-04 - Novus Entertainment Inc
Description: Novus Entertainment Inc.(“Novus”) is providing this letter in response to yours of July 3, 2013. Novus is a Class 1 Broadcast Distribution Undertaking serving Metro Vancouver. The company is facilities based and offers Cable TV, Internet and Digital Phone Services. The services are bundled so that all charges appear on one monthly invoice.
Document: 1939352.pdf - 186KB

2013-07-03 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution - Re: Charging customers for paper bills

2013-03-28 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications - Re: Communication to consumers regarding options to opt out of $2 charge for paper bills

2012-12-21 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership (Bell Aliant) and Bell Canada (or Bell) (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a Commission Staff letter, dated 7 December 2012, which notes that the Commission continues to receive complaints from consumers and concerned Members of Parliament about the Companies' decision to charge $2 per month for paper bills.
Document: 1812657.doc - 79KB

2012-12-19 - Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies)
Description: Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Limited Partnership and Bell Canada (collectively, the Companies) are in receipt of a Commission Staff letter, dated 7 December 2012. Unfortunately, the Companies are unable to respond today and will file their response on 21 December 2012.
Document: 1811969.doc - 72KB

2012-12-07 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications - Re: Consumer complaints regarding fee for paper bills and Bell Canada’s response

2012-05-03 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedure set out by the Commission staff’s letter dated 23 April 2012, Bell Canada is attaching their responses to the Commission's requests for information.
Document: 1811117.zip - 282KB

2012-04-23 - Commission Letter
Descriptilon: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: $2 monthly fee for paper bills

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