ASL – What we are examining – 3 of 13
Video is also available in Langue des signes québecoise (LSQ).
Video Transcript
What we are examining
The Commission created consumer protections, in part through the Internet Code , to guide the relationship between ISPs and their customers.
This proceeding will help build on those consumer protections by focusing on how the information that ISPs provide about home Internet plans could help consumers select the plan that best meet their needs and help promote clarity and transparency of the services that are offered to them.
The Commission will examine the following six issues:
Standardizing information in a broadband consumer label
Providing clear and comparable information on network performance
Measuring network performance and quality
Providing information with examples and context
Strengthening the position of consumers in their relationships with service providers
Implementing consumer protection measures and identifying associated costs
The Commission considers the questions in this notice to apply to all home Internet services provided through any transmission system.
This proceeding has a phase for comments in writing or in American Sign Language (ASL) or Langue des signes québecoise (LSQ), which will be followed by a public hearing. Parties can comment on the general issues described above and answer any of the detailed questions below that are relevant to them.
The purpose of this consultation was to find out how we can make shopping for home Internet services easier for Canadians by improving the information they receive.
This video in sign language shows the content of What we are examining section of the Notice of hearing – Making shopping for Internet easier.
Notice of Consultation CRTC 2024-318 .
Consultation on making shopping for Internet easier .
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