ASL – Related public opinion research – 4 of 13
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Video Transcript
Public opinion research
- The Commission contracted public opinion research about what information Canadian customers of home Internet and mobile wireless services need when selecting those services. The research also focused on whether a standardized format for presenting that information would be helpful.
- Views were collected from participants through a series of targeted focus groups and through a Canada-wide survey.
- In this proceeding, the Commission will consider only the aspects of the public opinion research that relate to home Internet.
- The final research report, entitled Public opinion research to enhance the transparency of information provided to broadband consumers: final report, is available on the Public opinion research section of the Library and Archives Canada website and on the public record of this proceeding.
The purpose of this consultation was to find out how we can make shopping for home Internet services easier for Canadians by improving the information they receive.
This video in sign language shows the content of the Public opinion research section of the Notice of hearing – Making shopping for Internet easier.
Notice of Consultation CRTC 2024-318.
Consultation on making shopping for Internet easier.
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