Basic International Telecommunications Services (BITS) Licensees
Transmitting Traffic Internationally

BITS licensees are entities that the CRTC has authorized to carry telecommunications traffic between Canada and any other country. Only telecommunications providers that have a BITS licence may carry traffic internationally.

Responsibilities and obligations

View BITS applications filed with the Commission

For applications filed before 2020, select the year

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008

Apply Now

Complete the BITS Licence Cover Sheet to apply for a BITS licence

Copies of the completed BITS application, and any correspondence related to the BITS application are placed in the CRTC's public examination rooms for a period of 30 days. They are available for inspection by the public before the licence is issued.

Template of the BITS affidavit : [Example]

I, __________________ (individual's name), OF THE __________________ (City/Town, etc.)
of __________________ (name) in the __________________ (Province/Territory/State, etc.)
of __________________ (name) in the country of __________________ (Country)


1. I have personal knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to and I believe the same to be true.

2. As of the date of this Affidavit, I am checkbox an officer of the applicant with the title
of __________________ (corporate title) / checkbox legal counsel to the applicant.

3. The applicant is a company incorporated __________________ (insert date of incorporation), under the laws
of __________________ (insert jurisdiction of incorporation: Province/ Territory/ State/ Country, etc.).

4. The legal name of the applicant is: ____________________________________

5. The applicant operates as a telecommunications services provider under the following brand / trade name(s):
(complete if applicable)

6. The address of the applicant is:

7. The applicant intends to manage or operate or resell or convert from analog to digital (or vice-versa) telecommunications service traffic between Canada and another country.

8. Pursuant to section 16.4 (2) of the Telecommunications Act, the applicant consents to the revocation of any Basic International Telecommunications Services licence previously issued to it, upon the issuance of the licence requested in this application.



in the 
(City/Town, etc.)
___________________, )
in the 
(Province/Territory/State, etc.)
___________________, )
in the Country of 
___________________, )
 day of 
 in the year of 
___________________. ) 
(signature of deponent)

checkbox a Notary etc.
checkbox a Commissioner etc. (Canada only)

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