Groupe de travail Plan de travail : LDCL-C (Lignes directrices relatives aux commandes locales canadiennes)


  • BPTF009.DOC - 24 ko - Révisions des lignes directrices relatives aux commandes locales canadiennes (LDCL-C) - Complété le 27 mars 2000 BORE036A.DOC.
  • BPTF011.doc - 126 ko - Service Intervals. Decision CRTC 2002-14 established definitive timelines for ILECs to provide CLECs unbundled loops. C-LOG Bulletin 051-009 issued to document and publicize industry agreement on procedures for confirmation of LSRs with 2-day intervals, service intervals for porting associated with loop migration, and loop make-up requests. Consensus Report BPRE011a on the format and content of the loop forecast approved Dec. 2002. C-LOG Section 11 on Service Intervals (BPRE0011b) approved April 2005. Complété le 24 mars 2005.
  • BPTF0015.doc - 103 ko - Demande abrégée de service d'accès (DASA) - Complété le 18 décembre 2000.
  • BPTF0020.doc - 27 ko - Lignes directrices relatives aux commandes locales canadiennes (LDCL-C) - Version 5.1 - Complété le 20 octobre 2000.
  • BPTF0021.doc - 119 ko - Lignes directrices relatives aux commandes locales canadiennes (LDCL-C) - Travail en cours. Révisé le 18 septembre 2003.
  • BPTF0034.doc - 35 ko - C-LOG Password Guidelines. In response to Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-42 guidelines have been established for the use of passwords on LSRs. Complété le 8 octobre 2002.
  • BPTF0041.doc - 183 ko - Electronic File Transfer Service Replacement. Consensus Report (BPRE041a) approved, Decision CRTC 2004-60. Industry notification letter issued October 27, 2004. Technical standards and CDIG V3.0 completed. Sunset date for Large File Transfer (BGS Mailbox) is April 1, 2006. Industry notification reminder issued December 13, 2005. ASn implementation completed on schedule. Révisé le 26 avril 2006.
  • BPTF0043.doc - 32 ko - ILEC Provision of DSL to CLEC Residential PES. Originated September 18, 2003.
  • BPTF0044.doc - 404 ko - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 5.2). All open items transferred to TIF 65. Complété le 15 novembre 2006.
  • BPTF0045.doc - 159 ko - Unbundled Loops - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines - Version 4.0. Consensus Report BPRE045a submitted to Commission on November 18, 2005. ITMG Version 4.0 approved per Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-4. Complété le 26 janvier 2006.
  • BPTF0051.doc - 81 ko - Update MALI, CLEC-IXC Agreements and associated Process Maps to expand the methods of customer authorization per Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-15. Complété le 8 décembre 2005
  • BPTF0054.doc - 144 ko - Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops and Number Portability - Version 5.0. - Work in progress. Révisé le 7 avril 2006.
  • BPTF0055.doc - 75 ko - Standalone Local Number Porting Process Review. Révisé le 6 avril 2006.
  • BPTF0056.doc - 655 ko - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.0) - Work to address System related changes identified since version 5.0, OSWG impacts and WNP roll-out impacts. The BPWG issued a series of five reports (BPRE056a,b,c,d,e) which were approved in Telecom Decisions CRTC 2006-29, 2007-62, 2007-121 and 2008-61. C-LOG V6.0 was successfully implemented over the weekend of July 13/14, 2008. COMPLETE 17 October 2008.
  • BPTF0057.doc - 50 ko - Business Rule Manual related to Retail Quality of Service (QoS) Indicators. COMPLETE March 24, 2006
  • BPTF0058.doc - 44 ko - Update PIC CARE Record Definition. Initiated January 20, 2006
  • BPTF0071.doc - 127 ko - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.1). Report (BPRE071a) Exchange of LSR/LSC Data with AS2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-118. Report BPRE071c) Manual ERs for Resale Customers approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-150. Report (BPRE071e) Electronic Exchange of LSRs approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-520. Report (BPRE071f) re CQoS Indicators AS2 approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-723. Report (BPRE071g) Express Consent for Manual Equipment Records approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2011-472. Revised 23 May 2012.
  • BPTF0079.doc - 79 KB - LSR Rejections. Report (BPRE079a) LSR Rejections approved - Telecom Decision CRTC 2010-680. Report (BPRE079b) Reduction of LSR Rejections approved - CISC 10 Dec. 2010. Status Report (BPRE079c) approved - CISC 28 Mar. 2011. Status Report (BPRE079d) approved - CISC 15 July 2011. Status Report (BPRE079f) approved - CISC 18 November 2011. Report (BPRE079e) Reduction of LSR Rejections - Use of EAN/EATN field approved, Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-107. COMPLETE 16 March 2012.
  • BPTF0083.doc - 68 ko - Customer Transfer Process - re cancellation of TV/Internet. Report (BPRE083a) Customer Transfre Process - cancellation submitted to the Commission for approval. Non-consensus Report (BPRE083b) Implementation Date for Customer Transfer Process submitted to the Commission for approval. Revised 16 November 2012.
  • BPTF0084.doc - 40 ko - LSR Rejection Charges - Dispute and Audit. Revised 15 March 2012.
  • BPTF0085.doc - 47 ko - CSG Related Documentation and Agreement Updates. Report (BPRE085a) Carrier Services Group (CSG) Related Documentation and Agreement
  • BPTF0088.docx - 89KB - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 6.2). Bulletin 062-005 issued, effective 1 December. On-going review and revisions. Revisé 1 mars 2016.


  • BPCO017a.doc - 27 ko - Bell Canada - Horaire de la mise en oeuvre de la version 5 des LDCL-C - Le 20 mars 2000.
  • BPCO018a.doc - 15 ko - Sprint/Optel - Points à examiner sur la mise en oeuvre de la version 5 des LDCL-C - Le 21 mars 2000
  • BPCO033a.doc - 38 ko - Bell Canada - Utilisation du champ « Justifier » pour les demandes concernant les registres Équipement et services aux clients - Le 14 décembre 2001.
  • BPCO049a.doc - 95 ko - Call-Net - Divers changements aux LDCL-C - le 10 juin 2003.
  • BPCO051e.doc - 98 ko - Specifying Demarcation Point in a MDU - November 24, 2003.
  • BPCO051f.doc - 29 ko - Clarification of Demarcation Point - April 16, 2004.
  • BPCO058a.doc - 63 ko- Cancellation of a Porting Request before the Due Date - March 10, 2004.
  • BPCO058d.doc - 30 ko - The Porting of Disconnected Numbers - March 10, 2004.
  • BPTF0063.doc - 96 ko - Billing and Collection for 900 service. Report (BPRE063a) submitted to the Commission for approval. Updated September 19, 2006.
  • BPTF0064.doc - 93 ko- Revise Business Rules for QoS per Telecom Decision 2006-59. Updated October 10, 2006.
  • BPTF0065.doc - 117 ko - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG Version 5.3) - Work in Progress. Revised 7 September 2007.
  • BPCO065a.doc - 30 ko - C-LOG Rules for Cancellation of LSR’s - February 3, 2005.
  • BPCO065b.doc - 30 ko - The Porting of Disconnected Numbers - March 10, 2004.
  • BPCO067a.doc - 67 ko - LSR Issues re Internet Access, Parallel Networks and VoIP - August 9, 2005.
  • BPCO067b.doc - 80 ko - LSR Issues re DSL - 11 novembre 2005.
  • BPCO068a.doc - 68 ko - Weekend and Holiday Due Dates for LSR’s - 11 novembre 2005.
  • BPCO069a.doc - 71 ko - Cancellation of LSR’s by Provisioning LEC - 5 janvier 2006.
  • BPCO086a.doc - 127 ko - Clarification of LEC (Wireline & Wireless) rules versus WSP rules - 15 November 2006
  • BPCO086b.doc - 96 ko - Rogers Response to BPCO086a: Clarification of LEC (Wireline & Wireless) rules versus WSP rules- 24 November 2006
  • BPCO089a.doc - 39 ko - Manual Create - 72 hour rule - February 28, 2007.
  • BPCO096a.doc - 168 ko - OSS Change Requests - June 19, 2008.
  • BPCO098a.doc - 60 ko - Forecasts - 4 septembre 2008
  • BPCO102a.doc - 119 ko - SUP 4 - 15 janvier 2009.
  • BPCO0104g.doc- 32 ko - Incorrect Porting of Reseller/VoIP Customers - 14 septembre 2009.
  • BPCO0104h.doc - 41 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 18 novembre 2009.
  • BPCO0104i.doc - 38 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 10 décembre 2009.
  • BPCO0104j.doc - 32 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 10 décembre 2009.
  • BPCO0104k.doc - 40 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 15 décembre 2009.
  • BPCO0104l.doc - 68 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 6 janvier 2010.
  • BPCO0104m.doc - 28 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 12 janvier 2010.
  • BPCO0104n.doc - 28 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 9 avril 2010.
  • BPCO0104o.doc - 26 ko - Validation of LSRs for Resale Customers - 16 avril 2010.
  • BPCO0108a.doc - 113 ko - C-LOG LNA D & X - 18 novembre 2009.
  • BPCO0108b.doc - 37 ko - C-LOG LNA D - 19 novembre 2009.
  • BPCO0108c.doc - 42 ko - Use of LNA D - 18 novembre 2009.
  • BPCO0108d.doc - 42 ko - LNA Type D - 3 février 2010.
  • BPCO0108e.doc - 132 ko - C-LOG LNA D & X - 19 juin 2010
  • BPCO0109a.doc - 92 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 1 February 2010
  • BPCO0109b.doc - 102 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 10 février 2010
  • BPCO0109c.doc - 101 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 9 février 2010
  • BPCO0109d.doc - 80 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 4 February 2010
  • BPCO0109e.doc - 79 ko - LSR Rejection Statistics - 4 February 2010
  • BPCO0109f.doc - 66 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 4 February 2010
  • BPCO0109g.doc - 75 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 4 February 2010
  • BPCO0109h.doc - 124 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 9 Feruary 2010
  • BPCO0109i.doc - 59 ko -Reduction of LSR Rejections - 17 February 2010
  • BPCO0109j.doc- 80 ko - LSR Reject Statistics - 16 February 2010
  • BPCO0109k.doc - 95 ko - LSR Reject Statistics - 17 February 2010
  • BPCO0109l.doc - 141 ko - Comments re Draft Report on LSR Rejects - 9 March 2010
  • BPCO112a.doc - 85 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 20 September 2010
  • BPCO113a.doc - 39 ko - Customer Migration Process involving Resellers - June 13, 2011.
  • BPCO114a.doc - 56 ko - Series of Resellers- September 7, 2011.
  • BPCO114b.doc - 36 ko - Customer Migration Process Involving Reseller Chains - September 8, 2011.
  • BPCO114c.doc - 23 ko - Chain of Resellers End Customer Validation - October 21, 2011.
  • BPCO114d.doc - 47 ko - Customer Migration Process Involving Reseller Chains - November 10, 2011.
  • BPCO114e.doc - 35 ko - Customer Migration Process Involving Reseller Chains - November 15, 2011.
  • BPCO114f.doc - 41 ko - Chain of Resellers End Customer Validation - January 16, 2012.
  • BPCO114g.doc - 33 ko - Customer Migration Process Involving Reseller Chains - March 13, 2012
  • BPCO114h.doc - 22 ko - Chain of Resellers End Customer Validation - April 23, 2012.
  • BPCO114i.doc - 22 ko - Customer Migration Process Involving Resellers - April 15, 2012.
  • BPCO114j.doc - 35 ko - Customer Transfers Involving Reseller Chains - April 26, 2012.
  • BPCO114k.doc - 34 ko - Series of Resellers - April 24, 2012.
  • BPCO114l.doc - 40 ko - Series of Resellers - Validation Process - April 25, 2012.
  • BPCO114m.doc - 64 ko - Customer Migration Process Involving Reseller Chains - April 30th, 2012.
  • BPCO114n.doc - 46 ko - Series of Resellers - Validation - April 27, 2012.
  • BPCO114o.doc - 37 ko - Customer Transfer Process Involving Resellers - May 2, 2012.
  • BPCO114p.doc - 37 ko - Customer Transfers Involving Reseller Chains - May 7, 2012.
  • BPCO114q.doc - 39 ko - Series of Resellers Draft Report - Distributel Comments - May 7, 2012.
  • BPCO114r.doc - 54 ko - Comwave Comments re BPRE082a (draft 2) - May 23, 2012.

  • BPCO115a.doc - 33 ko - Service Cancellation Requests - January 11, 2012.
  • BPCO115b.doc - 37 ko - Customer Transfers Involving Reseller Chains - April 26, 2012.
  • BPCO115c.doc - 54 ko - Use of LSR Process for TV and Internet Service Disconnections (format) - October 24, 2011.
  • BPCO115d.doc - 24 ko - Customer Transfer of Television and Internet Services (BPCO115d) - May 18, 2012.
  • BPCO116c.doc - 21 ko - Proposal re LNA Z (Loop transfer) December 14, 2011.
  • BPCO117a.doc - 27 ko - C-LOG End User Service Address Validation - January 16, 2011.
  • BPCO117b.doc - 42 ko - Definition of Working Status of a Telephone Number - April 3, 2012
  • BPCO118a.doc - 118 ko - LSR Rejection Tariff - Billing Process - March 6, 2012.
  • BPCO119b.doc - 52 ko - C-LOG 6.1 - November 17, 2011




  • BPRE009a.DOC - 137 ko - Rapports de consensus sur le code de spécifications DI103.1 pour le modèle d'échange de données - Le 27 avril 1999
  • BPRE009c.DOC - 33 ko - Consensus sur les éléments de données à inclure dans les registres de service des clients d'ESL - Le 16 septembre 1999
  • BPRE009e.doc - 136 ko - Rapport de consensus sur la version 5 des LDCL-C - Le 27 mars 2000.
  • BPRE015a.doc - 101 ko - Demande abrégée de service d'accès (DASA), version 5.1 - Le 14 décembre 2000
  • BPRE020a.doc - 102 ko - Lignes directrices relatives aux commandes locales canadiennes - Version 5.1 - Le 20 octobre 2000
  • BPRE021a.doc - 39 ko - Canadian Local Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG) - version 5.1 - Dated February 23, 2001.
  • BPRE021b.doc - 79ko - Lignes directrices relatives aux commandes locales canadiennes (LDCL-C) - migrations partielles - le 16 janvier 2003. En attente de confirmation.
  • BPRE053c.doc - 215 ko - BPGLOSMG12.doc - 731 ko - CLEC Access to ILEC Operational Support Systems (OSSs) OSS Management Guidelines Version 1.2 - 19 November 2009
  • BPRE056c.doc - 434 ko - CLOG V6 to be implemented via a “flash cut” on the weekend of 12-13 April 2008.
  • BPRE056d.doc - 476 ko - CLOG V6 to be implemented via a “flash cut” on the weekend of 12-13 juillet 2008 (date révisé ) - 15 octobre 2007.
  • BPRE071a.doc - 219 ko - Minimum Requirements for the Exchange of LSR and LSC Data - 17 juillet 2009.
  • BPRE071b.doc - 199 ko - Manual Equipment Record for Resale Customers - 17 juillet 2009. Note: This non-consensus report was withdrawn and replaced by BPRE071c.
  • BPRE071c.doc - 231 ko - Manual Equipment Record for Resale Customers - 30 octobre 2009.
  • BPRE071e.doc - 263 ko - Electronic Exchange of LSR and LSC Data - 27 mai 2010.
  • BPRE071g.doc - 345 ko - Express Consent for Manual Equipment Records - 16 June 2011.
  • BPRE079a.doc - 165 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 23 mars 2010.
  • BPRE079d.doc - 244 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - 17 June 2011
  • BPRE079e.doc - 115 ko - Reduction of LSR Rejections - Use of EAN/EATN Field - 7 November 2011
  • BPRE083a.doc - 103 ko - Customer Transfer Process - Disconnects - 21 June 2012.


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