2009-06-17 - #: 8661-W42-200909203 - Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. - Demande de révision du service de ligne d'accès aux téléphones payants du Tarif des services d'accès des entreprises de TELUS

Déposer en utilisant les services en ligne

2010-02-26 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2010-119 Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. – Demande visant la modification du tarif de la Société TELUS Communications applicable au service de ligne d'accès aux téléphones payants
Numéro de dossier : 8661 W42 200909203

2010-04-22 - Lettre du Conseil
Description :  Lettre adressée à Société TELUS Communications – Objet : Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. – Demande visant la modification du tarif de la Société TELUS Communications applicable au service de ligne d’accès aux téléphones payants, Décision de télécom CRTC 2010-119, 26 février 2010

2010-03-26 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: In Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. - Application to amend TELUS Communications Company's Pay Telephone Access Line Service tariff, Telecom Decision 2010-119, at paragraph 17, the Commission directs TELUS

Document:  1374660.pdf - 27KO

2009-07-30 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. - Objet: Demande déposée en vertu de la Partie VII par Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. - Demande de révision du service de ligne d'accès aux téléphones payants du Tarif des services d'accès des entreprises de TELUS

2009-07-23 - Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd.

Description: This letter is written in response to Telus' Answer filed with the Commission dated July 16, 2009.  While I disagree with much of the information contained in Telus' Answer, I will respond only to those points essential to a determination.

Document: 1247824.pdf - 129KO

2009-07-16 - TELUS Communications Company
Description:  On 16 June 2009, TELUS received a Part VII Application filed by Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. pursuant to sections 27 and 61 of the Telecommunications Acts and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document:  1244162.pdf - 62KO

2009-07-03 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Société TELUS Communications et Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. - Objet: Demande en vertu de la partie VII de Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. - Examen du service de ligne d'accès aux téléphones payants – Tarif des services d'accès des entreprises de TELUS

2009-07-02 - Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd.

Description: Further to the request made by Mr. Cabrera at the CRTC, I confirm that the original filing was intended as an expedited application rather than ex-parte.
Document: 1236314.doc - 22KO

2009-06-19 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS is in receipt of an Application filed1 by Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure. In its Application, Worldlink requests that the Commission deal with its Application on an expedited basis and abridge the usual filing deadlines as set out in the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.
Document: 1230955.pdf - 25KO

2009-06-17 - Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd.
Description: Enclosed is an Application brought Worldlink Internet & Payphone Ltd. pursuant to sections 27 and 61 of the Telecommunications Act and Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure.  In the Application, Worldlink requests that the Commission order Telus Communications to reduce its PAL line charges in certain limited circumstances.
Document: 1228523.zip - 238KO

Mise à jour : 2010-05-03

Date de modification :