Public Notice 2002-1: 8695-C12-19/02

Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding

Reference: 8630-N1-07/02

Public Notice 2002-1 Schedule

Activities Deadline Dates
Notice to subscribers 2002-05-03
Newspaper notices for approval 2002-04-12
Notice of intention to participate 2002-03-15
Comments 2002-10-04 (revised)
Responses to interrogatories 2003-01-24 (revised)
Evidence from Northwestel 2002-04-12
Requests for Public Disclosure 2002-05-03
Responses from Northwestel to requests for Public Disclosure 2002-05-08
Commission's determination 2002-05-22
Interrogatories 2002-05-10
Responses to interrogatories 2002-09-27 (revised)
Requests for further responses to their interrogarories 2002-09-03 (revised)
Responses to requests for further responses to interrogatories and for public disclosure 2002-09-06 (revised)
Determination to requests for further information and for public disclosure 2002-09-27 (revised)
Arguments 2002-10-04 (revised)
Reply arguments 2002-10-11 (revised)

List of Related Documents

Section 1 - Commission Documents
a) Public Notice, Decisions, etc.
b) List of Interested Parties
c) Correspondence to Parties
d) Interrogatories

Section 2 - Documents from Northwestel Inc.
a) Correspondence to the Commission
b) Submission/Evidence
c) Replies to requests for further responses and for public disclosure
d) Arguments
e) Reply arguments

Section 4 - Documents from Parties
a) Intention to participate
b) Correspondence to the Commission
c) Interrogatories
d) Comments
e) Requests for further responses and for public disclosure
f) Arguments
g) Reply arguments

Section 5 - Responses to Interrogatories

Section 8 - Miscellaneous Documents
a) Costs
b) Others

Section 1a) Public Notice, Decisions, etc.

2003-06-20 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-39  - Northwestel Inc. ? Initial annual review of supplemental funding. The Commission approves Northwestel's revised service improvement plan of $71.1 million and finds the company's proposed capital plan of $159 million for 2002 to 2005 to be reasonable. The Commission also approves Northwestel's toll-free Internet access plan and part of its Call Management Services plan. As a result of its determinations in this decision, the Commission approves, on a final basis, 2002 supplemental funding for Northwestel in the amount of $13.4 million. The Commission also approves a revised interim 2003 supplemental funding amount of $13.4 million for the company. Reference: 8695-C12-19/02.

2002/11/28 - Telecom Cost Order CRTC 2002-16 - Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization and l'Union des Consommateurs application for costs - Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1. Reference: 8695-C12-19/02 and 4754-211.

Section 1c) Correspondence to parties

2002/10/18 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) - Initial annual review of supplemental funding - Request by TELUS Communications Inc. for further process

2002/08/07 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Telecom Public Notice 2002-1 Interested Parties - Subject: Initial annual review of supplemental funding, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Resumption of Proceeding

2002/05/30 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 Interested Parties - Subject: : Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Request for deferment

2002/05/17 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Public Notice 2002-1 Interested Parties - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Requests for disclosure

2002/05/16 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Public Notice 2002-1 Interested Parties - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Request for extension

2002/04/30 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 Interested Parties - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Request for Disclosure

2001/10/12 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Subject: Part VII application - Contribution related matters


Section 1d) Interrogatories

2003/01/17 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding - Additional Interrogatories

2002/09/20 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annuel review of supplemental funding - Interrogatories

2002/09/19 - Commission Letter
Letter addressed to Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 Interested Parties - Re: Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding - Requests for disclosure and for further responses to interrogatories

2002/05/10 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding - Additionnal Interrogatories

2002/03/01 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Letter addressed to Northwestel Inc. - Subject: Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding - Interrogatories

Section 2a) Correspondence to the Commission

2002/10/16 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel Inc. ("Northwestel" or "the Company") is in receipt of a letter dated October 11, 2002 filed by TELUS Communications Inc. ("Telus") and attached to its Reply Argument.
Document: 021016.doc - 72KB

2002/08/02 - Northwestel Inc.
In response to the Yukon Government's (YTG) request for an additional opportunity to ask interrogatories, Northwestel submits that issues pertaining to the labour situation are not relevant to the proceeding and that the Company does not anticipate any material financial impacts related to the work stoppage.
Document: 020802.doc - 58KB

2002/07/29 - Northwestel Inc.
Northwestel requests that the date for the filing of the Company's responses to interrogatories be extended to 26 August 2002.
Document: - 34KB

2002/05/28 - Northwest Territories Public Works and Services - "Hard Copy Document"
The Government of the Northwest Territories ('GNWT') is in receipt of a letter dated May 27 from Northwestel to the CRTC seeking a deferment of the referenced proceeding.

2002/05/27 - Northwestel Inc.
By letter dated 16 May 2002, due to extenuating circumstances surrounding a possible labour strike at Northwestel, the Commission approved an extension to the filing date of the Company's response to interrogatories.
Document: 020527.doc - 59KB

2002/05/13 - Northwestel Inc.
Northwestel is in receipt of interrogatories from the Commission and Interested Parties to Telecom Public Notice 2002-1.
Document: 020513.doc - 57KB

2002/04/04 - Northwestel Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
On March 01, 2002, Northwestel Inc. was directed to file with the commission by 12 April 2002, its proposed newspaper notice regarding the Public Notice.

2002/01/09 - Northwestel Inc.
As indicated in Decision 2000-746, the Commission intends to issue a public notice early in 2002, initiating a funding review for Northwestel and a review of the impact of Decision 2000-746.
Document: 020109.doc - 470KB

2001/11/05 - Northwestel Inc.
As requested in the Commission's letter to Northwestel dated 12 October 2001 regarding the above noted subject, Northwestel estimates its 2002 supplemental funding requirement to be $18.7 M.
Document: - 21KB

Section 2b) Submission/Evidence

2002/04/15 - Northwestel Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Please find attached: #4 attachment 1 #5 & #5 attachment 1 which were inadvertantly missed.

2002/04/12 - Northwestel Inc.
Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's evidence and its responses to the Commission's interrogatories issued on March 01, 2002.
Document: - 749KB

Section 2c) Replies to requests for further responses and for public disclosure

2002/09/06 - Northwestel Inc.
Pursuant to the above Public Notice, Northwestel has received a number of requests from Interested Parties for disclosure of information which the Company submitted in confidence to the Commission with the interrogatories filed by the Company on August 26th 2002.
Document: - 44KB

Section 2d) Arguments

2002/10/04 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Please find enclosed the Final Argument of Northwestel Inc. with respect to the Public Notice 2002-01. Electronic copies have been filed with the Commission and sent to all interested parties.
Document: - 56KB

Section 2e) Reply arguments

2002/10/11 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Please find enclosed the Reply Argument of Northwestel Inc. with respect to the Public Notice 2002-01. Electronic copies have been filed with the Commission and sent to all interested parties.
Document: - 59KB


Section 4b) Correspondence to the Commission

2002/08/07 - TELUS Communications Inc.
TELUS is in receipt of a copy of a letter from Northwestel dated August 2, 2002 which apparently responds to a letter from the Yukon Government.
Document: 020807.doc - 31KB

2002/07/31 - Yukon Government - "Hard Copy Document"
The Yukon Government has reviewed and considered the amended timeline proposed by Northwestel.

2002/05/28 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
The Government of the Northwest Territories ('GNWT') is in receipt of a letter dated May 27 from Northwestel to the CRTC seeking a deferment of the referenced proceeding.
Document: 020528.doc - 20KB

Section 4c) Interrogatories

2002/05/10 - Yukon government
Pursuant to Item 24 of CRTC PN CRTC 2002-1, please find attached the interrogatories of the Yukon government.
Document: - 25KB

2002/05/10 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 24 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1, Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, TELUS Communications Inc. files interrogatories addressed to Northwestel Inc. Please refer to Attachment 1.
Document: 020510.doc - 23KB

2002/05/10 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
Further to paragraph 24 of the above Public Notice, please find attached the interrogatories of the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Document: - 11KB

2002/05/09 - CAC et al
Attached are interrogatories from CAC et al to NWTel pursuant to the above-mentioned Public Notice.
Document: - 15KB

Section 4d) Comments

"List of comments by Alphabetical Order"

Beeche, Leonard
Dickie, Colin

"Comments files Hard Copy Document Only"

Northern Rockies Fort Nelson
Sakku Arctic Technologies Inc. 

Section 4e ) Requests for further responses and for public disclosure

2002/09/03 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Pursuant to paragraph 27 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1, as modified in the Commission's letter of August 7, 2002, ("TELUS", "the Company") hereby files a request for public disclosure of information that Northwestel Inc. ("NWTel") filed in confidence on August 26, 2002.
Document: 020903.doc - 29KB

2002/09/03 - CAC et al
This letter is filed by CAC et al in response to the interrogatory responses filed on 26 August April 2002, pursuant to Telecom Public Notice 2002-1 (TPN 2001-1), by Northestel Inc. (NWTel).
Document: 020903.doc - 40KB

2002/08/30 - Yukon Government
The Yukon Government hereby submits its request for a further response from Northwestel.
Document: 020830.doc - 43KB

2002/08/30 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
Pursuant to paragraph 27 of the above noted public notice, as amended, the Government of the Northwest Territories ('GNWT') submits the following requests for further responses.
Document: 020830.doc - 24KB

2002/04/24 - CAC et al
Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1 - Northwestel Inc. - Initial Annual Review of Supplemental Funding; Request for Disclosure.
Document: 020424.doc - 51KB

Section 4f) Arguments

2002/10/04 - Government of Yukon
Description: The Government of Yukon is please to provide the attached written Submission in the above proceeding, for the Commission's consideration
Document: - 20KB

2002/10/04 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
Description: Final Argument
Document: 021004.doc - 66KB

2002/10/04 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 29 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1, Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, and as modified by the Commission's letter dated August 7, 2002, TELUS Communications Inc. hereby files its comments.
Document: - 21KB

2002/10/03 - CAC et al
Description: In accordance with the above-mentioned public notice, Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization, and l'Union des Consommateurs ("CAC et al") hereby submit their comments.
Document: 021003.doc - 79KB

Section 4g) Reply arguments

2002/10/11 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 29 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1, Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, and as modified by the Commission's letter dated August 7, 2002, TELUS Communications Inc. ("TELUS") hereby files its Reply Comments.
Document: - 19KB

2002/10/11 - Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT)
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 30 of Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2002-1, Northwestel Inc. - Initial annual review of supplemental funding, and as modified by the Commission's letter dated August 7, 2002, the Government of the Northwest Territories ('GNWT') hereby files its reply argument.
Document: 021011.doc - 36KB

2002/10/11 - CAC et al
Description: The Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization, and l'Union des Consommateurs ("CAC et al") are in receipt of comments in this matter from NWTel, TELUS, and the Governments of NWT and Yukon.
Document: 021011.doc - 27KB

2002/10/10 - Government of Yukon
Description: The Government of Yukon is pleased to provide the attached reply argument in the above proceeding, for the Commission's. consideration
Document: 021010.doc - 27KB

Section 5 - Responses to Interrogatories

2003/01/24 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel received interrogatories dated January 17, 2003, from the Commission with regard to Public Notice 2002-1.
Document: - 58KB

2002/09/27 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated 19 September 2002, in which the Commission provided its ruling regarding disclosure of information and further responses to interrogatories, the Company provides the following revised documents incorporating the Commission's ruling, please replace the original with the following
Document: - 98KB

2002/08/26 - Northwestel Inc.
Northwestel received interrogatories dated May 10, 2002, from the Commission and Interested Parties to Telecom Public Notice 2002-01.
Documents: - 36KB  - - 337KB - 142KB  - - 167KB - 3716KB  - - 117KB - 56KB  - - 314KB - 222KB  - - 1832KB

2002/05/08 - Northwestel Inc.
Pursuant to the above Public Notice, Northwestel has received a request from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (CAC ET AL), for disclosure of information which the Company submitted in confidence to the Commission regarding the interrogatories filed by the Company on April 12, 2002.
Document: - 75KB

2002/04/23 - Northwestel Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
In answer to the above mentioned interrogatory dated April 17, 2002 concerning the proposed updates to Northwestel Phase III Manual, Northwestel attached a response to the question concerning the assignment of start-up costs to the Competitive and Access categories.

2002/04/22 - Northwestel Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Please find attached examples of letters to be attached to Interrogatory #7 of the above review.

2002/04/12 - Northwestel Inc.
Pursuant to the above-noted Public Notice, Northwestel files herewith one copy of the Company's evidence and its responses to the Commission's interrogatories issued on March 01, 2002.
Document: - 749KB

Section 8a) Costs

2002/10/11 - CAC et al
Description: The Consumers' Association of Canada, the National Anti-Poverty Organization, and l'Union des Consommateurs ("CAC et al"), hereby apply for an award of costs ) in respect of their participation in this proceeding.
Document: 021011_1.doc - 30KB

Section 8b) Others

2002/09/23 - Northwestel Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Thank you for your letter highlighting the interest of the community of Baker Lake in having Caller ID.

2002/09/23 - Municipality of Baker Lake - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: At their Regular Meeting on September 19, 2002, the Hamlet Council discussed the issue of caller ID in Baker Lake.

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