Shaw Cablesystems - AMT 22 et AMT 22/A - 8740-S9-201500109

Tarif général - Service d’accès Internet pour les tierces parties (AITP) - 2015-01-06

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2015-02-04 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à le Centre pour la défense de l’intérêt public - Objet : Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Avis de modification tarifaire 22 hausses tarifaires et modifications de la vitesse pour les services AIT– Demande d’attribution de frais – Participation de l’ACC-PIAC

2015-03-23 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission on 6 February 2015, this constitutes the reply of Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (“Shaw”) to interventions filed by Canadian Network Operators Consortium (“CNOC”) and Vaxination Informatique (“Vaxination”) on 11 March 2015 (collectively, the “Interventions”) in relation to Shaw’s responses to the Commission’s Requests for Information dated 3 February 2015 (the “RFI”).
Document: 2300917.pdf - 576 Ko

2015-03-13 - Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
Description : The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), as counsel for the Consumers' Association of Canada (CAe) submits its costs claim in the above-noted proceeding.
Document : 2296096.pdf - 771 Ko

2015-03-11 - Vaxination Informatique
Description: Vaxination Informatique files its reply comments solely based on the Shaw interrogatory responses of February 19th, as per the Commission’s process letter dated February 6th.
Document: 2294381.pdf - 578 Ko

2015-03-11 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description: Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is hereby filing comments with respect to Shaw TN 22 and the underlying “Regulatory Economic Study in Support of Third Party Internet Access Service Monthly End-User Rates”1 (“Cost Study”).
Document: 2293866.pdf - 90 Ko

2015-03-09 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet : Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2015-73; Shaw Cablesystems G.P. – Lancement de cinq nouvelles vitesses pour les services d’accès Internet de tiers – Demande de correction d’une erreur administrative – Procédure à suivre dans le cas d’une demande potentielle de révision et de modification

2015-03-04 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw) has reviewed Telecom Order CRTC 2015-73; Shaw Cablesystems G.P. – Introduction of five new third-party Internet access service speeds (Order 2015-73) in which the Commission approved, on an interim basis.
Document: 2291215.pdf - 630 Ko

2015-02-19 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description : Further to the Commission’s process letter of 6 February 2015, Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw) herein files its responses to the Commission’s request for information dated 3 February 2015 and Reply Comments to interventions filed on Shaw’s Tariff Notice No. 22 (TN 22).
Document : - 2160 Ko

2015-02-10 - VMedia Inc.("VMedia")
Description : With regard to VMedia's submission dated February 5, 2015, it has come to our attention that the chart inserted at paragraph 8 had an incomplete dateline on the X axis. Please find attached the relevant page with the amended chart, reflecting the years in the illustration.
Document : 2276049.pdf - 253 Ko

2015-02-09 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description : Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (“Shaw”) is in receipt of a procedural letter from the Commission dated 6 February 2015, in which Commission staff extended to 19 February 2015 the period for Shaw to file a reply to the comments of Juce Communications Inc. (dated 19 January 2015 and corrected on 28 January 2015 (together, the “Juce Intervention”)) and to file responses to the Commission’s Request for information dated 3 February 2015 (the “RFI”).
Document : 2275659.pdf - 456 Ko

2015-02-06 - Lettre procédurale
Description : Letter adressée à Shaw Communications Inc. - Objet : Avis de modification tarifaire 22 de Shaw Communications Inc. – Demande de report de la date d’échéance

2015-02-06 - CAC- PIAC
Description : On 6 January 2015 Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw or the company) filed an application seeking Commission approval for Tariff Notice 22. The Consumers’ Association of Canada and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (collectively, CAC-PIAC)) provide the following comments in relation to Shaw’s application.
Document : 2271591.pdf - 300 Ko

2015-02-06 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description : Shaw Cablesystems G.P. ("Shaw") is in receipt of v~ous comments filed by interveners on or before February 5,2015 with respect to TN 22. Shaw is also in receipt of a Request for information ("RFf') from Lyne Renaud, Director, Competitor Services and Costing Implementation, Telecommunications Sector, dated February 3, 2015 (attached as Appendix 1) seeking responses to two interrogatories in connection with the underlying assumptions and costing methodologies used in supporting Shaw's TN 22 Application.
Document : 2271341.pdf - 545 Ko

2015-02-05 - VMedia Inc.("VMedia")
Description: VMedia Inc.("VMedia") is filing this initial submission with respect to Shaw's TN 22, in which Shaw proposes the introduction of Internet 5, 15, 20, 30 and 60 Third Party Internet Access (“TPIA”) services with an effective date of no later than February 6, 2015.
Document: 2270301.pdf - 408 Ko

2015-02-05 - Vaxination Informatique
Description : Vaxination Informatique has been made aware of Shaw’s TN22 tariff filing concerning wholesale TPIA services and this document constitutes Vaxination’s comments. Of course, as Vaxination does not have the magic decoder for the “#” signs, this submission is limited to more generic concepts as actual pricing cannot be challenged.
Document : 2271244.pdf - 543 Ko

2015-02-05 - Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc.
Description : Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is hereby filing comments with respect to Shaw TN 22 and the underlying “Regulatory Economic Study in Support of Third Party Internet Access Service Monthly End-User Rates”1 (“Cost Study”).
Document : 2270168.pdf - 68 Ko

2015-02-04 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description : We are in receipt of the CRTC request dated 3 February 2015 for further information and disclosure with respect to Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw) Tariff Notice 22, by 9 February 2015.
Document : 2269727.doc - 67 Ko

2015-02-03 - Lettre du Conseil
Lettre adressée à Shaw Communications Inc - Description : Avis de modification tarifaire 22 de Shaw Communications Inc. – Demande de renseignements

2015-01-28 - Juce Communications Inc.
Description : Juce Communications Inc. (“Juce”) wishes to make a correction to our comment submission dated January 19th, 2015 regarding Shaw Tariff Notice TN 22.
Document : 2266787.pdf - 565 Ko

2015-01-26 - IAAK Technologies Inc.
Description : Regarding the new Service Speeds introduced by Shaw (Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Tariff Notice 22).
Document : 2264475.pdf - 395 Ko

2015-01-19 - Juce Communications Inc.
Description : Juce Communications Inc. (“Juce”) is in receipt of Shaw Cable Systems G.P. Tariff Notice TN22 introduction of five new service speeds dated January 6th 2015. Juce is a startup independent ISP in BC, our services are scheduled to launch in March 2015.
Document : 2262560.pdf - 652 Ko

2015-01-19 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description : Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (“Shaw”) is in receipt of an initial submission from the Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) filed on 12 January 2015 in response to Shaw’s Tariff Notice No. 22 (TN 22). Shaw provides its response to CNOC’s submission and reserves the right to provide further responses to any subsequent submissions by CNOC regarding TN 22.
Document : 2262082.pdf - 333 Ko

2015-01-12 - Consortium des Opérateurs de Réseaux Canadiens Inc.
Description : Canadian Network Operators Consortium Inc. (“CNOC”) is filing this initial submission with respect to Shaw TN 22, in which Shaw proposes the introduction of Internet 5, 15, 20, 30 and 60 Third Party Internet Access (“TPIA”) services with an effective date of no later than February 6, 2015.
Document : 2258878.pdf - 42 Ko

2015-01-03 - IAAK Technologies Inc.
Description : First, we really appreciate the hard work done by Shaw Cabsystems and its employees. Building a better network is important to all Canadians. However, we hardly oppose these new internet services and their rates. The price increases requested do not work and are NOT acceptable.
Document : 2259195.pdf - 37 Ko

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