205-10-07 - #8740-S22-200500464 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (Sasktel) - AMT 74/B - Modification à l'AMT 74/A

2005-01-28 - #8740-S22-200500464 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (Sasktel) - AMT 74/A - Modification à l'AMT 74

2002-01-14 - #8740-S22-200500464 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (Sasktel) - AMT 74  - Tarif des services d'accès - Interconnexion de réseaux locaux et dégroupement des composantes réseau (suite à la décision 2004-46 )

Référence: 8638-C12-200410465, 8740-T42-200411182, 8740-T46-20041190 , 8740-A53-200500414, 8740-B2-200500498

2006-05-29 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2006-35 Suivi de la décision Arrangements de circuit régissant l'échange de trafic et le point d'interconnexion entre les entreprises de services locaux , Décision de télécom CRTC 2004-46. Référence : 8638-C12-200410465, 8740-T42-200411182, 8740-T46-200411190, 8740-A53-200500414, 8740-S22-200500464, 8740-B2-200500498 et 8740-M59-200501678

2005-10-21 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedure set out in the Commission staff’s letters dated 16 August 2005 and 4 October 2005, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) submits the attached interrogatory responses.
051021.zip - 324KO

2005-10-04 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossier # : 8638-C12-200410465 , 8740-T42-200411182 , 8740-T46-200411190 , 8740-B2-200500498
Description: Lettre adressée aux parties de l'avis public 2001-126 - Suivi des articles de la décision 2004-46 : Arrangements de circuit régissant l'échange de trafic et le point d'interconnexion entre les entreprises de services locaux - Modification à l'instance de suivi - Demandes de renseignements

2005-08-16 - Lettre du Conseil
Dossiers #: 8638-C12-200410465, 8740-T42-200411182, 8740-T46-200411190, 8740-A43-200500414, 8740-B2-200500498, 8740-S22-200500464
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Suivi des articles de la Décision de télécom 2004-46 - Arrangements de circuit régissant l'échange de trafic et le point d'interconnexion entre les entreprises de services locaux - Études de coût

2005-07-15 - Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA)
Description: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46, Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers
Document: 050715.zip - 2754KO

2005-07-15 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: In the following, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) provides its Comments as set out in the process established by your letter of 27 June 2005.
Document: 050715.doc - 63KO

2005-07-15 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS is in receipt of letter from Commission staff dated 27 June 2005 regarding the above subject (“the Staff Letter”). In it, Commission staff proposed a number of modifications to the Local Interconnection Regions (“LIRs”) or associated Points of Interconnection (“POIs”) submitted by Aliant Telecom Inc.
Document: 050715.zip - 34KO

2005-06-27 - Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Dossiers #: 8638-C12-200410465, 8740-T42-200411182, 8740-T46-200411190, 8740-A43-200500414, 8740-B2-200500498, 8740-S22-200500464
Description: Lettre adressée à la Liste de distribution - Objet: Suivi des articles de la Décision de télécom 2004-46 - Arrangements de circuit régissant l'échange de trafic et le point d'interconnexion entre les entreprises de services locaux - Modification proposées aux définitions des régions d'interconnexion locale

2005-02-07 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel" or the "Company) is in receipt of comments filed on 31 January 2005 from Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association ("CCTA"), MTS Allstream Inc. ("Allstream"), Rogers Communications Inc. ("Rogers"), Telus Communications Inc. ("Telus"), XIT Telecom Inc. ("XIT") and comments from Quebecor Media Inc. ("QMI"), filed 28 January 2005.
050207.doc - 95KO

2005-02-07 - Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter of December 14, 2004, the Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) hereby submits reply comments respecting Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46 (Decision 2004-46).
050207.pdf - 63KO

2005-02-07 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46 (Decision 2004-46), Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers and the subsequent directives set out in the Commission's letter of 14 December 2004, MTS Allstream Inc. submits the attached reply comments.
050207.doc - 522KO

2005-02-07 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is issuing a revised version of its comments dated 31 January 2005 to correct paragraph 13 for an inadvertent error relating to the direction of SaskTel's proposed B&K traffic imbalance rates. MTS Allstream regrets any inconvenience this may cause the Commission or parties to this proceeding.
050207.zip - 257KO

2005-01-31 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46 (Decision 2004-46), Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers and the subsequent directives set out in the Commission's letter of 14 December 2004, MTS Allstream Inc. submits the attached comments on the tariff notices filed as follow-up to Decision 2004-46 (12 October 2004, 14 January 2005 and 28 January 2005) as well as related initial comments filed by interested parties in November 2004
050131.doc - 544KO

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