2004-06-14 - #: 8662-B2-200405911 - Bell Canada - Demande de révision et de modification de l' ordonnance 2004-143
2005-10-12 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2005-60 - Le Conseil approuve une demande présentée par Bell Canada en vue de faire réviser et modifier l'ordonnance Arrangement personnalisé, Ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2004-143, 3 mai 2004. De plus, le Conseil approuve de manière définitive, à compter du 16 décembre 2004, l'avis de modification tarifaire 815 de Bell Canada, modifié par les avis de modification tarifaire 815A, 815B et 815C, ainsi que les tarifs révisés devant servir à recouvrer des revenus annualisés de 23 689 814 $. Référence : AMT 815, 815A, 815B et 815C (TSN) de Bell Canada et 8662-B2-200405911.
2004-10-04 - Bell Canada
Description: The Commission's letter of 3 September 2004 established a procedure for further comment on Bell Canada's (or the Company) application to review and vary Order 2004-143. In particular, the letter noted that:
Document: 041004.doc - 72KO
2004-09-24 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) is in receipt of an abridged version of the transcript of the oral interrogatory process held by the Commission and Bell Canada on 30 July 2004 (the transcript) and an abridged version of the exhibits and the responses to undertakings, pursuant to the Commission's letter of 3 September 2004, all of which was received 9 September 2004
Document: 040924.doc - 474KO
2004-09-10 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached, as requested by the Commission in its letter of 3 September 2004, are Attachments 1, 2 and 3 which provide the confidential and abridged responses to undertakings.
Document: 040910.zip - 94KO
2004-09-08 - Bell Canada
Description: Your letter of 25 August 2004 directs Bell Canada to place on the public record the following information.
Document: 040908.pdf - 3095KO
2004-09-03 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Object: Demande de révision et de modification de l'ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2004-143, présentée par Bell Canada : processus supplémentaire
2004-08-26 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached, as requested by the Commission, are the confidential and abridged transcripts of the oral interrogatory process, held on 30 July 2004, in the matter of a Bell Canada application pursuant to Section 62 of the Telecommunications Act to review and vary a portion of Telecom Order 2004-143.
Document: 040826.zip - 267KO
2004-08-25 - Lettre du Conseil
Description: Lettre adressée à Bell Canada - Object: Demande de divulgation adressée par MTS Allstream concernant la demande de révision et de modification de l'ordonnance de télécom CRTC 2004-143 présentée par Bell Canada
2004-07-26 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of MTS Allstream's Inc. (MTS Allstream) intervention in the above noted matter, dated 14 July 2004.
Document: 040726.doc - 75KBO
2004-07-14 - MTS Allstream Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Bell Canada's Review and Vary Application of 14 June 2004, regarding Telecom Order CRTC 2004-143, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream or the Company), would like to draw to the Commission's attention to some salient facts
Document: 040714.doc - 436KO
2004-06-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Enclosed please find an application by Bell Canada requesting the Commission to review and vary Order 2004-143.
Document: 040614.doc - 115KO
Mise à jour : 2005-10-12
- Date de modification :