2003-09-19 - #:  8638-C12-200314211 - Suivi de la Décision 2003-62 - Allstream c. MTS - Central de Sherbrook (Justification)

2005-09-09 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2005-51 Le Conseil ordonne aux entreprises de services locaux titulaires de fournir aux entreprises de services locaux concurrentes touchées des renseignements sur la reconfiguration d'un réseau local qu'elles prévoient effectuer, au moins six mois avant la date prévue de la mise en ouvre de la reconfiguration. Référence : 8638-C12-200314211.

2003-10-17 - Décision de télécom CRTC 2003-71 Le Conseil rejette une demande de MTS Communications Inc. visant la suspension de la décision Allstream c. MTS - Central de Sherbrook, Décision de télécom CRTC 2003-62. Référence : 8638-C12-200314211 et 8622-A4-20/02.

Dossier fermé - Lettre du Conseil - 2005-02-11

2005-02-11- Lettre du Conseil - Version anglaise seulement - "Version imprimée"
Description: Lettre adressée à MTS Allstream Inc. - Objet : Décision de télécom CRTC 2003-62, Allstream c. MTS - Central de Sherbrook - Justification

2005-02-10 - MTS Allstream Inc.

Description: At paragraph 34 of Decision 2003-62 the Commission directed MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) to show cause why it should not pay for all the expenses incurred by Allstream as a result of MTS' network reconfiguration of the Sherbrook CO.
Document: 050210.doc - 454KO

2003-11-05 - TELUS Communications Inc.

Description: In accordance with the procedures set out in Telecom Decision 2003-62 - Allstream v. MTS - Sherbrook Central Office, TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (collectively, TELUS) provide the following Reply Comments
Document: 031105.doc - 59KO

2003-11-04 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. submits the following Reply comments pursuant to the procedure established by the Commission in Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-62, Allstream v. MTS - Sherbrook Central Office, September 19, 2003.
Document: 031104.doc - 52KO

2003-11-04 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandite (collectively, the Companies)
Description: The Companies are in receipt of comments from: Allstream, dated 20 October 2003; Call Net Enterprises, dated 21 October 2003; FCI Broadband, dated 21 October 2003; Microcell Telecommunications, dated 20 October 2003 and from TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (collectively, TELUS), dated 20 October 2003, (collectively, the Competitors); regarding notification of ILEC network changes.
Document: 031104.doc - 576KO

2003-11-04 - FCI Broadband
Description: FCI Broadband hereby files its reply comments.
Document: 031104.doc - 67KO

2003-11-03 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream is in receipt of a letter from MTS, dated 21 October 2003 wherein MTS indicates its support for the position put forward by Aliant Telecom, Bell Canada, MTS Communications, Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec société en commandite, dated 20 October 2003 (collectively, the Companies), and from TELUS Communications Inc. and TELUS Communications (Quebec) Inc. (collectively, TELUS), (collectively, the ILECs).
Document: 031103_1.doc - 266KO

2003-10-21 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net submits the following comments pursuant to the procedure established by the Commission in Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-62, Allstream v. MTS - Sherbrook Central Office, September 19, 2003.
Document: 031021.doc - 58KO

2003-10-21 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc., Saskatchewan Telecommunications and Télébec, société en commandite
Description: Please find attached, comments regarding notification of ILEC network changes pursuant to the directives contained in Decision 2003-62 and in the Commission's 17 October 2003 letter regarding the same subject.
Document: 031021.zip - 295KO

2003-10-21 - FCI Broadband
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in Allstream v. MTS - Sherbrook Central Office, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-62, 19 September 2003, FCI Broadband hereby submits its comments in response to the Commission's show cause process
Document: 031021.doc - 69KO

2003-10-20 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: In Telecom Decision 2003-62, the Commission established a further process to allow parties the opportunity to comment on its preliminary views with respect to Commission proposed procedure for the implementation of network reconfigurations affecting competitors and the responsibility of affected carriers for the costs incurred resulting from network reconfigurations
Document: 031020.doc - 56KO

2003-10-20 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Pursuant to the directives set out at paragraph 33 of Decision 2003-62 (the Decision) Allstream Corp. (Allstream) hereby files comments on the shows cause proceeding initiated in the Decision.
Document: 031020.doc - 267KO

2003-10-20 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: MTS notes there are two show cause directions in Decision 2003-62. The first is contained in paragraph 33 which states...
Document: 031020.doc - 130KO

2003-10-20 - Microcell Solutions Inc.
Description: At paragraph 32 of Decision 2003-62, the Commission expressed its preliminary view that the Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) should provide the following information to affected parties at least six months prior to the planned implementation date of a local network reconfiguration
Document: 031020.doc - 41KO

2003-10-17 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream is in receipt of MTS' letter filed with the Commission on 10 October 2003 informing the Commission of its intent to file for review and vary of Decision 2003-62 and requesting a stay of the show cause proceeding initiated by that Decision
Document: 031017.doc - 263KO

2003-10-10 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: In Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-62, Allstream v. MTS - Sherbrook Central Office, (Decision 2003-62), issued September 19, 2003, "the Commission determined that MTS is responsible for the costs of the conditioning equipment, and its installation and maintenance necessary to provide digital Centrex service to Allstream's customer".
Document: 031010.doc - 136KO

Mise à jour : 2005-09-29

Date de modification :