2001/08/13 - #: 8661-B20-01/01 - Bell et al - Revision des frais du service local de base (AP 2001-37)

2003/09/04 - Ordonnance de Frais de Télécom 2003-7 - Le Conseil approuve la demande d'adjudication de frais présentée par l'Association des consommateurs du Canada, de l'Organisation nationale anti pauvreté et de l'Union des consommateurs (les Groupes de consommateurs) concernant leur participation à l'avis Le CRTC examinera les coûts révisés à l'égard des lignes et du service local de base, Avis public CRTC 2001-119 et à une demande présentée en vertu de la partie VII par Bell Canada réclamant un changement aux méthodes d'établissement des coûts de la Phase II pour permettre l'utilisation d'un coût en capital à moyenne pondérée après impôt. Référence : 8661-B20-01/01, 8652-B2-01/02 et 4754-215.

2001/11/30 - Avis public CRTC 2001-119 - Le CRTC examinera les coûts révisés déposés à l'égard des lignes et du service local de base. Référence : 8661-B20-01/01.

2001/09/28 - Décision 2001-610 - Avis public CRTC 2001-37 - "Révision des prix plafonds et questions connexes" - Questions procédurales.

2001/10/15 - Bell Canada
In Decision 2001-610 dated 28 September 2001 the Commission invited those companies who were parties to Decision 2001-238 to indicate whether they intended to submit new estimates of Primary Exchange Service costs based on revised loop make-up methodologies and assumptions in a proceeding to be initiated shortly. 
Document:  011015_5.doc - 58KO

2001/10/15 - TELUS Communications Inc.
In response to a 13 August 2001 request of Bell Canada (Bell) concerning revised primary exchange service (PES) costs, the Commission determined that it would deal with Bell's revised PES cost filing as a new application in the context of a separate proceeding.
Document:  011015.doc - 37KO

2001/10/15 - MTS Communications Inc.
In accordance with the procedures established in Decision CRTC 2001-610, Price cap review and related issues - procedural matters, MTS Communications Inc. ("MTS") advises the Commission that it intends to submit new estimates of its PES costs based on revised loop make-up methodologies and assumptions in an upcoming proceeding to review capital-related primary exchange service ("PES") costs.
Document:  011015.doc - 235KO

2001/10/15 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Subject: CRTC Sept. 28./01 Letter re: Public Notice CRTC 2001-37; Procedural Matters and Intent to submit new estimates of PES costs
Document:  011015.doc - 35KO

2001/10/15 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc.
Proceeding to Review PES Cost Estimates
Document:  011015.doc - 46KO

2001/08/27 - Bell Canada
Bell Canada has received comments regarding its proposal for the procedural treatment of its revised primary exchange service (PES) costs from the following parties: AT&T Canada Corp. (AT&T), Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net), GT Group Telecom Services Corp. (Group Telecom), Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) and TELUSCommunications Inc. (TELUS). Pursuant to the procedure established in the Commission's letter dated 17 August 2001, the following is Bell Canada's reply to the above comments.
Document:  010827_1.doc - 68KO

2001/08/13 - Bell Canada
In a letter of today's date from Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (the Companies), the Companies provide their responses to the deficiency and public disclosure determination made by Commission staff in a letter dated 8 August 2001.
Documents:  010813_1.doc - 34KO  -  010813_2.zip - 40KO

Mise à jour : 2003-09-04

Date de modification :