2009-03-13 - #:  8620-B7-200905599 - Bruce Telecom - Implementation plan for Wireless Number Portability - Bruce Telecom/Rogers Wireless Partnership

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2012-01-24 - Telecom decisions CRTC 2012-35 Bruce Telecom – Implementation of local competition for Bragg Communications Inc., operating as EastLink, and wireless number portability for Rogers Communications, on behalf of Rogers Wireless
File numbers: 8663-B7-200905052 and 8620-B7-200905599

2012-06-29 - Bruce Telecom
Description: The following is in response to the Commission’s letter dated 22 June 2012. The dates planned for completion are subject to the arrival of the competitor’s equipment to allow for testing and installation.
Document: 1733987.pdf - 84KB

2012-06-22 - Commission Letter
File #: 8663-B7-200905052 – 8620-B7-200905599 – 8663-G1-200813776 - 8663-H3-200917503 - 8663-M4-2008138418663-M5-200907199 - 8663-S4-2008138338663-T7-2009096408663-W36-200910225
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re : Status of implementation of local competition and wireless number portability in small ILEC territories

2011-11-17 - Bruce Telecom
Description: With reference to Commission’s staff letter dated 8 November 2011, Bruce Telecom hereby files its responses to Commission information requirements associated with the company’s Implementation Plans noted above. As per my telephone conversation with the Commission the filing deadline of 14 November 2011 was not met as I was out of the office during the period that the letter was received and did not return until after the deadline.
Document: 1639028.zip - 105KB

2011-11-08 - Commission Procedural Letter - English Version only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8663-B7-200905052 – 8620-B7-200905599 – 8663-H3-2009175038663-M5-2009071998663-T7-2009096408663-W36-200910225
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re : Local Competition in small ILEC's territories

2011-10-12 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Further to the Commission’s letter dated 6 October 2011, Bruce Telecom submits herewith its response to the Request for Information regarding the above noted Implementation Plans for local competition and wireless number portability
Document: 1626024.zip - 170KB

2011-10-07 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Bruce Telecom is in receipt of a letter from Rogers dated 4 October 2011 filed in response to Bruce Telecom’s 22 September 2011 letter wherein a clarification was requested regarding the intended porting activity before commenting on the timeline outlined in the Implementation Plan
Document: 1624790.pdf - 37KB

2011-10-06 – Commission Procedural Letter
File #:  8663-B7-200905052 – 8620-B7-200905599 – 8663-H3-2009175038663-M5-2009071998663-T7-2009096408663-W36-200910225
Description:  Letter addressed to Distribution List – Re: Small incumbent local exchange carriers’ competition and wireless number portability implementation plan

2011-10-04 - Rogers Communications
Description: Rogers Communications (“Rogers”) is in receipt of the Bruce Telecom’s (“Bruce”) letter dated September 8th, 2011, responding to the Commission’s questions of clarification relating to the LNP and WNP Implementation Plans which were filed with the Commission on July 22, 2011.
Document: 1623491.pdf - 66KB

2011-09-22 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Bruce Telecom is in receipt of a letter from Rogers dated 25 August 2011 which was filed with the Commission in response to Bruce Telecom’s wireless number portability implementation plan dated 22 July 2011.
Document: 1619112.pdf - 40KB

2011-09-08 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Pursuant to Commission’s staff letter dated 11 August 2011, and amended 31 August 2011, Bruce Telecom hereby files its responses to Commission information requirements associated with the company’s Local Competition and Local Number Portability Implementation Plans (the Plan) filed with the Commission on 22 July 2011.
Document: 1613390.zip - 401KB

2011-08-25 - Rogers Communications
Description: Rogers Communications (“Rogers”) is in receipt of the Bruce Telecom’s (“Bruce”) Wireless Number Portability Implementation Plan (hereinafter the “Plan”), dated July 22, 2011. In accordance with the directives set out in Commission’s letters dated May 5th and July 26th, 2011, Rogers hereby confirms that it is generally in agreement with the Plan, with the exception of the three areas of concern identified below.
Document: 1607267.pdf - 72KB

2011-08-11 - Commission Procedural Letter
File #: 8663-B7-200905052 - 8620-B7-200905599
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Bruce Telecom’s local competition and wireless number portability implementation plans

2011-07-26 – Commission Procedural Letter
Description:  Letter addressed to Rogers Communications and Bruce Telecom – Re: Bruce Telecom’s wireless number portability implementation plan for Rogers

2011-07-22 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Pursuant to Commission’s staff letter of 5 May 2011, as modified by staff letter dated 10 June 2011, Bruce Telecom hereby files its Local Competition and Wireless Number Portability Implementation Plan (the Plan) associated with a request from Rogers confirming the latter’s intent to implement Wireless Number Portability within the Company’s operating territory.
Document: 1593867.zip - 249KB

2011-06-10 – Commission Letter
File #: 8663-B7-2009050528663-M5-2009071998663-T7-2009096408663-W36-200910225 – 8620-B7-200905599
Description:  Letter addressed to Distribution List – Re: Request for extension to file local competition or wireless number portability implementation plans

2011-06-09 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Bruce Telecom is in receipt of a letter from Rogers Communications (Rogers) dated June 8, 2011. In its letter, Rogers argues that Bruce Telecom should not be granted the extension that was requested in Bruce Telecom’s letter to the Commission dated June 3, 2011.
Document: 1578421.pdf - 40KB

2011-06-08 - Rogers Communications
Description: Rogers Communications (Rogers) is in receipt of a letter from Bruce Telecom (“Bruce”) dated June 3rd, 2011, concerning the above-mentioned subject. In its letter, Bruce requested an extension to November 30, 2011, to file its implementation plan for WNP.
Document: 1577894.pdf - 35KB

2011-06-03 - Bruce Telecom
Description: In a letter dated 20 May 2011 Eastlink gave notice confirming their intent to enter Bruce Telecom’s Port Elgin and Paisley territories as a competitive local exchange carrier. On 25 May 2011 a letter was received from the Commission stating that an updated Implementation Plan is to be filed with the Commission no later than 23 June 2011.
Document: 1576674.pdf - 46KB

2011-05-25 –Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom – Re: Wireless Number Portability in small ILEC territories – Implementation plan for Rogers

2011-05-20 - Rogers Communications
Description: Pursuant to the May 5th, 2011 Commission staff letter on the above-mentioned subject, this letter confirms that Rogers Communications (Rogers), on behalf of Rogers Wireless operating as a Wireless Service Provider, is still interested in obtaining number portability (both wireless and intermodal number porting) in the three following small ILEC’s exchanges.
Document: 1571610.pdf - 33KB

2011-05-05 – Commission Letter
File #: 8663-B7-2009050528663-C41-2008138008663-G1-2008137768663-K1-2008094948663-L2-2008137428663-M5-2009071998663-S4-2008138338663-S6-2008137268663-S7-2008137188663-M4-2008138418663-T7-2009096408663-U2-2008137848663-W36-2009102258620-A2-200906836 – 8620-B7-200905599 – 8620-C141-2009060428620-K1-200905607
Description:  Letter addressed to Distribution List – Re: Local competition and wireless number portability in small ILEC territories

2009-06-03 - Bruce Telecom
Description: Bruce Telecom (the Company) is in the process of preparing an implementation plan in response to the Rogers Wireless Partnership (Rogers) letter dated March 13, 2009 requesting wireless number portability in the Port Elgin exchange.
Document: 1214077.pdf - 216KB

2009-04-30 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Bruce Telecom wireless number portability implementation plan

2009-04-24 - Bruce Telecom
Description:  Bruce Telecom is in receipt of a letter dated April 20, 2009 in which Rogers Wireless has objected to Bruce Telecom's request that the Commission grant an extensino of time for the filing of a WNP implementation plan.
Document: 1097859.pdf - 578KB

2009-04-20 - Rogers Wireless Partnership
Description:  Rogers is in receipt of two letters to the Commission from Kenora Municipal Telephone Service (KMTS) and Bruce Municipal Telephone System (BMTS), dated respecttively April 3rd and April 14th, 2009.
Document: 1088417.pdf - 19KB

2009-04-14 - Bruce Telecom
Description:  Bruce Telecom is in receipt of a letter dated March 13, 2009 in which Rogers Wireless is requesting that the Company implement Wireless Number Portability in the Port Elgin exchange
Document: 1078737.pdf - 98KB

2009-03-13 - Rogers Wireless Partnership
Description:  Rogers Wireless Partnership (RWP) is providing herein a formal expression of interest to BMTS in order to open the exchange of Port Elgin, Ontario, for Wireless Number Portability (WNP) as soon as possible
Document: 1042788.doc - 53KB

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