Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes : 8620-C12-201407206

Mise en œuvre des prix plafonds pour le service national sans fil d'itinérance de gros - 2014-07-28

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2015-05-12 - Avis de consultation 2015-186 - Appel aux observations - Plafonds prévus par la loi relatifs aux services d’itinérance sans fil nationaux de gros. Date limite pour le dépôt des interventions des entreprises de services sans fil et les intéressés : 9 juin 2015. Date limite pour la soumission des répliques de toutes les parties qui ont déposé des interventions : 19 juin 2015

2015-02-27 - Ice Wireless
Description: Further to our letter dated February 6, 2015, please find attached Ice Wireless responses to
questions 1, 5, 9 b), 14 c).
Document: - 794 Ko

2015-02-12 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: TELUS has discovered an error in the information previously filed in response to request for information TELUS(CRTC)29Dec14-3 on February 6, 2015. Specifically, the word “no” was omitted in the second last paragraph of the response.
Document: - 256 Ko

2015-02-06 - Québecor Média inc. (Vidéotron)
Description: Conformément aux directives du Conseil énoncées dans sa lettre du 29 décembre 2014, Québecor Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron, soumet par la présente ses réponses aux demandes de renseignements du Conseil.
Document: 2272532.pdf - 261 Ko

2015-02-06 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”)
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) is in receipt of your information requests of 29 December requesting information related to implementation of the Federal Government’s Wholesale Domestic Wireless Roaming cap regulation.
Document: - 427 Ko

2015-02-06 - TELUS Communications Company (“TELUS”)
Description: In accordance with instructions set out by Commission staff in its letter dated December 29, 2014, TELUS attaches its responses to additional requests for information about the Company’s methodology and assumptions for the calculation of domestic roaming cap rate caps set out in section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act.
Document: - 186 Ko

2015-02-06 - KMTS, NorthernTel and Télébec ("The Companies")
Description: KMTS, NorthernTel and Télébec are in receipt of a letter, dated 29 December 2014 from Commission staff requesting further information about the methodology and assumptions used by wireless service providers with respect to the calculation of the roaming cap(s) to which they are subject.
Document: 2272173.doc - 131 Ko

2015-02-06 - Ice Wireless
Description: Further to your letter dated December 29, 2014, you may find attached Ice Wireless response to questions posed.
Document: - 1079 Ko

2015-02-06 - Bell Mobility
Description: In accordance with the letter from Lynn Renaud dated 29 December 2014, Bell Mobility herein provides our responses to Commission staff's interrogatories regarding the implementation of wholesale domestic roaming price caps.
Document: 2272124.doc - 127 Ko

2015-02-06 - WIND Mobile Corp. (“WIND”)
Description: Pursuant to a Commission staff letter dated 29 December, 2014, WIND Mobile Corp. (“WIND”), hereby files the following interrogatories:
Document: - 824 Ko

2015-02-06 - MTS Inc. (MTS)
Description: MTS Inc. (MTS) is in receipt of requests for information, dated 29 December 2014, with respect to the calculation of the roaming cap to which a Canadian carrier is subject pursuant to section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act, and files the attached responses.
Document: - 159 Ko

2015-02-06 - Rogers Communications (“Rogers”)
Description: Rogers Communications (“Rogers”) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter of December 29, 2014, requesting responses to additional questions with respect to the above noted file. The attached responses to the Commission’s questions are filed on behalf of Rogers.
Document: - 1104 Ko

2015-02-06 - Bragg Communications Inc., ("Eastlink")
Description: Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of a request for information from the Commission, dated 29 December 2014. We herein provide our confidential response.
Document: 2272004.pdf - 419 Ko

2015-02-06 - Data & Audio-Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the letter request for disclosure of information designated as confidential dated December 29, 2014, Data & Audio-Visual Enterprises Wireless Inc., carrying on business as Mobilicity, is pleased to submit the enclosed responses on a strictly confidential basis to the Commission.

2015-02-06 - TBayTel
Description: With regards to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ("CRTC" or "Commission") letter of 29 December 2014 in which the CRTC has requested answers to fifteen (15) questions, TBayTel ("Tbaytel") hereby files its replies.
Document: - 689 Ko

2015-02-06 - Sogetel Mobilité inc.
Description: En réponse à votre lettre datée du 29 décembre 2014, Sogetel Mobilité inc. souhaite par la présente, vous transmette les réponses aux questions demandées.
Document: - 213 Ko

2015-02-05 - Wightman Telecom Ltd.
Description: Pursuant to your letter, dated 29 December 2014, Wightman Telecom Ltd. does not offer any wireless roaming services on its network and therefore, only question 15 applies to Wightman.
Document: 2269978.pdf - 135 Ko

2015-02-05 - The SSi Group of Companies
Description: The SSi Group of Companies ("SSi") is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated December 29, 2014 containing requests for information on wholesale domestic wireless roaming services.
Document: 2269975.pdf - 110 Ko

2015-02-03 - Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc.
Description: Further to your letter dated December 29, 2014 and specifically interrogatory 15 directed to all wireless carriers, please be advised that Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc. is an agent of Bell Mobility and as such has no comment on the issue of a common approach to calculation of wholesale domestic roaming caps.
Document: 2269785.pdf - 89 Ko

2015-01-29 - Brooke Telecom Cooperative Ltd.
Description: Further to your letter dated December 29, 2014 and specifically interrogatory 15 directed to all wireless carriers, please be advised that Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd. is an agent of Bell Mobility and as such has no comment on the issue of a common approach to calculation of wholesale domestic roaming caps.
Document: 2266944.pdf - 73 Ko

2015-01-09 - Execulink Telecom Inc. (Execulink)
Description : Execulink Telecom Inc. (Execulink) is in receipt a 29 December 2014 letter from the Commission requesting additional information with respect to the calculation of the roaming cap(s).
Document : 2262839.pdf - 66 Ko

2015-01-09 - Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited
Description : Further to your letter dated December 29, 2014 and specifically interrogatory 15 directed to all wireless carriers, please be advised that Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited as an agent of Bell Mobility, has no control over the establishment, the calculation or control of Bell Mobility wholesale domestic roaming caps.
Document : 2258711.pdf - 60 Ko

2014-12-29 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet : Mise en œuvre des plafonds relatifs aux services d’itinérance sans fil nationaux de gros

2014-11-04 - Bell Mobility
Description : We are in receipt of your letter dated 28 October 2014 requesting disclosure of Bell Mobility’s confidential responses to Commission staff’s 28 July 2014 interrogatories #6 and #7, originally filed on 27 August 2014.
Document : - 48 Ko

2014-11-04 - Bragg Communications Inc.
Description : Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of the Commission’s additional disclosure request, dated 28 October 2014, related to our 27 August 2014 interrogatory responses. We note the Commission requested certain information be made available on the public record and Eastlink is hereby providing publicly the level of information necessary to comply with this request.
Document : 2223981.pdf - 258 Ko

2014-11-04 - Société TELUS Communications (STC)
Description : In accordance with a disclosure of information order set out by Commission staff in its letter dated October 28, 2014, TELUS attaches its revised confidential and abridged response to request for information TELUS(CRTC)28July14-6.
Document : - 581 Ko

2014-10-28 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution -Objet : Mise en œuvre de plafonds relatifs aux services d’itinérance sans fil nationaux de gros – Demande de divulgation de renseignements déposés à titre confidentiel

2014-08-27 - Société TELUS Communications (STC)
Description : In accordance with instructions set out by Commission staff in its letter dated July 28, 2014, TELUS attaches its responses to requests for information about the Company’s methodology and assumptions for the calculation of domestic roaming cap rate caps set out in section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act.
Document : - 581 Ko

2014-08-27 - MTS Inc.
Description : MTS Inc. (MTS) is in receipt of requests for information, dated 28 July 2014, with regards to the calculation of wholesale domestic roaming rates as determined by Bill C-31.
Document: - 149 Ko

2014-08-27 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Description : Saskatchewan Telecommunications (“SaskTel”) is in receipt of your information requests of 28 July requesting various information related to implementation of the Federal Government’s Wholesale Domestic Wireless Roaming cap regulation.
Document : - 164 Ko

2014-08-27 - Québecor Média inc
Description : Conformément aux directives du Conseil énoncées dans sa lettre du 28 juillet 2014, Québecor Média, au nom de sa filiale Vidéotron, soumet par la présente ses réponses aux demandes de renseignements du Conseil.
Document : 2191848.pdf - 98 Ko

2014-08-27 - The Companies
Description: KMTS, NorthernTel and Télébec are in receipt of a letter, dated 28 July 2014 from Commission staff requesting information about the methodology and assumptions used by wireless service providers with respect to the calculation of the roaming cap(s) to which they are subject.
Document : 2191804.doc - 131 Ko

2014-08-27 - Bell Mobility
Description : Bell Mobility is pleased to submit its responses to Commission Staff's 28 July 2014 questions regarding the methodology and assumptions we used to calculate the wholesale domestic roaming price cap(s) in compliance with section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act (the Act). For ease of reference, we have reproduced Staff's questions below.
Document : 2191800.doc - 65 Ko

2014-08-27 - Bragg Communications Inc.
Description : Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as “Eastlink,” is in receipt of a request for information from the Commission, dated 28 July 2014. We herein provide our confidential response. We note that certain information has been filed confidentially, pursuant to Section 39 of the Telecommunications Act, as the information is subject to confidentiality provisions in our wholesale agreements, and as it includes details about Eastlink’s operations, revenue and customer usage patterns that we typically keep confidential and the disclosure of which would provide our competitors with information they would not otherwise have access to which would harm our ability to compete fairly in the market.
Document : 2191796.pdf - 324 Ko

2014-08-27 - Rogers Communications
Description: Rogers Communications (“Rogers”) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter of July 28, 2014, requesting specific data in relation to the methodology and assumptions used to the calculating roaming cap(s) under section 27.1 of the Telecommunications Act. The attached responses to the Commission’s questions are filed on behalf of Rogers.
Document : - 103 Ko

2014-08-27 - Tbaytel
Description : With regards to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission ("CRTC" or "Commission") letter of28 July 2014 in which the CRTC has requested answers to seven questions, TBayTel ("Tbaytel") hereby files its replies.
Document : - 275 Ko

2014-08-27 - Sogetel Mobilité inc.
Description : En réponse à votre lettre datée du 28 juillet 2014, Sogetel Mobilité inc. souhaite vous informer qu’elle n’a pas d’entente d’itinérance avec un fournisseur de services sans fil canadien.
Document : 2191726.doc - 182 Ko

2014-08-27 - SSi Micro Ltd.
Description : The SSi Group of Companies (�SSi�) is in receipt of the Commission’s letter dated July 28, 2014 containing requests for information on wireless roaming services.
Document : 2191522.pdf - 117 Ko

2014-08-27 - Ice Wireless
Description : Pursuant to Commission staff letter, dated 28 July 2014, Ice Wireless provides its responses. Certain information provided in the responses to the requests for information is provided in confidence in accordance with section 39 of the Telecommunications Act, section 32 of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961, and section 20 of the Access to Information Act.
Document : - 915 Ko

2014-08-26 - WIND
Description : Pursuant to the Commission staff letter dated July 28, 2014 Globalive Wireless Management Corp., doing business as WIND Mobile, hereby files its responses to the attached Commission staff interrogatories.
Document : - 84 Ko

2014-08-25 - Wightman Telecom Ltd.
Description : Pursuant to your letter, dated 28 July 2014, Wightman Telecom Ltd. does not offer any wireless roaming services on its network and therefore, none of the questions associated with this letter are applicable to Wightman.
Document : 2190956.pdf - 19 Ko

2014-08-22 - Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc.
Description : In response to your letter dated July 28, 2014 Quadro Communications Co-operative Limited does not have any roaming agreements in place.
Document : 2189828.pdf - 61 Ko

2014-08-22 - Brooke Telecom Cooperative Ltd.
Description : In response to your letter dated July 28, 2014 please be advised that Brooke Telecom Cooperative Ltd. (Brooke) does not have any roaming agreements in place since Brooke operates on the Bell Mobility network and sells Bell Mobility products and services.
Document : 2189814.pdf - 75 Ko

2014-08-07 - HuronTel
Description : In response to the CRTC letter of July 28, 2014, please note that HuronTel does not have any roaming agreements in place as it operates on Bell’s network and sell Bell products and services.
Document : 2180685.pdf - 132 Ko

2014-07-30 - Execulink Telecom Inc.
Description : Execulink Telecom Inc. (Execulink) is in receipt a 28 July 2014 letter from the Commission requesting specific data in relation to the methodology and assumptions used by wireless service providers with respect to the calculation of the roaming cap(s).
Document : 2174175.pdf - 71 Ko

2014-07-28 - Hay Communications
Description : In response to your letter dated July 28,2014 please be advised that Hay Communications Cooperative Limited (Hay) does not have any roaming agreements in place since Hay operates on the Bell Mobility network and sells Bell Mobility products and services.
Document : 2178326.PDF - 339 Ko

2014-07-28 - Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited
Description : In response to your letter dated July 28, 2014 Mornington does not provide any wholesale wireless roaming.
Document : 2178416.pdf - 55 Ko

2014-07-28 - Lettre du Conseil
Description : Lettre adressée à la liste de distribution - Objet : Mise en œuvre de plafonds relatifs aux services d’itinérance sans fil nationaux de gros

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