FAQ – Broadcasting Annual Return, Radio

What forms do I need to complete?

For my company:

  • REPB – Reporting Entity Profile – Broadcasting
  • REP-U – Contact Information – Response Manager and Executive Sponsor
  • 1420 COVID-19 Government Assistance

For some licensed stations:

  • 1150 – CCD Benefits
  • 1163 – CCD Contributions – New Station and Licence Renewal
    • Detail: Details a word change between line 19 and 20 the “Over and above COL repayments” has been changed to “Over and above COS repayments”.

I am reporting for a campus radio station. Where would I report student/campus fee revenues?

Student/campus fees revenues should be recorded in "Other revenue (specify)" on the Radio Station Financial Summary Form 1110. Please also provide a description of other revenues on that same line.

What is Canadian content development (CCD) and does it apply to my broadcasting undertaking?

Commercial radio broadcasters support Canadian content development (CCD) financially as a result of three regulatory processes: a basic annual CCD contribution is required of all commercial stations with revenue greater than $1.25M by the Radio Regulations, 1986 (the Regulations); additional contributions over and above the basic CCD contribution, usually related to applications for new licences; and contributions made in relation to applications for transfers of ownership or control of radio programming undertakings. For more information, see Broadcasting Information Bulletin CRTC 2009-251.

What documents do I need to provide for proof of CCD payments?

Documentation supporting the payment (copy of cancelled cheque, signed receipt from third party) must be provided. Depending on the nature of the CCD expense, proof must be provided to support the eligibility of the expense regarding Canadian Content Development. Refer to the instructions of form 1163 or 1150 for more detailed instructions.

The radio station is operated by volunteers. It has no advertising revenues and no operating expenses. What should I do with the Annual Return forms assigned to my entity in DCS?

An annual return must be completed for all undertakings holding a broadcasting licence. If there are no revenue and expenses to report, you must nevertheless complete and submit all annual return forms assigned to your entity in DCS. An explanation should be included at the bottom of each form explaining the circumstances.

The radio station has no commercial revenues. It is financed by fund raising activities and grants. Do I need to complete the Annual Return and related forms?

Yes. An annual return must be completed for all undertakings holding a broadcasting licence. Revenues from fund raising activities and grants, and expenses incurred to operate the station, should be reported on the appropriate line of the radio station Financial Summary.

What is the assignment criteria for the radio expense forms 1130 “Radio Expenses – Detail” and 1135 “Radio Expenses – Summary”?

Forms 1130 and 1135 are assigned based on the level of radio revenues per ultimate owner instead of on an individual station basis. If an ultimate owner has prior year radio revenues exceeding $5 million then all of the stations licensed to this licensee must complete form 1130 (Radio Expenses – Detail), otherwise, if the licensee has prior year revenues less than $5 million all of the licensed undertakings are required to complete form 1135 (Radio Expenses – Summary).

I have not received the usual forms assigned to my entity in DCS. What should I do?

If you believe to have receive certain forms in error or believe to have missing forms in our online Data Collection System (DCS), please contact the DCS Helpline at 819-997-4597 or at Toll-Free 1-866-845-6036 for assistance.

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