FAQ – Broadcasting Annual Return, Broadcast Distribution Undertaking (BDU)

What’s new for this year in the Broadcast Distribution Undertaking (BDU) Annual Return forms?

1020 - Community Programming: All access programming data previously reported on form 1025 has been added to this form.

1025 - Report on Access Programming: This form has been removed. Data is now to be reported on form 1020.

1070 - Reporting summary for Combined undertakings: An additional column has been added in the grid section of the form to indicate system's location.

1170 and 1170s - Financial Contributions to the Creation and Production of Canadian Programming: An additional line has been added to indicate the province of system's location.

What forms do I need to complete?

For my company:

  • REP-B – Reporting Entity Profile – Broadcasting
  • REP-U – Contact Information – Response Manager and Executive Sponsor
  • 1030 – International Payments and Receipts (for certain ownership groups)
  • 1411 – Emergency alert implementation report
  • 1420B - COVID-19 Government Assistance

Companies with at least one licenced system (may also have exempt systems):

One form each per province (with the exception of 1070s):

  • 1015 – Accessible Set-top Boxes and Remote controls
  • 1040 – BDU Summary of Revenues and Expenses
  • 1060 – Affiliation Payments and Subscribers
  • 1070 – Reporting Summary for Combined Undertakings
  • 1070s – Reporting summary for exempt undertakings with less than 2000 subscribers (all provinces combined)

For each system:

  • 1020 – Community and Access Programming
  • 1026 – Zone-based community services (for certain ownership groups)
  • 1170 – Financial Contributions to the Creation and Production of Canadian Programming
  • 1170s – Financial Contributions to the Creation and Production of Canadian Programming (in lieu of 1170 for exempt systems with over 2,000 subscribers)

Companies operating only exempt systems with some over 2,000 subscribers:

One form each per province (with the exception of 1070s):

  • 1040s – Summary of revenues and expenses (Summary)
  • 1070 – Reporting Summary for Combined Undertakings
  • 1070s – Reporting summary for exempt undertakings with less than 2000 subscribers (all provinces combined)

For each system with over 2,000 subscribers:

  • 1170s – Financial Contributions to the Creation and Production of Canadian Programming

Companies operating only exempt systems with fewer than 2,000 subscribers:

One form each per province (with the exception of 1070s):

  • 1040s – Summary of revenues and expenses (Summary)
  • 1070s – Reporting summary for exempt undertakings with less than 2000 subscribers (all provinces combined)

For a DTH/MDS/RELAY Distribution Undertaking:

  • 1020 – Community and Access Programming
  • 1040u – BDU Summary of Revenues and Expenses
  • 1060u – Affiliation Payments and Subscribers
  • 1170 – Contributions to the Creation and Production of Canadian Programming

Should community programming equal community expenses?

Yes, the cumulative operating expenses reported on forms 1020 – Community Programming within a province should equal to the total community programming expense reported on form 1040 – Summary of revenues and expenses for that province. The same also apply to forms 1170 and 1170s (the total for the province in question) - Financial Contributions to the Creation and Production of Canadian Programming.

My total subscribers and revenue reported on Form 1070 does not match the totals reported on Forms 1040 and 1060. What should I do?

The total subscribers and revenue reported on Forms 1040 and 1060 should equal the totals reported on Form 1070. All non-exempt systems and those exempted with more than 2,000 subscribers are required to be recorded individually on Form 1070. Also, for all exempt systems with less than 2,000 subscribers, please combine and include the result on one single line. The number of subscribers for exempt undertakings with less than 2,000 subscribers reported on the single line should be identified. Together, the amounts on Form 1070 should equal to the total subscribers and revenue reported on Forms 1040 and 1060.

What is the Canadian Media Fund (CMF) obligation based on?

The CMF obligation is based on previous year’s revenue. Refer to Broadcasting Distribution Regulations, Sections 34 and 52 for more information on calculation of the obligation amount.

I have not received the usual forms assigned to my entity in DCS. What should I do?

If you believe to have receive certain forms in error or believe to have missing forms in our online Data Collection System (DCS), please contact the DCS Helpline at 819-997-4597 or at Toll-Free 1-866-845-6036 for assistance.

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