Annual Telecommunications Survey
[Processes] [Due dates] [Significant changes] [Forms]
This survey is to be completed by all telecommunications entities in Canada that have been classified as Group 1 as described in Telecom Circular CRTC 2005-4. Such entities are to use the CRTC's web-based Data Collection System (DCS) to submit their data.
If your entity is a Group 1 entity, has provided telecommunications services in Canada at any point during the previous year and has not received a request to submit data, please contact us for guidance using On-line form.
This survey is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act, Revised Statutes of Canada 1985, Chapter S-19, and under the authority of the Telecommunications Act, Section 37 and the Broadcasting Act. Each form indicates the authority or authorities that apply.
- Annual telecommunications data collection
- Contribution
- Telecommunications Fees
Due dates
- 3 March 2025 – Reporting entity profile - Telecommunications
- 4 April 2025 – All other forms
- 15 April 2025 – Form 205 – Overage fees and outages
Form assignment
The forms are assigned based on the details captured in last year’s survey, as well as other information collected as part of the Commission’s monitoring activities.
- Audio VoIP call revenues and lines (telephone service using Internet Protocol) are to be included under Local and Access or Long-Distance Services.
- Where applicable, provide demand values (lines, subscribers, minutes etc.) in addition to revenues.
Significant changes
A number of changes have been made to the Annual Telecommunications Survey forms to simplify reporting requirements or to capture new information due to changes in the telecommunications industry. Below is a list of significant changes:
Form | Changes |
Short forms for smaller entities: Forms 200 and 201 | The line for Contribution revenues, under Local and Access, has been eliminated. |
Short forms for smaller entities: Form 205 | Form 205, Overage fees and outages, has been added to the survey. |
Local and access operating revenues, form 211 | The line for Contribution revenues, under Local and Access, has been eliminated. |
Internet forms: Form 255s | Speed buckets have been modified to include breakdown of higher download speeds. |
Mobile and paging forms: Forms 271f and 288 | Supplemental details for mobile phone subscribers by size of data plans have been added. |
Form | Changes |
Short forms for smaller entities: Forms 200, 201, and 202 | These forms have been modified to collect details on wholesale fibre (FTTP). |
Data link and private line forms: Forms 231, 231p, 241, and 241p | Forms 231 (Data Link operating revenues) and 241 (Private Line operating revenues) have been combined and streamlined into form 231. As a result, terminal equipment rental and sales are no longer required to be reported separately and form 241 has been discontinued. The corresponding provincial forms 231p, 241p have also been combined and streamlined. Data Link and Private Lines will now be reported together and form 241p has been discontinued. |
Internet forms: Forms 252 and 253 | These forms have been modified to collect details on wholesale fibre (FTTP). |
Mobile and paging forms: Forms 272 | This is a new mobile form to collect information such as mobile phone revenue and subscriber from companies who intend to operate within this sector as a MVNO. |
Supplemental forms: Form 296 | Residential customers with multiple telecommunications services form has been discontinued and will no longer be a reporting requirement in the annual telecommunications survey. |
Form | Changes |
REP Reporting entity profile forms: Form REP-T | The REP-T has been modified to include ownership changes. |
20x Short forms for smaller entities: Forms 200, 201, and 202 | These forms have been modified to capture high-speed Internet access revenues and subscribers by whether service to the end-user is provided through leased facilities vs self-owned facilities. The requirement for separate VoIP revenue and demand reporting has been removed. VoIP revenue and demand values are to be included as part of Local and Access. |
Local and access forms: Form 211 and 212 | The requirement for separate VoIP revenue reporting has been removed. VoIP revenue values are to be included as part of Local and Access. The requirement for separate VoIP demand reporting has been removed. VoIP demand values are to be included as part of Local and Access. |
Internet forms: Forms 252 and 253 | These forms have been modified to collect details on extension/flanker brands offering retail Internet services and capture high-speed Internet access details by whether service to the end-user is provided through leased facilities vs self-owned facilities. |
Mobile forms: Form 275pf | Form 27pf is a new form being introduced to capture flanker brand statistics by province and territory. |
Form | Changes |
REP-F | Forms are no longer preassigned to entities in the survey. Instead, responses to form REP-F are used to automatically assign forms as needed. |
Form 256 | Providers may supply their preferred brand or operating name and web address for public-facing area broadband information. Fixed wireless services providers who provide Internet services with downstream speeds of 50 Mbps or greater are required to submit tower information, in addition to their other requirements. |
Form 267 | Providers may supply their preferred brand or operating name and web address for public-facing area point of presence (POP) information. Providers are now required to submit all POPs with active equipment, including those that are not available to the public. Providers may optionally submit POPs that do not have active equipment, including splice points. |
Form 2191 | Data collection has been reduced; only availability metrics will be collected for this data collection cycle. |
Form 359 | This form has been discontinued. |
Form | Changes |
10x Financial forms: Forms 101e, 101p, 104 | Forms 101e and 101p have been simplified and the total number of data points reduced. Form 104 has been modified to collect capital expenditures related to 5G mobile networks. |
Internet forms: Forms 255s and 259 | Form 255s, speed baskets have been modified to gather information on baskets with higher speeds. Form 259, has been modified to gather provincial/territorial data on wholesale revenues and lines by service speed. |
Mobile forms: Forms 271f and 288 | Form 271f is a new form collect information on flanker brands. Form 288, data plan basket sizes have been modified to reflect larger data caps. |
Local and access forms: Form 217 | Form 217 is no longer included in the Annual Telecommunications Survey. |
Changes in calendar year 2019
No changes
Form | Changes |
REP Reporting entity profile forms: REP-T Form | REP-T Form now collects the list of entities included in the annual revenues results. It also enquires if the entity owns or operates a fixed wireless facilities. Entities are also asked for their operating territory by province or territory. |
10x Financial forms: Forms 109, 109p | Form 109 now collects 9-1-1 revenues collected from the entities’ retail customers. Form 109p now collects total wholesale (WHSA) lines broken down by lines carried via DSL, cable, and FTTP. It also collects the number of points of WHSA disaggregate interconnection. |
Local and access forms: Form 211, 219 | Form 211 now collects 9-1-1 service revenues. Form 219 is no longer included in the Annual Telecommunications Survey. |
Mobile forms: Forms 271, 275p, 289 | Form 271 now collects 9-1-1 service revenues. Form 275p now collects wholesale mobile revenues (excluding mobile television). Form 289 is a new form that identifies number of group/family and corporate accounts, including the number of subscribers within these accounts. |
Form | Changes |
Short forms for smaller entities: Forms 201, 202 | Form 201 now collects the revenues collected through users going over their limits for mobile and internet, as well as the average monthly percentage of users that went over their limits for each service. Form 202 now collects the average monthly data transfer amounts for residential high-speed internet subscribers. |
Local and Access forms: Forms 211, 212, 219 | Form 211 no longer collects Centrex, DEA and ISDN separately. Form 212 no longer collects equivalent telephone numbers, neither residential nor business. Form 219 50/10 Mbps broadband availability is now being collected on this form. |
Internet forms: Form 252, 255s | Form 252 now collects the revenues collected through users going over their limit for Internet, as well as the average monthly percentage of users that went over their limit. Form 255s new form that collects Internet subscription levels for various speed buckets and various data transfer buckets. |
Mobile forms: Form 271, 285, 288 | Form 271 now collects the revenues collected through users going over their limit for mobile, as well as the average monthly percentage of users that went over their limit. Form 285 is discontinued. Form 288 new form that collects a breakdown by minute buckets, breakdown by data buckets, and breakdown by SMS buckets. |
Supplementary Forms: Form 295 | Form 295 - ILEC out-of-territory wireline operations will be removed from 2017 survey. |
Form | Changes |
Financial forms: Form 107 | Form 107 no longer collects revenue breakdowns between residential and business services subject to price regulations. |
Local and Access forms: Forms 213, 217, 219 | Form 213 was suppressed. From 217 has been modified to capture total telecom revenues from small companies and VOIP revenues. Form 219 has been modified to capture IPTV availability. |
Internet forms: Form 253c | Form 253c has been added to collect data on broadband data subscriptions in census metropolitan areas with a breakdown between retail and wholesale. |
Mobile forms: Forms 279, 280, 286, 287 | Form 279 no longer collects revenue and subscriber data by type of network technology (HSPA+ or LTE) for handheld devices and built-in or portable devices. Form 280 has been modified to collect roaming revenues and SMS and MMS traffic in addition to voice and data roaming revenues. Form 286 has been added to collect wireless roaming revenues and usage by carriers and by network technology. Form 287 has been added to collect wireless roaming usage by carriers and by network technology. |
Form | Changes |
Wholesale forms: Form 107, Form 109 and Form 109p | Form 107 has been modified to clarify the status of off-tariff arrangements. Form 109 has been modified to collect revenue from, and number of, IP local interconnection arrangements. Form 109p has been added to collect wholesale service details on a provincial basis. |
Local and Access forms: Form 291 | Form 291 has been modified to collect the number of Internet enabled payphone terminals. |
Mobile forms: Form 101, 200, 201, 202, 271, 284 and 285 | These forms have been changed to better classify mobile TV revenues within the forms. Form 284 has been added to capture the contribution of automated communication devices and connections, beyond the traditional categories of phones, tablets, internet sticks and hubs. Form 285 has been added to determine consumer preference for mobile services. |
List of survey forms
National public alerting system form
- 1412 – Wireless public alerting
REP Reporting entity profile forms
- REP-T - Reporting entity profile - Telecommunications
10x Financial forms
- 101 - Income statement
- 101e - Operating expenses by province and territory
- 101p - Operating revenues and expenses by province and territory
- 104 - Fixed assets and capital expenditures
- 104p - Fixed assets and capital expenditures by province and territory
- 107 - Price regulated services
- 109 - Wholesale service revenues
- 109p - Wholesale service revenues by province and territory
20x Short forms for smaller entities
- 200 - Telecommunications - revenues, subscribers, local lines and minutes
- 200p - Operating revenues salaries, wages and benefits by province and territory
- 201 - Telecommunications - revenues details
- 202 - Telecommunications - quantities and validation
- 205 - Overage fees and outages
21x Local and access forms
- 211 - Local and access operating revenues
- 211p - Local and access operating revenues by province and territory
- 212 - Local and access lines
22x Long distance form
- 223p - Long distance wireline operating revenues and minutes by province and territory
23x Data link and private line forms
- 231 - Data link and private line operating revenues
- 231p - Data link and private line operating revenues by province and territory
25x Internet forms
- 252 - Internet operating revenues
- 253 - Internet access subscriptions
- 253c - Residential broadband Internet subscriptions by CMA
- 253p - Internet operating revenues and access subscriptions by province and territory
- 255 - Residential Internet access high-speed plans
- 255s - Residential Internet access high-speed plans
- 258 - Residential broadband Internet subscribers by province and territory
- 259 - Wholesale access ancillary revenues and lines
26x Broadcast distribution form
- 260 - Broadcast distribution undertaking operating revenues and subscribers by province and territory
27x / 28x Mobile and paging forms
- 270 - Mobile wireless operating revenues and demand quantities
- 271 - Mobile and paging operating revenues, demand quantities and churn rates
- 271f - Flanker brand details
- 272 – MVNO mobile phone revenues and subscribers
- 273 - Mobile voice minutes
- 275p - Mobile phone, total mobile and paging operating revenues and subscriptions by province and territory
- 275pf - Flanker brand - Total mobile phone and mobile revenues and subscriptions by province and territory
- 277 - Mobile data revenues and traffic
- 277p - Mobile data revenues and traffic by province and territory
- 279 - Mobile subscriptions by plan
- 279p - Mobile phone plans with data subscriptions by province and territory
- 280 - Mobile roaming revenues and traffic
- 281 - Wireless devices and contract durations
- 284 - M2M mobile communication services
- 286 - Wireless roaming revenues by carrier
- 287 - Wireless roaming usage by carrier
- 288 - Mobile phone subscribers by service basket
29x Supplemental forms
- 291 - Pay telephone revenues and quantities
60x Contribution collection mechanism (CCM) forms
- 601 - Contribution - Annual revenue report
- 602 - Contribution - Non-Canadian revenue breakdown
- 603 - Contribution - Canadian non-telecommunications revenue breakdown
- 604 - Contribution - Inter-carrier payment breakdown
- 605 - Contribution - Bundled non-contribution-eligible revenue breakdown
70x Telecommunications fees form
- 702 - Telecommunications Fees - Invoicing Information
- Date modified: